Learning this was a blast. Of course, anyone here should start by reading our report.
The purpose of this notebook is to use Latent Dirichlet Allocation as a method of identifying the topics of wqhich Twitter users are talking about the most.
In this section and in future work, a model will be used to identify which topics are located in each of a particular user's tweets.
Further sections of this notebook will generate User-Topic heterogenous graphs which will represent the entireity of the selec ted Twitter users and their aforementiuoned and identified topics.
Details on each piece of functionality will be outlined prior to the underlying code.
Let's begin with a bunch of import statements to gather the tools we will require.
#Data Management
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import csv
!pip install mibian
import mibian as mb
#Topic Modelling and Data Preprocessing
import gensim
import gensim.corpora as corpora
import gensim.utils as gensim_utils
import gensim.models as gensim_models
import gensim.test.utils as gensim_test_utils
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import spacy
#Scikit supported on Google Colab by default
#Visualisation Toolkit
import matplotlib as plt
import networkx as nx
!pip install PyMySQL
import pymysql
!pip install python-twitter
import twitter
Collecting mibian Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e5/74/25719d1f66b84561f209692947980660268cf601dc92766547b626eb03d5/mibian-0.1.3.tar.gz Building wheels for collected packages: mibian Building wheel for mibian (setup.py) ... done Created wheel for mibian: filename=mibian-0.1.3-cp36-none-any.whl size=4038 sha256=a2d34580a22903faf069663a2b364e817d020ba1ff16ce67ec6d5dd3e4f2814e Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/34/c7/51/22486b811445a01dab50193c9748e94242e55a4ce686a24240 Successfully built mibian Installing collected packages: mibian Successfully installed mibian-0.1.3 [nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to /root/nltk_data... [nltk_data] Unzipping corpora/stopwords.zip. Collecting PyMySQL Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ed/39/15045ae46f2a123019aa968dfcba0396c161c20f855f11dea6796bcaae95/PyMySQL-0.9.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (47kB) |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 3.8MB/s Installing collected packages: PyMySQL Successfully installed PyMySQL-0.9.3 Collecting python-twitter Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/b3/a9/2eb36853d8ca49a70482e2332aa5082e09b3180391671101b1612e3aeaf1/python_twitter-3.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (67kB) |████████████████████████████████| 71kB 4.5MB/s Requirement already satisfied: requests-oauthlib in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from python-twitter) (1.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from python-twitter) (2.21.0) Requirement already satisfied: future in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from python-twitter) (0.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: oauthlib>=3.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests-oauthlib->python-twitter) (3.1.0) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->python-twitter) (2019.9.11) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->python-twitter) (1.24.3) Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.9,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->python-twitter) (2.8) Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->python-twitter) (3.0.4) Installing collected packages: python-twitter Successfully installed python-twitter-3.5
Our next step is to gather the required data.
Run the following section to grab the data from Twitter. The section following this section will fetch the data via csv file input. The final Data Fetching section will parse from a publicly hosted sql server.
Yes, at one point or another during our Capstone we actually used each individual method. Here's all that code!
Input parameters for the fetched twitter data may be set below, csv file sizes and content will be inferred from Pandas.
For simplicity and continuity the final output values are identical between each input method.
#twitter_api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=[consumer key],
# consumer_secret=[consumer secret],
# access_token_key=[access token],
# access_token_secret=[access token secret])
#I'm not giving away my Entreprise keys. Get real.
from google.colab import drive
Go to this URL in a browser: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=947318989803-6bn6qk8qdgf4n4g3pfee6491hc0brc4i.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&scope=email%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdocs.test%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdrive%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdrive.photos.readonly%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fpeopleapi.readonly&response_type=code Enter your authorization code: ·········· Mounted at /content/gdrive
twitter_datapath = 'Tweets.csv'
users_datapath = 'Users.csv'
#NOTE: This will also work with URLs, as long as the server response is a .csv not .html
tweets_df = pd.read_csv(twitter_datapath)
#user_id_list = tweets_df.iloc[:,3].tolist() #Grab each tweet's affiliated User
#user_id_list_string = str(user_id_list) #Cast Object to String
#user_id_tring = user_id_list_string[1:-1] #This is a mess.
#user_ids = tweets_df['UserId'] #Why not just use this? lmao
#users_df = pd.read_csv(users_datapath)
#This is to fetch User specific data (followerships, etc.) from the parsed list of users that were part of the tweet corpus.
text 0 Today is the first day of the rest of your lif... 1 This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit ha... 2 The only Forbes 5 Star & 5 Diamond hotel w... 3 Entrepreneurs are visionaries in some respects... 4 Thinking big is the driving force that has for... ... ... 12416 It was my honor to attend today’s #ArmyNavyGam... 12417 On 245 occasions former FBI Director James Co... 12418 Leakin’ James Comey must have set a record for... 12419 The Trump Administration has accomplished more... 12420 I am in the process of interviewing some reall... [12421 rows x 1 columns]
#Sample SQL Connection request
connection = pymysql.connect(host='This.Is.My.IP', user='user', password='password', db='Twitter')
#Sample SQL tweet data fetch request
tweets_df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM Tweets', con=connection)
user_id_list = tweets_df.iloc[:,3].tolist()
user_id_list_string = str(user_id_list)
user_id_tring = user_id_list_string[1:-1]
#Sample SQL User data fetch via list of User IDs. User IDs provided in a variety of formats above.
#ASSUMPTION: User IDs will be attached to the tweet data that was previously fetched.
users_df = pd.read_sql(('SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id IN ('+UserIdString+')'), con=connection)
You did it! You selected an input and the code has sucessfully run to here! You probably even see some quick tweets and users up ^there^ huh? Wicked!
Well, our data is ugly and our LDA model will just puke it right back out if we handed it over as is. We have to do some preprocessing to remove a bunch of junk and make sure that the data that's fed to the model won't cause any problems.
It's like rinsing and scraping the dishes before the dishwasher. Or maybe it's closer to giving a truck diesel and a coupe gasoline.
NOTE: Other preprocessing will be required for other aspects of the data pipeline including (but not limited to) Temporal Network Embedding, as well as Network Graph Generation methods.
def sent_to_words(sentences):
for sentence in sentences:
yield(gensim_utils.simple_preprocess(str(sentence), deacc=True))
def remove_stopwords(texts):
return [[word for word in gensim_utils.simple_preprocess(str(doc)) if word not in stop_words] for doc in texts]
def make_bigrams(texts):
return [bigram_mod[doc] for doc in texts]
def make_trigrams(texts):
return [trigram_mod[bigram_mod[doc]] for doc in texts]
def lemmatization(texts, allowed_postags=['NOUN', 'ADJ', 'VERB', 'ADV']):
texts_out = []
for sent in texts:
doc = nlp(u' '.join(sent))
texts_out.append([token.lemma_ for token in doc if token.pos_ in allowed_postags])
return texts_out
stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
stop_words.extend(['from', 'subject', 're', 'edu', 'use'])
data_words = list(sent_to_words(tweets_df['text'].tolist()))
bigram = gensim.models.Phrases(data_words, min_count=5, threshold=100)
trigram = gensim.models.Phrases(bigram[data_words], threshold=100)
bigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(bigram)
trigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(trigram)
nostops = remove_stopwords(data_words)
bigrams = make_bigrams(nostops)
nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['parser', 'ner'])
data_lemmatized = lemmatization(bigrams, allowed_postags=['NOUN', 'ADJ', 'VERB', 'ADV'])
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/gensim/models/phrases.py:598: UserWarning: For a faster implementation, use the gensim.models.phrases.Phraser class warnings.warn("For a faster implementation, use the gensim.models.phrases.Phraser class")
[['today', 'first', 'day', 'rest', 'life', 'make']]
[['today', 'first', 'day', 'rest', 'life', 'make'], ['expensive', 'global_warming', 'bullshit', 'get', 'stop', 'planet', 'freezing', 'record', 'low', 'tempsand', 'scientist', 'stick', 'ice'], ['forbes', 'star', 'amp', 'diamond', 'hotel', 'star', 'diamond', 'restaurant', 'trumpnewyork', 'offer', 'elite', 'luxury', 'http', 'co', 'jkwzzruje'], ['entrepreneur', 'visionary', 'respect', 'look', 'present', 'keep', 'mind', 'look', 'opportunity'], ['think', 'big', 'driving', 'force', 'forge', 'great', 'achievement', 'modern', 'life', 'think', 'big'], ['jan', 'president', 'obama', 'end', 'vacation', 'early', 'amp', 'get', 'back', 'washington', 'straighten', 'obamacare', 'catastrophe', 'end'], ['snowden', 'come', 'back', 'america', 'face', 'justice', 'instead', 'beg', 'clemency', 'moscow', 'treat', 'spy'], ['invincibility', 'lie', 'defence', 'possibility', 'victory', 'attack', 'sun', 'tzu'], ['know', 'encourage', 'fact', 'unquestionable', 'ability', 'man', 'elevate', 'life', 'conscious', 'endeavor', 'henry', 'david', 'thoreau'], ['regular', 'part', 'day', 'devote', 'expand', 'horizon', 'learn', 'new', 'beginning'], ['try', 'develop', 'tempo', 'work', 'momentum', 'something', 'work', 'maintain', 'amp', 'important', 'element', 'success'], ['bloombergnews', 'peter', 'millard', 'trump', 'help', 'rio', 'builder', 'olympic', 'corporate', 'brazil', 'http', 'co', 'bgcaflx'], ['fundanythe', 'great', 'campaign', 'support', 'today', 'http', 'co', 'mdqpckx'], ['trumpgolfla', 'top', 'public', 'course', 'country', 'magnificent', 'pacific_ocean', 'view', 'http', 'co', 'myiwkyfivu'], ['welcome', 'new', 'obamacare', 'reality', 'doctor', 'spend', 'hour', 'hold', 'insurance', 'company', 'get', 'approval', 'surgery', 'http', 'co', 'lru', 'takz'], ['record', 'snowfall', 'amp', 'freezing', 'temp', 'country', 'global_warming', 'need'], ['future', 'always', 'begin', 'mark', 'strand', 'former', 'poet', 'laureate'], ['world', 'great', 'rider', 'today', 'trump', 'invitational', 'important', 'equestrian', 'event', 'year'], ['hit', 'facebook', 'http', 'co', 'fdv', 'aloomz'], ['timepolitic', 'zekejmiller', 'trump', 'visit', 'http', 'co', 'ydotddwcd'], ['prediction', 'come', 'true', 'iraq', 'total', 'disaster', 'government', 'lose', 'control', 'sad'], ['sec', 'state', 'kerry', 'say', 'would', 'go', 'back', 'iraq', 'say', 'stupid'], ['entrepreneur', 'set', 'example', 'magnet', 'right', 'people', 'great', 'leader', 'determine', 'team', 'assemble'], ['vision', 'amp', 'stick', 'afraid', 'unique', 'day', 'opportunity', 'show', 'highest_level'], ['experience', 'cold', 'weather', 'decade', 'people', 'never', 'remember', 'anything', 'global_warme', 'anyone'], ['looking_forward', 'hosting', 'floridagop', 'house', 'majority', 'golf', 'tournament', 'trump', 'int', 'west', 'palm_beach', 'jan'], ['congratulation', 'bretbaier', 'year', 'anniversary', 'anchor', 'specialreport', 'brett', 'great'], ['stay', 'confident', 'even', 'something', 'bad', 'happen', 'bump', 'road', 'pass', 'think', 'big'], ['achievers_move', 'forward', 'time', 'tread_water', 'get', 'go'], ['remember', 'think', 'big', 'expand', 'horizon', 'time', 'expand', 'net', 'worth'], ['identify', 'goal', 'know', 'precisely', 'want', 'achieve', 'study', 'good', 'people', 'fieldand', 'plan', 'good', 'route', 'success'], ['club', 'go', 'back', 'original', 'menu', 'preparation', 'believe', 'much', 'better', 'let', 'know', 'change', 'make'], ['critic', 'president', 'obama', 'hate', 'someone', 'robert', 'gate', 'write', 'self', 'serve', 'negative', 'book', 'boss'], ['gate', 'resign', 'unhappy', 'tell', 'obama', 'fact', 'iraq', 'always', 'disaster'], ['tomorrow', 'year', 'anniversary', 'apprentice', 'big', 'hit', 'television', 'history', 'time', 'fly'], ['great', 'year', 'macys', 'tie', 'shirt', 'suit', 'thank', 'new', 'selection', 'arrive', 'amazing'], ['paula_white', 'time', 'great', 'true', 'spiritual', 'leader', 'wonderful', 'person', 'keep', 'good', 'fight'], ['news', 'beautiful', 'miss', 'spear', 'devastating', 'know', 'spectacular', 'woman', 'miss'], ['offshore', 'wind', 'dead', 'duck', 'scotland', 'time', 'alex', 'salmond', 'man', 'stop', 'blame', 'westminster', 'cont', 'http', 'dti', 'kmitvm'], ['thank', 'everybody', 'happy_birthday', 'greeting', 'actually', 'birthday', 'apprentice', 'birthday', 'june_th'], ['foxnewslatino', 'donald', 'trump', 'plan', 'huge', 'tower', 'rio', 'post', 'olympic', 'building', 'boom', 'http', 'co', 'ijve', 'kgvfg'], ['world', 'tall', 'building', 'trumpchicago', 'star', 'hotel', 'star', 'dining_option', 'http', 'co', 'anamgudure'], ['trump', 'organization', 'continue', 'expand', 'internationally', 'record', 'pace', 'many', 'new', 'announcement', 'come', 'soon'], ['darrell', 'hammond', 'host', 'snl', 'http', 'co', 'bxsrvpr'], ['thursday', 'many', 'people', 'lose', 'healthcare', 'today'], ['still', 'believe', 'donald', 'trump', 'respond', 'tweet', 'respect', 'trump', 'would', 'good', 'pre', 'country', 'thx'], ['tough', 'smart', 'personable', 'take', 'thing', 'personally', 'good', 'business'], ['focus', 'goal', 'problem', 'problem', 'mind', 'exercise', 'learn', 'play', 'comfort', 'zone'], ['brand', 'new', 'blue_monster', 'open', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'miami', 'also', 'great', 'new', 'driving', 'range', 'open', 'midnight', 'go', 'see'], ['president', 'obama', 'fire', 'obamacare_website', 'builder', 'question', 'hire', 'first', 'place', 'sue', 'damage'], ['obamacare_website', 'contractor', 'terminate', 'obvious', 'incompetence', 'person', 'hire', 'go', 'fire'], ['politic', 'sometimes', 'life', 'friend', 'come', 'go', 'enemy', 'accumulate'], ['obama', 'bob', 'gate', 'turn', 'disloyal', 'dude', 'personally', 'hate', 'rat'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'discussing', 'sort', 'current', 'disaster'], ['condition', 'lose', 'excuse', 'leadership', 'must', 'move', 'fast', 'decisively'], ['rodstowell', 'afraid', 'know', 'happen', 'thank'], ['watch', 'horror', 'story', 'rod', 'realize', 'time', 'let', 'pete', 'rise', 'baseball', 'hall', 'fame'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'minute', 'hope', 'enjoy'], ['helena_torry', 'consider', 'perfect', 'fault'], ['jglensteven', 'need', 'great', 'businessman'], ['anticipate', 'change', 'embrace', 'recognize', 'new', 'development', 'capitalize', 'open', 'new', 'door'], ['understand', 'difficulty', 'mistake', 'amp', 'setback', 'inevitable', 'part', 'business', 'life', 'allow', 'knock', 'foot'], ['focus', 'goal', 'fix', 'pattern', 'necessary', 'unnecessary', 'make', 'clear'], ['good', 'speech', 'goldenglobe', 'history', 'http', 'co', 'unzmbvodmo'], ['yankee', 'drop', 'rod', 'long', 'ago', 'even', 'bother', 'arbitration', 'would', 'save', 'fortune'], ['long', 'time', 'admirer', 'want', 'buy', 'book', 'friend', 'suggestion', 'art', 'deal', 'good', 'start'], ['resilience', 'part', 'survival', 'fit', 'formula', 'make', 'sure', 'remain', 'adaptable'], ['success', 'find', 'love', 'trust', 'enough', 'find', 'best', 'good'], ['great', 'success', 'need', 'passion', 'make', 'sure', 'well', 'direct', 'learn', 'everything', 'expert'], ['think', 'positively', 'negativity', 'immediately', 'focus', 'solution', 'problem', 'persistent', 'alert', 'every_single', 'day', 'momentum'], ['republican', 'must', 'change', 'culture', 'lose', 'culture', 'win', 'fast', 'last', 'decent', 'shot'], ['watch', 'gate', 'seanhannity', 'looks_like', 'get', 'hit', 'truck', 'obama', 'get', 'othersto', 'sign', 'confidentiality', 'agreement'], ['ed', 'cox', 'letter', 'republican', 'badly', 'ridicule', 'press', 'never', 'write', 'weakness', 'sad'], ['rod', 'lawsuit', 'try', 'overturn', 'bind', 'arbitration', 'agreement', 'go', 'nowhere', 'ban', 'spring', 'training'], ['gabriel', 'sherman', 'book', 'roger', 'aile', 'fill', 'falsehood', 'inaccuracie', 'publisher', 'ashamed', 'sue'], ['senate', 'immediately', 'vote', 'iranian', 'sanction', 'bill', 'delay', 'iran', 'already', 'break', 'agreement', 'obama'], ['progress', 'state', 'last', 'year', 'none', 'backwards'], ['win', 'take', 'talent', 'repeat', 'take', 'character', 'john', 'wooden'], ['would', 'like', 'thank', 'great', 'writer', 'person', 'jpappaspr', 'real_estate', 'weekly', 'wonderful', 'story', 'much', 'appreciate'], ['tedbishop', 'pga', 'thank', 'te', 'see', 'show'], ['hope', 'never', 'find', 'life', 'planet', 'doubt', 'united_states', 'start', 'send', 'money'], ['department', 'homeland_security', 'spend', 'billion_dollar', 'build', 'new', 'headquarter', 'year', 'late', 'billion', 'budget'], ['winner', 'think', 'winner', 'practice', 'positive', 'thinking', 'reality', 'check'], ['hope', 'enjoy', 'story', 'highly_respecte', 'real_estate', 'weekly', 'http', 'co', 'gbsvaf'], ['terrible', 'story', 'front_page', 'nytime', 'lightweight_agschneiderman', 'http', 'co', 'eric', 'wear', 'eyeliner'], ['lightweight_agschneiderman', 'fight', 'nygovcuomo', 'cuomo', 'win', 'easily', 'schneiderman', 'total', 'loser'], ['great', 'article', 'amspec', 'jeffrey_lord', 'reagan', 'revolution', 'realdonaldtrump', 'revolution', 'http', 'co', 'btyirbjllb'], ['looking_forward', 'host', 'saintanselm', 'politic', 'amp', 'egg', 'tuesday', 'see', 'manchester', 'nhpolitic'], ['breitbartnews', 'continue', 'push', 'limit', 'political', 'investigative', 'reporting', 'andrew', 'legacy', 'life'], ['senate', 'conclude', 'benghazi', 'could', 'prevent', 'http', 'irdr'], ['newyorkgop', 'leader', 'ed', 'cox', 'record', 'abysmal', 'victory', 'hopefully', 'turn', 'thing', 'around'], ['talent', 'win', 'game', 'teamwork', 'intelligence', 'win', 'championship', 'michael', 'jordan'], ['trust', 'instinct', 'reason', 'instinct', 'hard', 'time', 'get', 'stay', 'top'], ['get', 'momentum', 'must', 'first', 'focus', 'specific', 'goal', 'passion', 'intensity'], ['edwardfcox', 'robastorino', 'intent', 'state', 'suicide', 'mission', 'get', 'get', 'act', 'together'], ['hear', 'next', 'tuesday', 'saintanselm', 'politic', 'amp', 'egg', 'large', 'crowd', 'ever', 'looking_forward', 'make', 'new', 'friend'], ['rise', 'bay', 'street', 'trumpto', 'bring', 'opulent', 'luxury', 'famous', 'world', 'class', 'amenity', 'queen', 'city', 'http', 'co', 'cdh', 'vtd'], ['really', 'successful', 'always', 'good', 'cool', 'head', 'warm', 'heart', 'beautiful', 'common', 'touch'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend'], ['movie', 'producer', 'harvey', 'weinstein', 'lose', 'company', 'colony', 'capital', 'gun', 'make', 'movie', 'major', 'gun', 'violence', 'really'], ['wwii', 'year', 'world', 'war', 'ii', 'start', 'japanese', 'bombing', 'pearl_harbor', 'cont', 'http', 'co', 'tyd', 'ajfpry'], ['think', 'think', 'right', 'henry_ford'], ['people', 'often', 'ask', 'secret', 'success', 'answer', 'simple', 'passion', 'focus', 'hard', 'work', 'momentum', 'keep', 'go'], ['excited', 'tomorrow', 'politic', 'amp', 'egg', 'saintanselm', 'co', 'host', 'necouncil', 'amp', 'nhiop', 'live', 'stream', 'http', 'co', 'wen', 'kbnoj'], ['hope', 'change', 'china', 'control', 'record', 'number', 'debt', 'http', 'co', 'qerjuhyulh'], ['never', 'los', 'quit', 'try', 'mike', 'ditka'], ['learn', 'expect', 'problem', 'save', 'lot', 'waste', 'energy', 'winner', 'see', 'problem', 'way', 'prove'], ['happy', 'anniversary', 'wonderful', 'wife_melaniatrump', 'truly', 'great', 'decision', 'http', 'co', 'njwv'], ['set', 'high', 'standard', 'meet', 'proof', 'learn', 'take', 'risk'], ['leave', 'palm_beach', 'ceremony', 'open', 'magnificent', 'gary_player', 'villa', 'trump', 'nationak', 'doral', 'miami', 'gary', 'great'], ['great', 'unionleader', 'piece', 'jdistaso', 'visit', 'saintanselm', 'necouncil', 'amp', 'nhiop', 'politic', 'amp', 'egg', 'http', 'co', 'cpu', 'ojrli'], ['never', 'know', 'tide', 'go', 'turn', 'favor', 'important', 'never', 'give', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['learn', 'rule', 'game', 'play', 'well', 'anyone_else', 'albert_einstein'], ['honor', 'name', 'business', 'top', 'leader', 'icon', 'rebel', 'cnbc', 'http', 'co', 'brhqcp', 'vote', 'trump'], ['great', 'day', 'yesterday', 'trumpdoral', 'unveiling', 'new', 'gary_player', 'villa', 'http', 'co', 'ajkuzlyqbg', 'gary', 'champion', 'great', 'guy'], ['story', 'midtown', 'trump', 'world', 'tower', 'glass', 'curtain', 'wall', 'true', 'landmark', 'http', 'co', 'sjcllgacdm'], ['ask', 'big', 'cast', 'announcement', 'come', 'soon', 'apprenticenbc'], ['wsj', 'wake', 'alexsalmond', 'destroy', 'scotland', 'david_cameron', 'aberdeencc', 'pressjournal', 'http', 'co', 'ofw', 'jxh'], ['time', 'difficult', 'must', 'even', 'focus', 'find', 'profitable', 'opportunity'], ['right', 'mindset', 'job', 'see', 'work', 'art', 'form', 'mean', 'pay', 'attention', 'detail'], ['news', 'call', 'great', 'freeze', 'cold', 'weather', 'year', 'country', 'still', 'spend', 'money', 'global_warming', 'hoax'], ['weather', 'event', 'use', 'global_warming', 'hoaxster', 'justify', 'high', 'taxis', 'save', 'planet', 'believe'], ['really', 'believe', 'great', 'country', 'continue', 'survive', 'incompetent', 'leadership', 'answer', 'well', 'move', 'fast'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'enjoy'], ['afghanistan', 'call', 'leader', 'karzai', 'toying'], ['give', 'goal', 'substance', 'imbue', 'value', 'exceed', 'monetary', 'make', 'count', 'many', 'level'], ['passion', 'give', 'great', 'momentum', 'catalyst', 'great', 'achievement'], ['entrepreneur', 'ignorance', 'bliss', 'fatal', 'costly', 'loser', 'get', 'organize', 'get', 'crush'], ['everything', 'come', 'hustle', 'wait', 'thomas_edison'], ['apple', 'iphone', 'sale', 'fall', 'way', 'short', 'must', 'go', 'large', 'screen', 'alternative', 'fast', 'say', 'long', 'ago', 'samsung', 'size', 'much', 'better'], ['predict', 'apple', 'stock', 'fall', 'base', 'dumb', 'refusal', 'give', 'option', 'large', 'iphone', 'screen', 'samsung', 'sell', 'apple', 'stock'], ['steve', 'job', 'spin', 'grave', 'apple', 'lose', 'vision', 'momentum', 'must', 'move', 'fast', 'get', 'magic', 'back'], ['much', 'state', 'spend', 'obnoxious', 'commercial', 'play', 'endlessly', 'tax', 'incentive', 'work'], ['smart', 'stay', 'problem', 'longer', 'albert_einstein'], ['creativity', 'control', 'go', 'hand', 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'price', 'soar', 'freeze', 'cold', 'bad', 'economy', 'could', 'global_warming'], ['pgatour', 'come', 'miami', 'cadillacchamp', 'return', 'trumpdoral', 'http', 'co', 'inazsug', 'see'], ['president', 'leader', 'free', 'world', 'dress', 'time', 'wear', 'suit', 'tie', 'major', 'interview'], ['chance', 'favor', 'prepare', 'mind', 'louis', 'pasteur'], ['janeiro', 'join', 'trumpcollection', 'go', 'spectacular', 'hotel', 'http', 'co', 'abdosrzazo'], ['wind', 'energy', 'complete', 'economic', 'disaster', 'http', 'co', 'aqao', 'zgunz', 'alexsalmond', 'aberdeencc', 'david_cameron', 'aberdeenshire', 'scotparl'], ['great', 'weakness', 'lie', 'give', 'certain', 'way', 'succeed', 'always', 'try', 'time', 'thomas_edison'], ['experience', 'knowledge', 'prescience', 'formidable', 'combination', 'power', 'underestimate', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['old_post', 'office', 'fully', 'transform', 'iconic', 'destination', 'trump', 'int', 'washington', 'dc', 'co', 'vqihpmpfsx'], ['wineenthusiast', 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['wesleycooler', 'nobody', 'ask', 'great', 'school'], ['say', 'month', 'bridge', 'toll', 'staten', 'island', 'far', 'high', 'unfair', 'get', 'lower', 'nearly', 'enough'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'enjoy'], ['k_swisher', 'thank', 'kasey'], ['dualheadedeagle', 'true', 'thank'], ['anytime', 'see', 'someone', 'talk', 'celebrity', 'weight', 'loss', 'twitter', 'total', 'scam'], ['governor', 'cuomo', 'cut', 'verrazano', 'bridge', 'toll', 'make', 'major', 'point', 'speech', 'love', 'people', 'staten', 'island'], ['destiny', 'part', 'play', 'life', 'business', 'give', 'chance', 'work', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['view', 'nyc', 'skyline', 'trump', 'stamford', 'connecticut', 'luxurious', 'high', 'rise', 'feature', 'trump', 'amenity', 'http', 'co', 'ezk', 'nifpix'], ['remember', 'keep', 'go', 'stop', 'momentum', 'stop', 'think', 'big'], ['great', 'purchase', 'ireland', 'top', 'spot', 'http', 'co', 'rnicqtitxw'], ['looking_forward', 'address', 'record_sette', 'crowd', 'tonight', 'county', 'lincoln', 'day', 'dinner', 'lot', 'talk'], ['trump', 'championship', 'bluemonster', 'course', 'open', 'rave', 'review', 'http', 'co', 'ew', 'uqnxv', 'sacbee_news'], ['people', 'ireland', 'great', 'purchase', 'doonbeg', 'soon', 'lodgeatdoonbeg'], ['son', 'eric', 'right', 'doonbeg', 'ireland', 'nothing'], ['trump', 'lay', 'big', 'plan', 'doonbeg', 'resort', 'billionaire', 'say', 'investment', 'show', 'ireland', 'economy', 'recover', 'http', 'idyrwc'], ['make', 'special', 'well', 'place', 'celebrate', 'patrick', 'day', 'windy', 'city', 'trumpchicago', 'http', 'co'], ['obamacare', 'wonderful', 'law', 'obama', 'summarily', 'change', 'law', 'election'], ['sell', 'short', 'something', 'important', 'today', 'begin', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['thing', 'capable', 'would', 'literally', 'astound', 'thomas_edison'], ['always', 'bear', 'mind', 'resolution', 'succeed', 'important', 'abraham_lincoln'], ['son', 'eric', 'ireland', 'look', 'new', 'club', 'phenomenal', 'lodgeatdoonbeg'], ['scotland', 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'ask', 'campaign', 'contribution', 'investigation'], ['congrat', 'charle', 'krauthammer', 'statement', 'climate_change', 'formerly', 'know', 'global_warming'], ['congrat', 'emmett', 'tyrrell', 'amspec', 'fantastic', 'piece', 'benghazi'], ['think', 'newyorkobserver', 'far', 'nice', 'sleazebag', 'agschneiderman', 'get', 'plenty', 'worry'], ['black', 'politician', 'prison', 'base', 'shirley', 'huntley', 'statement', 'white', 'agschneiderman', 'racism', 'http', 'co'], ['lightweight_agschneiderman', 'phony', 'lawsuit', 'trump', 'decimate', 'court', 'loser'], ['congrat', 'emmett', 'tyrrell', 'amspec', 'fantastic', 'piece', 'benghazi', 'http', 'co', 'ygkrfle'], ['obama', 'state', 'take', 'school', 'seriously', 'make', 'bad', 'choice', 'get', 'high', 'hell', 'get', 'columbia', 'amp', 'harvard'], ['appeal', 'russia', 'intervene', 'ukraine', 'russia', 'tell', 'become', 'involved', 'laugh', 'loudly'], ['world', 'falling_apart', 'people', 'know', 'play', 'game', 'big', 'trouble', 'leadership'], ['play', 'golf', 'tomorrow', 'palm_beach', 'number', 'rate', 'golf_course', 'state', 'florida', 'trump', 'international_golf', 'club'], ['markburnetttv', 'incredible', 'wife', 'realromadowney', 'fabulous', 'movie', 'sonofgodmovie', 'see'], ['popular', 'extremely', 'demand', 'live_tweeting', 'oscar', 'sunday', 'night', 'tell', 'friend', 'pull', 'punch'], ['china', 'intervene', 'low', 'yuan', 'word', 'continue', 'screw'], ['play', 'golf', 'today', 'rand_paul', 'trump', 'international', 'palm_beach', 'interesting', 'fun'], ['sissy', 'graydon_carter', 'fail', 'vanity', 'fair', 'magazine', 'owner', 'bad', 'food', 'restaurant', 'problem', 'oscar', 'party', 'longer', 'hot'], ['trump', 'national_doral', 'miami', 'good', 'golfer', 'world', 'start', 'arrive', 'world', 'golf', 'championship', 'cadillac', 'big', 'week'], ['real', 'hard', 'time', 'watch', 