Archived Page!

Hexel Donut Studios was a small B2B Software company I ran with an old friend Orest Kus. We ran for a few years with support from Ryerson's TransMedia Zone. Other notable projects that we created in collaboration with their community include Sir John Tour TO. This page mostly serves as somewhere cool the host the archives and assets, so here's hexel donut's personal portfolio. The only thing found here are our own creations and ideas.

Hexel Donut

Old Navigation went here.

Who we

Orest Kus


Trent Rand



The future of nightlife.

See Noctem
Orest is still building great ideas.


Exceptional e-Commerce and Web development.

We ended up selling this software instead of launching the product.



The first product we ever launched. The first app I ever made. A 2D platformer, it was terrible.

I think someone is still hosting an android .apk over here.

See the content archive.
Good Coder, Bad Trader 2020