'academy', 'award', 'far', 'last', 'song', 'terrible', 'kim', 'sue', 'plastic', 'surgeon', 'oscar'], ['bore', 'oscar'], ['terrible', 'oscar'], 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['ellen', 'awkward', 'insecure', 'last_night', 'pizza', 'skit', 'terrible', 'dump', 'andy', 'lassner', 'guy', 'absolutely', 'talent'], ['always', 'like', 'ellen', 'do', 'show', 'numerous', 'time', 'good', 'last_night', 'fumbling', 'stumble'], ['theellenshow', 'ellen', 'andy', 'lassner', 'guy', 'absolutely', 'imagination', 'talent', 'good', 'try', 'last_night'], ['exciting', 'week', 'trumpdoral', 'miami', 'opening', 'soon', 'good', 'resort', 'world', 'golf', 'championship', 'week'], ['jtimberlake', 'great', 'play', 'blue_monster', 'thank', 'nice', 'statement', 'many', 'agree', 'best', 'see'], ['magazine', 'name', 'influential', 'tweeter', 'donald', 'trump', 'espn', 'actually', 'easily'], ['mitt_romney', 'strongly', 'state', 'debate', 'pre', 'obama', 'russia', 'big', 'problem', 'obama', 'scoffed', 'mitt', 'correct'], ['set', 'record', 'cold', 'day', 'march', 'long', 'record', 'history', 'degree', 'place', 'likewise', 'global_warme', 'con'], ['think', 'obama', 'putin', 'seize', 'alaska'], ['actually', 'putin', 'want', 'alaska', 'environmental', 'protection', 'agency', 'make', 'impossible', 'drill', 'oil'], ['austinkaiser', 'people', 'excite', 'hear', 'speak', 'thrursday', 'cpacnew', 'govchristie', 'realdonaldtrump', 'dcbound', 'thank'], ['kirschnerdavid', 'realdonaldtrump', 'congrat', 'trump', 'make', 'forbes', 'list', 'wealthy', 'world', 'thank'], ['remember', 'keep', 'go', 'stop', 'momentum', 'stop'], ['passionate', 'work', 'never', 'give'], ['live', 'edge', 'complacency', 'allow', 'keep', 'open', 'mind', 'business', 'creative', 'endeavor'], ['colleencpa', 'thank', 'colleen'], ['charlierymergc', 'charlie', 'sound', 'good'], ['open', 'tigerwood', 'villa', 'trumpdoral', 'http', 'co', 'ruaonpxh'], ['success', 'breed', 'success', 'good', 'way', 'impress', 'people', 'result', 'think', 'like_billionaire'], ['never', 'los', 'quit', 'try', 'mike', 'ditka'], ['elite', 'traveler', 'amp', 'good', 'hotel', 'room', 'view', 'world', 'http', 'co', 'rqzqn', 'gj', 'trumpchicago'], ['predictable', 'business', 'valuable', 'predictability', 'also', 'mean', 'consistency', 'brand', 'experience', 'midas_touch'], ['create', 'success', 'failure', 'course', 'primarily', 'thought', 'gary_player'], ['get', 'essence', 'immediately', 'learn', 'economize', 'people', 'appreciate', 'brevity', 'today', 'world', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['business', 'success', 'natural', 'talent', 'think', 'combination', 'aptitude', 'work', 'luck', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['trump', 'international_hotel', 'amp', 'tower', 'toronto', 'continue', 'receive', 'accolade', 'great', 'city', 'great', 'hotel', 'http', 'co', 'otv', 'xuufnv', 'trumptoronto'], ['course', 'think', 'jimmy_carter', 'dead', 'see', 'today', 'sarcastic', 'never', 'think', 'alive', 'president', 'stiff'], ['actually', 'nice', 'jimmy_carter', 'standing', 'room', 'amp', 'standing_ovation', 'speech', 'cpac', 'state', 'well', 'pre', 'obama'], ['unbiased', 'reporter', 'attendee', 'say', 'best', 'well', 'receive', 'speech', 'cpac', 'thank'], ['sashamajerovsky', 'thank', 'sasha'], ['congrat', 'alcardenasacu', 'cpacnew', 'really', 'enjoy', 'response', 'terrific'], ['road', 'success', 'always', 'construction', 'arnold_palmer'], ['newly', 'build', 'blue_monster', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'consider', 'masterpiece', 'almost', 'see', 'play', 'thank'], ['leader', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'great', 'ben', 'hogan', 'say', 'never', 'see', 'great', 'course', 'easy'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'minute', 'enjoy'], ['congratulation', 'patrick', 'reed', 'win', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'tell', 'blue_monster', 'good', 'course', 'ever', 'play'], ['cnbc', 'poll', 'joke', 'place', 'take', 'politic', 'wonder', 'cnbc', 'rating', 'go', 'tube'], ['worthy', 'people', 'take', 'cnbc', 'list', 'well', 'stupid', 'poll', 'cancel', 'credibility'], ['watch', 'little', 'cnbc', 'lately', 'good', 'news', 'switching', 'bloombergnew', 'foxnew'], ['massive', 'blue_monster', 'trumpdoral', 'get', 'rave', 'review', 'build', 'year', 'easy', 'feat'], ['passion', 'drive', 'enthusiasm', 'check', 'trumpcollection', 'career', 'http', 'co', 'hgpfme'], ['many', 'life', 'failure', 'people', 'realize', 'close', 'success', 'give', 'thomas_edison'], ['rosechem', 'reason', 'feel', 'old', 'american', 'greatness', 'mentality', 'make', 'feel', 'hope'], ['learn', 'rule', 'game', 'play', 'well', 'anyone_else', 'albert_einstein'], ['secret', 'get', 'ahead', 'get', 'start', 'mark_twain'], ['jury', 'award', 'complete', 'total', 'victory', 'buyer', 'remorse', 'lawsuit', 'lauderdale'], ['complete', 'lauderdale', 'victory', 'sue', 'million', 'attorney', 'fee', 'plaintiff', 'liable'], ['love', 'take', 'lawsuit', 'way', 'right', 'agschneiderman', 'find', 'hard', 'way'], ['fail', 'prepare', 'prepare', 'fail', 'benjamin_franklin'], ['always', 'bear', 'mind', 'resolution', 'succeed', 'important', 'abraham_lincoln'], ['high', 'apartment', 'rental', 'trump', 'park_avenue', 'month', 'http', 'co', 'cmav', 'tdla'], ['congratulation', 'trumpintrealty', 'top', 'rental', 'http', 'co', 'cmav', 'tdla', 'tirnyc'], ['trump', 'victorious', 'fort', 'lauderdale', 'litigation', 'http', 'co', 'wquruitujh'], ['thetoday', 'show', 'announce', 'baton_rouge', 'louisiana', 'host', 'pageant', 'sunday'], ['beat', 'lawyer', 'yale', 'lawyer', 'harvard', 'team', 'major', 'case', 'worth', 'million', 'dumb'], ['amazing', 'press', 'protect', 'president', 'obama', 'call', 'comedy', 'routine', 'zach', 'look', 'fool', 'say', 'cute'], ['mauriceconcha', 'thank'], ['fear', 'failure', 'limit', 'activity', 'failure', 'opportunity', 'intelligently', 'begin', 'henry_ford'], ['repeatedly', 'excellence', 'act', 'habit', 'aristotle'], ['clearly', 'state', 'state', 'republican_party', 'able', 'unify', 'would', 'run', 'governor', 'win', 'unify', 'sad'], ['top', 'leadership', 'state', 'republican_party', 'totally', 'dysfunctional', 'major', 'election', 'many', 'year'], ['run', 'governor', 'state', 'race', 'would', 'much', 'big', 'plan', 'mind', 'stay_tune', 'happen'], ['garyplayer', 'true', 'champion', 'must', 'enjoy', 'difficult', 'fair', 'blue_monster', 'play', 'last', 'weekend', 'gary_player', 'villa', 'love'], ['frumpy', 'dumb', 'gail', 'collin', 'editorial', 'writer', 'time', 'lucky', 'even', 'job', 'check', 'incompetent'], ['nobody', 'want', 'open', 'way', 'let', 'fight', 'trump', 'mahal', 'atlantic_city', 'dana', 'white', 'do', 'great', 'job'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'big', 'breakfast', 'meeting', 'deal', 'back', 'next_week', 'thank'], ['good', 'vision', 'insight', 'malcolm', 'forbe'], ['people', 'dream', 'great', 'accomplishment', 'other', 'stay', 'awake', 'anonymous'], ['join', 'autismspeak', 'light', 'world', 'blue', 'liub', 'raise', 'awareness', 'million', 'autism'], ['many', 'editorial', 'writer', 'good', 'great', 'amp', 'bad', 'least', 'talented', 'frumpy', 'gail', 'collin', 'nytime'], ['year', 'old', 'trey', 'terminal', 'cancer', 'helping', 'go', 'disney', 'http', 'co', 'nxjkcdxzg'], ['people', 'dream', 'great', 'accomplishment', 'other', 'stay', 'awake'], ['putin', 'really', 'taking_advantage', 'president', 'obama', 'important', 'obama', 'respond', 'strength', 'determination', 'smart', 'cool'], ['president', 'obama', 'could', 'totally', 'solve', 'problem', 'putin', 'demand', 'russia', 'sign', 'obamacare', 'thereby', 'destroy', 'economy'], ['way', 'great', 'work', 'love', 'steve', 'job'], ['get', 'essence', 'immediately', 'learn', 'economize', 'people', 'appreciate', 'brevity', 'today', 'world', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['smart', 'stay', 'problem', 'longer', 'albert_einstein'], ['missycomb', 'stop', 'renovate', 'create', 'golf', 'course', 'need', 'renovate', 'white_house', 'cute'], ['entrepreneur', 'develop', 'midas_touch', 'work', 'money', 'work', 'create', 'acquire', 'asset', 'focus', 'asset', 'midas_touch'], ['business', 'art', 'amp', 'powerful', 'negotiation', 'skill', 'technique', 'necessary', 'facilitate', 'success', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['donald', 'trump', 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['excite', 'announce', 'trump', 'estate', 'akoya', 'damac', 'luxury', 'villa', 'situate', 'bytrump', 'int', 'golf_link', 'dubai', 'http', 'co', 'cpokmt', 'exd'], ['thing', 'turn', 'good', 'people', 'make', 'good', 'way', 'thing', 'turn', 'wooden'], ['failure', 'simply', 'opportunity', 'begin', 'time', 'intelligently', 'henry_ford'], ['president', 'obama', 'able', 'fool', 'american', 'get', 'elect', 'able', 'fool', 'vladimir_putin', 'bad'], ['spend', 'fortune', 'look', 'lose', 'plane', 'mostly', 'chinese', 'passenger', 'ok', 'much', 'russia', 'amp', 'china', 'spending'], ['hate', 'obama', 'think', 'absolutely', 'terrible', 'president', 'maybe', 'bad', 'history'], ['putin', 'scheme', 'beam', 'take', 'world', 'president', 'obama', 'watch', 'march', 'madness', 'basketball'], ['president', 'obama', 'cool', 'smart', 'sharp', 'focus', 'march', 'madness', 'beat', 'putin', 'game', 'do'], ['continuous', 'effort', 'strength', 'intelligence', 'key', 'unlocking', 'potential', 'winston_churchill'], ['great', 'advice', 'father', 'know', 'everything', 'fre', 'trump'], ['great', 'advice', 'mother', 'trust', 'true', 'mary', 'macleod', 'trump'], ['putin', 'become', 'big', 'hero', 'russia', 'time', 'high', 'popularity', 'obama', 'hand', 'fall', 'lowest', 'ever', 'number', 'sad'], ['believe', 'putin', 'continue', 'build', 'russian', 'empire', 'respect', 'obama'], ['build', 'military', 'missile', 'defense', 'system', 'high', 'level', 'ever', 'must', 'strong', 'prosper', 'amp', 'survive'], ['situation', 'russia', 'much', 'dangerous', 'people', 'may', 'think', 'could', 'lead', 'world', 'war', 'need', 'great', 'leadership', 'fast'], ['obama', 'must', 'focus', 'get', 'mind', 'march', 'madness', 'lead', 'watch', 'russia', 'closely', 'work', 'hard', 'economy', 'obamacare'], ['wonder', 'apple', 'upset', 'hound', 'produce', 'large', 'screen', 'iphone', 'hear', 'soon', 'long', 'overdue'], ['obama', 'stop', 'run', 'stair', 'get', 'air_force', 'look', 'presidential', 'point', 'take', 'fall'], ['thank', 'garyvansickle', 'amp', 'sport', 'illustrate', 'sinow', 'really', 'nice', 'piece', 'march', 'issue', 'http', 'co', 'vsdrxgkumc'], ['great', 'time', 'answer', 'question', 'late', 'askthedonald', 'watch', 'see', 'question', 'make', 'https', 'co', 'gwc', 'nvtu'], ['miss', 'shot', 'take', 'wayne', 'gretzky'], ['get', 'point', 'appreciate', 'everyone', 'advice', 'public', 'speak', 'sincere', 'brief', 'seat', 'roosevelt'], ['robert', 'slater', 'pass', 'terrific', 'writer', 'write', 'fair', 'book', 'miss', 'http', 'co', 'gape', 'aoyvj'], ['good', 'making', 'excuse', 'seldom', 'good', 'anything', 'else', 'benjamin_franklin'], ['president', 'obama', 'look', 'absolutely', 'exhausted', 'netherland', 'natural', 'leader', 'never', 'ment', 'lead', 'tough', 'work'], ['good', 'smart', 'obama', 'call', 'russia', 'regional', 'power', 'mention', 'concept', 'nuclear', 'weapon', 'go', 'nyc'], ['time', 'united_state', 'strengthen', 'important', 'military', 'component', 'roll', 'deal', 'weakness'], ['obama', 'mention', 'manhattan', 'yesterday', 'response', 'singlehandedly', 'make', 'target', 'totally', 'stupid', 'guy'], ['look', 'yearsi', 'right', 'virtually', 'issue', 'iraq', 'go', 'take', 'oil', 'job', 'china'], ['great', 'quote', 'legendary', 'courageous', 'winston_churchill', 'never', 'never', 'never', 'give'], ['enemy', 'good', 'mean', 'stand', 'something', 'sometime', 'life', 'winston_churchill'], ['success', 'final', 'failure', 'fatal', 'courage', 'continue', 'count', 'winston_churchill'], ['go', 'hell', 'keep', 'go', 'winston_churchill'], ['record', 'greta', 'van', 'susteren', 'gretawire', 'tonight', 'pm', 'eastern', 'fox', 'news', 'channel'], ['listen', 'interview', 'kathielgifford', 'podcastone', 'http', 'co', 'hgmdepzj'], ['remember', 'oftentime', 'good', 'deal', 'make', 'deal', 'make'], ['genesimmon', 'terrific', 'congratulation', 'hall', 'fame'], ['trump', 'real', 'american', 'patriot', 'vote', 'ever', 'run', 'thank'], ['tbt', 'ask', 'mother', 'great', 'beauty', 'wonderful', 'person', 'father', 'http', 'co', 'dhkqyol'], ['autism', 'way', 'believe', 'vaccination', 'massive', 'shot', 'much', 'small', 'child', 'handle', 'govt', 'stop'], ['president', 'would', 'push', 'proper', 'vaccination', 'would', 'allow', 'time', 'massive', 'shot', 'small', 'child', 'not', 'take', 'autism'], ['coach', 'basketball', 'player', 'quick', 'hurry'], ['healthy', 'young', 'child', 'go', 'doctor', 'get', 'pump', 'massive', 'shot', 'many', 'vaccine', 'feel', 'good', 'change', 'autism', 'many', 'case'], ['autism', 'way', 'lose', 'doctor', 'give', 'small', 'dose', 'vaccine', 'big', 'pump', 'dose', 'tiny', 'body'], ['join', 'autismspeak', 'light', 'world', 'blue', 'liub', 'raise', 'awareness', 'million', 'autism'], ['sse', 'slash', 'offshore', 'wind', 'investment', 'want', 'british', 'government', 'pay', 'loss', 'monstrosity', 'http', 'co', 'gjjtzv'], ['inspiration', 'exist', 'find', 'work', 'pablo', 'picasso'], ['entrepreneur', 'good', 'question', 'ask', 'provide', 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'never', 'lose', 'game'], ['sorry', 'foxandfriend', 'morning', 'big', 'meeting', 'double', 'next_week'], ['go', 'path', 'may', 'lead', 'go', 'instead', 'path', 'leave', 'trail', 'ralph', 'waldo', 'emerson'], ['president', 'obama', 'fail', 'leadership', 'put', 'vladimir_putin', 'amp', 'russia', 'back', 'world', 'stage', 'reason'], ['noisy', 'windfarm', 'drive', 'community', 'crazy', 'http', 'co', 'ayfhrgf', 'alexsalmond', 'aberdeencc', 'aberdeenshirecc'], ['march', 'cold', 'month', 'record', 'history', 'could', 'global_warme'], ['yesterday', 'front', 'rockefeller', 'center', 'http', 'co', 'gki', 'rh'], ['signature_restaurant', 'trumpnewyork', 'jeangeorge', 'forbes', 'star', 'amp', 'aaa', 'five_diamond', 'restaurant', 'http', 'co', 'hotcujmv'], ['discovery', 'breed', 'discovery', 'success', 'breed', 'success', 'question', 'thought', 'quest', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['people', 'rarely', 'succeed', 'fun', 'andrew', 'carnegie'], ['today', 'history', 'wrestlemania', 'shave', 'vincemcmahon', 'hair', 'highest_rated', 'show', 'wwe', 'history', 'wrestlefact', 'http'], ['everything', 'seem', 'control', 'go', 'fast', 'enough', 'mario', 'andretti'], ['visit', 'highly', 'acclaim', 'trump', 'international_hotel', 'tower', 'chicago', 'exceptional', 'restaurant', 'http', 'co', 'yuusn', 'luff'], ['entrepreneur', 'cautiously', 'optimistic', 'call', 'positive', 'thinking', 'lot', 'reality', 'check'], ['entrepreneur', 'pay', 'attention', 'detail', 'know', 'everything', 'big', 'surprise'], ['entrepreneur', 'watch', 'could', 'motivation', 'employee', 'make', 'example', 'good', 'serve', 'success', 'business'], ['hear', 'ungrateful', 'arseniohall', 'show', 'absolutely', 'die', 'rating', 'really', 'bad'], ['great', 'work', 'perform', 'strength', 'perseverance', 'samuel', 'johnson'], ['trump', 'become', 'president', 'would', 'amazing', 'job', 'obama', 'take', 'celebrity_apprentice', 'fail', 'opinion', 'agree'], ['ask', 'learn', 'today', 'know', 'always', 'student', 'always', 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'job', 'win', 'first', 'many', 'major', 'proud', 'trump', 'international', 'work', 'hard', 'time', 'great'], ['xenaher', 'thank', 'xena'], ['fox', 'friend', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['launch', 'trump', 'home', 'dorya', 'furniture', 'collection', 'today', 'look', 'amazing', 'hpmarketnew', 'doryainterior', 'http', 'co', 'rrc', 'jmwclg'], ['work', 'exciting', 'hopefully', 'good', 'deal', 'major', 'resort', 'hard', 'work', 'luckier', 'get'], ['kimkotter', 'kim', 'keep', 'great', 'work', 'really', 'well'], ['see', 'mcuban', 'try', 'hit', 'ball', 'lake', 'tahoe', 'play', 'tournament', 'get', 'talent', 'strength', 'tmz'], ['mcuban', 'say', 'member', 'dalla', 'national', 'play', 'golf', 'member', 'golf_club', 'play', 'talent', 'tmz'], ['blue_monster', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'miami', 'record', 'business', 'everybody', 'want', 'piece', 'great', 'review', 'thank'], ['garyplayer', 'great', 'mikeandmike', 'morning', 'amp', 'gary_player', 'villa', 'trumpdoral', 'hot', 'ticket'], ['many', 'people', 'understand', 'big', 'proponent', 'vaccine', 'child', 'massive', 'dose', 'spread', 'time'], ['looking_forward', 'speaking', 'saturday', 'citizens_unite', 'afphq', 'freedom_summit', 'manchester', 'second', 'visit', 'year'], ['newsradio', 'interview', 'absurd', 'immigration', 'comment', 'amp', 'citizens_unite', 'afphq', 'freedom_summit', 'http', 'co'], ['talent', 'hit', 'target', 'else', 'hit', 'genius', 'hit', 'target', 'else', 'see', 'arthur', 'schopenhauer'], ['really', 'looking_forward', 'watch', 'master', 'weekend', 'great', 'show', 'earth'], ['tbt', 'stage', 'emmys', 'perform', 'green', 'acre', 'megan', 'mullally', 'http', 'co', 'ia', 'ictxzk'], ['first', 'week', 'film', 'apprenticenbc', 'celebrity', 'already', 'turn', 'heat', 'major', 'firework'], ['looking_forward', 'promote', 'pro', 'growth', 'positive', 'message', 'saturday', 'citizens_unite', 'afphq', 'freedom_summit', 'manchester'], ['travel', 'windy', 'city', 'celebrate', 'wrigley', 'field', 'trumpchicago', 'chicago', 'hotel', 'http', 'co', 'mpwsprdtz'], ['nothing', 'great', 'ever', 'achieve', 'enthusiasm', 'ralph', 'waldo', 'emerson'], ['entrepreneur', 'always', 'remember', 'business', 'relationship', 'lead', 'great', 'deal', 'future', 'sure', 'cultivate', 'relationship'], ['entrepreneur', 'keep', 'mind', 'great', 'spirit', 'always', 'encounter', 'violent', 'opposition', 'mediocre', 'mind', 'albert_einstein'], ['congratulation', 'stephenathome', 'see', 'show'], ['kathomas', 'congratulation', 'join', 'fine', 'fast', 'grow', 'group', 'talente', 'people', 'city', 'great'], ['enough', 'good', 'sometimes', 'require', 'winston_churchill'], ['flashbackfriday', 'mickey', 'rooney', 'regis', 'itstonybennett', 'http', 'co', 'blxnbdtgt'], ['learn', 'yesterday', 'live', 'today', 'hope', 'tomorrow', 'important', 'thing', 'stop', 'question', 'albert_einstein'], ['bubbawatson', 'great', 'player', 'turn', 'also', 'great', 'guy', 'congratulation', 'fantastic', 'master', 'win'], ['jordanspieth', 'great', 'play', 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'would', 'anyone', 'believe', 'bogus', 'obamacare', 'enrollment', 'number'], ['sharpton', 'say', 'even', 'make', 'hard', 'register', 'people', 'vote', 'bad', 'grammar', 'thought'], ['alexsalmond', 'ireland', 'end', 'bird', 'kill', 'wind', 'farm', 'great', 'resort', 'atlantic_ocean', 'reason', 'would', 'hurt', 'tourism'], ['alexsalmond', 'doubt', 'come', 'sense', 'costly', 'bird', 'kill', 'ugly', 'wind_turbine', 'dot', 'scotland'], ['oscar', 'pistorious', 'blade', 'runner', 'guilty', 'wonder', 'result'], ['summer', 'almost', 'update', 'business', 'wardrobe', 'trump', 'signature_collection', 'exclusively_available', 'macys', 'http', 'co', 'vrkl', 'bmj'], ['unionleader', 'bill', 'smith', 'gop', 'rally', 'manchester', 'fire', 'party', 'faithful', 'http', 'co', 'pcrmyvybpi'], ['convince', 'half', 'separate', 'successful', 'entrepreneur', 'non', 'successful', 'one', 'pure', 'perseverance', 'steve', 'job'], ['nyc', 'sole', 'hammam', 'spa', 'trumpsoho', 'offer', 'classic', 'treatment', 'inspire', 'wellness', 'ritual', 'world', 'http', 'co', 'smkecnpjzp'], ['remember', 'negotiation', 'fluid', 'remain', 'calm', 'settle', 'easily', 'good', 'ultimately', 'win'], ['top', 'disrespect', 'show', 'russia', 'forget', 'still', 'snowden', 'give', 'amp', 'everyone', 'massive', 'secret'], ['get', 'snowden', 'back', 'russia', 'do', 'tremendous', 'damage', 'amp', 'pay', 'heavy', 'price'], ['toss', 'problem', 'dwell', 'deal', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['happiness', 'something', 'ready', 'make', 'come', 'action', 'dalailama'], ['priscocbs', 'thank'], ['hudson', 'valley', 'trumpnationalny', 'course', 'pristine', 'fairway', 'tour', 'caliber', 'green', 'strategic', 'sand', 'bunker', 'http', 'co', 'fz', 'bpkez'], ['obama', 'change', 'census', 'difficult', 'measure', 'effect', 'care', 'http', 'co', 'fm', 'jygcdn', 'real', 'datum', 'hide'], ['office', 'yankee', 'stadium', 'dream', 'come', 'true', 'yankee', 'captain', 'derek', 'jeter'], ['success', 'breed', 'success', 'good', 'way', 'impress', 'people', 'result', 'think', 'like_billionaire'], ['pick', 'good', 'location', 'trump_charlotte', 'incredible', 'view', 'beautiful', 'lake', 'norman', 'http', 'co', 'lnlfq', 'wyxf'], ['entrepreneur', 'always', 'remember', 'day', 'count', 'stay', 'focused', 'stay', 'positive', 'develop', 'momentum'], ['entrepreneur', 'identify', 'goal', 'know', 'precisely', 'want', 'achieve', 'study', 'good', 'people', 'field', 'learn'], ['entrepreneur', 'vision', 'stick', 'afraid', 'unique', 'tread_water', 'get', 'go'], ['price', 'greatness', 'responsibility', 'winston_churchill'], ['entrepreneur', 'ask', 'blip', 'catastrophe', 'equilibrium', 'keep', 'check', 'hard', 'time', 'hit'], ['njcomsomerset', 'wobriensomerset', 'tigerwood', 'bring', 'charity', 'golf', 'playoff', 'totrump', 'http', 'co'], ['foxnew', 'interview', 'seanhannity', 'http', 'co', 'kovsybaufn'], ['speech', 'last', 'saturday', 'citizens_unite', 'afphq', 'nhfreedomsummit', 'http', 'co', 'cspan'], ['america', 'great', 'disadvantage', 'putin', 'obama', 'community', 'organizer', 'unfair'], ['always', 'fun', 'read', 'newyorkobserver', 'investigative', 'piece', 'agschneiderman', 'mascara', 'http', 'co', 'nvvrlu', 'wkt'], ['wrestlemania', 'http', 'co', 'dcdxarxm'], ['oscar', 'pistoriou', 'guilty', 'hell'], ['cbo', 'estimate', 'lose', 'job', 'directly', 'obamacare', 'repeal', 'late'], ['remember', 'sell', 'else', 'make', 'sure', 'public', 'friend', 'amp', 'business', 'community', 'hear', 'success'], ['hard', 'work', 'hard', 'surrender', 'profootballhof', 'buffalobill', 'head', 'coach', 'marv', 'levy'], ['pre', 'obama', 'remove', 'sanction', 'iran', 'prior', 'negotiate', 'rather', 'complete', 'successful', 'negotiation', 'amp', 'remove', 'sanction'], ['west', 'coast', 'luxurious', 'public', 'course', 'trumpgolfla', 'feature', 'spectacular', 'panoramic', 'pacific_ocean', 'view', 'http', 'co', 'fi'], ['obamacare', 'enrollment', 'lie', 'obama', 'count', 'enrollee', 'web', 'user', 'put', 'plan', 'online', 'shopping', 'cart', 'http', 'co', 'fppfeby', 'mv'], ['nasty', 'middle_class', 'electricity', 'price', 'surge', 'time', 'high', 'past', 'march', 'http', 'bswqikk', 'frack'], ['always', 'big', 'fan', 'kim', 'novak', 'still', 'wonderful', 'actress'], ['work', 'late', 'evening', 'close', 'big', 'real_estate', 'deal', 'soon', 'announce', 'happy_easter', 'holiday'], ['remember', 'russia', 'still', 'snowden', 'go', 'bring', 'piece', 'human', 'garbage', 'back', 'home', 'stand', 'trial', 'cause', 'great', 'damage'], ['give', 'secretary', 'state', 'john_kerry', 'credit', 'work', 'try', 'hard', 'negotiating', 'ability'], ['snowden', 'spy', 'cause', 'great', 'damage', 'spy', 'old', 'day', 'country', 'respect', 'strong', 'would', 'execute'], ['go', 'sign', 'great', 'job', 'produce', 'deal', 'good', 'night'], ['frankpro', 'frank', 'make', 'mistake', 'well', 'job', 'team', 'would', 'stay', 'buffalo'], ['happy_easter', 'great', 'day'], ['look', 'snowden', 'bad', 'do', 'tremendous', 'damage', 'country', 'stand', 'far', 'bad', 'government', 'guess'], ['huffington', 'post', 'upset', 'say', 'purchase', 'aol', 'disaster', 'arianna', 'huffington', 'ugly', 'inside'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'minute', 'enjoy', 'day'], ['obama', 'crony', 'say', 'keysyone', 'pipeline', 'political', 'much', 'man', 'lie', 'even', 'obvious', 'thing'], ['ivankatrump', 'trump', 'estate', 'dubai', 'anything', 'else', 'region', 'http', 'co', 'tkrj', 'epipu', 'musaid', 'zayani'], ['finish', 'week', 'film', 'apprenticenbc', 'season', 'record', 'shape', 'best', 'yet'], ['njpga', 'club', 'year', 'trump', 'nj', 'top', 'family', 'country', 'club', 'award_winning', 'course', 'http', 'co', 'mrltsnoge'], ['know', 'chess', 'game', 'strategy', 'business', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['storied', 'franchise', 'loyal', 'fanbase', 'buffalobill', 'remain', 'buffalo'], ['big', 'winner', 'obama', 'win', 'vladimir_putin', 'ultimately', 'could', 'tie', 'iran', 'tehran', 'become', 'nuclear', 'power'], ['obama', 'tell', 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'prepare', 'picture', 'change', 'win', 'think', 'positively'], ['congratulation', 'bostonpolice', 'yesterday', 'successful', 'safe', 'entire', 'country', 'proud'], ['last', 'thursday', 'obama', 'say', 'invest', 'infrastructure', 'would', 'improve', 'economy', 'long', 'term', 'next', 'day', 'stop', 'keystone'], ['rep', 'stephen', 'lynch', 'say', 'taxis', 'fee', 'tough', 'medicine', 'go', 'hit', 'fan', 'obamacare'], ['nypd', 'surveillance', 'program', 'keep', 'nyc', 'safe', 'tragic', 'consequence', 'end'], ['china', 'close', 'massive', 'oil', 'deal', 'russia', 'taking_advantage', 'ukraine', 'conflict', 'http', 'co', 'titkq', 'pmzh', 'smart', 'leader'], ['measure', 'people', 'take', 'action', 'measure', 'jack_welch'], ['always', 'remember', 'sometimes', 'good', 'investment', 'one', 'make'], ['mcilroyrory', 'thank', 'nice', 'note', 'love', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'look', 'good', 'great', 'year'], ['way', 'president', 'obama', 'run', 'stair', 'hop', 'amp', 'bob', 'way', 'inelegant', 'unpresidential', 'fall'], ['interesting', 'president', 'obama', 'fly', 'boee', 'call', 'earth', 'day'], ['rugged', 'aberdeenshire', 'coastline', 'trumpscotland', 'par', 'course', 'picturesque', 'yd', 'thread', 'dune', 'http', 'co', 'avulj'], ['visionary', 'chase', 'impossibility', 'ever', 'get', 'rich', 'easily', 'think', 'like_billionaire'], ['city', 'buffalo', 'struggle', 'move', 'buffalobill', 'would', 'catastrophic', 'bill', 'belong', 'buffalo'], ['new', 'yorker', 'get', 'chance', 'see', 'film', 'free', 'summer', 'attnyc', 'tribecafilmf', 'choice', 'citizen', 'kane', 'filmforall'], ['surprise', 'assad', 'destroy', 'chemical', 'weapon', 'never', 'intend', 'first', 'place'], ['obamacare', 'enrollment', 'number', 'lie', 'readjust', 'white_house', 'opportune', 'time', 'probably', 'election'], ['adverse', 'event', 'monumental', 'challenge', 'make', 'strong', 'think', 'big'], ['afraid', 'fail', 'fail', 'hate', 'fail', 'afraid', 'vincemcmahon'], ['andreatantaro', 'great', 'see', 'say'], ['south_korea', 'absolutely_kille', 'trade_deal', 'surplus', 'massive', 'pay', 'protection', 'negotiate'], ['newly', 'expand', 'hole', 'golf', 'trump', 'intl', 'palm_beach', 'rank', 'florida', 'golf', 'magazine', 'fl', 'course', 'http', 'co', 'gv'], ['thank', 'hautelivingmag', 'name', 'trumpdoral', 'golf_course', 'miami', 'http', 'co', 'roapu'], ['predict', 'obama', 'already', 'catch', 'lie', 'ocare', 'enrollment', 'cbo', 'stick', 'enrollment', 'http', 'co', 'lovujhxweb'], ['get', 'know', 'improve', 'something', 'understand', 'ask', 'well', 'know', 'vince_lombardi'], ['know', 'love', 'job', 'never', 'stop', 'never', 'give', 'think', 'like_billionaire'], ['worry', 'destroy', 'focus', 'think', 'big'], ['young', 'man', 'propose', 'convention_center', 'city', 'http', 'cjn', 'lk'], ['time', 'headline', 'state', 'obama', 'suffer', 'setback', 'japan', 'trade', 'deal', 'somebody', 'tell', 'sell', 'card'], ['allow', 'japan', 'sell', 'million', 'car', 'import', 'tax', 'make', 'trade', 'deal', 'country', 'big', 'trouble'], ['forbes', 'star', 'amp', 'fivediamond', 'hotel', 'nyc', 'trumpnewyork', 'definition', 'luxury', 'http', 'co', 'nufg', 'sok', 'best'], ['passion', 'confidence', 'resilience', 'amp', 'vision', 'could', 'become', 'entrepreneur', 'add', 'focus', 'list', 'amp', 'good', 'start'], ['ironic', 'china', 'go', 'nuclear', 'energy', 'time', 'make', 'wind_turbine', 'other', 'alexsalmond'], ['president', 'obama', 'lose', 'many', 'front', 'fact', 'front', 'concern', 'something', 'totally', 'irrational', 'lead'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'discuss', 'donald', 'sterling', 'clipper', 'mess'], ['trumpdoral', 'red', 'course', 'redesign', 'underway', 'complete', 'september', 'follow', 'development', 'http', 'co', 'cvnkl', 'vwo'], ['watch', 'amazing', 'ad', 'autismspeak', 'learn', 'sign', 'http', 'co', 'zvecoxd'], ['putin', 'show', 'world', 'happen', 'america', 'weak', 'leader', 'peace', 'strength'], ['obama', 'budget', 'eye', 'hike', 'tax', 'revenue', 'http', 'co', 'xus', 'opepe', 'love', 'taxis', 'tax', 'enough', 'already'], ['everyone', 'enjoy', 'obamacare', 'new', 'taxis', 'http', 'co', 'ifzrjkmwjp', 'obama', 'special', 'gift', 'add', 'rise', 'premium'], ['young', 'entrepeneur', 'think', 'big', 'stay', 'motivated', 'amp', 'always', 'remain', 'confident', 'sky', 'limit'], ['amazing', 'lambasting', 'donald', 'sterling', 'foxandfriend', 'dishonest', 'press', 'report', 'girlfriend', 'hell', 'statement'], ['truly', 'great', 'champion', 'seldom', 'fail', 'always', 'come', 'back', 'never', 'underestimate', 'power', 'greatness'], ['also', 'amazing', 'comment', 'edit', 'provide', 'statement', 'use', 'knowingly', 'incorrect', 'manner'], ['important', 'listen', 'people', 'say', 'horrible', 'disgusting', 'word', 'use', 'response', 'sterling', 'comment'], ['dopey', 'ariannahuff', 'force', 'reporter', 'accurate', 'power'], ['show', 'dishonest', 'certain', 'reporter', 'foxandfriend', 'interview', 'http', 'cizlqpo'], ['jamieaydt', 'happy_birthday', 'jamie'], ['premier', 'landmark', 'midtown', 'nyc', 'trump', 'tower', 'feature', 'signature', 'amenity', 'magnificent', 'waterfall', 'http', 'co', 'wjqo'], ['commissioner', 'adam', 'silver', 'make', 'strong', 'wise', 'decision', 'concern', 'donald', 'sterling'], ['start', 'cool', 'concern', 'sterling', 'clipper', 'mess', 'start', 'fade', 'litigation', 'murky'], ['concentration', 'come', 'combination', 'confidence', 'hunger', 'arnold_palmer'], ['getting_ready', 'big', 'news', 'friend', 'pgaofamerica'], ['announce', 'pgaofamerica', 'bring', 'seniorpgachamp', 'trumpgolfdc', 'amp', 'pgachampionship', 'trump', 'bedminster'], ['excited', 'host', 'great', 'championship', 'good', 'property', 'seniorpgachamp', 'trump', 'dc', 'amp', 'pgachampionship', 'trump', 'bedminster'], ['bbcnew', 'property', 'tycoon', 'donald', 'trump', 'confirm', 'turnberry', 'buy', 'http', 'co', 'elzrcesqui'], ['vanity', 'fair', 'totally', 'shut', 'national', 'magazine', 'award', 'get', 'nothing', 'graydon_carter', 'loser', 'bad', 'food', 'restaurant'], ['interview', 'golfchannel', 'morning', 'talk', 'get', 'great', 'pga', 'championship', 'senior', 'pga'], ['obamacare', 'bring', 'high', 'premium', 'decrease', 'care', 'amp', 'loss', 'job', 'growth', 'repeal', 'late'], ['china', 'pass', 'economy', 'year', 'way', 'ahead', 'projection', 'pre', 'obama', 'china', 'great', 'asset'], ['vanityfair', 'circulation', 'advertising', 'revenue', 'badly', 'rumor', 'dopey', 'graydon_carter', 'go', 'resign'], ['tweetingautism', 'support', 'autismmayday', 'campaign', 'highlight', 'unmet', 'medical', 'need', 'people', 'autism', 'http', 'co', 'vtojfdzzhz', 'rt'], ['negotiation', 'good', 'deal', 'make', 'one', 'walk', 'away', 'get', 'well', 'term'], ['never', 'make', 'concession', 'negotiation', 'could', 'lead', 'demand', 'prudent', 'good', 'concession', 'predetermine'], ['breitbartsport', 'warnerthuston', 'donald', 'trump', 'buy', 'time', 'british', 'golf_course', 'http', 'co', 'pnu'], ['pgachampionship', 'seniorpgachamp', 'head', 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'say', 'even', 'round', 'leave'], ['mayweather', 'get', 'absolutely', 'kill'], ['fight', 'mayweather', 'lose', 'big', 'let', 'see', 'judge', 'say'], ['way', 'judge', 'say', 'mayweather', 'investigation', 'take', 'place', 'fix'], ['mayweather', 'decision', 'disgrace'], ['crowd', 'boo', 'hell', 'phony', 'decision', 'place', 'angry', 'go', 'wild', 'fight', 'even', 'close', 'disgusting'], ['wonder', 'box', 'close', 'dead'], ['ring', 'announcer', 'work', 'hard', 'justify', 'mayweather', 'victory', 'ashamed', 'total_joke'], ['trumpgolfdc', 'congrat', 'great', 'member', 'trump', 'national', 'dc', 'club', 'choose', 'host', 'pga', 'senior', 'championship'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'minute', 'many', 'thing', 'talk', 'enjoy'], ['world', 'top', 'amenity', 'luxury', 'residential', 'condominium', 'provide', 'ultimate', 'toronto', 'lifestyle', 'http', 'co', 'ulcgsi'], ['celebrated', 'room', 'view', 'luxtravelexpert', 'trumpchicago', 'soar', 'luxurious', 'story', 'windy', 'city', 'http', 'co', 'mpwsprdtz'], ['congrat', 'barack_obama', 'april', 'job', 'report', 'leave', 'work', 'force', 'average', 'hourly', 'wage', 'amp', 'weekly', 'hour', 'stay', 'flat', 'bad'], ['american', 'worker', 'could', 'lose', 'healthcare', 'thank', 'obamacare', 'repeal', 'late'], ['underestimate', 'know', 'able', 'handle', 'come', 'way', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['guy', 'sethmeyer', 'simple', 'interview', 'see', 'night', 'stumble', 'amp', 'mumble', 'try', 'interview', 'guest'], ['great', 'legal', 'victory', 'lauderdale', 'trial', 'receive', 'tremendous', 'legal_fees', 'loser', 'love'], ['rating', 'sleazy', 'ed', 'schultz', 'lie', 'say', 'thank', 'scott', 'whitlock', 'scottjw', 'http', 'co', 'gs', 'jwd', 'lac'], ['look', 'approval', 'consciousness', 'best', 'andrew', 'carnegie'], ['road', 'success', 'always', 'construction', 'arnold_palmer'], ['never', 'great', 'national_security', 'age', 'computer', 'many', 'brilliant', 'nerd', 'break', 'code', 'old', 'day', 'better'], ['miss', 'pennsylvania', 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['denni', 'rodman', 'drunk', 'drug', 'delusional', 'say', 'want', 'go', 'north_korea', 'glad', 'fire', 'apprentice'], ['global_warme', 'worried', 'global_warming', 'cause', 'nuclear_weapon', 'hand', 'crazy', 'incompetent', 'leader'], ['object', 'golf', 'win', 'play', 'gentleman', 'win', 'phil', 'mickelson'], ['worth', 'worth', 'fight', 'lot', 'people', 'amp', 'obstacle', 'way', 'fight', 'get', 'midas_touch'], ['young', 'entrepreneur', 'remember', 'first', 'deal', 'important', 'career', 'win', 'amp', 'gain', 'confidence'], ['also', 'desperate', 'close', 'deal', 'less', 'likely', 'happen', 'stay', 'calm', 'focus', 'ultimate', 'goal', 'smart'], ['discover', 'true', 'self', 'surround', 'people', 'complement', 'gift', 'mode', 'operation', 'midas_touch'], ['remember', 'promote', 'else', 'success', 'let', 'people', 'know'], ['matter', 'good', 'get', 'always', 'get', 'well', 'exciting', 'part', 'tigerwood'], ['world', 'constantly', 'try', 'make', 'something', 'else', 'great', 'accomplishment', 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'story', 'http', 'co', 'nyqucbv', 'vu'], ['historic', 'first', 'obama', 'business', 'collapse', 'faster', 'form', 'http', 'co', 'gulun', 'new', 'leadership'], ['obama', 'tell', 'donor', 'week', 'public', 'opinion', 'side', 'believe', 'one', 'either'], ['wsj', 'senalexander', 'wind', 'power', 'tax', 'credit', 'need', 'blow', 'http', 'co', 'baxjgfylqf', 'alexsalmond'], ['rosie', 'donnell', 'say', 'feel', 'shame', 'fat', 'politically_correct', 'kill', 'star', 'jone', 'weight', 'loss', 'surgery'], ['time', 'warner', 'cable', 'manhattan', 'television', 'real', 'problem'], ['irishtime', 'thank', 'wonderful', 'simon', 'carswell', 'great', 'story', 'trump', 'international_golf', 'link', 'ireland', 'great'], ['ajmccarron', 'great', 'nfl', 'win', 'bengal', 'make', 'wise', 'decision'], ['world', 'renowne', 'open', 'air', 'lobby', 'ocean', 'view', 'top', 'restaurant', 'trumpwaikiki', 'honolulu', 'premier', 'hotel', 'http', 'co', 'cswuszg'], ['wonderful', 'beautiful', 'doonbeg', 'tour', 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'time', 'trumpdoral', 'right', 'http', 'co', 'npkwrnevl'], ['steadfast', 'effort', 'critic', 'harmless', 'achievers_move', 'forward', 'achievement', 'plateau', 'beginning'], ['flexible', 'enough', 'adjust', 'change', 'circumstance', 'think', 'big'], ['wait', 'dire', 'circumstance', 'test', 'quick', 'thinking', 'ability', 'alert', 'time'], ['cautious', 'optimist', 'call', 'positive', 'thinking', 'lot', 'reality', 'check'], ['bbcnew', 'donald', 'trump', 'visit', 'newly', 'purchase', 'turnberry', 'golf', 'resort', 'http', 'co', 'mmb'], ['yardstick', 'quality', 'people', 'use', 'environment', 'excellence', 'expect', 'steve', 'job'], ['advice', 'mother', 'mary', 'macleod', 'trump', 'trust', 'god', 'true'], ['donald', 'trump', 'confident', 'ireland', 'ready', 'big', 'comeback', 'http', 'co', 'nvmsfj', 'aip', 'anitaactually'], ['advice', 'father', 'fre', 'trump', 'know', 'everything'], ['winner', 'convince', 'imagine', 'dream', 'first', 'want', 'heart', 'expect', 'come', 'true', 'joe', 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'start', 'whack', 'good', 'help', 'lead', 'mess'], ['dubai', 'damac', 'place', 'boom', 'amazing', 'major', 'news', 'conference', 'hour', 'announce', 'luxury', 'villa', 'major', 'golf_course'], ['not', 'believe', 'well', 'certain', 'area', 'relative', 'reason', 'poor', 'leadership'], ['getting_ready', 'big', 'news', 'conference', 'dubai', 'happen', 'sad'], ['must', 'stop', 'release', 'hard', 'core', 'criminal', 'united_state', 'country', 'must', 'strong'], ['road', 'sidewalk', 'airport', 'bridge', 'perfect', 'everything', 'look', 'clean', 'amp', 'strong', 'everything', 'falling_apart'], ['positive', 'every_single', 'day', 'positive', 'stamina', 'necessary', 'ingredient', 'success', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['hit', 'first', 'ball', 'trump', 'international', 'dubai', 'right', 'middle', 'http', 'co', 'omklrsa'], ['ivankatrump', 'chairman', 'damac', 'dubai', 'http', 'co', 'ywqrbulj'], ['entrepreneur', 'get', 'momentum', 'go', 'listen', 'apply', 'move_forward', 'procrastinate', 'see', 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'agschneiderman', 'violate', 'st', 'amendment', 'http', 'co', 'ymvzionfi'], ['congrat', 'team_mitch', 'win', 'spirit', 'primary', 'great', 'job', 'mitch'], ['obama', 'wind_turbine', 'kill', 'bird', 'bat', 'year', 'http', 'co', 'vzurkku', 'save', 'bald', 'eagle', 'symbol', 'nation'], ['excited', 'address', 'repleadconf', 'next', 'friday', 'new', 'orlean', 'much', 'discuss'], ['remember', 'brave_man', 'amp', 'woman', 'fall', 'protect', 'country'], ['terrible', 'economy', 'amp', 'middle_class', 'gas', 'gallon', 'record', 'day', 'http', 'co', 'acdkbzdcq', 'frack', 'amp', 'fast'], ['show', 'fatal', 'ineptitude', 'big', 'central', 'planning', 'government', 'learn'], ['obama', 'administration', 'give', 'well', 'medical', 'care', 'qaeda', 'gitmo', 'vet'], ['obamacare', 'website', 'cost', 'amp', 'many', 'still', 'work', 'http', 'co', 'plhydjwpka', 'great', 'fiascos', 'modern', 'history'], ['rise', 'story', 'panama', 'bay', 'trumppanama', 'offer', 'elite', 'amenity', 'latin', 'tall', 'building', 'http', 'co', 'jiaqk', 'ia'], ['great', 'peaceful', 'memorial_day', 'remember', 'people', 'want', 'peace', 'must', 'strong'], ['mcilroyrory', 'way', 'go', 'rory', 'fantastic', 'victory'], ['pgaofamerica', 'really', 'great', 'tournament', 'congrat', 'monty', 'pete', 'te', 'bishop', 'fantastic', 'job'], ['obama', 'know', 'business', 'nothing', 'look', 'billion_dollar', 'obamacare_website', 'need', 'real', 'leader'], ['speak', 'today', 'national', 'press', 'club', 'totally', 'sell', 'inspect', 'old_post', 'office', 'pennsylvania_avenue'], ['feature', 'private', 'living', 'space', 'oversized', 'bathroom', 'amp', 'stunning', 'view', 'trumpsoho', 'downtown', 'nyc', 'premiere', 'hotel', 'http', 'co', 'jrxj', 'kkxs'], ['result', 'matter', 'series', 'effort', 'add', 'experience', 'achievement', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['winner', 'never', 'quit', 'quitter', 'never', 'win', 'vince_lombardi'], ['great', 'weakness', 'lie', 'give', 'certain', 'way', 'succeed', 'always', 'try', 'time', 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'skyline', 'http', 'co', 'jqj', 'ifh'], ['intrinsic', 'mean', 'basic', 'inborn', 'elemental', 'intrinsic', 'value', 'not', 'take', 'away', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['speech', 'pressclubdc', 'yesterday', 'npclunch', 'topic', 'building', 'business', 'brand', 'cspan', 'http', 'co', 'htxgaprty'], ['focus', 'goal', 'problem', 'remember', 'problem', 'mind', 'exercise', 'enjoy', 'challenge'], ['entrepreneur', 'prepare', 'tough', 'cover', 'basis', 'lot', 'up', 'down', 'ride', 'prepare'], ['ever', 'see', 'country', 'look', 'weaker', 'pathetic', 'snowden', 'obamacare', 'russia', 'job', 'decimate', 'military', 'debt', 'much'], ['snowden', 'liar', 'fraud'], ['gwenstefani', 'donaldjtrumpjr', 'http', 'co', 'wqzrkvpaa'], ['today', 'address', 'repleadconf', 'new', 'orlean', 'http', 'co', 'cchdu', 'focus', 'fix', 'great', 'country'], ['pressclubdc', 'snlyngaas', 'trump', 'say', 'brand', 'lose', 'luster', 'http', 'co', 'pez', 'shjm'], ['speech', 'pressclubdc', 'tuesday', 'npclunch', 'topic', 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'betray', 'israel', 'yet', 'strong', 'ally', 'middle_east', 'recognize', 'hama', 'break', 'long', 'stand', 'policy'], ['obama', 'release', 'senior', 'taliban', 'deserter', 'make', 'mexico', 'release', 'decorate', 'marine', 'tahmooressi', 'pathetic'], ['congratulation', 'joniernst', 'impressive', 'iowagop', 'primary', 'win', 'last_night', 'unite', 'amp', 'defeat', 'bruce', 'braley', 'november'], ['bretbaier', 'wonderful', 'new', 'book', 'specialheart', 'prove', 'great', 'success', 'already', 'bret', 'winner'], ['trump', 'collection', 'summer', 'line', 'exclusively_available', 'macys', 'pinnacle', 'style', 'amp', 'prestige', 'dress', 'good', 'http', 'co', 'vrkl', 'bmj'], ['amazing', 'view', 'trumpgolfla', 'http', 'co', 'xufsguqy'], ['believe', 'addition', 'terrorist', 'leader', 'president', 'obama', 'give', 'bergdahl', 'great', 'deal', 'cash', 'also', 'give', 'stupid'], ['great', 'father', 'day', 'gift', 'stay', 'star', 'hotel', 'trumpnewyork', 'item', 'signature_collection', 'http', 'co', 'hgbagzzdz'], ['picture', 'fantastic', 'father', 'good', 'teacher', 'world', 'great', 'father', 'day', 'http', 'co', 'qzhqshvxgv'], ['break', 'news', 'obama', 'make', 'trade', 'russia', 'get', 'florida', 'california', 'gold', 'supply', 'get', 'borscht', 'amp', 'bottle', 'vodka'], ['learn', 'know', 'show', 'prove', 'formula', 'put', 'start', 'today', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['obama', 'question', 'worst', 'ever', 'president', 'predict', 'something', 'really', 'bad', 'totally', 'stupid', 'show', 'manhood'], ['savethequeen', 'live', 'telecast', 'missusa', 'june', 'click', 'info', 'http', 'co', 'lt'], ['happy', 'birthday', 'ghostbuster', 'great', 'trumptowerny', 'part', 'series', 'http', 'co', 'pngphifmni'], ['thank', 'great', 'hero', 'http', 'co', 'pupmtugj', 'dday', 'wwii'], ['negotiation', 'tip', 'bad', 'thing', 'possibly', 'deal', 'seem', 'desperate', 'make', 'realdonaldtrump'], ['pageant', 'nbc', 'sunday', 'night', 'watch', 'miss', 'interesting', 'amazing', 'story'], ['andrewkreig', 'thank', 'andrew', 'correct'], ['owner', 'california', 'gold', 'make', 'jerk', 'fool', 'smile', 'congrat', 'winner', 'wife', 'visibly', 'embarrass'], ['pageant', 'show', 'live', 'nbc', 'sunday', 'night', 'hour', 'start', 'incredible', 'show'], ['tour', 'baton_rouge', 'louisiana', 'great', 'people', 'fantastic', 'place', 'really', 'well', 'pageant', 'totally', 'sell', 'tomorrow', 'night', 'nbc'], ['end', 'year', 'china', 'number', 'economic', 'power', 'earth', 'owe', 'trillion_dollar', 'much', 'china'], ['make', 'rich', 'afford', 'pay', 'social', 'security', 'medicareand', 'medicaid', 'strong', 'keep', 'enemy'], ['brilliant', 'negotiator', 'give', 'taliban', 'leader', 'traitor', 'make', 'trade_deal', 'china', 'amp', 'other', 'chance'], ['remember', 'terrible', 'trade', 'whereby', 'taliban', 'get', 'leader', 'killer', 'get', 'back', 'nothing', 'come', 'back', 'haunt'], ['president', 'history', 'lie', 'american', 'people', 'president', 'obama', 'fact', 'even', 'close'], ['miss', 'pageant', 'amazing', 'tonight', 'politically', 'incorrect', 'girl', 'woman', 'really', 'beautiful', 'nbc', 'pm'], ['man', 'make', 'climate_change', 'great', 'president', 'focus', 'nuclear', 'variety', 'bring', 'weakness'], ['head', 'pageant', 'young', 'woman', 'participate', 'amazing', 'accomplished', 'competition', 'tough', 'enjoy', 'show'], ['splaisance', 'realmissnvusa', 'nia', 'sanchez', 'crown', 'missusa', 'http', 'co', 'gzqypcxqfi'], ['watch', 'video', 'realmissnvusa', 'crown', 'missusa', 'http', 'co', 'bfb', 'eauyw', 'crown', 'moment'], ['career', 'advice', 'donald', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'xosoeqoch', 'bndarticle', 'brittneyplz'], ['good', 'luck', 'luck', 'make', 'general', 'douglas', 'macarthur'], ['negotiation', 'tip', 'view', 'conflict', 'opportunity', 'expand', 'mind', 'well', 'horizon', 'persistence', 'go', 'long', 'way'], ['negotiation', 'art_treat', 'open', 'change', 'word', 'innovation'], ['negotiation', 'tip', 'know', 'exactly', 'want', 'focus', 'trust', 'instinct', 'even', 'hone', 'skill'], ['mdamelincourt', 'thank', 'great', 'job', 'trump', 'toronto'], ['good', 'luck', 'luck', 'make', 'general', 'douglas', 'macarthur'], ['soldier', 'kill', 'afghanistan', 'call', 'friendly', 'fire'], ['feature', 'championship', 'golf', 'course', 'include', 'blue_monster', 'trumpdoral', 'south', 'miami', 'top', 'destination', 'http', 'co', 'qezkbzi', 'jo'], ['sure', 'watch', 'ivankatrump', 'foxbusiness', 'fbnatb', 'interview', 'nyu', 'http', 'co', 'qcegutahxb'], ['tell', 'long', 'time', 'ago', 'iraq', 'lose', 'second', 'large', 'city', 'soldier', 'drop', 'gun', 'run', 'begin', 'oil'], ['say', 'never', 'iraq', 'first', 'place', 'bush', 'terrible', 'obama', 'bad', 'make_america', 'great'], ['tea_party', 'take', 'eric', 'cantor', 'really', 'big', 'win'], ['say', 'alive', 'well', 'fight', 'hard', 'usa', 'big', 'win', 'today'], ['eric', 'cantor', 'concession', 'speech', 'ridiculous', 'act', 'nothing', 'happen', 'need', 'real', 'leader'], ['iraq', 'far', 'bad', 'danger', 'ever', 'saddam', 'hussein', 'many', 'life'], ['state', 'art', 'clubhouse', 'amp', 'signature', 'amenity', 'trump_charlotte', 'bring', 'true', 'luxury', 'tar', 'heel', 'state', 'http', 'co', 'jm'], ['congratulation', 'bretbai', 'immediate', 'amp', 'tremendous', 'success', 'book', 'special', 'heart', 'already', 'third', 'printing'], ['star', 'trump_ireland', 'grace', 'acre', 'front', 'mile', 'atlantic_ocean', 'county', 'clare', 'ireland', 'http', 'co', 'bkfukvenlh'], ['gop', 'primary', 'voter', 'speak', 'davebratva', 'go', 'away', 'party', 'must', 'stand', 'unity', 'unity', 'unity'], ['must', 'read', 'ibdinvestor', 'editorial', 'child', 'alien', 'crisis', 'obama', 'fault', 'gop', 'pounce', 'http', 'co', 'jazzx', 'qzyi'], ['shameful', 'trading', 'senior', 'taliban', 'deserter', 'white_house', 'attack', 'bergdahl', 'platoon', 'http', 'co', 'mmbfjteuup'], ['repeatedly', 'excellence', 'therefore', 'act', 'habit', 'aristotle'], ['former', 'miss', 'designer', 'swimsuit', 'feature', 'sunday', 'pageant', 'beautiful', 'http', 'co', 'dthyaylnpz'], ['btw', 'pageant', 'highest_rated', 'non', 'sport', 'telecast', 'big', 'network', 'congrat', 'newly', 'crown', '_'], ['someone', 'ask', 'favorite', 'donald', 'trump', 'impersonator', 'http', 'co', 'jox', 'gdj'], ['iraq', 'falling_apart', 'fast', 'trillion_dollar', 'many', 'death', 'bush', 'get', 'obama', 'take', 'far', 'long', 'get'], ['tell', 'get', 'iraq', 'fall', 'iraq', 'want', 'come', 'back', 'get', 'oil', 'mean'], ['tell', 'hater', 'loser', 'long', 'ago', 'iraq', 'would', 'fall', 'take', 'oil', 'get', 'fast', 'massive', 'waste', 'live', 'trillion'], ['third_rate', 'architecture', 'critic', 'thought', 'get', 'fire', 'fail', 'chicagotribune', 'like', 'building', 'trump', 'sign'], ['people', 'love', 'trump', 'sign', 'chicago', 'build', 'big', 'league', 'tweet', 'letter', 'call'], ['answer', 'question', 'favorite', 'impersonator', 'answer', 'darrell', 'hammond'], ['buy', 'site', 'sun', 'time', 'big', 'ugliest', 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'pay', 'deserter', 'bergdhal', 'get', 'mexico', 'release', 'usmc_sgt', 'andrew_tahmooressi', 'much', 'harder'], ['want', 'successful', 'business', 'must', 'take', 'risk', 'make', 'sure', 'risk', 'calculate', 'positive', 'fallback'], ['iran', 'move', 'troop', 'iraq', 'guise', 'help', 'actually', 'take', 'iraq', 'oil', 'stupid'], ['turnberry', 'scotland', 'far', 'superior', 'golf_course', 'pinehurst', 'even', 'close', 'likewise', 'blue_monster', 'doral'], ['iran', 'convince', 'incompetent', 'president', 'try', 'help', 'iraq', 'take', 'country', 'amp', 'oil', 'say', 'thank'], ['consistent', 'always', 'say', 'iraq', 'would', 'fall', 'soon', 'leave', 'terrible', 'waste', 'live', 'money'], ['mattginellagc', 'true', 'matt', 'new', 'blue_monster', 'well', 'pinehurst', 'bedminster', 'turnberry', 'amp', 'trump', 'aberdeen', 'blow', 'away'], ['mattginellagc', 'matt', 'statement', 'pinehurst', 'look', 'local', 'community', 'golf_course', 'awful', 'make', 'tweet'], ['mattginellagc', 'ever', 'see', 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'league'], ['matt', 'understand', 'golf', 'even_though', 'think', 'numerous', 'couse', 'far', 'superior', 'pinehurst'], ['mattginellagc', 'matt', 'know', 'nothing', 'quality', 'golf', 'take', 'make', 'golf', 'successful', 'talk', 'substance'], ['mattginellagc', 'matt', 'many', 'club', 'championship', 'hear', 'few', 'let', 'play', 'lot'], ['congratulation', 'martin', 'kaymer', 'win', 'usopen', 'usga', 'great', 'playing', 'beginning', 'end'], ['big', 'announcement', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'concern', 'great', 'turnberry_resort', 'scotland'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'minute'], ['trump', 'organization', 'finalize', 'purchase', 'legendary', 'turnberry_resort', 'scotland', 'http', 'co', 'tml'], ['virginia', 'highest_rated', 'wine', 'wineenthusiast', 'trumpwinery', 'inspire', 'region', 'bordeaux', 'amp', 'champagne', 'http', 'co', 'hhvj', 'ffz'], ['reason', 'critical', 'pinehurst', 'look', 'lover', 'golf', 'look', 'tv', 'hurt', 'golf', 'badly'], ['anybody', 'else', 'coore', 'crenshaw', 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'let', 'pete', 'rise', 'time', 'hit', 'leader', 'baseball', 'hall', 'fame', 'enough', 'already'], ['howard', 'stern', 'show', 'minute', 'always', 'fun', 'interesting', 'talk', 'howard'], ['perfect', 'hawaiian', 'getaway', 'trumpwaikiki', 'luxury', 'guest', 'room', 'suit', 'spectacular', 'view', 'http', 'co', 'qpdwcmrn'], ['breitbartnews', 'donald', 'trump', 'cantor', 'defeat', 'show', 'everybody', 'congress', 'vulnerable', 'support', 'amnesty', 'http', 'co', 'qkc'], ['border', 'secure', 'obama', 'give', 'pathway', 'terrorist', 'enter', 'country', 'attack'], ['remember', 'come', 'second', 'walter', 'hagen'], ['trump', 'organization', 'finalize', 'purchase', 'legendary', 'turnberry_resort', 'scotland', 'absolutely', 'http', 'co', 'dyk', 'lpfufa'], ['right', 'tv', 'rating', 'open', 'way', 'last', 'year', 'people', 'want', 'look', 'burn', 'ugly', 'course'], ['break', 'ground', 'shortly', 'trump', 'int', 'washington', 'dc', 'bring', 'dc', 'post_office', 'far', 'original', 'grandeur', 'http', 'co', 'sgxlk', 'ca'], ['meet', 'incoming', 'speaker', 'florida', 'house', 'stevecrisafulli', 'fantastic', 'guy', 'truly', 'great', 'leader'], ['exclusive', 'home', 'pgatour', 'cadillacchamp', 'trumpdoral', 'sit', 'beautiful', 'acre', 'center', 'miami', 'http', 'bp', 'kbnx'], ['trumpchicago', 'spa', 'array', 'star', 'service', 'treatment_room', 'amp', 'spa_guestroom', 'great', 'view', 'http', 'co', 'jqj', 'ifh'], ['america', 'use', 'leader', 'world', 'thank', 'obama', 'america', 'even', 'lead'], ['may', 'god', 'mercy', 'enemy', 'general', 'george', 'patton'], ['poll', 'show', 'high', 'approval', 'new', 'sign', 'trumpchicago', 'honor', 'great', 'support'], ['exclusive', 'home', 'pgatour', 'cadillacchamp', 'trumpdoral', 'sit', 'beautiful', 'acre', 'center', 'miami', 'http', 'bp', 'kbnx'], ['country', 'not', 'protect', 'border', 'country', 'destine', 'fail', 'break', 'promise', 'leader', 'washington'], ['benghazi', 'terrorist', 'videotape', 'defense', 'obama', 'apologize'], ['fox', 'friend', 'interview', 'trump', 'go', 'back', 'iraq', 'http', 'co', 'mnl'], ['army', 'reserve', 'leezeldin', 'bring', 'conservative', 'solution', 'dc', 'next', 'tuesday', 'vote', 'lee', 'ny', 'primary'], ['take', 'long', 'catch', 'benghazi', 'terrorist', 'especially', 'killer', 'taunt', 'press', 'yrs'], ['manufacture', 'less', 'gdp', 'rust', 'belt', 'heart', 'country', 'factory', 'sector', 'destroy', 'leader'], ['mexico', 'respect', 'border', 'hourly', 'http', 'co', 'iyvoukmqrb', 'release', 'usmc', 'tahmooressi', 'time', 'boycott', 'saveourmarine'], ['day', 'st', 'maarten', 'lose', 'vital', 'tourism', 'dollar', 'due', 'incompetence', 'pm', 'sarah', 'westcot', 'william', 'primeministersx'], ['mullet', 'bay', 'golf_course', 'looks_like', 'slum', 'beautiful', 'island', 'maarten', 'primeministersx', 'ashamed', 'allow'], ['pm', 'sarah', 'westcot', 'william', 'incompetence', 'reward', 'vote', 'anyone', 'run', 'loser', 'primeministersx'], ['trumpnewyork', 'nyc', 'forbesinspector', 'star', 'amp', 'aaanew', 'diamond', 'hotel', 'star', 'diamond', 'restaurant', 'http', 'co', 'nufg', 'sok'], ['hook', 'career', 'big', 'trend', 'huge', 'opportunity', 'profit', 'create', 'big', 'solution', 'think', 'big'], ['resolve', 'never', 'quit', 'never', 'give', 'matter', 'situation', 'jack_nicklaus'], ['primeministersx', 'clue', 'go', 'maarten', 'mullet', 'bay', 'third', 'world', 'slum'], ['actually', 'enjoy', 'piece', 'sign', 'thedailyshow', 'could', 'start'], ['tbt', 'saturday_night', 'live', 'http', 'co', 'jkxeyxj'], ['competitive', 'golf', 'play', 'mainly', 'half', 'inch', 'course', 'space', 'ear', 'bobby', 'jone'], ['meeting', 'monitor', 'behavior', 'work', 'observer', 'other', 'think', 'like_billionaire'], ['wall_street', 'journal', 'step', 'autism', 'research', 'autismspeak', 'http', 'co', 'bpeeb', 'bxgm'], ['must', 'read', 'chicagotribune', 'editorial', 'love', 'chicago', 'sign', 'http', 'co', 'hdnrhr'], ['amspec', 'interview', 'jeffrey_lord', 'trump', 'card', 'donald', 'talk', 'politic', 'parenting', 'http', 'co', 'oseg'], ['listen', 'citizens_unite', 'political', 'victory', 'fund', 'robo', 'call', 'leezeldin', 'http', 'co', 'zmtwd', 'knw'], ['mexico', 'release', 'marine', 'come', 'really', 'hard', 'respect', 'call', 'leader'], ['love', 'day', 'paul', 'goldberger', 'get', 'fire', 'left', 'time', 'architecture', 'critic', 'fade', 'irrelevance', 'kamin', 'next'], ['city', 'pay', 'dollar', 'man', 'many', 'think', 'guilty', 'hell', 'many', 'fact', 'trial', 'politic'], ['much', 'money', 'lawyer', 'central_park', 'get', 'dollar', 'pay', 'city'], ['bet', 'lawyer', 'central_park', 'laugh', 'stupidity', 'strong', 'case', 'client'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'minute', 'much', 'talk', 'enjoy'], ['graeme_mcdowell', 'great', 'playing', 'graeme', 'true', 'champion'], ['believe', 'secy', 'kerry', 'go', 'egypt', 'talk', 'human', 'right', 'problem', 'everything', 'blow', 'around'], ['wonder', 'secy', 'kerry', 'go', 'iraq', 'afghanistan', 'push', 'hard', 'look', 'global_warme', 'study', 'carbon', 'footprint'], ['die', 'nydailynew', 'ask', 'editorial', 'central_park', 'ripoff', 'amp', 'pretend', 'idea', 'loser', 'newspaper'], ['fail', 'nydailynew', 'raise', 'price', 'die', 'say', 'wear', 'wig', 'know', 'dishonest'], ['must', 'read', 'nypost', 'editorial', 'nyc', 'taxpayer', 'settlement', 'central_park', 'thug', 'wilde', 'profit', 'http', 'co', 'jhipd'], ['monday', 'much', 'premium', 'rise', 'today', 'obamacare', 'repeal'], ['always', 'make', 'total', 'effort', 'even', 'odd', 'arnold_palmer', 'kingdommag'], ['flashbk', 'trump', 'would', 'build', 'border', 'fence', 'never', 'see', 'http', 'co', 'xemnwrsb', 'rwildewrite'], ['great', 'go', 'themichellewie', 'show', 'world', 'amazing', 'talent', 'real', 'love', 'trump', 'jupiter', 'tngcj'], ['hope', 'voter', 'mississippi', 'cast', 'ballot', 'senatormcdaniel', 'strong', 'smart', 'amp', 'want', 'thing', 'change', 'washington'], ['potential', 'owner', 'buffalobill', 'keep', 'team', 'buffalo', 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'wrvyizdlsz'], ['boycott', 'mexico', 'release', 'marine', 'money', 'get', 'easy', 'respect'], ['syria', 'bomb', 'iraq', 'secy', 'kerry', 'blow', 'hell', 'place', 'say', 'syria', 'front', 'iran'], ['enter', 'country', 'illegally', 'grant', 'amnesty', 'would', 'abide', 'law', 'amnesty'], ['thursday', 'brand', 'eyeliner', 'nation', 'bad', 'agschneiderman', 'wear', 'today'], ['failure', 'expect', 'loser', 'ignore', 'winner', 'coachjoegibb'], ['america', 'top', 'public', 'course', 'trumpgolfla', 'green', 'palos_verdes', 'peninsula', 'celebrate', 'golfmagazine', 'http', 'rh', 'bwm'], ['look_forward', 'press_conference', 'wed', 'next_week', 'trumpturnberry', 'discuss', 'change', 'big', 'investment', 'make', 'exciting'], ['eli', 'wallach', 'great', 'actor', 'great', 'guy', 'opinion', 'performance', 'good', 'bad', 'ugly', 'time', 'best'], ['secy', 'john_kerry', 'tough', 'job', 'look', 'totally', 'lose', 'negotiating', 'character', 'clean', 'clock', 'sad', 'watch'], ['word', 'secy', 'john_kerry', 'element'], ['begin', 'process', 'take', 'iraq', 'many', 'people', 'want', 'say', 'tell', 'tell'], ['someone', 'write', 'predict', 'every_single', 'major', 'event', 'happen', 'knock', 'instead', 'give', 'credit'], ['exclusively', 'macys', 'donald', 'trump', 'signature_collection', 'feature', 'good', 'tie', 'amp', 'shirt', 'good', 'price', 'http', 'co', 'vrkl', 'bmj'], ['bretbaier', 'newly', 'release', 'book', 'special', 'heart', 'bring', 'message', 'hope', 'sale', 'donate', 'heart', 'charity', 'http', 'co', 'cuko'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'melaniebatley', 'trump', 'back', 'candidate', 'leezeldin', 'win', 'ny', 'gop', 'primary', 'http', 'co', 'tboajvpcp'], ['spirited', 'primary', 'gop', 'must', 'fully', 'unite', 'november', 'take', 'senate', 'stop', 'obama', 'agenda'], ['leave', 'ireland', 'spain', 'scotland', 'elsewhere', 'crazy', 'life'], ['tbt', 'film', 'oreo', 'commercial', 'eli', 'man', 'peyton', 'man', 'darrell', 'hammond', 'http', 'co', 'fhybjy'], ['bad', 'memory', 'obamacare', 'kill', 'job', 'stop', 'growth', 'make', 'small_business', 'insecure'], ['control', 'destiny', 'someone', 'else', 'jack', 'welch'], ['success', 'require', 'effort', 'focus', 'nothing', 'less'], ['realize', 'persistence', 'go', 'long', 'way', 'stubborn', 'often', 'attribute'], ['practice', 'positive', 'thinking', 'keep', 'focused', 'weed', 'anything', 'unnecessary', 'negative', 'detrimental'], ['arrive', 'barcelona', 'make', 'big', 'speech', 'tomorrow', 'ireland', 'scotland'], ['know', 'shia', 'labeouf', 'thecampaignbook', 'sober', 'really', 'nice', 'guy', 'must', 'get', 'act', 'together', 'fast', 'late'], ['lightweight_agschneiderman', 'driving', 'business', 'public', 'relation', 'benefit', 'real', 'dope'], ['flashbackfriday', 'many', 'big', 'movie', 'film', 'building', 'transformer', 'http', 'co', 'ez', 'fefqz'], ['ask', 'pretending', 'see', 'may', 'great', 'opportunity', 'right', 'around'], ['ireland', 'inspect', 'great', 'beautiful', 'atlantic_ocean', 'property', 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['entrepreneur', 'see', 'victorious', 'look', 'solution', 'problem'], ['entrepreneur', 'believe', 'one', 'else', 'either'], ['entrepreneur', 'stay', 'focused', 'tenacious', 'remain', 'fix', 'goal'], ['trump', 'int', 'washington', 'historic', 'building', 'entire_nation', 'take', 'pride', 'amp', 'enjoy', 'open', 'http', 'co', 'vrjshw', 'za'], ['make', 'nyc', 'getaway', 'memorable', 'trumpnewyork', 'provide', 'true', 'luxury', 'top', 'access', 'midtown', 'west', 'http', 'co', 'iblo', 'bnpta'], ['award', 'renowned', 'star', 'forbesinspector', 'rating', 'story', 'trumpto', 'bring', 'style', 'luxury', 'amp', 'impeccable', 'service', 'http', 'co', 'qyx'], ['champion', 'make', 'gym', 'champion', 'make', 'something', 'deep', 'inside', 'desire', 'dream', 'vision', 'muhammad', 'ali'], ['trump', 'turnberry', 'news', 'conference', 'tomorrow', 'noon', 'scotland', 'time', 'place', 'amazing'], ['bbcscotland', 'donald', 'trump', 'name', 'boost', 'trumpturnberry', 'http', 'co', 'inznh'], ['guardian_sport', 'mrewanmurray', 'donald', 'trump', 'transformation', 'make', 'trumpturnberry', 'open', 'worth', 'wait', 'http', 'co', 'sezidfh', 'lu'], ['achievers_move', 'forward', 'times_achievement', 'plateau', 'beginning'], ['nothing', 'wrong', 'bring', 'talent', 'surface', 'ego', 'acknowledge', 'healthy', 'choice'], ['never', 'quit', 'try', 'never', 'feel', 'chance', 'win', 'arnold_palmer', 'kingdommag'], ['donald', 'trump', 'unveil', 'vision', 'trumpturnberry', 'http', 'co', 'utitly', 'bunkeredonline', 'mmcewanbunkere'], ['american', 'spectator', 'amspec', 'trump', 'card', 'jeffrey_lord', 'http', 'co', 'ba', 'tzpxj'], ['offer', 'championship', 'course', 'trumpgolfdc', 'award', 'honor', 'host', 'seniorpgachamp', 'http', 'co', 'ylxb', 'gtit'], ['elite', 'course', 'design', 'sharkgregnorman', 'trump_charlotte', 'north_carolina', 'desirable', 'club', 'http', 'co', 'guyxtgjvhd'], ['sharkgregnorman', 'trump_charlotte', 'look', 'great', 'love', 'improvement', 'building', 'ground', 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'freeourmarine'], ['go', 'life', 'get', 'see', 'valley', 'well', 'peak', 'neil', 'young'], ['heart', 'midtown', 'trumptowerny', 'landmark', 'host', 'tourist', 'world', 'daily', 'http', 'co', 'lxpzxxbdhk'], ['locate', 'beautiful', 'countryside', 'mooresville', 'trump_charlotte', 'superb', 'clubhouse', 'amp', 'top', 'amenity', 'http', 'co', 'jvkfsan'], ['feature', 'bltprime', 'amp', 'palm', 'grill', 'trumpdoral', 'offer', 'wide', 'array', 'acclaim', 'top', 'dining_option', 'http', 'co', 'ydhg', 'pxq'], ['obama', 'texas', 'visit', 'border', 'busy', 'fundraising'], ['congratulation', 'yankee', 'derek', 'jeter', 'name', 'allstargame'], ['obama', 'look', 'exhaust', 'beat', 'never', 'make', 'prepared', 'job'], ['stringent', 'gun', 'law', 'happen', 'chicago', 'look', 'happen'], ['alexsalmond', 'hope', 'play', 'well', 'royal', 'aberdeen', 'must', 'admit', 'windmill', 'hover', 'hole', 'disgusting', 'amp', 'inappropriate'], ['central', 'america', 'tall', 'building', 'trumppanama', 'sleek', 'design', 'evoke', 'majestic', 'sail', 'fully', 'deploy', 'wind', 'http'], ['immediately', 'stop', 'send', 'mexico', 'friend', 'release', 'marine', 'amp', 'stop', 'allow', 'immigrant', 'inflow'], ['conversation', 'record', 'gretawire', 'http', 'co', 'hmf', 'hrj'], ['usmc_sgt', 'tahmooressi', 'sacrifice', 'country', 'obama', 'welcome', 'illegal', 'marine', 'lock', 'mexican', 'jail', 'freeourmarine'], ['stop', 'send', 'enemy', 'mexico', 'other'], ['mexico', 'allow', 'many', 'thousand', 'go', 'country', 'amp', 'stupid', 'open', 'door', 'mexican', 'laugh', 'bus', 'pass'], ['honolulu', 'good', 'trumpwaikiki', 'feature', 'dozen', 'distinct', 'tropically', 'decorate', 'hawaii', 'hotel', 'room', 'suite', 'layout', 'http', 'co', 'acjokrlezy'], ['let', 'passion', 'work', 'carry', 'setback', 'throw', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['keep', 'go', 'move', 'forward', 'matter', 'happen', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['fight', 'problem', 'decide', 'general', 'george', 'marshall'], ['learn', 'rule', 'game', 'play', 'well', 'anyone_else', 'albert_einstein'], ['person', 'harvard', 'come', 'europe', 'asia', 'get', 'mexico', 'criminal', 'record', 'problem'], ['rosie', 'back', 'view', 'tell', 'desperate', 'must', 'standard', 'short', 'term', 'fix', 'long', 'term', 'disaster'], ['rosie', 'crude', 'rude', 'obnoxious', 'dumb', 'much'], ['june', 'washington', 'opening', 'great', 'championship', 'golf_course', 'hole', 'front', 'potomac_river'], ['justinrose', 'great', 'playing', 'today', 'scottish', 'open', 'see', 'practice', 'facility', 'help', 'lot'], ['mexican', 'leadership', 'laugh', 'many', 'year', 'longer', 'laughter', 'disbelief'], ['mexico', 'not', 'believe', 'get', 'away', 'absolutely', 'respect', 'leader'], ['zraph', 'realdonaldtrump', 'pma', 'wait', 'go', 'back', 'good', 'hotel', 'chicago', 'thank'], ['ingrahamangle', 'interview', 'border', 'crisis', 'usmc', 'tahmooressi', 'amp', 'fight', 'american', 'flag', 'http', 'co', 'avrbuatc', 'mark'], ['luxurious', 'palos_verdes', 'peninsula', 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'benjamin_franklin'], ['tremendous', 'cold', 'wave', 'hit', 'large', 'part', 'lucky', 'change', 'name', 'global_warme', 'climate_change', 'work'], ['nothing', 'atlantic_city', 'close', 'even', 'many', 'year', 'press', 'accurate'], ['lucky', 'highly_respected', 'run', 'ny', 'state', 'ag', 'incumbent', 'lightweight', 'dope', 'agschneiderman', 'cahillforag'], ['highly_respected', 'circle', 'really', 'nice', 'see', 'run', 'state', 'attorney_general', 'cahillforag'], ['good', 'vision', 'insight', 'malcolm', 'forbe'], ['award', 'prestigious', 'forbesinspector', 'star', 'guide', 'trumptoronto', 'locate', 'beautiful', 'downtown', 'toronto', 'http', 'co', 'fykancqplh'], ['matter', 'manage', 'assume', 'glide', 'work', 'maintain', 'momentum', 'trump', 'get', 'rich'], ['acclaim', 'trumpchicago', 'soar', 'story', 'high', 'stay', 'trumpchicago', 'shadow', 'http', 'co', 'mpwsprdtz'], ['clutter', 'find', 'simplicity', 'discord', 'find', 'harmony', 'middle', 'difficulty', 'lie', 'opportunity', 'albert_einstein'], ['obama', 'claim', 'need', 'extra', 'secure', 'border', 'well', 'waste', 'obamacare_website'], ['obama', 'concerned', 'border', 'stop', 'vacation', 'gov', 'save', 'million', 'stop', 'illegal', 'migration'], ['always', 'become', 'well', 'tigerwood'], ['congrat', 'obama', 'democrat', 'cbo', 'announce', 'obamacare', 'miss', 'uninsured', 'target', 'half', 'amp', 'program', 'cost', 'extra'], ['win', 'everything', 'win', 'everything', 'vince_lombardi'], ['trumpturnberry', 'award_winne', 'guest', 'room', 'offer', 'perfect', 'blend', 'edwardian', 'tradition', 'timeless', 'design', 'http', 'zlcb'], ['problem', 'never', 'truly', 'hardship', 'winner', 'amp', 'get', 'must', 'business', 'run'], ['spa', 'trumpdoral', 'boast', 'treatment_room', 'signature', 'spa', 'service', 'treatment', 'http', 'co', 'dtsrf'], ['adversity', 'fact', 'life', 'big', 'problem', 'ready', 'fight', 'right', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['always', 'bear', 'mind', 'resolution', 'succeed', 'important', 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'gut', 'donald', 'trump'], ['obamacare', 'strike', 'major', 'insurer', 'announce', 'new', 'yorker', 'drop', 'plan', 'http', 'co', 'kgli'], ['concentration', 'mental', 'toughness', 'margin', 'victory', 'bill', 'russell'], ['trumpdoral', 'offer', 'multiple', 'award_winning', 'dining_option', 'new', 'signature_restaurant', 'lounge', 'http', 'co'], ['trump', 'int', 'palm_beach', 'offer', 'award_winne', 'par', 'championship', 'measure', 'yard', 'florida', 'top', 'course', 'http', 'co', 'zvteh', 'ngya'], ['trump', 'spa', 'trumpnewyork', 'serene', 'sanctuary', 'feature', 'luxurious', 'spa', 'treatment_room', 'sauna', 'steam', 'room', 'http', 'co'], ['thank', 'liljon', 'come', 'defense', 'roll', 'stone', 'magazine', 'often', 'say', 'terrific', 'guy'], ['enemy', 'good', 'mean', 'stand', 'something', 'sometime', 'life', 'winston_churchill'], ['time', 'perhaps', 'ever', 'world', 'need', 'great', 'leadership'], ['go', 'big', 'groundbreake', 'old_post', 'office', 'site', 'spectacular', 'new', 'hotel', 'lot', 'job'], ['washington', 'ready', 'spend', 'billion', 'care', 'illegal', 'still', 'shamble', 'vet', 'priority'], ['article', 'illegal', 'enter', 'people', 'bear', 'state', 'week', 'http', 'co', 'mpi'], ['obama', 'really', 'put', 'israel', 'cancel', 'flight', 'put', 'tremendous', 'disadvantage', 'tourism', 'stop'], ['usgsa', 'momentous', 'day', 'great', 'job', 'office', 'make', 'proud'], ['trumpchicago', 'exceptional', 'dining', 'equally', 'exceptional', 'view', 'city', 'exclusive', 'world', 'class', 'experience', 'http', 'co', 'aiqkahdfyf'], ['today', 'groundbreake', 'old_post', 'office', 'building', 'amazing', 'great', 'people', 'great', 'dedication', 'usgsa', 'http', 'co', 'naour', 'zs'], ['obama', 'yet', 'day', 'west', 'coast', 'fundraising', 'swing', 'fit', 'day', 'tax', 'payer', 'fund', 'vacation'], ['less', 'obama', 'immigration', 'request', 'go', 'immediate', 'border_security', 'real', 'scam', 'enforce', 'law'], ['good', 'way', 'build', 'successful', 'business', 'result', 'end', 'count'], ['iran', 'get', 'strong', 'iraq', 'late', 'civil', 'war', 'take', 'oil', 'immediately', 'invasion'], ['donald', 'trump', 'hotel', 'world', 'good', 'http', 'co', 'uayckdhd', 'wnew'], ['winner', 'embrace', 'hard', 'work', 'espndrlou'], ['get', 'knock', 'get', 'vince_lombardi'], ['sgt', 'thamooressi', 'hold', 'mexico', 'day', 'mexico', 'respect', 'border', 'amp', 'serviceman', 'boycott', 'freeourmarine'], ['great', 'time', 'yesterday', 'trump', 'international_hotel', 'opo', 'groundbreake', 'ceremony', 'watch', 'http', 'co', 'mbbjtsbcz'], ['say', 'not', 'continue', 'let', 'obama', 'fly', 'cost', 'million', 'dollar', 'day', 'purpose', 'politic', 'amp', 'play'], ['heart', 'beautiful', 'somerset', 'county', 'trump', 'nat_bedminster', 'proud', 'host', 'pgachampionship', 'http', 'co', 'bycblewo'], ['age', 'think', 'old', 'think', 'muhammadali'], ['architectural', 'landmark', 'trumptowerny', 'offer', 'sweep', 'panoramic', 'view', 'fifth', 'avenue', 'http', 'co', 'rbqbqusv'], ['soar', 'bar', 'sky', 'bind', 'gold', 'trumplasvegas', 'pool', 'deck', 'overlook', 'city', 'light', 'http', 'co', 'svrpumufi'], ['objective', 'strive', 'counselor', 'listen', 'other', 'know', 'final', 'decision', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['make', 'money', 'art', 'work', 'art', 'good', 'business', 'good', 'art', 'andy', 'warhol'], ['latenightseth', 'surprised', 'seth', 'absolutely', 'die', 'rating', 'truly', 'awkward', 'mumbling', 'jerk', 'bad'], ['many', 'major', 'problem', 'answer', 'leader', 'change', 'many', 'difficulty', 'easy', 'solve'], ['trumpscotland', 'provide', 'luxury', 'accommodation', 'amp', 'championship', 'yd', 'course', 'book', 'tee', 'time', 'http', 'co', 'go', 'lkrhg'], ['watch', 'gennady', 'golovkin', 'gggboxing', 'msg', 'saturday_night', 'fantastic', 'fight', 'floydmayweather'], ['open', 'trump', 'hotel', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'story', 'guestroom', 'masterpiece', 'beachside', 'view', 'http', 'co', 'gwja', 'bg'], ['summer', 'tough', 'nation', 'bad', 'ag', 'agschneiderman', 'moreland', 'commission', 'disaster'], ['obama', 'sign', 'illegal', 'executive', 'action', 'anytime', 'obamacare', 'fix', 'illegal', 'loophole'], ['republican', 'owe', 'apology', 'blow', 'election', 'could', 'lose', 'obama'], ['central', 'american', 'president', 'blame', 'influx', 'illegal_immigration', 'http', 'co', 'jcuswrr', 'obama', 'soon', 'apologize'], ['successful', 'leader', 'see', 'opportunity', 'difficulty', 'rather', 'difficulty', 'opportunity', 'ree', 'markham'], ['late', 'really', 'cold', 'hell', 'global_warming', 'need', 'fast', 'climate_change'], ['rise', 'high', 'affordable', 'luxury', 'trump', 'parc', 'stamford', 'offer', 'gracious', 'living', 'entertainment', 'space', 'http', 'co', 'wctwtdllk'], ['ultimate', 'golf', 'experience', 'trumpturnberry', 'unique', 'destination', 'locate', 'beautiful', 'ayrshire', 'coastline', 'http', 'co', 'fs', 'pjlpgx'], ['ready', 'problem', 'day', 'keep', 'focus', 'big', 'daily', 'challenge', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['get', 'marine', 'mexico', 'http', 'co', 'cwpffbxab'], ['obama', 'speak', 'mexican', 'president', 'last', 'week', 'amp', 'mention', 'umc', 'sad'], ['championship', 'course', 'potomac_river', 'trumpgolfdc', 'also', 'offer', 'limitless', 'social', 'event', 'http', 'co', 'gy', 'ovflmhp'], ['foxnews', 'gretawire', 'int', 'border', 'crisis', 'amp', 'obama', 'ineptitude', 'economy', 'http', 'co', 'dzwcy', 'kisn'], ['watch', 'obama', 'fix', 'illegal_immigrant', 'loophole', 'instead', 'sign', 'executive', 'action', 'give', 'amnesty'], ['youth', 'unemployment', 'record', 'high', 'obamacare', 'job', 'destroyer', 'ruin', 'aspire', 'career', 'must', 'repealed'], ['doubt', 'obama', 'fundraise', 'hold', 'fundraiser', 'year', 'record'], ['environmental', 'regulation', 'stop', 'border_patrol', 'protect', 'border', 'http', 'co', 'migrant', 'democrat'], ['celebrated', 'doctor', 'billcassidy', 'tremendous', 'senator', 'louisiana', 'send', 'conservative', 'senate', 'vote', 'bill', 'november'], ['andre_reed', 'congratulation', 'andre', 'deserve'], ['watch', 'tour', 'trumpintrealty', 'luxurious', 'penthouse', 'trump', 'park_avenue', 'http', 'co', 'pyrq'], ['prnewswire', 'central_park', 'horse', 'show', 'make', 'inaugural', 'debut', 'nyc', 'sept', 'http', 'co', 'snrdkuumxs', 'proud', 'sponsor'], ['magnificent', 'luxury', 'suite', 'guestroom', 'trumpnewyork', 'provide', 'sophisticated', 'urban', 'appeal', 'http', 'co'], ['believe', 'prime_minister', 'david_cameron', 'give', 'massive', 'subsidy', 'scotland', 'destroy', 'windfarm'], ['david_cameron', 'run', 'office', 'spend', 'much', 'england', 'money', 'subsidize', 'windfarm', 'scotland'], ['obama', 'work', 'ceasefire', 'chicago', 'well', 'gaza'], ['home', 'ownership', 'year', 'low', 'buy', 'thank', 'later'], ['time', 'mountain', 'state', 'senator', 'stop', 'obama', 'war', 'coal', 'november', 'send', 'dc', 'message', 'vote', 'capitoforwv'], ['life', 'make', 'mistake', 'learn', 'wait', 'grow', 'practice', 'patience', 'persistent', 'rev', 'billygraham'], ['business', 'up', 'down', 'weather', 'rough', 'time', 'success', 'even', 'great', 'high', 'time'], ['order', 'successful', 'especially', 'successful', 'must', 'ability', 'able', 'handle', 'pressure'], ['take', 'gut', 'brand', 'not', 'thing', 'people', 'want', 'brand', 'midas_touch'], ['support', 'warrior', 'wonderful', 'organization', 'train', 'service', 'dog', 'veteran', 'please', 'contact', 'http', 'woa'], ['trumpchicago', 'river', 'lake', 'skyline', 'view', 'deluxe', 'star', 'guestroom', 'http', 'co', 'ybyppbppjj'], ['abc', 'news', 'demand', 'highest', 'low', 'speaking', 'fee', 'scott', 'wilson', 'http', 'co', 'mhwxx'], ['vera', 'coking', 'make', 'big', 'mistake', 'atlantic_city', 'turn', 'many', 'million', 'property', 'sell'], ['vera', 'coke', 'save', 'mucho', 'money', 'turn', 'offer', 'thank', 'vera'], ['vera', 'coke', 'take', 'million', 'would', 'live', 'many', 'year', 'palm_beach', 'florida'], ['trump', 'int', 'palm_beach', 'offer', 'spectacular', 'course', 'hill', 'vista', 'bunker', 'incredible', 'water', 'feature', 'http', 'co', 'vq'], ['develop', 'talent', 'require', 'work', 'work', 'create', 'luck', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['weaken', 'dollar', 'gas', 'continue', 'rise', 'fracke', 'answer', 'lower', 'energy', 'cost'], ['border', 'secure', 'expect', 'attack', 'country', 'open_border', 'open', 'terrorist'], ['patient', 'bring', 'day', 'know', 'sure', 'leader', 'incompetent', 'keep'], ['stop', 'patient', 'enter', 'treat', 'highest_level', 'united_state', 'enough', 'problem'], ['bltprimemiami', 'trumpdoral', 'signature_restaurant', 'set', 'standard', 'today', 'modern', 'steakhouse', 'http', 'co', 'rgcqjtyvu'], ['sometimes', 'life', 'hit', 'head', 'brick', 'lose', 'faith', 'steve', 'job'], ['obama', 'war', 'woman', 'number', 'unemployed', 'woman', 'increase', 'july', 'http', 'co', 'jrpl', 'wj'], ['think', 'thing', 'think', 'thing', 'right', 'henry_ford'], ['david_cameron', 'prime_minister', 'spending', 'vast_amounts', 'money', 'subsidize', 'ugly', 'wind_turbine', 'scotland', 'nobody', 'want'], ['david_cameron', 'give', 'scotland', 'much', 'money', 'destroy', 'magnificent', 'land', 'wind_turbine', 'cause', 'massive', 'taxis', 'amp', 'bill'], ['not', 'allow', 'infect', 'people', 'back', 'people', 'go', 'far', 'away', 'place', 'help', 'great', 'must', 'suffer', 'consequence'], ['predict', 'year', 'iraq', 'fall', 'people', 'hate', 'baghdad', 'keep', 'oil'], ['many', 'life', 'trillion_dollar', 'waste', 'bad', 'enemy', 'get', 'nd', 'large', 'oil', 'reserve', 'world', 'stupid', 'leader'], ['obamacare_website', 'news', 'turning', 'cost', 'even', 'previously', 'think', 'work', 'big', 'trouble'], ['read', 'last', 'number', 'tweet', 'opinion', 'form', 'president', 'therefore', 'leader', 'grossly', 'incompetent'], ['must', 'immediately', 'stop', 'flight', 'infect', 'country', 'plague', 'start', 'spread', 'border', 'act', 'fast'], ['fact', 'take', 'patient', 'other', 'area', 'flee', 'united_state', 'absolutely', 'crazy', 'stupid', 'pol'], ['frankluntz', 'work', 'really', 'hard', 'guy', 'total', 'loser'], ['isis', 'terror', 'group', 'fully', 'take', 'large', 'section', 'iraq', 'soon', 'control', 'massive', 'oil', 'reserve', 'tell'], ['take', 'oil', 'iraq', 'mortal', 'enemy', 'get', 'opposition', 'really', 'dumb', 'pol', 'angry'], ['tall', 'office', 'building', 'downtown', 'nyc', 'wall_street', 'classic', 'art', 'deco', 'building', 'http', 'co', 'vtvh'], ['mayor', 'bill', 'vescio', 'briarcliff', 'manor', 'westchester', 'terrible', 'job', 'horrible', 'road', 'high', 'taxis', 'housing', 'westchestergov'], ['briarcliff', 'manor', 'get', 'well', 'town', 'manager', 'philip', 'zegarelli', 'clue', 'bad', 'road', 'total', 'puppet', 'mayor', 'westchestergov'], ['focus', 'goal', 'problem', 'tread_water', 'get', 'go'], ['achievers_move', 'forward', 'times_achievement', 'plateau', 'beginning'], ['doctor', 'nightly', 'news', 'agree', 'bring', 'country', 'patient', 'bring', 'docs'], ['big', 'problem', 'people', 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'obama', 'hold', 'today'], ['renovation', 'trump', 'int', 'washington', 'dc', 'track', 'office', 'transform', 'true', 'luxury'], ['go', 'contentious', 'primary', 'gop', 'must', 'unite', 'let', 'take', 'senate', 'stop', 'obama', 'dangerous', 'agenda'], ['village', 'trump_charlotte', 'offer', 'variety', 'star', 'dining', 'experience', 'dine', 'cater', 'affair', 'http', 'co', 'pgqiqenp'], ['congratulation', 'rushlimbaugh', 'recent', 'year', 'anniversary', 'rush', 'revolutionize', 'talk', 'radio', 'sorry', 'hater', 'loser'], ['think', 'big', 'stay', 'focus', 'passionate', 'ever', 'give'], ['thank', 'mickyarison', 'nice', 'statement', 'bltprimemiami', 'trumpdoral', 'want', 'well', 'miamiheat', 'see', 'soon'], ['belief', 'security', 'obtain', 'throw', 'small', 'state', 'wolf', 'fatal', 'delusion', 'winston_churchill'], ['secure', 'border', 'build_wall'], ['learn', 'never', 'exhaust', 'mind', 'leonardo', 'da', 'vinci'], ['remain', 'open', 'new', 'idea', 'innovation', 'begin'], ['investor', 'visionarie', 'respect', 'look', 'present'], ['vision', 'remain', 'vision', 'focus', 'work', 'bring', 'earth', 'good'], ['star', 'guest', 'room', 'amp', 'suite', 'trumpto', 'story', 'pure', 'luxury', 'center', 'downtown', 'toronto', 'http', 'co', 'wn', 'mfnxqbz'], ['locate', 'south', 'ayrshire', 'scotland', 'trumpturnberry', 'offer', 'diverse', 'dining_option', 'suitable', 'occasion', 'http', 'co', 'bvslbzcx'], ['young', 'entrepreneur', 'remember', 'quality', 'result', 'key', 'metric', 'success'], ['discipline', 'key', 'ingredient', 'success', 'build', 'character', 'motivation', 'bring', 'opportunity'], ['something', 'buy', 'excite', 'usopen', 'http', 'co', 'adntge'], ['obamacare_premium', 'rise', 'http', 'kjxe', 'election', 'consequence'], ['sorry', 'able', 'foxandfriend', 'monday', 'india'], ['country', 'tell', 'enemy', 'go', 'attack', 'obama', 'isis', 'happen', 'element', 'surprise'], ['new', 'winner', 'missteenusa', 'pageant', 'lee', 'graham', 'http', 'co', 'waeqv'], ['golfworldus', 'top', 'public', 'course', 'trumpgolfla', 'course', 'stand', 'greatness', 'golf', 'http', 'co', 'vqaoqc'], ['nypost', 'dozen', 'key', 'staffer', 'flee', 'agschneiderman', 'office', 'http', 'urfhsi'], ['nypost', 'editorial_board', 'mute', 'agschneiderman', 'http', 'co', 'ptcea', 'schneiderman', 'feckless', 'corrupt'], ['iraq', 'dangerous', 'today', 'time', 'saddam', 'war', 'mistake', 'say', 'begin', 'bush', 'obama', 'apologize'], ['beautiful', 'hole', 'boast', 'unique', 'characteristic', 'trump', 'nat', 'philadelphia', 'golf', 'treasure', 'http', 'co', 'pmstadcvl'], ['obama', 'send', 'troop', 'back', 'iraq', 'combat', 'zone', 'believe', 'anything', 'say', 'cover', 'mistake'], ['spread', 'unprecedented', 'say', 'chief', 'http', 'co', 'qvjd'], ['bring', 'misplace', 'sample', 'anthrax', 'early', 'year', 'http', 'co', 'ax', 'ihxdcmz', 'careful'], ['know', 'enemy', 'know', 'need', 'fear', 'result', 'battle', 'sun', 'tzu'], ['world', 'know', 'falling_apart', 'much', 'blame', 'attribute', 'fact', 'united_state', 'longer', 'respect'], ['need', 'president', 'laugh', 'stock', 'entire', 'world', 'need', 'truly', 'great', 'leader', 'genius', 'strategy', 'win', 'respect'], ['sorry', 'fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'morning', 'india', 'couple', 'major', 'business', 'deal'], ['secret', 'get', 'ahead', 'get', 'start', 'mark_twain'], ['ivankatrump', 'foxnewssunday', 'power', 'player', 'week', 'interview', 'chris_wallace', 'http', 'co', 'sypaqrw', 'gi'], ['trumpnewyork', 'room', 'floor', 'ceiling', 'window', 'provide', 'unparalleled', 'view', 'central_park', 'amp', 'nyc', 'http', 'co'], ['spectacular', 'lake', 'front', 'club', 'dramatic', 'course', 'design', 'sharkgregnorman', 'trump_charlotte', 'top', 'club', 'http', 'co', 'hemvkgahev'], ['would', 'accomplish', 'many', 'thing', 'think', 'impossible', 'vince_lombardi'], ['remember', 'fear', 'conquer', 'go', 'full', 'throttle', 'odd', 'side', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['view', 'failure', 'end', 'learn', 'lesson', 'quickly', 'move', 'think', 'big'], ['robin', 'william', 'truly', 'wonderful', 'actor', 'amp', 'comedian', 'people', 'could', 'make', 'laugh', 'tragic'], ['watch', 'full', 'metal', 'jacket', 'believe', 'lee', 'ermey', 'win', 'academy', 'award', 'drill', 'sergeant', 'political', 'nomination'], ['reuter', 'sumeet_chat', 'donald', 'trump', 'plan', 'investment', 'india', 'bet', 'modi', 'government', 'http', 'co', 'hnski', 'eya'], ['host', 'pgachampionship', 'uswomensopen', 'trump', 'offer', 'hole', 'world', 'class', 'golf', 'http', 'co', 'bycblewo'], ['passionate', 'endeavor', 'reflect', 'back', 'end', 'result', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['trumpchicago', 'spa', 'offer', 'star', 'service', 'treatment_room', 'amp', 'spa_guestroom', 'overlook', 'chicago', 'skyline', 'http', 'co', 'ncgbxozz'], ['diligence', 'mother', 'good_luck', 'benjamin_franklin'], ['way', 'get', 'start', 'quit', 'talk', 'begin', 'walt', 'disney'], ['entrepreneur', 'keep', 'momentum', 'momentum', 'lot', 'great', 'idea', 'go', 'nowhere'], ['entrepreneur', 'resolve', 'big', 'problem', 'boss'], ['ready', 'problem', 'day', 'keep', 'thing', 'perspective', 'ask', 'blip', 'catastrophe'], ['amazing', 'day', 'mumbai', 'india', 'building', 'almost', 'story', 'build', 'super', 'luxury', 'great', 'press', 'go', 'wild'], ['amazing', 'people', 'india', 'trip', 'enlightening'], ['start', 'build', 'great', 'hotel', 'world', 'washington', 'site', 'office', 'amazing', 'job'], ['fortunemagazine', 'mcasey', 'donald', 'trump', 'plan', 'build', 'trump', 'tower', 'mumbai', 'http', 'co', 'pvha'], ['perception', 'india', 'change', 'say', 'donald', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'hysdn', 'mthc', 'economictime', 'kailash', 'babar'], ['wineenthusiast', 'highest_rated', 'wine', 'virginia', 'trumpwinery', 'premier', 'name', 'sophistication', 'quality', 'http', 'co', 'tas', 'dhp', 'hh'], ['explain', 'simply', 'understand', 'well', 'enough', 'albert_einstein'], ['person', 'never', 'make', 'mistake', 'never', 'try', 'anything', 'new', 'albert_einstein'], ['masterpiece', 'trumpgolfla', 'course', 'feature', 'challenge', 'hole', 'incredible', 'view', 'http', 'co', 'vqaoqc'], ['everyone', 'work', 'energy', 'loyalty', 'focus', 'make', 'smooth', 'sailing'], ['keep', 'big', 'picture', 'mind', 'always', 'opportunity', 'think', 'small', 'negate', 'lot'], ['trumpadvice', 'http', 'co', 'zzkczeobm'], ['amp', 'park_avenue', 'trump', 'park_avenue', 'transform', 'legendary', 'hotel', 'delmonico', 'luxury', 'residence', 'http', 'co', 'vjgfwolyke'], ['amp', 'park_avenue', 'trump', 'park_avenue', 'transform', 'legendary', 'hotel', 'delmonico', 'luxury', 'residence', 'http', 'co'], ['e', 'trumpturnberry', 'home', 'iconic', 'ailsa', 'championship', 'course', 'time', 'http', 'co', 'fs', 'pjlpgx'], ['trumpdoral', 'golf', 'course', 'red', 'tiger', 'silver', 'fox', 'golden', 'palm', 'track', 'open', 'later', 'year', 'http', 'co', 'lwotp', 'ua'], ['destiny', 'part', 'play', 'life', 'business', 'give', 'chance', 'work', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['first', 'general', 'kill', 'combat', 'zone', 'vietnam', 'travesty', 'obama', 'attend', 'major', 'general', 'harold', 'greene', 'funeral'], ['believe', 'halfway', 'theodore', 'roosevelt'], ['negotiation', 'know', 'exactly', 'want', 'amp', 'focus', 'view', 'conflict', 'opportunity', 'expand', 'mind', 'horizon'], ['negotiation', 'patience', 'enormous', 'virtue', 'amp', 'need', 'cultivate', 'successful', 'negotiation', 'level'], ['negotiation', 'persistence', 'go', 'long', 'way', 'stubborn', 'good', 'key', 'know', 'loosen'], ['assouline_m', 'thank', 'monique'], ['isis', 'make', 'big', 'mistake', 'beheading', 'reporter', 'even', 'people', 'intervention', 'want', 'blow', 'oblivion', 'leadership'], ['politically_correct', 'country', 'read', 'isis', 'terrorist', 'behead', 'reporter', 'miranda', 'right', 'prior', 'good', 'food', 'amp', 'care'], ['investment', 'life', 'luxury', 'amp', 'leisure', 'trump', 'membership', 'offer', 'top', 'amenity', 'amp', 'service', 'http', 'co', 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'foley', 'identify', 'bunker', 'bust', 'hell'], ['obama', 'motto', 'go', 'tax', 'payer', 'fund', 'vacation', 'amp', 'constantly', 'fundraise', 'terrorist', 'win'], ['obama', 'send', 'weapon', 'benghazi', 'isis', 'hold', 'shipment', 'israel', 'thinking'], ['senscottbrown', 'competitive', 'gop', 'option', 'obama', 'amnesty', 'love', 'win'], ['newsmax_media', 'donald', 'trump', 'isis', 'awaken', 'lion', 'journalist', 'beheading', 'include', 'foxandfriend', 'video', 'http', 'co', 'sanz', 'goh'], ['demand', 'little', 'get', 'ellen', 'glasgow'], ['emmy', 'award', 'show', 'terrible', 'last_night', 'show', 'win', 'politic', 'amazing', 'race', 'joke', 'host', 'seth', 'meyer', 'bomb'], ['record', 'renovation', 'track', 'amp', 'budget', 'miracle', 'dc', 'trump', 'int', 'dc', 'build', 'national', 'marvel'], ['gulf_new', 'joeheim', 'ivankatrump', 'give', 'priority', 'http', 'co', 'rfewv'], ['young', 'entrepreneur', 'resolute', 'drive', 'success', 'gain', 'momentum', 'succeed', 'promote'], 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['obama', 'grant', 'amnesty', 'million', 'illegal', 'lift', 'finger', 'usmc_sgt', 'tahmooressi'], ['vincemcmahon', 'miketyson', 'homerjsimpson', 'think', 'go', 'accept', 'stay_tuned', 'twitter', 'tomorrow'], ['bovanpelt', 'bo', 'hear', 'great', 'trump', 'national', 'westchester', 'surprise', 'keep', 'play', 'well', 'winner'], ['congratulation', 'graeme_mcdowell', 'kristinstape', 'baby', 'seriously', 'good', 'gene', 'champ'], ['get', 'get', 'marine', 'disgusting', 'mexican', 'jail', 'would', 'easy', 'real', 'leader', 'tough', 'phone', 'call', 'amp'], ['ice', 'bucket', 'challenge', 'morning', 'twitt', 'something', 'look_forward', 'good'], ['ask', 'reign', 'miss_universe', 'honor', 'least', 'wash', 'hair', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['al', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'qqxratlkpp'], ['icymi', 'al', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'qqxratlkpp', 'missuniverse', 'donaldjtrumpjr', 'erictrump'], ['want', 'picture', 'http', 'co', 'midhzr'], ['good_luck', 'best_wishes', 'dear', 'friend', 'wonderful', 'talented', 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'political', 'leader', 'protect', 'isis', 'pay'], ['saudi_arabia', 'fight', 'war', 'pay', 'absolute', 'fortune', 'protect', 'great', 'wealth'], ['angieapon', 'think', 'try', 'wear', 'hair', 'comb', 'back', 'look', 'good', 'slick', 'trump', 'al', 'may', 'happen', 'thx'], ['hyperlapse', 'app', 'trumptowerny', 'http', 'co', 'jh', 'zyclx'], ['wwe', 'answer', 'call', 'realdonaldtrump', 'respond', 'vincemcmahon', 'http', 'co', 'ulrrk', 'smackdownal'], ['watch', 'donaldjtrumpjr', 'erictrump', 'accept', 'http', 'co', 'ssovwslf'], ['succeed', 'say', 'everyone', 'else', 'think', 'joan_river'], ['idea', 'flow', 'human', 'spirit', 'absolutely', 'unlimited', 'tap', 'jack_welch'], ['young', 'entrepreneur', 'patient', 'continue', 'work', 'determination', 'hard', 'work', 'success', 'follow', 'keep', 'focus'], ['looking_forward', 'rydercupusa', 'announcement', 'tonight'], ['treat', 'pinnacle', 'luxury', 'public', 'golf', 'trumpgolfla', 'white', 'sand', 'premiere', 'course', 'http', 'co', 'vqrrsc'], ['massive', 'injection', 'tiny', 'child', 'horse', 'vaccine', 'time', 'time'], ['prove', 'right', 'massive', 'vaccination', 'doctor', 'lie', 'save', 'child', 'amp', 'future'], ['innovation', 'distinguish', 'leader', 'follower', 'steve', 'job'], ['entrepreneur', 'put', 'everything', 'get', 'know', 'exactly', 'want', 'go', 'nothing', 'haphazard'], ['entrepreneur', 'keep', 'big', 'picture', 'mind', 'always', 'opportunity', 'think', 'small', 'negate', 'lot'], ['entrepreneur', 'never', 'give', 'tough', 'apply', 'skill', 'talent', 'tenacious'], ['entrepreneur', 'see', 'victorious', 'look', 'solution', 'problem'], ['entrepreneur', 'view', 'failure', 'final', 'say', 'effort', 'learn', 'lesson', 'quickly', 'move'], ['trump', 'int', 'golf_link', 'amp', 'hotel', 'ireland', 'front', 'atlantic_ocean', 'amp', 'host', 'great', 'irish', 'link', 'challenge', 'http', 'co', 'oji', 'aaxa'], ['vaccination', 'child', 'massive', 'dose', 'spread', 'period', 'time', 'amp', 'autism', 'drop'], ['many', 'people', 'child', 'autism', 'thank', 'amazing', 'response', 'know', 'far', 'well', 'fudged', 'report'], ['attend', 'concert', 'last_night', 'newark', 'nj', 'get', 'well', 'iamstevent', 'fantastic', 'great', 'energy'], ['next', 'generation', 'luxury', 'trumpvancouver', 'icon', 'vancouver', 'skyline', 'http', 'co', 'oaguxiaqhh'], ['learn', 'hard', 'way', 'domestically', 'internationally', 'hope', 'strategy'], ['china', 'continue', 'move', 'technologically', 'militarily', 'obama', 'sit', 'watch'], ['american', 'fight', 'isis', 'iraq', 'syria', 'passport', 'revoke', 'try', 'come', 'back', 'send', 'gitmo'], ['senator', 'landrieu', 'senator', 'represent', 'louisiana', 'home', 'state', 'send', 'billcassidy', 'senate'], ['mold', 'person', 'big', 'thing', 'think', 'big'], ['joan_river', 'joan_river', 'amazing', 'woman', 'great', 'friend', 'energy', 'talent', 'boundless', 'greatly', 'miss'], ['peace', 'absence', 'conflict', 'ability', 'handle', 'conflict', 'peaceful', 'mean', 'pre', 'ronald_reagan'], ['memory', 'joan_river', 'watch', 'become', 'celebrity_apprentice', 'mean', 'much', 'http', 'co', 'xeii', 'hndz'], ['club', 'crown', 'jewel', 'palm_beach', 'landmark', 'national', 'register', 'historic', 'place', 'http', 'co'], ['take', 'risk', 'amp', 'make', 'mistake', 'good', 'way', 'learn', 'something', 'new', 'time', 'surprise', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['must', 'read', 'erictrump', 'cnnmoney', 'article', 'builder', 'race', 'develop', 'sky', 'high', 'condo', 'building', 'http', 'co', 'kqksftje'], ['good', 'luck', 'chucktodd', 'meetthepress', 'debut', 'sunday'], ['usmc_sgt', 'tahmooressi', 'hold', 'mexican', 'jail', 'day', 'obama', 'call', 'release', 'freeourmarine'], ['china', 'go', 'complete', 'new', 'theme', 'park', 'expansion', 'would', 'take', 'year', 'country'], ['obamacare_website', 'hack', 'dollar', 'later', 'site', 'even', 'secure', 'personal', 'information'], ['great', 'event', 'last_night', 'trumpwinery', 'governorva', 'support', 'thevfoundation', 'uva', 'vcu', 'http', 'co', 'wgq', 'ba'], ['say', 'give', 'vaccine', 'say', 'give', 'small', 'dose', 'long', 'period', 'time', 'massive', 'dose', 'child'], ['president', 'obama', 'reach', 'time', 'low', 'approval_rating', 'anybody', 'surprise', 'happy', 'person', 'former', 'president', 'jimmy_carter'], ['attention', 'hacker', 'hack', 'everything', 'else', 'hack', 'obama', 'college', 'record', 'destroy', 'check', 'place', 'birth'], ['start', 'construction', 'old_post', 'office', 'pennsylvania_avenue', 'many', 'job', 'fine', 'hotel', 'watch', 'happen'], ['remember', 'anything', 'read', 'atlantic_city', 'nothing', 'sell', 'leave', 'good', 'timing', 'sad'], ['big', 'problem', 'face', 'atlantic_city', 'ridiculously', 'high', 'real_estate', 'taxis', 'fight', 'year', 'leave', 'corruption'], ['go', 'funeral', 'friend', 'joan_river', 'today', 'get', 'know', 'really', 'well', 'become', 'winner', 'apprentice'], ['joan_river', 'great', 'talent', 'also', 'truly', 'amazing', 'stamina', 'drive', 'would', 'never', 'give', 'quit', 'become', 'champion'], ['finish', 'shoot', 'new', 'season', 'celebrity_apprentice', 'happily', 'joan', 'play', 'advisor', 'episode', 'great'], ['getting_ready', 'pay', 'final', 'respect', 'great', 'lady', 'joan_river', 'could', 'light', 'room', 'greatly', 'miss'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'foxandfriend', 'minute', 'enjoy'], ['home', 'iconic', 'ailsa', 'time', 'course', 'trumpturnberry', 'landmark', 'ayrshire', 'coastline', 'http', 'co', 'qmvzjzhtlq'], ['amnesty', 'popular', 'accord', 'dc', 'rule', 'class', 'obama', 'delay', 'executive', 'action', 'election'], ['labor', 'participation', 'rate', 'low', 'american', 'work', 'force'], ['learn', 'new', 'beginning', 'give', 'day', 'trump', 'get', 'rich'], ['everything', 'imagine', 'real', 'pablo', 'picasso'], ['new', 'poll', 'state', 'record', 'number', 'american', 'lose', 'faith', 'president', 'obama'], ['trump', 'signature_collection', 'available_macys', 'offer', 'top', 'new', 'design', 'fall', 'wardrobe', 'dress', 'good', 'http', 'co', 'hotvbijhri'], ['soar', 'story', 'trumpchicago', 'boast', 'forbesinspector', 'star', 'rating', 'hotel', 'amp', 'restaurant', 'http', 'co', 'vxsw', 'nzjll'], ['boast', 'aaafivediamond', 'amp', 'forbesinspector', 'star', 'rating', 'trumpnewyork', 'jeangeorge', 'feature', 'superb', 'menu', 'pcdfsf'], ['fact', 'obama', 'still', 'fix', 'backend', 'obamacare_website', 'could', 'greatest', 'internet', 'boondoggle', 'history'], ['give', 'entire', 'strategy', 'tactic', 'deploy', 'isis', 'put', 'troop', 'disadvantage'], ['obama', 'release', 'isis', 'chief', 'terrorist', 'gloat', 'see', 'http', 'co', 'otwxyrlsop', 'historic', 'nat', 'sec', 'error'], ['icymi', 'foxnewsinsider', 'foxandfriend', 'yesterday', 'obama', 'dangerous', 'disconnect', 'http', 'co', 'coquag'], ['windmill', 'great', 'threat', 'bald', 'golden', 'eagle', 'medium', 'claim', 'fictional', 'global_warming', 'worse'], ['always', 'remember', 'future', 'come', 'day', 'time', 'dean', 'acheson'], ['make', 'great', 'deal', 'money', 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'skyline', 'star', 'trumpnewyork', 'offer', 'newly', 'renovate', 'room', 'http', 'co', 'wnfquygw'], ['must', 'read', 'article', 'boonepicken', 'amp', 'ambjohnbolton', 'america', 'untapped', 'energy', 'weapon', 'http', 'co', 'mlckuysmpm', 'need', 'foreign', 'oil'], ['republican', 'go', 'blow', 'chance', 'take', 'senate', 'must', 'focus', 'obamacare', 'amnesty'], ['obama', 'want', 'bomb', 'isis', 'iraq', 'amp', 'arm', 'syria'], ['iraqi', 'army', 'squander', 'majority', 'weapon', 'amp', 'training', 'give', 'long', 'year', 'learn'], ['sometimes', 'take', 'half', 'step', 'back', 'take', 'forward', 'vincemcmahon'], ['luigiboria', 'congratulation', 'get', 'miss_universe', 'pageant', 'come', 'doral', 'miami', 'great', 'show', 'tremendous', 'success'], ['trumpgolfla', 'theknot', 'pick', 'good', 'wedding', 'vista', 'terrace', 'look', 'pacific_ocean', 'http', 'co', 'tijmq', 'oxd'], ['realize', 'persistence', 'go', 'long', 'way', 'stubborn', 'often', 'attribute'], ['learn', 'work', 'think', 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'goodell', 'must', 'stop', 'apologize', 'everyone', 'listen', 'toughen', 'street', 'smart', 'player', 'laugh', 'nfl'], ['send', 'thousand', 'ill', 'train', 'soldier', 'infest', 'area', 'africa', 'bring', 'plague', 'back', 'obama', 'stupid'], ['believe', 'obama', 'give', 'weapon', 'moderate', 'rebel', 'syria', 'sure', 'hell', 'turn'], ['separate', 'winner', 'loser', 'person', 'react', 'new', 'twist', 'fate'], ['call', 'big', 'scandal', 'sport', 'history', 'gma', 'roger', 'look', 'really', 'weak', 'indecisive', 'must', 'put', 'well', 'front'], ['nfl', 'image', 'really', 'tarnish', 'sponsor', 'start', 'leave', 'rating', 'go', 'nfl', 'big', 'trouble', 'boring', 'game'], ['non', 'profit', 'status', 'immediately', 'revoke', 'time', 'end', 'giant', 'tax', 'scam', 'make', 'team', 'valuable'], ['passion', 'energy', 'energy', 'nothing', 'totally', 'brilliant', 'quote', 'well'], ['country', 'become', 'politically_correct', 'lose', 'sense', 'direction', 'purpose', 'unable', 'move_forward', 'painlessly'], ['good', 'morning', 'fox', 'friend', 'minute', 'enjoy', 'foxandfriend'], ['briarcliff', 'manor', 'mayor', 'vescio', 'terrible', 'job', 'taxis', 'way', 'high', 'road', 'terrible', 'condition', 'repave', 'pine', 'road', 'briarcliffmanor'], ['interesting', 'article', 'atlantic_city', 'http', 'co', 'jzu', 'kobjrm'], ['rag', 'riche', 'rag', 'http', 'co', 'fvj'], ['obama', 'rollout', 'isis', 'war', 'plan', 'unmitigated', 'disaster', 'general', 'must', 'furious'], ['obama', 'army', 'coordinate', 'iran', 'isis'], ['always', 'bear', 'mind', 'resolution', 'succeed', 'important', 'abraham_lincoln'], ['would', 'people', 'kentucky', 'want', 'rookie', 'senator', 'sen', 'mitch', 'mcconnellpress', 'may', 'next', 'leader', 'amp', 'bring', 'ky'], ['accord', 'many', 'isi', 'give', 'much', 'time', 'many', 'signal', 'would', 'start', 'bomb', 'able', 'prepare', 'hide'], ['damac', 'trump', 'organization', 'develop', 'trump', 'golf_course', 'trump', 'world', 'golf_club', 'dubai', 'akoya', 'oxygen', 'http', 'co', 'hlcygmibkb'], ['zegarelli', 'vescio', 'pine', 'road', 'looks_like', 'hell', 'must', 'paved', 'bad', 'town', 'briarcliffmanor'], ['forbesinspector', 'amp', 'aaanew', 'star', 'restaurant', 'trumpnewyork', 'jean_georgesnyc', 'nyc', 'top', 'destination', 'http', 'pcdfsf'], ['obama', 'administration', 'say', 'saudi_arabia', 'syria', 'border', 'http', 'co', 'ai', 'jhse', 'wrong', 'civilian', 'plan', 'war'], ['obamacare', 'datum', 'mismatch', 'could', 'leave', 'thousand', 'uninsured', 'http', 'co', 'obamacare', 'work', 'miss', 'target'], ['offer', 'top', 'amenity', 'award_winne', 'architectural', 'design', 'trumpchicago', 'condominium', 'world', 'class', 'http', 'co', 'yyaajzig'], ['give', 'everyone', 'benefit', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['terry', 'mcauliffe', 'virginia', 'trump', 'winery', 'charlottesville', 'large', 'east', 'coast', 'governorva', 'http', 'co', 'onch', 'wxpwl'], ['bbcnew', 'donald', 'trump', 'golf', 'clubhouse', 'menie', 'approve', 'http', 'co', 'xmfwqyc'], ['njpga', 'course', 'year', 'trump', 'honor', 'host', 'pgachampionship', 'http', 'co', 'fpbwmcl'], ['someone', 'unknown', 'tweet', 'incorrectly', 'sen', 'mitch', 'mcconnellpress', 'speaker', 'support', 'senate', 'majority', 'leader'], ['congratulation', 'trumpsoho', 'name', 'great', 'east', 'coast', 'hotel', 'teen', 'family', 'parademagazine', 'http', 'co', 'kzgqic'], ['happy', 'new', 'year', 'jewish', 'friend', 'celebrate', 'holiday'], ['go', 'http', 'co', 'aziaqhtvx', 'help', 'friend', 'scott', 'brown', 'take', 'back', 'senate'], ['give', 'strategy', 'amp', 'tactic', 'enemy', 'prepare', 'go'], ['fight', 'bully', 'always', 'throw', 'first', 'punch', 'telegraph', 'hit', 'hard', 'amp', 'hit', 'fast'], ['rosie', 'offense', 'good_luck', 'new', 'show', 'remember', 'start', 'http', 'co', 'ag', 'tyzzxoh'], ['bet', 'harass', 'apple', 'last', 'year', 'large', 'screen', 'iphone', 'do', 'bend', 'amp', 'break'], ['watch', 'ryd', 'cup', 'golfchannel', 'interesting', 'tough', 'match', 'amazing', 'sport', 'favorite'], ['people', 'love', 'new', 'line', 'trump', 'tie', 'shirt', 'macy', 'check'], ['internationally', 'recognize', 'iconic', 'landmark', 'trumptowerny', 'beam', 'fifth', 'avenue', 'http', 'co', 'lmipou'], ['renovation', 'trump', 'int', 'dc', 'expansive', 'guest', 'room', 'top', 'offering', 'amenity', 'amp', 'view', 'http', 'co', 'fruepjlajz'], ['success', 'depend', 'effectively', 'learn', 'manage', 'game', 'ultimate', 'adversary', 'course', 'jacknicklaus'], ['elite', 'destination', 'trumplasvegas', 'story', 'golden', 'glass', 'amp', 'offer', 'ultimate', 'luxury', 'http', 'co', 'eyyr'], ['friend', 'derek', 'special', 'athlete', 'special', 'person', 'nobody', 'yankee'], ['believe', 'still', 'get', 'marine', 'mexico', 'sit', 'prison', 'president', 'play', 'golf', 'make', 'bad', 'decision'], ['wonder', 'run', 'president', 'hater', 'loser', 'vote', 'know', 'make_america', 'great', 'say'], ['animal', 'behead', 'woman', 'oklahoma', 'give', 'fast', 'trial', 'death_penalty', 'fate', 'beheading'], ['foxandfriend', 'monday', 'morning', 'lot', 'talk'], ['release', 'full', 'interview', 'guy', 'name', 'baxter', 'antbaxter', 'show', 'bias', 'stupidity', 'bbcworld', 'clown'], ['time', 'speak', 'hater', 'loser', 'great', 'love', 'affection', 'not', 'help', 'fact', 'bear', 'fuck'], ['foxandfriend', 'minute'], ['charlierymergc', 'charlie', 'call', 'set', 'match', 'gary', 'damon', 'doral', 'finish', 'great'], ['jerk', 'fraudulently', 'tweet', 'parent', 'say', 'big', 'inspiration', 'rt', 'kindness', 'retweete', 'maybe', 'sue'], ['think', 'nice', 'somebody', 'parent', 'guess', 'teach', 'nice', 'trust', 'sad'], ['mcilroyrory', 'year', 'weekend', 'top', 'fantastic', 'job', 'see', 'doral'], ['justinrose', 'display', 'put', 'weekend', 'unprecedented', 'even', 'good', 'putter', 'believe', 'amazing', 'see', 'soon'], ['ianjamespoulter', 'great', 'go', 'almost', 'importantly', 'clothing', 'line', 'sell', 'well'], ['great', 'go', 'weekend', 'true', 'champion'], ['graeme_mcdowell', 'tough', 'guy', 'boxer', 'champ', 'great', 'going'], ['montgomeriefdn', 'commentary', 'weekend', 'fantastic', 'people', 'love', 'say', 'say'], ['patrick', 'ree', 'proud', 'champion', 'doral', 'love', 'attitude', 'amp', 'play', 'see', 'march', 'cadillac', 'wgc'], ['johnny', 'miller', 'great', 'job', 'weekend', 'insightful', 'tough', 'see', 'doral'], ['horsetalknz', 'ny', 'central_park', 'horse', 'show', 'huge', 'success', 'http', 'co', 'iifjsyupyv'], ['donald', 'trump', 'scottish', 'golf_course', 'http', 'co', 'telegraphsport'], ['must', 'watch', 'georgian', 'perduesenate', 'new', 'ad', 'secure', 'border', 'https', 'co', 'michelle', 'nunn', 'support', 'amnesty', 'amp', 'obamacare'], ['runaway', 'obamacare', 'spending', 'cost', 'democrat', 'http', 'co', 'tey', 'jgrp', 'bloombergview', 'lanheechen'], ['obama', 'destroy', 'isis', 'obama', 'healthcare_plan', 'keep', 'plan'], ['interesting', 'case', 'uk', 'stellacreasy', 'abusive', 'troll', 'http', 'co', 'zw', 'ic'], ['jeanne', 'shaheen', 'want', 'amnesty', 'illegal', 'place', 'decide', 'vote', 'obamacare', 'amp', 'oppose', 'vote', 'november'], ['obama', 'salute', 'marine', 'cup', 'coffee', 'hand', 'hell', 'exit', 'heli', 'hold', 'coffee'], ['hrs', 'central_park', 'see', 'nytime', 'include', 'stop', 'trumpnewyork', 'bite', 'nougatine_nyc', 'full', 'article', 'http', 'co', 'dhlnmuxkw'], ['view', 'trump', 'rest', 'thanksgiving', 'macysparade', 'stay', 'trumpnewyork', 'exclusive', 'parade', 'access', 'http', 'xvp'], ['excited', 'see', 'sixteenchicago', 'elevate', 'fine', 'dining', 'explore', 'usatoday', 'good', 'http', 'co', 'vnmdh', 'ip'], ['realize', 'success', 'require', 'effort', 'focus', 'nothing', 'less', 'get', 'go'], ['keep', 'momentum', 'momentum', 'lot', 'great', 'idea', 'go', 'nowhere'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'wandacarruther', 'trump', 'inconceivable', 'obama', 'know', 'isis', 'threat', 'http', 'co', 'mol', 'mrxgv'], ['everything', 'dubai', 'learn', 'emirate', 'rebound', 'say', 'donaldtrumpjr', 'http', 'co', 'jv', 'ii', 'emirate', 'parag'], ['fact', 'obama', 'read', 'intelligence', 'briefing', 'get', 'brief', 'person', 'cia', 'dod', 'busy', 'guess'], ['success', 'seem', 'connected', 'action', 'successful', 'people', 'keep', 'move', 'make', 'mistake', 'quit', 'conrad', 'hilton'], ['president', 'obama', 'stay', 'hong', 'kong', 'protest', 'enough', 'problem', 'country', 'even', 'properly', 'police', 'white_house'], ['go', 'state', 'long', 'ago', 'cancel', 'flight', 'west_africa', 'get', 'bad'], ['dumb', 'president', 'send', 'thousand', 'poorly', 'train', 'ill', 'equipped', 'soldier', 'west_africa', 'fight', 'stop', 'flight'], ['united_state', 'must', 'immediately', 'institute', 'strong', 'travel', 'restriction', 'united_states', 'plague'], ['woman', 'secret_service', 'director', 'looks_like', 'way', 'head', 'president', 'appoint', 'best', 'bright'], ['stop', 'flight', 'west_africa', 'immediately'], ['abc', 'television', 'allow', 'show', 'entitle', 'blackish', 'imagine', 'furor', 'show', 'whiteish', 'racism', 'highest_level'], ['rate', 'resort', 'europe', 'cntraveler', 'trump_ireland', 'offer', 'breathtake', 'golf', 'amp', 'star', 'lodge', 'doonbeg', 'http', 'co', 'uwxhlqecjn'], ['national_security', 'start', 'border', 'think', 'isi', 'amp', 'qaeda', 'middle_east'], ['obama', 'attend', 'fundraiser', 'day', 'bother', 'get', 'brief', 'national_security', 'commander', 'chief'], ['million', 'country', 'unemployed', 'waste', 'million', 'arm', 'syrian', 'rebel', 'wrong', 'washington'], ['design', 'ivankatrump', 'trumpdoral', 'deluxe', 'guestroom', 'feature', 'impeccable', 'furnish', 'detail', 'http', 'co', 'bfvxvb'], ['aah', 'star', 'diamond', 'green', 'star', 'diamond', 'award', 'winner', 'trumpgolfla', 'nation', 'top', 'public', 'course', 'http', 'co', 'oeivkkzbys'], ['ebola', 'much', 'easy', 'transmit', 'government', 'representative', 'admit', 'spread', 'africa', 'fast', 'stop', 'flight'], ['arrive', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'miami', 'spend', 'day', 'check', 'work', 'complete', 'contractor', 'place', 'amazing'], ['brand', 'new', 'hotel', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'beautiful', 'room', 'suite', 'miami', 'enjoy'], ['patient', 'come', 'country', 'know', 'exactly', 'come', 'contact', 'people', 'go', 'tell'], ['incompetent', 'leader', 'allow', 'infect', 'people', 'come', 'country', 'problem', 'danger', 'entail'], ['patient', 'duncan', 'lied', 'exit', 'paper', 'say', 'never', 'come', 'contact', 'person', 'know', 'person', 'die'], ['see', 'michael', 'jordan', 'ray', 'allen', 'today', 'play', 'golf', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'blue_monster', 'great', 'guy'], ['not_that_actor', 'andy', 'amazing', 'writing', 'thought', 'thank'], ['really', 'interesting', 'president', 'obama', 'quick', 'shut', 'flight', 'isreal', 'totally', 'unwilling', 'shut', 'flight', 'west_africa'], ['trumpadvice', 'http', 'co'], ['believe', 'president', 'obama', 'still', 'stop', 'flight', 'people', 'pour', 'west_africa', 'terrible', 'president'], ['non', 'contagious', 'come', 'nbc', 'cameraman', 'catch', 'quickly', 'west_africa', 'behave', 'foolishly'], ['patient', 'thomas', 'duncan', 'fraudulently', 'enter', 'sign', 'false', 'paper', 'cause', 'havoc', 'life', 'prosecute'], ['something', 'important', 'indeed', 'society', 'change', 'may', 'come', 'epidemic', 'good', 'thing', 'shake', 'hand'], ['president', 'obama', 'close', 'flight', 'infect', 'area', 'right', 'late', 'hell', 'wrong'], ['president', 'obama', 'idea', 'pretend', 'west_africa', 'israel', 'able', 'stop', 'area', 'flight'], ['jet', 'time', 'quarterback', 'change'], ['know', 'get', 'totally', 'bored', 'watch', 'nfl', 'football', 'many', 'penalty', 'far', 'soft', 'back', 'work'], ['hell', 'obama', 'allow', 'potentially', 'sick', 'people', 'continue', 'enter', 'stupid', 'arrogant'], ['go', 'watch', 'much', 'nfl', 'football', 'time', 'consume', 'bore', 'many', 'flag', 'soft', 'focus', 'thing'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'foxandfriend', 'fight', 'ebola', 'topic'], ['think', 'crooked', 'agschneiderman', 'ever', 'challenge', 'nfl', 'tax', 'status', 'many', 'friend', 'contributor', 'nfl'], ['congrat', 'janineturner', 'new', 'book', 'little', 'bit', 'vulnerable', 'breath', 'fresh', 'air', 'political', 'forum', 'http', 'hdvc', 'gsanw'], ['scotgolfpodcast', 'work', 'yet', 'begin', 'approval', 'phase', 'amazing', 'love', 'final', 'result'], ['dailycaller', 'neilmunrodc', 'trump', 'want', 'travel_ban', 'http', 'co'], ['donaldjtrumpjr', 'want', 'build', 'everything', 'dubai', 'http', 'co', 'vgteucmik'], ['donald', 'trump', 'crown', 'fiu', 'miss_universe', 'venue', 'http', 'co', 'yolmyc', 'miamiherald'], ['footwearnew', 'kristenmhenning', 'ivankatrump', 'work', 'beat', 'breast', 'cancer', 'http', 'co', 'ub', 'jrd'], ['trump', 'campaign', 'stevekingia', 'http', 'co', 'su', 'kscj'], ['record', 'gretawire', 'tonight', 'pm'], ['obama', 'miss', 'intelligence', 'briefing', 'president', 'make', 'fundraiser'], ['ever', 'increase', 'disaster', 'obama', 'refuse', 'stop', 'flight', 'west_africa', 'almost', 'say', 'public'], ['believe', 'mitch_mcconnell', 'way', 'kentucky', 'poll', 'massive', 'seniority', 'bring', 'much', 'power', 'status', 'state', 'bring'], ['kentucky', 'chance', 'senate', 'majority', 'leader', 'mitch_mcconnell', 'represent', 'washington', 'big', 'power', 'state', 'blow'], ['put', 'ad', 'real_estate', 'executive', 'hard', 'work', 'low', 'pay', 'mean', 'boss'], ['congratulation', 'jean_georgesnyc', 'year', 'michelinstar', 'visit', 'restaurant', 'trumpnewyork', 'meal', 'never', 'forget'], ['looking_forward', 'trumpsoho', 'evening', 'corporate', 'meeting', 'planner', 'reception', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'trumpdoral'], ['cnnmoney', 'aaronsmithcnn', 'donald', 'win', 'trump', 'name', 'come', 'casino', 'http', 'co', 'zwt', 'fkvfkj'], ['gretawire', 'int', 'leon', 'panetta', 'critique', 'obama', 'rise', 'isis', 'obama', 'lack', 'common_sense', 'amp', 'http', 'co', 'ud', 'txmft'], ['usmc', 'andrew_tahmooressi', 'free', 'immediately', 'never', 'jail', 'first', 'place', 'weak', 'leader', 'freeourmarine'], ['ibdeditorial', 'american', 'label', 'obama', 'presidency', 'failure', 'http', 'co', 'gccjlg', 'yda'], ['sure', 'enjoy', 'chicago', 'international', 'film', 'festival', 'trumpchicago', 'windy', 'city', 'top', 'hotel'], ['mayor', 'vescio', 'manager', 'zegarelli', 'repave', 'pine', 'road', 'briarcliffmanor', 'disgrace'], ['real_estate', 'taxis', 'far', 'high', 'briarcliffmanor', 'westchester', 'total_joke', 'waste', 'money', 'replace', 'mayor', 'vescio'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'owentew', 'trump', 'maybe', 'something', 'miraculous', 'happen', 'obama', 'succeed', 'http', 'co', 'xqdkeg'], ['relentless', 'often', 'would', 'think', 'sheer', 'persistence', 'difference', 'success', 'failure', 'never', 'give'], ['obama', 'look', 'incompetent', 'fool', 'handle', 'war', 'isis', 'china', 'russia', 'help', 'gain', 'much'], ['work', 'underway', 'first', 'new', 'trump', 'course', 'dubai', 'second', 'course', 'plan', 'http', 'co', 'czrdeei', 'cybergolfnew'], ['obamacare_premium', 'continue', 'rise', 'bend', 'cross', 'curve', 'back', 'end', 'website', 'even', 'work'], ['isis', 'advance', 'even', 'obama', 'airstrike', 'obama', 'disengage', 'make', 'middle_east', 'even', 'dangerous'], ['today', 'put', 'objective', 'reduce', 'tomorrow', 'achievement', 'henry', 'bank'], ['stop', 'flight', 'http', 'co', 'cyhrbbapv'], ['vancouver', 'anticipate', 'hotel', 'amp', 'residence', 'trumpvancouver', 'unveil', 'canada', 'first', 'spa', 'http', 'co', 'gcgbphrtib'], ['entrepreneur', 'see', 'victorious', 'look', 'solution', 'problem'], ['amspec', 'jeffrey_lord', 'donald', 'trump', 'right', 'http', 'co', 'vrs'], ['abc', 'int', 'atlantic_city', 'philadelphia', 'real_estate', 'market', 'amp', 'election', 'http', 'co', 'uftinxs'], ['jenniferjjacob', 'stevekingia', 'ramp', 'first', 'tv', 'ad', 'trump', 'event', 'http', 'co', 'emysglpuat'], ['china', 'overtake', 'world', 'large', 'economy', 'busy', 'waste', 'china', 'build', 'airport', 'amp', 'skyscraper'], ['fight', 'isis', 'start', 'border', 'least', 'isis', 'catch', 'cross', 'mexico', 'border', 'build_wall'], ['american', 'fight', 'isis', 'passport', 'revoke', 'take', 'gitmo', 'interrogation'], ['believe', 'fool', 'thomas', 'frieden', 'cdc', 'state', 'anyone', 'fever', 'ask', 'west_africa', 'dope'], ['obama', 'stop', 'flight', 'west_africa', 'late', 'see', 'happen', 'thick', 'stupid'], ['even', 'jimmy_carter', 'release', 'statement', 'say', 'obama', 'clue', 'new', 'low'], ['little', 'reported', 'event', 'china', 'overtaken', 'united_states', 'number', 'world', 'economic', 'power', 'great', 'go', 'washington'], ['spend', 'fortune', 'airport', 'check', 'people', 'come', 'west_africa', 'uncertain', 'result', 'stop', 'flight', 'dumb'], ['way', 'get', 'start', 'quit', 'talk', 'begin', 'walt', 'disney'], ['right', 'troop', 'stupidly', 'head', 'west_africa', 'help', 'fight', 'help', 'china', 'russia', 'wealthy', 'african', 'oil', 'nation'], ['trumpvlog', 'brave', 'soldier', 'catch', 'ebola', 'http', 'co', 'zgbaethnnt'], ['great', 'news', 'ireland', 'clare', 'county', 'council', 'turn', 'massive', 'windfarm', 'hotel', 'amp', 'golf_course', 'doonbeg', 'http', 'co', 'osvvfgm'], ['admit', 'alexsalmond', 'tough', 'smart', 'guy', 'formidable', 'standard'], ['golf_club', 'trumpnationalny', 'westchester', 'great', 'place', 'http', 'co', 'unbowqex'], ['congratulation', 'piersmorgan', 'new', 'position', 'editor', 'large', 'united_states', 'mailonline', 'apprentice', 'champ'], ['mediaite', 'forza_desiderio', 'donald', 'trump', 'blast', 'obama', 'send', 'troop', 'http', 'co', 'skbrhogbvp'], ['obama', 'send', 'troop', 'fight', 'jihadist', 'yet', 'send', 'liberia', 'contract', 'ebola', 'delusional', 'failure'], ['chief', 'say', 'spread', 'fast', 'aid', 'marine', 'prepare', 'pandemic', 'drill', 'stop', 'flight', 'west_africa'], ['residential', 'real_estate', 'market', 'continue', 'provide', 'opportunity', 'first', 'time', 'home', 'owner', 'buy'], ['china', 'rip', 'wealth', 'africa', 'usual', 'refuse', 'put', 'anything', 'back', 'help', 'let', 'stupid', 'american', 'sad'], ['ten', 'million', 'dollar', 'airstrike', 'impact', 'key', 'leader', 'flee', 'hear', 'news', 'report', 'strike', 'come', 'dumb'], ['feel', 'sorry', 'soldier', 'force', 'go', 'west_africa', 'fight', 'family', 'arm', 'train'], ['interested', 'balance', 'work', 'pleasure', 'never', 'succeed'], ['obama', 'make', 'problem', 'much', 'bad', 'need', 'halt', 'flight', 'west_africa', 'airport', 'testing', 'joke'], ['seal', 'deal', 'hold', 'business', 'meet', 'luxurious', 'trumpnewyork', 'executive', 'board', 'room', 'http', 'co', 'qhmbxbvnu'], ['obamacare', 'put', 'poor', 'people', 'form', 'government', 'run', 'single', 'payer', 'health', 'insurance', 'many', 'doctor', 'take', 'avik'], ['lightweight_agschneiderman', 'bad', 'attorney_general', 'tough', 'election', 'john', 'cahill', 'cahillforag'], ['lightweight_agschneiderman', 'probably', 'win', 'dem', 'ny', 'loser'], ['agschneiderman', 'remove', 'eyeliner', 'point', 'cuomo', 'commercial'], ['trumpvlog', 'sad', 'sucker', 'http', 'co', 'uni', 'sqsqyr'], ['theinquisitr', 'american', 'agree', 'donald', 'trump', 'percent', 'want', 'flight', 'ban', 'outbreak', 'country', 'http', 'co', 'ghnml'], ['clarechampion', 'dandanahernew', 'wind', 'farm', 'proposal', 'trump_ireland', 'reject', 'http', 'co', 'jyeq'], ['sweat', 'equity', 'valuable', 'equity', 'know', 'business', 'industry', 'well', 'anyone_else', 'world', 'mcuban'], ['reason', 'bid', 'buffalobill', 'make', 'sure', 'stayed', 'buffalo', 'belong', 'mission', 'accomplish'], ['nfl', 'rating', 'continue', 'fall', 'week', 'keep', 'drop', 'boring', 'game', 'many', 'flag', 'soft'], ['nfl', 'rating', 'big', 'league', 'glad', 'get', 'bill', 'rather', 'lucky', 'good'], ['obama', 'control', 'obama', 'health_care', 'plan', 'keep', 'healthcare_plan'], ['notice', 'isis', 'obamacare', 'go', 'back', 'burner', 'horrible', 'result', 'come', 'disaster'], ['never', 'see', 'anything', 'everything', 'touch', 'turn', 'gold', 'nice', 'fre', 'trump', 'son', 'donald'], ['ridiculous', 'start', 'today', 'new', 'screening', 'go', 'effect', 'people', 'come', 'west_africa', 'stop', 'flight', 'dummy'], ['michelle', 'obama', 'make', 'terrible', 'mistake', 'iowa', 'endorse', 'bruce', 'braley', 'large', 'crowd', 'call', 'bruce', 'bailey', 'time'], ['conservative', 'republican', 'make', 'mistake', 'mrs', 'obama', 'make', 'call', 'braley', 'wrong', 'name', 'would', 'biggest', 'story'], ['remember', 'say', 'saddam', 'hussein', 'fall', 'new', 'leader', 'iraq', 'mean', 'tough', 'hate', 'even', 'welcome', 'isis'], ['president', 'obama', 'bring', 'innocent', 'ill', 'trained', 'soldier', 'home', 'west_africa', 'late', 'stop', 'flight'], ['go', 'healthcare', 'worker', 'treat', 'thomas', 'duncan', 'man', 'fly', 'west_africa', 'infect', 'catch'], ['know', 'president', 'obama', 'stop', 'flight', 'tear', 'west_africa', 'stubborn', 'stupid', 'care'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'isis', 'topic'], ['nfl', 'game', 'get', 'bore', 'magnificent', 'imagination', 'event', 'watch', 'much', 'anymore'], ['foxandfriend', 'minute'], ['china', 'export', 'rise', 'september', 'laugh', 'usa'], ['people', 'buffalo', 'happy', 'terry', 'pegula', 'get', 'team', 'hope', 'well', 'bill', 'sabre', 'good_luck'], ['even_though', 'refuse', 'pay', 'ridiculous', 'price', 'buffalo', 'bill', 'would', 'produce', 'winner', 'happen'], ['nfl', 'game', 'bore', 'actually', 'glad', 'get', 'bill', 'bore', 'game', 'many', 'flag', 'soft'], ['think', 'spend', 'iraq', 'baghdad', 'take', 'isis'], ['trump', 'int', 'golf_link', 'scotland', 'award', 'star', 'scottish', 'tourism', 'chief', 'mailonline', 'http', 'co', 'rmjsc', 'zocj'], ['finish', 'read', 'poorly', 'write', 'amp', 'bore', 'book', 'general_motor', 'build', 'vicky', 'ward', 'waste', 'time', 'wileybiz'], ['happy', 'belate', 'birthday', 'chris_wallace', 'chris', 'great', 'job', 'week', 'foxnewssunday', 'father', 'son'], ['trumpvlog', 'china', 'laugh', 'http'], ['military', 'general', 'fume', 'obama', 'boxed', 'isis', 'strategy', 'destine', 'fail', 'sad'], ['award', 'star', 'trumpscotland', 'macleod', 'house', 'amp', 'lodge', 'boutique', 'hotel', 'historic', 'masterpiece', 'http', 'co', 'mjpyrxjm'], ['alison', 'grime', 'admit', 'vote', 'obama', 'even', 'embarrassed', 'trust', 'vote', 'team_mitch'], ['never', 'want', 'criticize', 'goodness', 'sake', 'anything', 'new', 'jeff', 'bezos'], ['believe', 'thatwith', 'problem', 'difficulty', 'face', 'president', 'obama', 'spend', 'day', 'play', 'golf', 'bad', 'carter'], ['isis', 'ebola', 'spread', 'wildfire', 'obama', 'administration', 'submit', 'paper', 'stop', 'climate_change', 'aka', 'global_warming'], ['many', 'problem', 'leadership', 'hopeless', 'top', 'everything', 'else', 'hit', 'debt'], ['want', 'require', 'phil', 'mcgraw'], ['congratulation', 'trumpdoral', 'bluemonster', 'course', 'name', 'tough', 'course', 'tour', 'year', 'http', 'co', 'iankmlfj'], ['alison', 'grime', 'protect', 'sanctity', 'obama', 'ballot', 'admit', 'vote', 'hillary', 'primary', 'hypocrite', 'vote', 'team_mitch'], ['pay', 'obama', 'travel', 'fundraise', 'million', 'democrat', 'run', 'lie', 'pay', 'golf'], ['michelle', 'nunn', 'solid', 'vote', 'obama', 'support', 'obamacare', 'amp', 'oppose', 'vote', 'perduesenate', 'change', 'thing'], ['tuesday', 'agschneiderman', 'wear', 'revlon', 'eyeliner', 'today', 'governor', 'cuomo', 'alert'], ['obama', 'still', 'refuse', 'stop', 'flight', 'stubborn', 'plain', 'incompetent', 'say'], ['president', 'obama', 'personal', 'responsibility', 'visit', 'embrace', 'people', 'contract'], ['cahillforag', 'respect', 'people', 'politic', 'dopey', 'agschneiderman', 'least', 'respect'], ['lightweight_agschneiderman', 'drive', 'business', 'amp', 'job', 'ny', 'want', 'self', 'publicity', 'total', 'loser'], ['amtalker', 'int', 'whoradio', 'stevekingia', 'discuss', 'upcoming', 'campaign', 'visit', 'steve', 'sit', 'iowa', 'jwb', 'qthx'], ['stevekingia', 'steve', 'king', 'congress', 'facebook_page', 'donald', 'trump', 'special', 'announcement', 'https', 'co', 'iaa', 'aeehz'], ['looking_forward', 'return', 'hawkeye', 'state', 'saturday', 'support', 'friend', 'strong', 'conservative', 'stevekingia'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'wandacarruther', 'trump', 'baghdad', 'likely', 'fall', 'isis', 'http', 'co', 'sosnxltxlw'], ['congratulation', 'david_bossie', 'amp', 'team', 'citizens_unite', 'important', 'court', 'win', 'first', 'amendment', 'http', 'co', 'huf', 'mb'], ['president', 'could', 'make', 'proper', 'website', 'website', 'still', 'work', 'feel', 'safe', 'ebola'], ['young', 'entrepreneur', 'always', 'remember', 'negotiation', 'sometimes', 'good', 'deal', 'make', 'walk', 'away'], ['nothing', 'fall', 'newyorkcity', 'see', 'trumpcollection', 'recommend', 'take', 'season', 'beauty', 'http', 'co', 'qvzvbxsw'], ['donald', 'trump', 'signature_collection', 'available_macys', 'offer', 'fall', 'top', 'style', 'tie', 'shirt', 'amp', 'suit', 'http', 'co', 'hotvbijhri'], ['think', 'ever', 'run', 'history', 'learn', 'embrace', 'laclipper', 'coach', 'doc', 'river'], ['word', 'president', 'obama', 'dispense', 'press_conference', 'say', 'want', 'hear', 'stop', 'flight'], ['nurse', 'dalla', 'treat', 'patient', 'thomas', 'duncan', 'allow', 'fly', 'cleveland', 'never', 'allow', 'real', 'jv'], ['believe', 'mitt_romney', 'would', 'run', 'president', 'chance', 'blow', 'last', 'week', 'race'], ['great', 'victory', 'lightweight', 'eric', 'schneiderman', 'case', 'trump', 'throw', 'gutte', 'little', 'remain'], ['time', 'airline', 'pilot', 'flight', 'attendant', 'airline', 'stop', 'flight', 'west_africa', 'right'], ['start', 'think', 'something', 'seriously', 'wrong', 'president', 'obama', 'mental', 'health', 'stop', 'flight', 'psycho'], ['ebola', 'nurse', 'never', 'allow', 'fly', 'cleveland', 'amazing', 'nothing', 'work', 'great', 'country', 'anymore'], ['read', 'victory', 'sleazebag', 'agschneiderman', 'people', 'fight', 'right', 'http', 'co', 'xxuorzo'], ['stevedeaceshow', 'interview', 'discuss', 'obama', 'incompetence', 'amp', 'trip', 'iowa', 'stevekingia', 'sit', 'http', 'co', 'pwrusadvr'], ['watch', 'russell', 'brand', 'rustyrocket', 'jimmyfallon', 'show', 'night', 'hell', 'people', 'see', 'russell', 'major', 'loser'], ['must', 'drunk', 'married', 'russell', 'brand', 'rustyrocket', 'send', 'really', 'nice', 'letter', 'apology'], ['great', 'foxsport', 'art', 'jillpainter', 'river', 'annual', 'golf', 'charity', 'event', 'trumpgolfla', 'doc', 'great', 'friend', 'http', 'khcaa'], ['katyperry', 'katy', 'hell', 'think', 'marry', 'loser', 'russell', 'brand', 'guy', 'get', 'nothing', 'go', 'waste'], ['watch', 'russell', 'brand', 'think', 'mind', 'fry', 'look', 'really', 'bad', 'russell', 'total_joke', 'dummy', 'lose'], ['looks_like', 'obama', 'stop', 'potentially', 'dangerous', 'flight', 'west_africa', 'hell', 'wrong', 'guy'], ['rate', 'writer', 'vicky', 'ward', 'beg', 'help', 'see', 'letter', 'http', 'co', 'pxscuy', 'ax'], ['love', 'see', 'graydon_carter', 'vanityfair', 'fail', 'badly', 'focused', 'bad', 'food', 'restaurant'], ['excited', 'return', 'iowa', 'tomorrow', 'campaign', 'friend', 'amp', 'strong', 'conservative', 'leader', 'stevekingia'], ['katyperry', 'much', 'well', 'http', 'co', 'dmhykhojvd'], ['thank', 'pier', 'wonderful', 'article', 'also', 'great', 'writing', 'piersmorgan', 'http', 'co', 'lzzodjsiez'], ['russell', 'nothing', 'go', 'energy', 'amp', 'aggression', 'would', 'dead', 'first', 'class', 'dummy'], ['yusiddiqui', 'piersmorgan', 'rustyrocket', 'get', 'much', 'well', 'contest', 'get', 'melania'], ['new', 'czar', 'report', 'nsa', 'adviser', 'susan', 'rice', 'mismanagement', 'amp', 'duplicity', 'cdc', 'obama', 'terrible', 'executive'], ['michelle', 'nunn', 'admit', 'vote', 'obama', 'course', 'nunn', 'support', 'obamacare', 'second_amendment'], ['donald', 'trump', 'pennsylvania_avenue', 'amp', 'nothing', 'http', 'co', 'enh', 'mefxrr', 'lilsarg'], ['come', 'soon', 'pennsylvania_avenue', 'http', 'co'], ['dailycaller', 'alexpappas', 'donald', 'trump', 'head', 'iowa', 'say', 'proof', 'obama', 'incompetence', 'http', 'co', 'syk', 'zign'], ['see', 'make', 'happen', 'entrepreneur', 'chase', 'dream', 'resolute', 'focus', 'amp', 'determination', 'positive'], ['obama', 'appoint', 'czar', 'experience', 'medical', 'area', 'experience', 'infectious', 'disease', 'control', 'total_joke'], ['dailycaller', 'alexpappas', 'donald', 'trump', 'head', 'iowa', 'say', 'proof', 'obama', 'incompetence', 'http', 'co', 'syk', 'zign'], ['african', 'nation', 'totally', 'ban', 'west', 'african', 'enter', 'nation', 'likewise', 'many', 'nation', 'come'], ['think', 'african', 'nation', 'ban', 'west', 'african', 'come', 'nation', 'call', 'racist', 'perhaps'], ['president', 'tahmooressi', 'would', 'let', 'jail', 'phone', 'call', 'notmexico', 'would', 'pay', 'price', 'never'], ['leave', 'iowa', 'great'], ['lobbyist', 'political', 'hack', 'president', 'obama', 'appoint', 'czar', 'miss', 'first', 'major', 'meeting', 'joke'], ['believe', 'obama', 'say', 'america', 'would', 'less', 'safe', 'west_africa', 'thinking', 'total', 'mad', 'man'], ['return', 'iowa', 'beautiful', 'state', 'people', 'amazing', 'event', 'congressman', 'steve', 'king', 'great', 'success'], ['foxandfriend', 'minute', 'talk', 'obama', 'strange', 'happening'], ['president', 'obama', 'make', 'mistake', 'long', 'time', 'people', 'united_state', 'plain', 'tired'], ['never', 'fan', 'bush', 'fact', 'bad', 'give', 'obama', 'obama', 'truly', 'pathetic', 'excuse', 'president', 'get', 'bad'], ['state', 'dopey', 'agschneiderman', 'use', 'cocaine', 'state', 'senator', 'http', 'co', 'wfuj', 'ew'], ['agschneiderman', 'must', 'take', 'drug', 'test', 'immediately', 'make', 'result', 'public', 'attorney_general', 'not', 'cokehead'], ['congrat', 'trumpwaikiki', 'name', 'orbitz', 'good', 'stay', 'elite', 'award', 'winner', 'oahu'], ['congratulation', 'trumpcollection', 'trumppanama', 'receive', 'certificate', 'excellence', 'amp', 'top', 'hotel', 'panama', 'tripadvisor'], ['kobradovich', 'donald', 'trump', 'next', 'president', 'need', 'great', 'http', 'co', 'dinxhaeqpu'], ['icymi_watch', 'full', 'press_conference', 'stevekingia', 'shanevanderhart', 'caffthought', 'http', 'co', 'pvfbeym'], ['via_dmregister', 'sharynjackson', 'trump', 'stevekingia', 'right', 'view', 'http', 'co', 'lndc', 'gfkd'], ['scj', 'rodboshart', 'trump', 'next', 'president', 'great', 'http', 'co', 'xcjdk', 'yene'], ['everyone', 'forget', 'marine', 'sit', 'mexican', 'prison', 'president', 'incompetent', 'lazy', 'make', 'call'], ['oscar', 'pistorius', 'get', 'year', 'prison', 'kill', 'girlfriend', 'ridiculous', 'decision', 'judge', 'even', 'read', 'writing'], ['time', 'great', 'fashion', 'oscar', 'renta', 'die', 'great', 'fashion', 'achievement', 'also', 'really', 'nice', 'guy'], ['oscar', 'pistorious', 'likely', 'serve', 'month', 'cold', 'blooded', 'murder', 'girlfriend', 'travesty', 'judge', 'moron'], ['washington', 'tomorrow', 'receive', 'joseph', 'wharton', 'award', 'wharton', 'club', 'great', 'honor', 'wharton'], ['obama', 'let', 'fly', 'amp', 'drugrunner', 'cross', 'border', 'daily', 'pressure', 'mexico', 'sgt_tahmooressi', 'freeourmarine'], ['believe', 'kay', 'hagan', 'also', 'promise', 'would', 'keep', 'healthcare_plan', 'obamacare', 'vote', 'thomtilli'], ['negotiation', 'art_treat'], ['accidentally', 'air', 'drop', 'large', 'shipment', 'military', 'weapon', 'supply', 'right', 'middle', 'isis', 'enemy', 'laugh', 'sad'], ['united_states', 'president', 'obama', 'truly', 'become', 'gang', 'shoot', 'straight', 'everything', 'touch', 'turn', 'garbage'], ['united_states', 'troop', 'send', 'west_africa', 'get', 'hour', 'train', 'unfair', 'family'], ['case', 'full', 'travel_ban', 'institute', 'common_sense', 'move', 'do', 'long', 'ago'], ['let', 'girl', 'leave', 'join', 'isis', 'back', 'country', 'stupid', 'respect', 'country', 'become'], ['go', 'today', 'check', 'hotel', 'building', 'penn', 'ave', 'honor', 'wharton', 'school', 'finance', 'best'], ['ben', 'bradlee', 'truly', 'great', 'amazing', 'life', 'lead', 'warm', 'condolence', 'dino', 'whole', 'family', 'benbradlee'], ['trumpvlog', 'south', 'african', 'justice', 'http', 'co', 'lwppk', 'osnl'], ['later', 'today', 'honor', 'park', 'hyatt', 'washington', 'wharton', 'club', 'joseph', 'wharton', 'award', 'dinner', 'great', 'honor'], ['interesting', 'cartoon', 'circulate', 'http', 'co', 'opg', 'ytkr'], ['mitt_romney', 'private', 'sector', 'amp', 'suffer', 'horrendous', 'loss', 'think', 'rehire'], ['reviewjournal', 'event', 'offer', 'glimpse', 'trump', 'high', 'life', 'holly', 'ivy', 'dore', 'http', 'co', 'gjdzzwnydn', 'great', 'interview', 'erictrump'], ['congratulation', 'dloesch', 'release', 'great', 'new', 'book', 'handsoffmygun', 'check', 'theblazebook', 'excerpt', 'http', 'co'], ['mediaite', 'evanmcmurry', 'trump', 'call', 'agschneiderman', 'cokehead', 'http', 'co', 'cnmqimo', 'schneiderman', 'admission'], ['dem', 'candidate', 'folk', 'vote', 'barack_obama', 'describe', 'democrat', 'senate', 'candidate'], ['liberal', 'sd', 'dem', 'candidate', 'rick', 'weiland', 'want', 'expand', 'obamacare', 'single', 'payer', 'amp', 'oppose', 'send', 'roundsforsenate', 'senate'], ['alison', 'grime', 'support', 'harsh', 'restriction', 'kill', 'coal', 'industry', 'amp', 'support', 'obama', 'anti', 'gun', 'legislation', 'vote', 'team_mitch'], ['trumpvlog', 'free', 'marine', 'http', 'ucl', 'twnq'], ['tremendous', 'pressure', 'president', 'obama', 'institute', 'stricken', 'west_africa', 'point', 'stubborn', 'dope', 'fold'], ['celebrate', 'thanksgive', 'trumpnewyork', 'exclusive', 'view', 'access', 'annual', 'macys', 'thanksgiving', 'parade', 'http', 'co', 'thsm', 'jfopy'], ['pinnacle', 'luxury', 'public', 'golf', 'experience', 'trumpgolfla', 'overlook', 'pacific_ocean', 'palos_verdes', 'http', 'co', 'yamdub', 'wo'], ['open', 'season', 'soon', 'national', 'register', 'landmark', 'club', 'crown', 'jewel', 'palm_beach', 'http', 'co'], ['double', 'digit', 'premium', 'increase', 'obamacare', 'dem', 'try', 'delay', 'show', 'number', 'election', 'news', 'spread', 'fast'], ['good', 'possibility', 'person', 'treat', 'patient', 'west_africa', 'fly', 'touch', 'many', 'bedlam'], ['doctor', 'recklessly', 'fly', 'west', 'africahas', 'ebolathen', 'obama', 'american', 'people', 'amp', 'resign'], ['confirm', 'official', 'frantically', 'try', 'find', 'people', 'thing', 'contact', 'obama', 'fault'], ['say', 'week', 'president', 'obama', 'stop', 'flight', 'west_africa', 'simple', 'refuse', 'total', 'incompetent'], ['never', 'think', 'say', 'lifetime', 'president', 'barack', 'hussein', 'obama', 'aka', 'barry', 'sotoro', 'far', 'bad', 'president', 'jimmy_carter'], ['president', 'obama', 'major', 'meeting', 'outbreak', 'people', 'fly', 'country', 'decide', 'play', 'golf'], ['president', 'obama', 'complete', 'total', 'disaster', 'chance', 'something', 'great', 'important', 'stop', 'flight'], ['ebola', 'doctor', 'fly', 'west_africa', 'go', 'subway', 'bowling', 'dining', 'selfish', 'man', 'know'], ['trumpvlog', 'obama', 'ashamed', 'http', 'co', 'gcugltxyzn'], ['canadian', 'pm', 'harper', 'immediately', 'call', 'ottawa', 'attack', 'terrorism', 'least', 'north', 'america', 'strong', 'leader', 'live', 'reality'], ['via_breitbartnew', 'j_strong', 'obama', 'administration', 'quietly', 'prepare', 'surge', 'million', 'new', 'immigrant', 'id', 'http', 'co', 'sioy', 'rec'], ['michelle', 'nunn', 'support', 'amnesty', 'weak', 'border', 'amp', 'obamacare', 'obama', 'liberal', 'send', 'dc', 'independent', 'voice', 'vote', 'perduesenate'], ['kay', 'hagan', 'profit', 'stimulus', 'skip', 'debate', 'kay', 'support', 'amnesty', 'weak', 'border', 'amp', 'http', 'co', 'bmsggfbm', 'thomtilli'], ['saudi', 'cut', 'oil', 'supplymake', 'price', 'rise', 'immediately', 'fight', 'isis', 'http', 'co', 'ewj', 'tsnk'], ['margin', 'error', 'confident', 'obama', 'even', 'make', 'website'], ['yesterday', 'home', 'run', 'win', 'today', 'game', 'babe', 'ruth'], ['happen', 'include', 'doctor', 'easily', 'come', 'back', 'obama', 'still', 'refuse', 'stop', 'flight'], ['make', 'fortune', 'atlantic_city', 'get', 'years_ago', 'great', 'timing', 'havn', 'back', 'many', 'year', 'nothing'], ['right', 'name', 'take', 'trump', 'plaza', 'operate', 'high', 'standard', 'involvement'], ['would', 'absolutely', 'consider', 'invest', 'atlantic_city', 'great', 'hard', 'work', 'people', 'much', 'would', 'change', 'taxis', 'reg'], ['many', 'penalty', 'long', 'commercial', 'nfl', 'game', 'longer', 'worth', 'watch', 'soft', 'hit', 'amp', 'boring'], ['foxandfriend', 'minute', 'great', 'deal', 'talk', 'include', 'quarantine'], ['fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'go', 'enjoy'], ['wonder', 'official', 'texastech', 'feel', 'treat', 'coach', 'mike', 'leach', 'little', 'respect', 'loss', 'tcufootball'], ['thank', 'tweetbypremi', 'select', 'ocean', 'view', 'suite', 'trump_ireland', 'top', 'suite', 'http', 'co', 'wakfbju'], ['jetsetterdotcom', 'hong', 'kong', 'feature', 'page', 'great', 'hometown', 'city', 'include', 'trumpsoho', 'http', 'co', 'bviqap', 'mly'], ['trumpcollection', 'hotel', 'make', 'cntraveler', 'reader', 'choice', 'trumpnewyork', 'trumpsoho', 'trumpchicago', 'trumptoronto', 'trumppanama', 'trump_ireland'], ['congratulation', 'trump_ireland', 'name', 'resort', 'europe', 'cntraveler', 'readerschoice', 'award'], ['renovation', 'trumpdoral', 'offer', 'wide', 'array', 'course', 'restore', 'perfection', 'http', 'co', 'fyg', 'yyoym'], ['achievers_move', 'forward', 'times_achievement', 'plateau', 'begin', 'waste', 'time', 'treading', 'water'], ['obamacare', 'bring', 'skyrocket', 'premium', 'increase', 'unaffordable', 'deductible', 'lead', 'less', 'care', 'amp', 'job', 'loss'], ['story', 'luxury', 'highrise', 'trumpparc', 'offer', 'elite', 'amenity', 'residence', 'maximize', 'inch', 'space', 'http', 'co', 'wg'], ['perfect', 'getaway', 'trump_ireland', 'europe', 'elite', 'star', 'destination', 'perfect', 'old', 'world', 'luxury', 'http', 'co', 'mad', 'wu'], ['refuse', 'meet', 'israeli', 'defense', 'minister', 'obama', 'hate', 'iran', 'much', 'dislikes', 'israel'], ['governor', 'already', 'back', 'quarantine', 'bad', 'decision', 'lead', 'mayhem'], ['believe', 'anybody', 'afraid', 'fail', 'winner'], ['foust', 'liberal', 'support', 'obamacare', 'oppose', 'send', 'conservative', 'barbaracomstock', 'congress'], ['mark', 'udall', 'decide', 'vote', 'obamacare', 'amp', 'coloradan', 'drop', 'plan', 'vote', 'corygardner'], ['keep', 'momentum', 'momentum', 'lot', 'great', 'idea', 'go', 'nowhere'], ['success', 'require', 'focus', 'effort', 'sell', 'short'], ['watch', 'seanhannity', 'show', 'pm', 'tonight', 'foxnews'], ['president', 'obama', 'strongly', 'consider', 'plan', 'bring', 'non', 'citizen', 'united_states', 'treatment', 'know', 'nut'], ['rocket', 'blow', 'crash', 'yesterday', 'emblematic', 'united_state', 'obama', 'nothing', 'work', 'rocket', 'website'], ['polar', 'ice', 'cap', 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'chickenshit', 'ironic', 'bibi', 'idf', 'special', 'force', 'commando', 'obama', 'community', 'organizer'], ['obama', 'quarantine', 'soldier', 'return', 'africa', 'day', 'still', 'allow', 'contract', 'ebola', 'country', 'hypocrite'], ['entrepreneur', 'look', 'solution', 'problem', 'learn', 'focus', 'give', 'result'], ['entrepreneur', 'keep', 'open', 'mind', 'business', 'creative', 'endeavor', 'always', 'opportunity', 'possibility'], ['conde', 'nast', 'traveler', 'reader', 'choice', 'award', 'good', 'resort', 'europe', 'trump', 'int_hotel', 'amp', 'golf_link', 'doonbeg', 'vote', 'http', 'co', 'gayzay'], ['make', 'see', 'light', 'make', 'feel', 'heat', 'president', 'ronald_reagan'], ['tell', 'giant', 'start', 'hudson', 'mistake', 'get', 'knock', 'game', 'love', 'right'], ['person', 'enthusiastic', 'work', 'anything', 'fear', 'life', 'samuel', 'goldwyn'], ['trumpvlog', 'quarantine', 'nurse', 'http', 'co', 'qdu', 'xpocq'], ['happy_birthday', 'ivankatrump', 'amazing', 'daughter'], ['investopedia', 'swan_investor', 'irreplaceable', 'brand', 'donald', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'ykblklt'], ['newhampshirecom', 'ticket', 'sale', 'loeb', 'school', 'event', 'feature', 'donald', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'afxkhhrpsm'], ['chinese', 'oil', 'trader', 'buy', 'record', 'number', 'mideast', 'crude', 'http', 'co', 'ocwvpfelji', 'china', 'gain', 'fight', 'isis'], ['golf_com', 'joepassov', 'trumpferrypoint', 'nation', 'good', 'public', 'course', 'http', 'co', 'nh'], ['sit', 'foot', 'whitestone', 'bridge', 'trumpferrypoint', 'hole', 'jacknicklaus', 'signature', 'course', 'http', 'co', 'go', 'lznir'], ['newsradio', 'int', 'jackheathradio', 'discuss', 'nickey', 'loeb', 'amendment', 'award', 'dinner', 'amp', 'senscottbrown', 'http', 'co', 'rgoh'], ['mark', 'begich', 'vote', 'obama', 'oppose', 'drill', 'amp', 'support', 'amnesty', 'illegal', 'next', 'tuesday', 'vote', 'dansullivan'], ['jeanne', 'shaheen', 'decide', 'vote', 'obamacare_premium', 'skyrocket', 'send', 'senscottbrown', 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'apprenticenbc', 'press_conference', 'http', 'co', 'ipsmy', 'jsx', 'premiere', 'nbc'], ['int', 'mlauer', 'announce', 'premiere', 'amp', 'cast', 'season'], ['congratulation', 'senscottbrown', 'run', 'aggressive', 'amp', 'fair', 'campaign', 'vote', 'scott', 'today'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'wandacarruther', 'trump', 'gop', 'edge', 'win', 'big', 'force', 'obama', 'act', 'http', 'co', 'wyxtg'], ['thomtilli', 'run', 'wonderful', 'campaign', 'good_luck', 'today'], ['today', 'referendum', 'obamacare', 'amnesty', 'slow', 'growth', 'healthcare', 'drop', 'amp', 'lie'], ['reehine', 'donald', 'trump', 'reveal', 'new', 'apprenticenbc', 'cast', 'talk', 'joan_river', 'role', 'show', 'http', 'co'], ['today', 'democrat', 'lose', 'big', 'tomorrow', 'republican', 'must', 'communicate', 'positive', 'pro', 'growth', 'agenda'], ['season', 'cast', 'apprenticenbc', 'bring', 'excitement', 'board', 'room', 'lot', 'surprise', 'amp', 'great', 'task', 'enjoy'], ['today', 'big', 'day', 'team_mitch', 'many', 'way', 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['source', 'knowledge', 'experience', 'albert_einstein'], ['happy', 'veteransday', 'nice', 'tahmooressi', 'back', 'home'], ['exceptional', 'dining', 'match', 'exceptional', 'view', 'trumpchicago', 'offer', 'unique', 'array', 'star', 'dining_option', 'http', 'co', 'pwsw', 'dqmw'], ['nicholasballasy', 'trump', 'call', 'election', 'big', 'blow', 'obama', 'think', 'denial', 'http', 'co', 'swyp'], ['greta', 'int', 'discuss', 'gift', 'usmc', 'tahmooressi', 'obama', 'trip', 'china', 'amp', 'election', 'result', 'http', 'co', 'qohrbhgvxw'], ['shawnjohnson', 'return', 'reality', 'tv', 'donald', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'ranotnemxh'], ['thank', 'nice', 'tweet', 'sgt_tahmooressi', 'especially', 'nice', 'money', 'send', 'today', 'veteransday'], ['looking_forward', 'keynote', 'nackey', 'loeb', 'school', 'communication', 'first', 'amendment', 'award', 'event', 'tomorrow'], ['still', 'complete', 'progress', 'scary', 'sad'], ['accept', 'lose', 'win', 'vince_lombardi'], ['congrat', 'sixteenchicago', 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'wamclvd'], ['congratulation', 'sixteenchicago', 'trumpchicago', 'honor', 'star', 'rating', 'year'], ['icymi', 'foxandfriend', 'int', 'criticize', 'gop', 'obamacare', 'new', 'congress', 'http', 'co', 'tqe', 'wreei'], ['locate', 'central_park', 'iconic', 'trumprink', 'nyc', 'top', 'skating', 'rink', 'vip', 'session', 'available', 'booking', 'http', 'co', 'fckfvdy'], ['via_breitbartnew', 'mboyle', 'obama', 'amnesty', 'give', 'illegal_aliens', 'public', 'benefit', 'http', 'co', 'mdwb', 'mer'], ['least', 'obamacare', 'romneycare', 'architect', 'gruber', 'admit', 'privately', 'lie', 'obama', 'gang', 'liar'], ['watch', 'obama', 'steal', 'idea', 'gruber', 'http', 'co', 'obiy', 'osy', 'obama', 'claim', 'adviser'], ['remember', 'thing', 'worth', 'wait', 'plan', 'change', 'sometimes', 'good', 'reason', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['continue', 'stop', 'slow', 'growth', 'halt', 'research', 'amp', 'development', 'defund', 'repeal', 'amp', 'replace'], ['true', 'competitor', 'one', 'always', 'play', 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'http', 'co', 'edk', 'rdmf'], ['blairkamin', 'sorry', 'suck', 'usual', 'lose', 'work', 'second', 'bad', 'critic', 'great', 'sign', 'http', 'co', 'usyl', 'qr'], ['iraq', 'pay', 'fight', 'isis', 'give', 'money', 'family', 'brave', 'soldier'], ['protect', 'rule', 'law', 'expect', 'even', 'illegal', 'cross', 'border', 'obama', 'executive', 'amnesty', 'dangerous'], ['award', 'star', 'forbesinspector', 'trumpto', 'offer', 'room', 'amp', 'suite', 'center', 'downtown', 'toronto', 'http', 'co', 'sycxjrp'], ['multiple', 'space', 'option', 'trumpchicago', 'ideal', 'venue', 'hold', 'dream', 'wedding', 'http', 'co', 'awvysscdfr'], ['necessarily', 'need', 'good', 'location', 'need', 'good', 'deal', 'art', 'deal'], ['go', 'riot', 'ferguson', 'matter'], ['really', 'want', 'succeed', 'go', 'day', 'big', 'time', 'slacker', 'keep', 'stamina', 'remain', 'curious'], ['entrepreneur', 'problem', 'mind', 'exercise', 'enjoy', 'challenge'], ['entrepreneur', 'keep', 'momentum', 'momentum', 'lot', 'great', 'idea', 'go', 'nowhere'], ['suntime', 'cstearlyoften', 'fspielman', 'council', 'sign', 'rule', 'mean', 'trump', 'name', 'loom', 'large', 'river', 'http', 'co', 'dcoc', 'ul'], ['intellectual', 'solve', 'problem', 'genius', 'prevent', 'albert_einstein'], ['trump', 'tower', 'punta', 'cylindrical', 'tower', 'redefine', 'essence', 'luxury', 'sand', 'playa', 'brava', 'http', 'co', 'vflg', 'avh'], ['tough', 'smart', 'personable', 'take', 'thing', 'personally', 'good', 'business', 'think', 'like_champion'], ['congratulation', 'bill', 'brien', 'name', 'republican', 'speaker', 'house', 'well', 'earn', 'amp', 'well', 'deserve', 'great', 'guy'], ['aaronschock', 'aaron', 'great', 'meet', 'trump', 'tower', 'also', 'really', 'good', 'job', 'television'], ['think', 'african', 'nation', 'ban', 'west', 'african', 'come', 'nation', 'racist'], ['tom_brady', 'play', 'great', 'today', 'total', 'champ', 'really', 'nice', 'guy', 'rare', 'combination'], ['foxandfriend', 'much', 'talk', 'sadly', 'enjoy'], 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'start', 'currency', 'may', 'strong', 'dollar', 'obamacare', 'fully', 'implement'], ['iran', 'united_state', 'push', 'deadline', 'back', 'month', 'work', 'nuclear', 'deal', 'iran', 'tap', 'along', 'bad', 'negotiator'], ['would', 'announce', 'find', 'grand', 'jury', 'ferguson', 'evening', 'prime', 'time', 'riot', 'smart'], ['black', 'president', 'racial', 'divide', 'seem', 'great', 'decade', 'obama', 'leader', 'would', 'case'], ['decision', 'grand', 'jury', 'ferguson', 'exact', 'opposite', 'would', 'still', 'riots', 'right'], ['imagine', 'putin', 'friend', 'enemy', 'world', 'say', 'watch', 'ferguson', 'riot'], ['china', 'rest', 'world', 'continue', 'rip', 'economically', 'laugh', 'president', 'riot', 'ferguson'], ['sadly', 'president', 'obama', 'do', 'poor', 'job', 'president', 'see', 'black', 'president', 'generation'], ['country', 'totally', 'fracture', 'weak', 'leadership', 'washington', 'expect', 'ferguson', 'type', 'riot', 'looting', 'place'], ['moron', 'decide', 'release', 'ferguson', 'grand', 'jury', 'finding', 'clock', 'evening', 'thinking'], ['love', 'trumpcondoslv', 'bring', 'unparalleled', 'style', 'elegance', 'world', 'class', 'amenity', 'http', 'co', 'kya'], ['president', 'obama', 'absolutely', 'control', 'respect', 'african_american', 'community', 'fare', 'poorly', 'presidency'], ['congratulation', 'trumpnewyork', 'name', 'good', 'business', 'hotel', 'nyc', 'travlandleisure', 'world', 'good', 'business', 'hotel'], ['congrat', 'trumpchicago', 'name', 'good', 'business', 'hotel', 'chicago', 'travlandleisure', 'world', 'good', 'http', 'co', 'dlq', 'bdhqxm'], ['nothing', 'trumpsoho', 'think', 'holiday', 'robbreport', 'dive', 'http', 'co', 'nvlwnuyhxq'], ['find', 'something', 'everyone', 'list', 'holiday', 'gift', 'guide', 'trumpsoho', 'trumpcollection', 'tumblr', 'http', 'co', 'zeivu', 'kqx'], ['great', 'write', 'thedailymeal', 'new', 'executive', 'sous', 'chef', 'sydney', 'jone', 'trumplasvegas', 'http', 'co', 'eiqc', 'kyg'], ['tiberia', 'thank', 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'crude', 'smart', 'league'], ['obama', 'keep', 'soldier', 'afghanistan', 'least', 'year', 'lose', 'war', 'simultaneously'], ['congress', 'great', 'card', 'obama', 'power', 'purse'], ['washingtonpost', 'oconnellpostbiz', 'bidding', 'stay', 'trump', 'hotel', 'inauguration', 'pick', 'next', 'potus', 'http', 'co', 'kgxqi'], ['obama', 'community', 'organize', 'oval_office', 'ferguson', 'today', 'riot', 'sure', 'follow'], ['obamacare', 'repeal', 'obama', 'amp', 'congress', 'exempt', 'staff'], ['surprise', 'rosie', 'fail', 'theview', 'terrible', 'rating', 'malcontent', 'amp', 'season', 'question', 'http', 'co', 'rah'], ['lifestyle', 'unveil', 'trump', 'home', 'brand', 'gcc', 'http', 'co', 'twopulclzr', 'tradearabia'], ['success', 'dependent', 'effort', 'sophocle'], ['newsmax', 'nice', 'article', 'thank', 'much', 'http', 'co', 'pvqtjnooua'], ['sad', 'burt', 'reynold', 'lose', 'money', 'wish', 'come', 'advice', 'would', 'rich', 'hell'], ['ticket', 'available', 'cadillacchamp', 'trumpdoral', 'march', 'http', 'co', 'aedglb'], ['young', 'entrepreneur', 'success', 'measure', 'result', 'productive', 'face', 'challenge', 'setback', 'fatal'], ['brainpower', 'ultimate', 'leverage', 'keep', 'focus', 'intact'], ['via_dmregister', 'joelaschbrenner', 'trump', 'speak', 'landexpo', 'west', 'des_moine', 'http', 'co', 'tcqwte'], ['peoplescompany', 'real_estate', 'magnate', 'donald', 'trump', 'headline', 'landexpo', 'west', 'des_moine', 'iowa', 'http', 'co', 'dmjpfhv'], ['yesterday', 'national', 'debt', 'top', 'record', 'accrue', 'obama', 'real', 'mess'], ['tuesday', 'many', 'view', 'execs', 'leak', 'want', 'rosie', 'go', 'show', 'fail'], ['least', 'congress', 'must', 'defund', 'obama', 'amnesty', 'order'], ['excellent', 'thing', 'learn', 'serve', 'measure', 'knowledge', 'philip', 'sidney'], ['cast', 'new', 'season', 'apprenticenbc', 'premiere', 'http', 'co'], ['magnificent', 'view', 'trumpchicago', 'perfect', 'venue', 'host', 'impact', 'event', 'amp', 'business', 'meeting', 'http', 'co', 'uunq'], ['ring', 'downtown', 'elite', 'star', 'hotel', 'trumpsoho', 'offer', 'luxurious', 'story', 'excellence', 'http', 'co', 'qbu', 'kj'], ['congress', 'must', 'pass', 'budget', 'hold', 'obama', 'continue', 'resolution', 'excuse', 'republican', 'soon', 'hold', 'house'], ['state', 'department', 'revoke', 'single', 'passport', 'isis', 'american', 'http', 'co', 'ixwdz', 'send', 'gitmo', 'amp'], ['broken', 'border', 'debt', 'obamacare', 'fail', 'amp', 'budget', 'worry', 'president', 'still', 'fundraise', 'http', 'co', 'ezwqpn', 'priority'], ['keep', 'focus', 'global', 'may', 'well', 'find', 'ahead', 'game', 'trump', 'never', 'give'], ['wear', 'blindfold', 'business', 'regular', 'part', 'day', 'devote', 'expand', 'horizon', 'trump', 'get', 'rich'], ['nytime', 'ideal', 'gadget', 'http', 'co', 'mcim'], ['newsmax', 'melaniebatley', 'donald', 'trump', 'tell', 'eye', 'white_house', 'tell', 'could', 'win', 'http', 'vuqjxo'], ['looking_forward', 'speak', 'prestigious', 'theeconomicclub', 'december', 'http', 'co', 'kofbn'], ['obama', 'give', 'social', 'security', 'amp', 'obamacare', 'illegal', 'yet', 'want', 'cut', 'military', 'benefit', 'http', 'co', 'wotxcby', 'disgrace'], ['failure', 'explanation', 'success', 'need', 'alec', 'guinness'], ['tbt', 'jame', 'lipton', 'set', 'apprenticenbc', 'http', 'co', 'rlscape'], ['never', 'give', 'anybody', 'hell', 'tell', 'truth', 'think', 'hell', 'harry', 'truman'], ['entrepreneur', 'passion', 'love', 'work', 'success', 'follow'], ['entrepreneur', 'believe', 'one', 'else', 'either'], ['foxandfriend', 'morning', 'much', 'talk'], ['close', 'roll', 'stone', 'magazine', 'phony', 'rape', 'charge', 'story', 'university', 'virginia', 'sue', 'big', 'buck'], ['schedule', 'completion', 'trumpvancouver', 'story', 'twist', 'tower', 'icon', 'vancouver', 'skyline', 'http', 'co', 'qmx', 'csoo'], ['home', 'pgatour', 'cadillacchamp', 'trumpdoral', 'represent', 'miami', 'energy', 'glamour', 'innovation', 'amp', 'luxury', 'http', 'co', 'uhjqxzvpu'], ['congratulation', 'trumppanama', 'name', 'good', 'vip', 'access', 'hotel', 'expedia', 'http', 'co', 'cregfhwlbe'], ['starsentlive', 'nick', 'ricko', 'kevinjona', 'ianziere', 'celebrity', 'apprenticenbc', 'first', 'look', 'http', 'co', 'vos', 'qbygd'], ['cia', 'report', 'release', 'put', 'agent', 'amp', 'military', 'overseas', 'danger', 'propaganda', 'tool', 'enemy'], ['congratulation', 'billcassidy', 'decisive', 'win', 'saturday', 'bill', 'pro', 'growth', 'pro', 'energy', 'senator'], ['exhausted', 'possibility', 'remember', 'thomas_edison'], ['obama', 'oppose', 'sanction', 'iran', 'http', 'co', 'sgqn', 'gmc', 'laugh', 'kerry', 'amp', 'obama'], ['country', 'leader', 'get', 'dumb', 'time', 'release', 'full', 'documentation', 'torture', 'destroy', 'cia'], ['golfmagazine', 'rate', 'renovation', 'blue_monster', 'good', 'year', 'even', 'better', 'state', 'may', 'good', 'time'], ['thank', 'golfmagazine', 'fantastic', 'review', 'blue_monster', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'good', 'resort', 'renovation', 'amp', 'time'], ['golfmagazine', 'great', 'thank'], ['sorry', 'rosie', 'mentally', 'sick', 'woman', 'bully', 'dummy', 'loser', 'wonderful'], ['miss', 'lot', 'information', 'autism', 'support', 'autismspeak', 'project', 'visit', 'mss', 'mssng'], ['damacofficial', 'announce', 'tigerwood', 'create', 'golf_course', 'trump', 'world', 'golf_club', 'dubai', 'http', 'co', 'cnbboxfbdb', 'businesswire'], ['worldnetdaily', 'jerome_corsi', 'donald', 'trump', 'obama', 'jobless', 'figure', 'phony', 'economist', 'agree', 'http', 'co', 'pkadnlh'], ['impose', 'dune', 'rugge', 'aberdeenshire', 'coastline', 'trumpscotland', 'championship', 'course', 'masterpiece', 'http', 'co', 'buzvsskh'], ['longer', 'play', 'well', 'chance', 'well', 'player', 'win', 'jacknicklaus'], ['sad', 'dangerous', 'soon', 'intelligence', 'chair', 'dianne', 'feinstein', 'release', 'cia', 'report', 'glad', 'lose', 'comm', 'chair'], ['obamacare', 'continue', 'increase', 'insurance', 'premium', 'amp', 'raise', 'record', 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'body', 'fight', 'sleep', 'deprivation'], ['terrorist', 'behead', 'execute', 'american', 'citizen', 'brutal', 'report', 'torture', 'least', 'concern'], ['interesting', 'immediately', 'everybody', 'ask', 'indeed', 'demand', 'torture', 'kind', 'report'], ['people', 'spend', 'entire', 'lifetime', 'wonder', 'make', 'difference', 'world', 'marine', 'problem', 'ronald_reagan'], ['jet', 'let', 'score', 'get', 'number', 'draft', 'pick', 'really', 'good', 'never', 'change'], ['believe', 'sony', 'chief', 'amy', 'pascal', 'want', 'meet', 'sharpton', 'seek', 'forgiveness', 'racial', 'slur', 'laugh'], ['wonder', 'sony', 'badly', 'really', 'stupid', 'leadership', 'want', 'sharpton', 'help', 'watch', 'turn', 'table', 'chief', 'amy', 'pascal'], ['thereval', 'realdonaldtrump', 'http', 'co', 'vzapdwp', 'sharpton', 'love', 'trump', 'know', 'get', 'other', 'check', 'picture'], ['foxandfriend', 'minute', 'great', 'day'], ['zagat', 'name', 'christmas', 'day', 'brunch', 'trumpchicago', 'sixteenchicago', 'good', 'city', 'trumpholiday', 'http', 'co', 'fsazdke'], ['looking_forward', 'tonight', 'conversation', 'david', 'rubenstein', 'theeconomicclub', 'air', 'live', 'cspan', 'pm_', 'http', 'co', 'onttu', 'oixf'], ['washtime', 'harperbulletin', 'donald', 'trump', 'go', 'washington', 'http', 'co', 'xxoxehlctb'], ['tvgrapevine', 'apprenticenbc', 'premiere', 'sunday', 'january', 'http', 'co', 'vamrtdbiyn'], ['light', 'go', 'white_house', 'today', 'http', 'co', 'ckbj', 'symbolic', 'obama', 'presidency'], ['cia', 'deserve', 'praise', 'take', 'fight', 'enemy', 'dark', 'corner', 'world', 'cia', 'persevere', 'politician', 'whine'], ['american', 'unemployed', 'yet', 'obama', 'set', 'workshop', 'country', 'illegal', 'get', 'amnesty', 'http', 'co', 'gnbzwkc'], ['revenge', 'sweet', 'fattening', 'alfred', 'hitchcock'], ['dailymail', 'chriskitche', 'luxury', 'penthouse', 'trumpchicago', 'skyscraper', 'sell', 'record', 'http', 'co', 'jfo'], ['many', 'time', 'watch', 'pay', 'stupid', 'never', 'end', 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'amp', 'grant', 'amnesty', 'illegal'], ['thescotsman', 'donald', 'trump', 'trumpturnberry', 'plan', 'get', 'go', 'ahead', 'http', 'co', 'laze', 'infgb'], ['wbjonline', 'wbjholan', 'donald', 'trump', 'hint', 'presidential', 'run', 'promise', 'great', 'luxury', 'hotel', 'http', 'co', 'ntyuaxhtu'], ['tweet', 'new', 'year', 'resolution', 'make_america', 'great', 'http', 'co', 'hmfrhuoiwt'], ['success', 'final', 'failure', 'fatal', 'courage', 'continue', 'count', 'winston_churchill'], ['believe', 'great', 'wjcarter', 'get', 'can', 'nytime', 'fantastic', 'reporter', 'amp', 'really', 'know', 'entertainment', 'miss'], ['story', 'write', 'huffingtonpost', 'reporter', 'huffpost', 'refuse', 'print', 'total', 'bias', 'prevail', 'http', 'co', 'rvf', 'zhueck'], ['foxnew', 'int', 'teamcavuto', 'state', 'world', 'affair', 'economy', 'bush', 'http', 'co', 'xuhmmpib'], ['washingtonpost', 'oconnellpostbiz', 'donald', 'trump', 'land', 'chefjoseandre', 'office', 'flagship', 'restaurant', 'http', 'co', 'rjwtyasjsr'], ['golfdig', 'lukekerrdineen', 'michaelbreed', 'open', 'golf', 'academy', 'donald', 'trump', 'trumpferrypoint', 'http', 'co', 'cfqkemrq'], ['abc', 'jonkarl', 'amp', 'jordynphelp', 'donald', 'trump', 'say', 'last', 'thing', 'need', 'http', 'co'], ['charlottesville', 'trumpwinery', 'virginia', 'large', 'winery', 'acre', 'french', 'vinifera', 'variety', 'http', 'co', 'chhyqjj'], ['destroy', 'middle_east', 'amp', 'economy', 'bush', 'last', 'gift', 'justice', 'robert', 'legalize', 'obamacare', 'bush'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'owentew', 'donald', 'trump', 'last', 'thing', 'need', 'bush', 'co', 'iupymgzwui'], ['trumpvlog', 'sad', 'day', 'freedom', 'speech', 'http', 'co', 'eqdh', 'bkdhp'], ['congratulation', 'trumpsoho', 'make', 'cntraveler', 'goldlist', 'http', 'co', 'xugyrjyy'], ['fully', 'support', 'saveculzean', 'turnberry', 'great', 'beauty', 'amp', 'tourism', 'wind_turbine', 'death', 'environment', 'http', 'co', 'ozsf'], ['co', 'host', 'extratv', 'tonight', 'sure', 'tune'], ['great', 'part', 'home', 'alone', 'holiday', 'staple', 'http', 'co', 'stycwl'], ['interview', 'tonight', 'greta', 'sony', 'amp', 'bush'], ['must', 'watch', 'ivankatrump', 'interview', 'gma', 'discuss', 'girlpower', 'http', 'co', 'wvcbajyl'], ['nmoralesnbc', 'thomasarobert', 'host', 'rd', 'annual', 'missuniverse', 'http', 'co', 'dravi', 'hrbd', 'thewrap', 'anthonymaglio'], ['premiere', 'jan', 'record', 'season', 'apprenticenbc', 'cast', 'nasty', 'http', 'fy', 'major', 'boardroom', 'firework'], ['yahoo', 'power', 'player', 'interview', 'jonkarl', 'donald', 'trump', 'new', 'dig', 'pennsylvania_avenue', 'http', 'co', 'tbtxtxkjny'], ['great', 'foxbusiness', 'interview', 'erictrump', 'teamcavuto', 'discuss', 'real_estate', 'economy', 'amp', 'http', 'co', 'njrzjfw'], ['scotlandnow', 'donald', 'trump', 'start', 'overhaul', 'trumpturnberry', 'golf', 'resort', 'http', 'co', 'jvprc'], ['must', 'read', 'conservreview', 'article', 'jeffjlpa', 'outsider', 'https', 'co', 'juwa', 'ghqkr'], ['amy', 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'holiday', 'nyc', 'hot', 'neighborhood', 'use', 'trumpsoho', 'offer', 'http', 'co', 'dgabgw'], ['congrat', 'trumpdoral', 'name', 'notable', 'opening', 'bizbash', 'http', 'co', 'eluhp', 'cdkc'], ['excited', 'santanacarlo', 'perform', 'trumpdoral', 'http', 'co', 'wtbfvq'], ['entrepreneur', 'realize', 'fear', 'exact', 'opposite', 'faith', 'resolve', 'big', 'problem', 'boss'], ['entrepreneur', 'absorb', 'assess', 'act', 'negate', 'power', 'deal', 'know', 'deal'], ['negotiation', 'art_treat'], ['dummy', 'bill', 'maher', 'advertisement', 'fail', 'time', 'picture', 'sad', 'look', 'pathetic', 'bloated', 'amp', 'go'], ['latin', 'america', 'tall', 'building', 'trumppanama', 'perfect', 'getaway', 'location', 'celebrate', 'new', 'year', 'luxury', 'http', 'co', 'tbh'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'alana', 'marie', 'burke', 'donald', 'trump', 'key', 'political', 'position', 'http', 'co', 'yq', 'jtkr'], ['many', 'people', 'think', 'run', 'president', 'wonder', 'response', 'even', 'hater', 'loser', 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'jbpl', 'wwf'], ['daltonross', 'recap', 'nobody', 'think', 'donald', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'opzebuvs'], ['newsmanone', 'moon', 'cycle', 'defeat', 'shawnjohnson', 'apprenticenbc', 'http', 'co', 'feheg'], ['congress', 'must', 'repeal', 'obamacare', 'obama', 'veto', 'american', 'continue', 'lose', 'doctor', 'amp', 'pay', 'rise', 'premium'], ['tmz_sport', 'donald', 'trump', 'mess', 'terrellowen', 'name', 'see', 'go', 'crazy', 'people', 'http', 'co'], ['big', 'announcement', 'come', 'soon', 'regard', 'south_carolina'], ['failure', 'simply', 'opportunity', 'begin', 'time', 'intelligently', 'henry_ford'], ['via_breitbartnew', 'mboyle', 'exclusive', 'trump', 'address', 'convention', 'http', 'co', 'jtut', 'srcnx'], ['theybf', 'msvivicafox', 'attend', 'private', 'screening', 'donald', 'trump', 'donate', 'peachespulliam', 'kamp', 'kizzy', 'http', 'co', 'cq', 'qvpq'], ['trump', 'late', 'joan_river', 'http', 'co', 'pvsrsxhu', 'azcentral'], ['condolence', 'prayer', 'victim', 'terrorist_attack', 'pari'], ['obama', 'continue', 'release', 'bad', 'bad', 'gitmo', 'look', 'paris', 'wake'], ['congratulation', 'new', 'congressman', 'leezeldin', 'name', 'house', 'foreign', 'affair', 'comm', 'co', 'chair', 'house', 'republican', 'israel', 'caucus'], ['people', 'violently', 'shoot', 'paris', 'gun', 'least', 'would', 'fight', 'chance'], ['interesting', 'tragedy', 'took_place', 'tough', 'gun', 'control', 'country', 'world'], ['remember', 'gun', 'outlaw', 'outlaw', 'gun'], ['thestate', 'andyshain', 'donald', 'trump', 'join', 'prospect', 'speak', 'party_convention', 'http', 'co', 'cmrineireu'], ['donald', 'trump', 'address', 'party', 'coalition', 'myrtle_beach', 'event', 'http', 'co', 'hbaioxutgf', 'carolinalive', 'timmcginniswpde'], ['would', 'like', 'thank', 'golfmagazine', 'really', 'nice', 'review', 'trump', 'national_doral', 'good', 'renovation', 'year', 'maybe', 'time'], ['almost', 'news', 'organization', 'show', 'satirical', 'picture', 'gee', 'wonder', 'medium', 'usually', 'brave'], 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'celebrity_apprentice', 'watch', 'believe', 'happen'], ['woman', 'celebrity_apprentice', 'absolutely', 'crazy', 'maybe', 'wildest', 'thing', 'ever', 'reality', 'television', 'watch', 'tonight'], ['thehill', 'hugginsrachel', 'trump', 'look', 'seriously', 'run', 'http', 'co', 'wso', 'jxaqf'], ['int', 'morningmika', 'joenbc', 'amp', 'thomasarobert', 'trumpdoral', 'romney', 'gop', 'nomineehttp', 'co'], ['http', 'co', 'cothsixavj', 'light', 'camera', 'fire', 'new', 'apprenticenbc', 'tonight', 'nbc'], ['foxandfriend', 'int', 'foxnewsinsider', 'leadership', 'trump', 'slam', 'obama', 'skip', 'paris', 'unity', 'rally', 'http', 'co', 'rw'], ['celebapprentice', 'live_tweeting', 'spoiler', 'tonight', 'new', 'apprenticenbc'], ['let', 'go', 'celebapprentice'], ['celebapprentice', 'always', 'make', 'sure', 'great', 'nyc', 'location', 'task', 'delivery'], ['celebapprentice', 'think', 'choice', 'project', 'manager'], ['celebapprentice', 'selfie'], ['celebapprentice', 'teamvortex', 'teaminfinity'], 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'wyxhzutgi', 'yahoonew'], ['eonline', 'brettmalec', 'missuniverse', 'contestant', 'http', 'co', 'mccmw'], ['monday', 'night', 'must', 'see', 'television', 'wonderful', 'joan_river', 'play', 'major', 'role', 'advisor', 'apprentice', 'amazing'], ['via_fitsnew', 'donald', 'trump', 'know', 'donald', 'plan', 'splashy', 'land', 'myrtle_beach', 'http', 'co', 'pftqv'], ['donald', 'trump', 'headline', 'party_convention', 'http', 'co', 'gxo', 'wyffnew'], ['nolanew', 'davewalkertv', 'donald', 'trump', 'praise', 'joan_river', 'strong', 'vibrant', 'apprenticenbc', 'return', 'http', 'co', 'uztsil'], ['look_forward', 'south_carolina', 'tomorrow', 'total', 'sellout', 'crowd'], ['foxandfriend', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['apprentice', 'exciting', 'interesting', 'tonight', 'joan_river', 'put', 'great', 'show'], ['foxandfriend', 'minute'], ['myrbeachonline', 'donald', 'trump', 'state', 'case', 'become', 'potus', 'party_convention', 'http', 'co'], ['carolinalive', 'joelallenwpde', 'big', 'name', 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'aiy'], ['dcexamin', 'escarry', 'donald', 'trump', 'huffingtonpost', 'dishonest', 'organization', 'http', 'co', 'rom', 'mkb', 'wn'], ['greta', 'washington', 'office', 'construction', 'tune', 'tonight', 'https', 'co', 'tzztn', 'udys'], ['entrepreneur', 'negotiation', 'art_treat'], ['entrepreneur', 'trust', 'instinct', 'even', 'hone', 'skill', 'reason'], ['entrepreneur', 'take', 'responsibility', 'empower', 'attitude'], ['greta'], ['go', 'greta', 'show', 'talk', 'opo', 'plenty', 'else', 'enjoy'], ['give', 'good', 'tribute', 'parent', 'ever', 'hear', 'yesterday', 'congressional', 'gold', 'medal', 'ceremony', 'honor', 'jacknicklaus'], ['ivankatrump', 'favorite', 'miami', 'hot', 'spot', 'trumpgolf', 'trumpdoral', 'http', 'co', 'rlqdhj'], ['http', 'lw', 'bfjjdp', 'man', 'job', 'president', 'http', 'co', 'zixfj', 'shrm'], ['bostonherald', 'eugene_dunn', 'iran', 'clear', 'danger', 'http', 'co', 'knhsxrkt'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'owentew', 'trump', 'run', 'would', 'self', 'fund', 'appoint', 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'save', 'badly', 'fail', 'national_review', 'instead', 'focus', 'work', 'hard', 'nro'], ['ailsa', 'course', 'change', 'trumpturnberry', 'beautiful', 'place', 'http', 'co', 'orfnj', 'wpk'], ['http', 'co', 'vcuixb', 'tnc'], ['looking_forward', 'keynoting', 'chesterfieldgop', 'lincoln', 'reagan', 'gala', 'friday', 'country', 'club', 'highland', 'sell', 'record', 'crowd'], ['golfmonthly', 'jake', 'reilly', 'trump', 'build', 'new', 'hole', 'turnberrybuzz', 'http', 'co', 'sdyf'], ['kingwoodnews', 'jayrjordan', 'txpatriotspac', 'give', 'public', 'chance', 'hear', 'trump', 'speak', 'http', 'ilm'], ['get', 'commandant', 'leadership', 'award', 'marine', 'tonight', 'waldorf', 'astoria', 'great', 'honor', 'bretbaier'], ['congratulation', 'republican', 'congress', 'people', 'obama', 'negotiate', 'timetogettough'], ['want', 'negotiate', 'much', 'well', 'trade_deal', 'country', 'must', 'include', 'currency_manipulation', 'let', 'pass'], ['amnesty', 'protect', 'rule', 'law', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['trans_pacific', 'partnership', 'attack', 'america', 'business', 'stop', 'japan', 'currency_manipulation', 'bad', 'deal'], ['republican', 'give', 'obama', 'fast', 'track', 'authority', 'trade', 'trans_pacific', 'partnership', 'squeeze', 'manufacturing', 'sector'], ['trans_pacific', 'partnership', 'lead', 'even', 'great', 'unemployment', 'pass'], ['china', 'trans_pacific', 'partnership', 'deal', 'address', 'currency_manipulation', 'china', 'laugh'], ['count', 'necessarily', 'size', 'dog', 'fight', 'size', 'fight', 'dog', 'dwight', 'eisenhower'], ['ppd', 'thank'], ['notice', 'polling', 'establishment', 'put', 'poll', 'put', 'folk', 'hardly', 'register', 'make_america', 'great'], ['forbesinspector', 'star', 'amp', 'tripadvisor', 'luxury', 'hotel', 'offer', 'style', 'luxury', 'amp', 'impeccable', 'service', 'http', 'co', 'mob', 'na'], ['geraldorivera', 'thank', 'champion', 'geraldo', 'true'], ['trump', 'sign', 'lease', 'office', 'return', 'monday', 'http', 'co', 'bmzb', 'unionleader', 'tuohy'], ['excite', 'travel', 'monday', 'granite_state', 'model', 'country', 'live', 'free', 'die'], ['thehill', 'henschonthehill', 'trump', 'say', 'road', 'falling_apart', 'http', 'co', 'mhuhz', 'su'], ['baltimoresun', 'erinatthesun', 'maryland', 'gop', 'book', 'trump', 'major', 'fundraiser', 'http', 'co', 'mouq'], ['fact', 'jeb', 'governor', 'amp', 'rubio', 'house', 'majority', 'leader', 'florida', 'debt', 'double', 'conservative'], ['republican', 'give', 'obama', 'fast', 'track', 'authority', 'tpp', 'iran', 'agreement', 'obama', 'get', 'gop', 'party'], ['time', 'protect', 'american_worker', 'grant', 'amnesty', 'illegal', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['talent', 'win', 'game', 'teamwork', 'intelligence', 'win', 'championship', 'michael', 'jordan', 'jumpman'], ['tbt', 'steven', 'spielberg', 'old', 'day', 'great', 'guy', 'http', 'co', 'iqeuaq', 'cpe'], ['apageor', 'good', 'must', 'tough'], ['johnhawkinsrwn', 'great', 'speak', 'today', 'speak', 'soon'], ['beautiful', 'article', 'ivankatrump', 'newly', 'open', 'golf_course', 'nyc', 'trump', 'link', 'ferry_point', 'http', 'co', 'yis'], ['congrat', 'great', 'golfer', 'frostpga', 'big', 'win', 'last', 'week', 'always', 'good', 'putter', 'frost', 'win', 'trump'], ['looking_forward', 'give', 'keynote', 'speech', 'tonight', 'chesterfieldgop', 'lincoln', 'reagan', 'dinner', 'virginia'], ['trumpadvice', 'https', 'co', 'yvxhjuwlz'], ['take_care', 'people', 'make', 'anything', 'make', 'anything', 'rapidly', 'lose', 'manufacture', 'china'], ['congratulation', 'danaperino', 'book', 'go', 'number', 'amazon', 'great', 'book', 'great', 'job'], ['waynedupreeshow', 'fantastic', 'guy'], ['nro', 'much', 'dead', 'irrelevant', 'national_review', 'thank', 'guidance', 'goldberg', 'total', 'loser', 'get', 'real', 'talent', 'fold'], ['nro', 'really', 'important', 'save', 'national_review', 'go', 'business', 'need', 'true', 'conservative', 'voice'], ['pennypritzker', 'really', 'important', 'cover', 'currency_manipulation', 'trade', 'agreement', 'china', 'other', 'beat', 'best'], ['know', 'hillary', 'able', 'run', 'walk', 'time', 'bomb'], ['interview', 'judgejeanine', 'tonight', 'foxnew', 'enjoy'], ['interview', 'foxandfriend', 'minute', 'head', 'new_hampshire', 'great', 'people'], ['nobody', 'donald', 'trump', 'save', 'israel', 'waste', 'time', 'politician', 'political', 'clown', 'good', 'sheldonadelson'], ['icymi', 'pagesix', 'donald', 'trump', 'honor', 'marine_corps', 'charity', 'gala', 'http', 'co', 'vsdneijz'], ['msnbc', 'int', 'krystalball', 'whcd', 'timetable', 'save', 'social', 'security', 'amp', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'http', 'co'], ['bostonherald', 'trump', 'last', 'thing', 'need', 'bush', 'co', 'gdrxb', 'addu'], ['trumpadvice', 'https', 'co', 'hjdstxh'], ['policeman', 'hurt', 'badly', 'national', 'guard', 'police', 'must', 'get', 'tough', 'fast', 'thug', 'must', 'stop'], ['blatant', 'rampant', 'property', 'destruction', 'police', 'stand', 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'anymore', 'must', 'stop'], ['meet', 'big', 'fan', 'today', 'https', 'co', 'gd', 'lropncr'], ['thank', 'trumpsoho', 'trumpnewyork', 'help', 'celebrate', 'agreatcause', 'marinecorpslef', 'accept', 'commandant', 'leadership', 'award'], ['incredible', 'handheld', 'video', 'strip', 'skyline', 'look', 'well', 'trumplasvegas', 'http', 'co', 'ocsytc'], ['say', 'use', 'word', 'thug', 'many', 'word', 'politically_correct', 'even_though', 'obama', 'use', 'racist', 'bull'], ['guest', 'view', 'many', 'time', 'successful', 'show', 'show', 'die', 'lack', 'rating', 'bad'], ['nicolledwallace', 'really', 'hurt', 'theview', 'bore', 'predictable', 'television', 'show', 'long', 'rating', 'die'], ['congrat', 'trumpwaikiki', 'win', 'americanexpress', 'fine', 'hotel', 'amp', 'resort', 'hotel', 'partner', 'year', 'award'], ['thrillistchi', 'name', 'sixteenchicago', 'trumpchicago', 'good', 'value', 'michelin', 'star', 'restaurant', 'chicago', 'http', 'co', 'vjuwualvp'], ['cgasparino', 'good', 'seeing', 'keep', 'great', 'work', 'never', 'stop'], ['billion', 'dollar', 'spend', 'baltimore', 'still', 'total', 'mess', 'leadership', 'need', 'dollar', 'whole', 'country', 'go', 'hell'], ['talk', 'horrible', 'murder', 'ana', 'charle', 'thug', 'west', 'spruill', 'gun', 'street', 'naked', 'riot'], ['work', 'proud', 'productive', 'people', 'country', 'start', 'exert', 'authority', 'view', 'know', 'doom'], ['entrepreneur', 'achievers_move', 'forward', 'times_achievement', 'plateau', 'beginning'], ['entrepreneur', 'tread_water', 'get', 'go'], ['think', 'think', 'right', 'henry_ford'], ['qctime', 'edtibbett', 'trump', 'get', 'beat', 'http', 'co', 'vhghmnfau'], ['kwwl', 'int', 'wartburgcollege', 'discuss', 'politician', 'fail', 'amp', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'http', 'co', 'agdg', 'pueq'], ['conroecouri', 'stephengreen', 'trump', 'talk', 'run', 'job', 'txpatriotspac', 'http', 'rw'], ['donald', 'trump', 'talk', 'economy', 'republican', 'davenport', 'http', 'co', 'gfmzh', 'ydaj'], ['thank', 'https', 'nqv', 'hfvssb'], ['thank', 'https', 'co', 'qhwabmzyop'], ['trump', 'much', 'inclined', 'enter', 'gop', 'white_house', 'race', 'http', 'co', 'wmwxsy', 'myy', 'mcclatchydc', 'lightmandavid'], ['beautiful', 'thank', 'https', 'jg', 'mukdtp'], ['canoetravel', 'also', 'obsolete', 'ugly', 'expensive', 'wind_turbine', 'never', 'build', 'aberdeen', 'long', 'work', 'golfchannel'], ['plan', 'build', 'wind', 'farm', 'trump', 'turnberry', 'scotland', 'drop', 'great', 'golfdig', 'golfweekmag', 'golfchannel', 'espngolf'], ['realdonaldtrump', 'activist', 'use', 'amp', 'always', 'applaud', 'interestbut', 'people', 'know', 'admire', 'trump', 'thank', 'nice'], ['sheriffclarke', 'great', 'insight', 'deal', 'medium', 'today', 'wonderful', 'representative', 'calm', 'reason', 'real', 'pro'], ['really', 'tough', 'night', 'great', 'leadership', 'solve', 'many', 'inner', 'city', 'problem', 'face', 'country', 'job', 'job', 'job'], ['racial', 'divide', 'country', 'almost', 'time', 'high', 'get', 'bad', 'time', 'turn', 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'co', 'yi'], ['deportation', 'plummet', 'http', 'co', 'atqqdrna', 'obama', 'continue', 'grant', 'amnesty'], ['thrilled', 'hear', 'rakutentraveljp', 'award', 'trumpwaikiki', 'rakuten', 'diamond', 'award', 'consecutive', 'year', 'congrat'], ['story', 'beautiful', 'room', 'trumpsoho', 'offer', 'wide', 'array', 'aaa', 'five_diamond', 'luxury', 'option', 'http', 'co', 'mqkdee'], ['maythe', 'thbewithyou', 'darth', 'vader', 'firing', 'https', 'co', 'cun', 'eqy', 'oi'], ['nobody', 'would', 'fight', 'hard', 'free', 'speech', 'taunt', 'order', 'provoke', 'possible', 'death', 'audience', 'dumb'], ['enough', 'problem', 'publicity', 'seeker', 'go', 'openly', 'mock', 'religion', 'order', 'provoke', 'attack', 'death', 'smart'], ['would', 'large', 'group', 'muslim', 'public', 'meeting', 'draw', 'horrible', 'mocking', 'cartoon', 'really', 'cool'], ['spa', 'trumpsoho', 'get', 'nice', 'write', 'detail', 'gotmilk'], ['incredible', 'progress', 'site', 'trump', 'tower', 'punta', 'este', 'uruguay', 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'politician', 'enough'], ['major', 'hotel', 'conversion', 'office', 'pennsylvania_avenue', 'budget', 'ahead', 'schedule'], ['swan_investor', 'forbes', 'trump', 'card', 'make_america', 'great', 'http', 'co', 'kwvbk', 'htdr'], ['donald', 'trump', 'trademark', 'reagan', 'slogan', 'amp', 'would', 'stop', 'republican', 'use', 'http', 'co', 'hapdioldbu', 'businessinsider'], ['thank', 'renee', 'host', 'tomorrow', 'international', 'group', 'looking_forward', 'make', 'new', 'friend', 'amp', 'discuss', 'fitn', 'topic'], ['looking_forward', 'touring', 'sigsauerinc', 'world', 'headquarters', 'tomorrow', 'top', 'gun', 'manufacturer', 'gunright'], ['huge', 'townhall', 'tomorrow', 'pm', 'barrington', 'middle', 'school', 'thank', 'straffordnhgop', 'host', 'let', 'make_america', 'great'], ['need', 'leader', 'negotiate', 'smart', 'trade_deal', 'know', 'art', 'deal', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['nfl', 'player', 'murder', 'charge', 'suspend', 'evidence', 'nfl', 'target'], ['hope', 'sue', 'hell', 'nfl', 'incompetence', 'amp', 'defamation', 'drop', 'case', 'win'], ['ever', 'hear', 'legal', 'conviction', 'statement', 'probable', 'sue', 'tom', 'make', 'lot', 'nfl'], ['call', 'reluctant', 'warrior', 'want', 'fun'], ['go', 'sell', 'crowd', 'people', 'want', 'real', 'change', 'pol', 'never', 'make', 'country', 'great'], ['failure', 'fatal', 'failure', 'change', 'may', 'john', 'wooden'], ['trump', 'amp', 'golf_link', 'ireland', 'formerly', 'lodge', 'doonbeg', 'star', 'resort', 'front', 'atlantic_ocean', 'http', 'co', 'nt'], ['bostonherald', 'donald', 'trump', 'say', 'wrong', 'iraq', 'https', 'co', 'jrjhedis'], ['not', 'believe', 'bad', 'look', 'insane', 'answer', 'iraq', 'numerous', 'correction', 'make', 'look', 'even', 'bad'], ['billrancic', 'bill', 'fantastic', 'job', 'morning', 'foxandfriend', 'total', 'winner', 'proud', 'first', 'apprentice', 'champ'], ['excited', 'keynote', 'sell', 'pottawattamie', 'county', 'republican_party', 'lincoln', 'reagan', 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'briannedmr', 'trump', 'bring', 'back', 'job', 'overseas', 'http', 'co', 'hlregvffjc', 'let', 'make_america', 'great'], ['give', 'different', 'answer', 'day', 'invade', 'iraq', 'confuse', 'presidential', 'material'], ['marco_rubio', 'complete', 'disaster', 'today', 'interview', 'chris_wallace', 'foxnew', 'concern', 'invade', 'iraq', 'clueless', 'jeb'], ['laugh', 'see', 'marco_rubio', 'pretending', 'love', 'talk', 'great', 'friendship', 'typical', 'phony', 'pol'], ['isis', 'take', 'city', 'ramadi', 'iraq', 'many', 'great', 'soldier', 'die', 'originally', 'go', 'waste'], ['foxandfriend', 'much', 'talk', 'much', 'good', 'news', 'make_america', 'great'], ['marco_rubio', 'idea', 'chris_wallace', 'show', 'say', 'iraq', 'mistake', 'look', 'clueless'], ['gallup', 'find', 'des_moine', 'iowa', 'high', 'community', 'pride', 'large', 'city', 'congrat', 'agree', 'love', 'place', 'desmoine'], ['david', 'ebner', 'stanley', 'cup', 'trump', 'poster', 'go', 'think', 'anything', 'may', 'well', 'think', 'big', 'http', 'co', 'gsj', 'ntqjwh'], ['great', 'place', 'https', 'co', 'fkzes', 'trumpgolf'], ['congrat', 'greggutfeld', 'new', 'foxnew', 'show', 'greg', 'make', 'great', 'tv', 'terrific', 'guy'], ['host', 'pgatour', 'cadillacchamp', 'trumpdoral', 'home', 'unique', 'course', 'include', 'famous', 'blue_monster', 'http', 'co', 'rkcgitz'], ['remember', 'jeb', 'give', 'hillary', 'medal', 'year', 'anniversary', 'benghazi', 'http', 'co', 'goldxto', 'guess', 'would', 'invade', 'libya'], ['trump', 'create', 'ten', 'thousand', 'job', 'http', 'co', 'temqd', 'xqy', 'thehill', 'smilotweet'], ['flashback', 'reuter', 'donald', 'trump', 'would', 'fire', 'bush', 'iraq', 'invasion', 'call', 'great', 'vision', 'http', 'co', 'ikzuvaecti'], ['huffpostpol', 'donald', 'trump', 'end', 'outsource', 'president', 'http', 'co', 'nniorv', 'czn'], ['debt', 'finance', 'china', 'military', 'time', 'get', 'tough', 'hold', 'card', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['tpp', 'stop', 'japan', 'currency_manipulation', 'amp', 'china', 'backdoor', 'join', 'must', 'stop', 'need', 'protect', 'american_worker'], ['entrepreneur', 'tough', 'smart', 'personable', 'take', 'thing', 'personally', 'good', 'business'], ['entrepreneur', 'work', 'proud', 'associate', 'make', 'work', 'count'], ['entrepreneur', 'remember', 'golden', 'rule', 'negotiate', 'gold', 'make', 'rule'], ['action', 'seed', 'fate', 'deed', 'grow', 'destiny', 'harry', 'truman'], ['incredible', 'progress', 'trumptowerpde', 'punta', 'este', 'uruguay', 'view', 'go', 'fantastic', 'http', 'co', 'stq', 'jiomjr'], ['sen', 'elizabeth', 'dole', 'amp', 'dolefoundation', 'caregiver', 'fellow', 'tremendous', 'people', 'care', 'military', 'amp', 'veteran', 'http', 'co', 'zgr', 'jlhj'], ['must', 'watch', 'truly', 'beautiful', 'privatecaddie', 'amazing', 'turnberry', 'ailsa', 'course', 'change', 'realdonaldtrump', 'golf', 'https', 'co', 'kkobozwiwv'], ['nice', 'true', 'thank', 'not_that_actor', 'realdonaldtrump', 'trump', 'time', 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'mexico', 'http', 'co', 'cyccgk'], ['thebrodyfile', 'int', 'discuss', 'persecution', 'christian', 'middle_east', 'amp', 'religious', 'liberty', 'freedom', 'http', 'co', 'ndohuqwiri'], ['yesterday', 'white_house', 'claim', 'isis', 'strategy', 'success', 'tell', 'christian', 'behead', 'need', 'hit', 'isis', 'hard'], ['country', 'tremendous', 'potential', 'together', 'fix', 'washington', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['interview', 'megynkelly', 'kelly', 'file', 'tonight', 'sure', 'watch', 'foxnew'], ['megynkelly', 'fox', 'watch', 'enjoy'], ['great', 'time', 'today', 'visit', 'facebook', 'ny', 'https', 'co', 'gq', 'vkq'], ['sign', 'facebook', 'wall', 'https', 'mztjgg'], ['kirstenpower', 'new', 'book', 'excellent', 'true', 'congrat'], ['donald', 'trump', 'touch', 'entitlement', 'des_moine', 'iowa', 'donald', 'trump', 'say', 'run', 'http', 'co'], ['twtravelnew', 'robert', 'silk', 'renovation', 'make', 'trump', 'doral', 'showcase', 'http', 'co', 'wfil'], ['always', 'prepared', 'start', 'joemontana', 'flashback', 'nyer', 'grateful', 'donald', 'trump', 'finish', 'ahead', 'schedule', 'budget', 'wollman', 'rink', 'http', 'co', 'ivm', 'gae', 'realclearnew', 'rebeccagberg', 'white_house', 'big', 'enough', 'donald', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'qvco', 'kill', 'minute', 'manhattan', 'trumpnationalny', 'westchester', 'elite', 'club', 'offer', 'yard', 'course', 'http', 'co', 'swfmzzaym', 'entrepreneur', 'totally', 'focus', 'successful', 'require', 'nothing', 'less', 'concentrated', 'effort', 'entrepreneur', 'believe', 'one', 'else', 'entrepreneur', 'good', 'negotiation', 'everyone', 'win', 'possibility', 'ideal', 'situation', 'strive', 'looking_forward', 'receive', 'statesman', 'year', 'award', 'tonight', 'srqrepublican', 'record', 'sell', 'http', 'co', 'hqw', 'pdgxs', 'nice', 'government', 'could', 'build_wall', 'border', 'budget', 'ahead', 'schedule', 'srqrepublicans_speech'], ['receive', 'huge', 'applause', 'say', 'berghdal', 'send', 'back', 'afghanistan', 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'golf_link', 'ferry_point', 'grand', 'opening', 'next', 'tuesday', 'may', 'join', 'http', 'co', 'xovcybfo'], ['patriotism', 'support', 'country', 'time', 'government', 'deserve', 'mark_twain'], ['memorial_day', 'holiday', 'honor', 'fall', 'soldier', 'make', 'great', 'sacrifice', 'freedom', 'country', 'fine'], ['strong', 'america', 'create', 'opportunity', 'growth', 'need', 'change', 'washington', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['tell', 'megynkelly', 'oreillyfactor', 'identical', 'view', 'certain', 'issue', 'cut', 'tape', 'interview', 'bad'], ['think', 'big', 'go', 'think', 'anyway', 'may', 'well', 'think', 'big'], ['nobody', 'understand', 'politician', 'talk', 'action', 'never', 'get', 'country', 'need', 'truly', 'great'], ['would', 'like', 'wish', 'everyone', 'include', 'hater', 'loser', 'sadly', 'many', 'truly', 'happy', 'enjoyable', 'memorial_day'], ['interview', 'foxandfriend'], ['middle_class', 'become', 'new', 'poor', 'country', 'incompetent', 'politician', 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['greta', 'int', 'foxnew', 'defeat', 'isis', 'obama', 'lose', 'ground', 'isis', 'amp', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'http', 'co', 'mpmjfaa'], ['get', 'face', 'time', 'spa', 'trumplasvegas', 'http', 'co', 'przzlv', 'vegascom', 'renee', 'libutti'], ['americanthink', 'malcolm', 'unwell', 'take', 'trump', 'seriously', 'http', 'co', 'rbpjsmde'], ['common_core', 'federal', 'takeover', 'school', 'curriculum', 'department', 'education', 'disband', 'expand', 'focus', 'local', 'education'], ['could', 'jump', 'high', 'http', 'co', 'bdbnj', 'terrible', 'economy', 'repeal', 'amp', 'replace', 'free', 'market', 'solution'], ['time', 'politician', 'remind', 'work', 'get', 'do', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['face', 'reality', 'wish', 'jack_welch'], ['fantastic', 'time', 'jacknicklaus', 'grand', 'open', 'great', 'trumpferrypoint', 'watch', 'video', 'https', 'co', 'dvzizdtuse'], ['require', 'read', 'success', 'politic', 'amp', 'life', 'read', 'kimguilfoyle', 'book', 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'wdl', 'pd'], ['june_th', 'https', 'co', 'jyqz', 'rkooj'], ['joke', 'bright', 'totally', 'overrated', 'loser', 'hater', 'miss', 'amp', 'dumb', 'clown', 'humor', 'bad'], ['hater', 'amp', 'loser', 'must', 'admit', 'other', 'never', 'attack', 'dopey', 'phony', 'last', 'name', 'would', 'never'], ['christiantoday', 'donald', 'trump', 'vow', 'great', 'representative', 'christian', 'win', 'white_house', 'http', 'co', 'pxck', 'qsx'], ['melody', 'dare', 'donald', 'trump', 'want', 'build_wall', 'mexico', 'http', 'co', 'fpytpainv'], ['trumpgolfla', 'proud', 'hosting', 'pgagrandslam', 'major', 'champion', 'square', 'october', 'http', 'co', 'osmvxnwxs'], ['constitution', 'guide', 'never', 'abandon', 'george', 'washington'], ['entrepreneur', 'achievers_move', 'forward', 'times_achievement', 'plateau', 'beginning', 'get', 'amp', 'go'], ['entrepreneur', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'bring', 'talent', 'surface', 'ego', 'acknowledge', 'healthy', 'choice'], ['entrepreneur', 'set', 'bar', 'high', 'resolve', 'big', 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'pvtthi'], ['world', 'tribune', 'elite', 'problem', 'donald', 'trump', 'sale', 'jeffrey', 'kuhner', 'http', 'co', 'ez', 'iprqh'], ['huffington', 'post', 'congrat', 'america', 'donald', 'trump', 'presidential', 'front', 'runner', 'http', 'co', 'yyz', 'igor', 'bobic'], ['great', 'article', 'richlowry', 'politicomag', 'sorry', 'donald', 'trump', 'point', 'http', 'co', 'irmxjjpwk'], ['trump', 'declare', 'victory', 'immigration', 'obama', 'admit', 'illegal', 'gang', 'banger', 'http', 'co', 'hlxf', 'ds', 'aswoyer'], ['new', 'job', 'report', 'leave', 'workforce', 'manufacturing', 'durable', 'good', 'go', 'http', 'co', 'bluzyrn', 'need', 'leader', 'understand', 'business'], ['redstate', 'ewerickson', 'always', 'play', 'offense', 'http', 'mf', 'ojumjp'], ['new', 'order', 'manufacturing', 'month', 'http', 'co', 'rd', 'bluzyrn', 'time', 'fair', 'trade', 'stop', 'tpp'], ['country', 'must', 'enforce', 'border', 'respect', 'rule', 'law', 'country', 'core', 'must', 'build_wall', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['obama', 'miss', 'self', 'impose', 'deadline', 'iran', 'leadership', 'weak', 'amp', 'ineffective', 'double', 'sanction'], ['time', 'bring', 'competence', 'washington', 'time', 'get', 'result', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'aivg'], ['governor', 'texas', 'rick', 'perry', 'could', 'do', 'far', 'secure', 'border', 'governorperry'], ['mexican', 'leader', 'negotiator', 'much', 'tough', 'smart', 'mexico', 'kill', 'job', 'trade', 'wake'], ['huffington', 'post', 'state', 'number', 'poll', 'republican', 'candidate', 'thank', 'work', 'begin'], ['nation', 'not', 'control', 'border', 'nation', 'president', 'ronald_reagan'], ['dailycaller', 'rpollockdc', 'nyc', 'mayor', 'action', 'donald', 'trump', 'american', 'way', 'http', 'co', 'snv', 'yxvs'], ['need', 'job', 'amp', 'need', 'fast', 'job', 'creator', 'none', 'pol', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['nro', 'joelmentum', 'matchless', 'name', 'recognition', 'deep', 'pocket', 'make', 'trump', 'threat', 'iowa', 'http', 'wg', 'ebcdypo'], ['southern_border', 'totally', 'control', 'absolutely', 'disgraceful', 'situation', 'http', 'co', 'ujz', 'jeniyo', 'need', 'border_security'], ['southern_border', 'unsecure', 'fix', 'nobody', 'else', 'gut', 'even', 'talk', 'http', 'co', 'ujz', 'jeniyo'], ['heartfelt', 'condolence', 'family', 'kathryn', 'steinle', 'sad'], ['candidate', 'tragic', 'murder', 'take', 'place', 'unsafe', 'border', 'http', 'amav', 'tqgar', 'need', 'wall'], ['marcorubio', 'say', 'family', 'kathryn', 'steinle', 'ca', 'viciously', 'kill', 'secure', 'border', 'stand'], ['thejuanwilliam', 'never', 'speak', 'yet', 'see', 'fox', 'run', 'child', 'want', 'picture', 'share', 'pic'], ['cnnpolitic', 'teddyschleifer', 'trump', 'francisco', 'killing', 'show', 'peril', 'illegal_immigration', 'http', 'co', 'wj', 'prco'], ['foxandfriend', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['happy', 'everyone', 'make_america', 'great'], ['undocumented', 'immigrant', 'record', 'kill', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'front', 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'co', 'yi'], ['thank', 'loudobbsnew', 'try', 'hard', 'prove', 'right', 'great', 'show'], ['say', 'simply', 'mexican', 'leader', 'negotiator', 'smart', 'mexican', 'gov', 'push', 'hard', 'core'], ['people', 'call', 'say', 'cut', 'macys', 'credit', 'card', 'protest', 'illegal_immigrant', 'pour'], ['get', 'take', 'country', 'back', 'time'], ['people', 'rarely', 'say', 'many', 'conservative', 'vote', 'mitt_romney', 'get', 'vote', 'win', 'landslide'], ['anncoulter', 'great', 'last', 'nite', 'ericbolle', 'fox', 'country', 'become', 'dump', 'ground', 'world', 'get', 'stop', 'fast'], ['hear', 'thousand', 'people', 'cut', 'macys', 'credit', 'card', 'great'], ['must', 'read', 'time', 'people', 'listen', 'trump', 'say', 'mother', 'gun', 'teenage', 'football', 'star', 'http', 'co', 'hs', 'qb', 'secure', 'border'], ['rubio', 'gang', 'bill', 'would', 'reward', 'sanctuary_citie', 'harbor', 'illegal', 'http', 'co', 'marco', 'politician', 'flip', 'flop'], ['limbaugh', 'see', 'trump', 'tell', 'http', 'co', 'atsx', 'mdcgl'], ['must', 'restore', 'entrepreneurial', 'spirit', 'country', 'small_business', 'boom', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['california', 'weekend', 'make', 'speech', 'clint', 'eastwood', 'arizona', 'vega', 'big', 'crowd', 'discuss', 'illegal', 'amp'], ['via_newsmax_media', 'chrisruddynmx', 'donald', 'trump', 'end', 'free', 'speech', 'http', 'co', 'xu', 'opl'], ['ronsirak', 'thank', 'fair', 'morning', 'golfchannel', 'greatly_appreciate'], ['natalie_gulbis', 'thank', 'support', 'morning', 'golfchannel', 'even', 'importantly', 'play', 'well', 'week', 'say'], ['dear', 'maraliasson', 'greatly_appreciate', 'fairness', 'history', 'show', 'never', 'disappoint', 'looking_forward', 'meeting', 'soon'], ['ammoland', 'fredy', 'riehl', 'donald', 'trump', 'talk', 'gun', 'control', 'assault', 'weapon', 'zone', 'amp', 'self', 'defense', 'http', 'co', 'elavfvs'], ['businessinsid', 'hunterw', 'trump', 'unload', 'hillary_clinton', 'worst', 'extremely', 'bad', 'http', 'co', 'lpgslczakp'], ['thank', 'brentbozell', 'know', 'say', 'long', 'time', 'http', 'co', 'ucpdss', 'qk'], ['mrctv', 'ben', 'graham', 'border', 'report', 'back', 'trump', 'rapist', 'claim', 'http', 'co', 'ucpdss', 'qk'], ['dailycaller', 'samsondunn', 'pastor', 'hispanic', 'congregation', 'speak', 'trump', 'immigrant', 'crime', 'statement', 'http', 'co', 'rfwcq', 'wcjf'], ['believe', 'highly_overrate', 'political_pundit', 'krauthammer', 'say', 'good', 'republican', 'field', 'year', 'dope'], ['jeb', 'brother', 'george', 'insist', 'fee', 'private', 'jet', 'speak', 'charity', 'severely', 'wound', 'vet', 'nice'], ['mean', 'george_bush', 'send', 'soldier', 'combat', 'severely', 'wound', 'want', 'make', 'boring', 'speech'], ['totally', 'false', 'reporting', 'call', 'call', 'minute', 'say', 'hit', 'nerve', 'end'], ['watch', 'chief', 'negotiator', 'iran', 'charlierose', 'last_night', 'far', 'smart', 'rep', 'increase', 'sanction', 'walk'], ['ewerickson', 'stop', 'complain', 'donald', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'dtz'], ['dummy', 'writer', 'clare_oc', 'fail', 'forbes', 'magazine', 'work', 'hard', 'make', 'trivial', 'license', 'deal', 'look', 'important'], ['dummy', 'clare_oc', 'fail', 'forbes', 'magazine', 'nascar', 'deal', 'nite', 'ballroom', 'espn', 'small', 'golf', 'outing'], ['dummy', 'forbes', 'tiny', 'fragrance', 'deal', 'parlux', 'mean', 'nothing', 'still', 'sell', 'trump', 'tower'], ['fail', 'magazine', 'forbe', 'constantly', 'seek', 'trivial', 'nonsense', 'circulation', 'way'], ['limbaugh', 'trump', 'change', 'entire', 'debate', 'immigration', 'http', 'co', 'axjrxdn', 'jason', 'devaney'], ['trump', 'hillary', 'presidency', 'crime', 'wave', 'never', 'see', 'http', 'co', 'ctnllwl'], ['trump', 'battle', 'new', 'totalitarian', 'gop', 'elite', 'join', 'leftist', 'medium', 'matter', 'target', 'threat', 'http', 'vd', 'faovcjr'], ['thank', 'https', 'co', 'ewjfwyic'], ['true', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'nxk'], ['elite', 'want', 'common_core', 'take', 'education', 'parental', 'control', 'let', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['obama', 'republican', 'hollow', 'military', 'want', 'cut', 'troop', 'level', 'lowest_level', 'year'], ['via_breitbartnew', 'katie', 'mchugh', 'poll', 'donald', 'trump', 'lead', 'pack', 'gop', 'frontrunner', 'http', 'co', 'qhp', 'czpm'], ['exclusive', 'donald', 'trump', 'gop', 'primary', 'win', 'beat', 'hillary', 'http', 'co', 'wlz', 'nyel', 'katie', 'mchugh'], ['cnnpolitic', 'jdiamond', 'trump', 'rnc', 'call', 'congratulatory', 'http', 'co', 'zhikibqw'], ['cnn', 'tonight', 'foxnew', 'seanhannity', 'pm', 'discuss', 'immigration', 'lot', 'thing'], ['break', 'border_security', 'rally', 'phoenix', 'pm', 'mst', 'move', 'phoenixconvctr', 'build_wall', 'let', 'make_america', 'great'], ['trscoop', 'whoa', 'trump', 'change', 'venue', 'saturday', 'rally', 'arizona', 'due', 'overwhelming', 'response', 'http', 'co', 'nryps', 'apxa'], ['iran', 'continue', 'delay', 'nuclear', 'deal', 'many', 'bad', 'thing', 'back', 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'co', 'epllsbwgbe'], ['republican_party', 'must', 'get', 'tough', 'smart', 'fast', 'go', 'big', 'defeat', 'last', 'time'], ['make', 'big', 'campaign', 'stop', 'next_week', 'big', 'crowd', 'tremendous', 'energy', 'make_america', 'great'], ['usatopinion', 'piece', 'trump', 'need', 'lecture', 'http', 'co', 'lueyqhgrr'], ['ever', 'dwindle', 'wsj', 'worth', 'purchase', 'always', 'hit', 'politically', 'care'], ['soon', 'point', 'incompetent', 'politician', 'treat', 'illegal_immigrant', 'well', 'veteran'], ['johnjcarp', 'least', 'talk', 'month', 'ago', 'realdonaldtrump', 'johnmccain'], ['inform', 'nbc', 'apprentice', 'become', 'upset', 'care', 'less', 'inclusion'], ['story', 'longer', 'horribly', 'treat', 'vet', 'illegal', 'treat', 'better', 'wonderful', 'veteran'], ['look', 'small', 'page', 'become', 'wsj', 'looks_like', 'tabloid', 'save', 'money', 'assume'], ['interview', 'oreillyfactor_tonight', 'talk', 'poor', 'treatment', 'veteran', 'illegal_immigration', 'etc'], ['new', 'abcnew', 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'co', 'uaruxlir'], ['iowan', 'draw', 'donald', 'trump', 'praise', 'bent', 'http', 'co', 'nyyk', 'dbxd', 'wsj', 'heatherhaddon', 'amp', 'reidepstein'], ['must', 'build_wall', 'secure', 'border', 'save', 'life', 'help', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yi'], ['veteran', 'call', 'vet', 'email', 'address', 'veteran', 'donaldtrump', 'com', 'share', 'story', 'need', 'reform'], ['thank', 'lou', 'https', 'co', 'hdm', 'mrrwtd'], ['governorsununu', 'get', 'elect', 'dog', 'catcher', 'forgot', 'mention', 'phenomenal', 'biz', 'success', 'rate', 'https', 'co', 'wsa', 'jnjhwa'], ['turnberry', 'scotland', 'great', 'resort', 'world', 'woman', 'british', 'open', 'week', 'go', 'day', 'back', 'trail'], ['turnberry', 'thur', 'start', 'woman', 'british', 'open', 'world', 'great', 'golf', 'tournament', 'back', 'soon'], ['seanhannity_tonight', 'pm', 'look_forward', 'lot', 'discuss', 'enjoy'], ['boston', 'mayor', 'walsh', 'waste', 'lot', 'time', 'money', 'go', 'olympic', 'give', 'want', 'negotiating'], 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'old', 'register', 'vote', 'first', 'time', 'say', 'vote', 'trump', 'http', 'co', 'cktmtsaiy'], ['oreillyfactor_tonight', 'foxnew', 'pm', 'pm'], ['many', 'hillary', 'donor', 'donor', 'rich', 'total', 'control', 'know'], ['notice', 'hillary', 'spew', 'jeb', 'name', 'often', 'possible', 'order', 'give', 'status', 'know', 'trump', 'bad', 'nightmare'], ['thank', 'https', 'co', 'hvhrtiy'], ['thank', 'https', 'co', 'eoao'], ['poll', 'trump', 'lead', 'gop', 'field', 'hispanic', 'record', 'favorability', 'http', 'co', 'aanybghvcv'], ['wonderful', 'article', 'fantastic', 'people', 'great', 'honor', 'https', 'clp'], ['amymek', 'realdonaldtrump', 'draw', 'attention', 'veteran', 'issue', 'week', 'politician', 'decade'], ['realbobmassi', 'show', 'call', 'bob', 'massi', 'property', 'man', 'foxnew', 'really', 'know', 'stuff', 'total', 'pro'], ['look_forward', 'tonight', 'debate', 'look', 'far', 'forward', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'happen'], ['arrive', 'gopdebate', 'http', 'co', 'rq', 'lzhghyj'], 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'new_hampshire', 'together', 'make_america', 'great', 'http', 'co', 'ovxqmw', 'kob'], ['cover', 'time', 'magazine', 'great', 'honor', 'http', 'co', 'zlehp', 'op'], ['special', 'visitor', 'office', 'yesterday', 'time', 'photo', 'shoot', 'http', 'co', 'goloylerzz'], ['scene', 'video', 'uncle', 'sam', 'eagle', 'name', 'https', 'co', 'poxbchdhbd'], ['abcpolitic', 'must', 'apologize', 'statement', 'go', 'get', 'fast', 'quick', 'applied', 'hard', 'core', 'criminal', 'amp', 'gang_member', 'lie'], ['tomllamasabc', 'not', 'report', 'news', 'truthfully', 'apologize', 'fraudulent', 'story', 'world', 'news', 'tonight', 'gang_member', 'amp', 'criminal'], ['go', 'make', 'country', 'strong', 'great', 'rip', 'united_states', 'make_america', 'great'], ['alabama', 'shine', 'tomorrow', 'big', 'glorious', 'day'], ['sign', 'memo', 'say', 'term', 'anchor', 'baby', 'offensive', 'want', 'stay', 'true'], ['crazy', 'birth', 'illegal_immigrant', 'baby', 'year', 'must', 'stop', 'unaffordable', 'right'], ['go', 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'co', 'bgk', 'zjkwt'], ['even', 'barbara', 'bush', 'agree', 'https', 'co', 'ssyf', 'xxx'], ['thank', 'greta', 'https', 'co', 'dty', 'fz'], ['int', 'business', 'time', 'get', 'job', 'lehman', 'florida', 'shift', 'pension', 'cash', 'bank', 'http', 'co', 'ubprpuwhq'], ['brody', 'file', 'lesson', 'evangelical', 'learn', 'donald', 'trump', 'thank', 'david', 'cbn', 'news', 'nice', 'http', 'co', 'xsbtuxxs'], ['megynkelly', 'must', 'terrible', 'vacation', 'really', 'game', 'afraid', 'confront', 'cornel', 'west', 'clue', 'immigration'], ['like', 'kelly', 'file', 'much', 'better', 'megynkelly', 'perhaps', 'could', 'take', 'day', 'unscheduled', 'vacation'], ['never', 'use', 'last', 'name', 'advertising', 'signage', 'material', 'ashamed', 'name', 'bush', 'pretty', 'sad', 'situation', 'go', 'jeb'], ['clumsy', 'move', 'get', 'anchor', 'baby', 'dilemma', 'sign', 'would', 'term', 'use', 'blame', 'asian'], ['asian', 'offend', 'jeb', 'say', 'anchor', 'baby', 'apply', 'way', 'politically_correct', 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'enjoy'], ['thank', 'christian', 'broadcasting', 'network', 'thebrodyfile', 'cbnnew', 'http', 'co', 'fwpggislu'], ['dennisdmz', 'thank', 'nice_word', 'fantastic'], ['katrinacampin', 'absolutely', 'great', 'cnn', 'thank'], ['great', 'job', 'cnn', 'tonight', 'proud', 'also', 'congrat', 'great', 'son', 'go', 'place'], ['press', 'inaccurately', 'cover', 'event', 'see', 'https', 'co', 'nilb', 'ni'], ['benfergusonshow', 'watch', 'cnn', 'thank', 'nice', 'comment'], ['want', 'endorsement', 'guy', 'ericcantor', 'lose', 'perhaps', 'great', 'upset', 'history', 'congress'], ['interview', 'morning_joe', 'much', 'talk'], ['great', 'job', 'tonight', 'foxnew', 'tony', 'way', 'make_america', 'great', 'tperkin'], ['cnn', 'trump', 'lead', 'odd', 'win', 'gop', 'nomination', 'http', 'co', 'exyto', 'bpj'], ['speech', 'south_carolina', 'yesterday', 'http', 'co', 'pv', 'sivxczu'], ['phony', 'story', 'try', 'buy', 'soccer', 'team', 'argentina', 'untrue', 'never', 'even', 'hear', 'team', 'interest', 'http', 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'fktkpati'], ['see', 'tell', 'http', 'uoc', 'xu'], ['proud', 'trump', 'int', 'golf_link', 'aberdeen', 'scotland', 'get', 'star', 'award', 'visitscotnew', 'https', 'co', 'rhfo'], ['president', 'obama', 'want', 'change', 'name', 'mt', 'mckinley', 'denali', 'year', 'great', 'insult', 'ohio', 'change', 'back'], ['clinton', 'mail', 'still', 'contain', 'classified_information', 'sensitive', 'sec', 'state', 'big', 'deal'], ['new', 'ppp', 'national', 'poll', 'first', 'place', 'wide', 'margin', 'wonder', 'foxnew', 'report', 'bad'], ['release', 'public', 'policy', 'polling', 'national', 'result', 'best', 'make_america', 'great'], ['yet', 'weak', 'hit', 'candidate', 'fail', 'campaign', 'jeb', 'sink', 'low', 'poll', 'other', 'go'], ['jeb', 'spending', 'million', 'dollar', 'hit', 'ad', 'fund', 'lobbyist', 'amp', 'special_interest', 'bad', 'system'], ['million', 'spend', 'attack', 'ad', 'pay', 'boss', 'owner', 'candidate', 'self_funde'], ['congrat', 'everyone', 'top', 'today', 'twitter', 'head', 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'https', 'co', 'daeomtnomq'], ['get', 'know', 'scottwalker', 'well', 'nice', 'person', 'great', 'future'], ['interview', 'tonight', 'pm_et', 'greta', 'ontherecord'], ['huffpost', 'pollster', 'http', 'co', 'ixcbctduip'], ['oreillyfactor', 'negative', 'refusing', 'post', 'great', 'poll', 'come', 'today', 'include', 'foxnews', 'good'], ['oreillyfactor', 'knowledgeable', 'talking_head', 'show', 'change', 'instead', 'old', 'trump', 'hater', 'bore'], ['really', 'hard', 'time', 'watch', 'foxnew'], ['richlowry', 'truly', 'dumb', 'talking_heads', 'clue'], ['republican', 'primary', 'morning', 'consult', 'poll', 'release', 'trump', 'carson', 'bush', 'fiorina', 'rubio', 'cruz', 'take', 'debate'], ['morning', 'consult', 'poll', 'trump', 'lead', 'http', 'co', 'lfn', 'pfsw'], ['yom', 'kippur', 'blessing', 'friend', 'israel', 'world', 'yomkippur'], ['colbertlateshow', 'tonight', 'http', 'co', 'bncg', 'xqvcw'], ['senator', 'marco', 'amnesty', 'rubio', 'bad', 'voting', 'record', 'senate', 'hit', 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['cnbcgopdebate', 'poll', 'close', 'trump', 'declare', 'official', 'winner', 'thank', 'https', 'mfhlcsbwd', 'https', 'co', 'zpixar', 'rfc'], ['thank', 'piersmorgan', 'great'], ['thank', 'jonathan', 'greatly_appreciated', 'https', 'co', 'qdcax'], ['thank', 'colorado', 'honor', 'win', 'news', 'gopdebate', 'poll', 'https', 'co', 'rvnuqemej'], ['drudge', 'poll', 'gopdebate', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'lcdolijmsl'], ['money', 'lose', 'politico', 'consider', 'many', 'world', 'politic', 'dumbest', 'slant', 'political', 'site', 'loser'], ['thank', 'morningmika', 'joenbc', 'nice_words', 'comment', 'debate'], ['thank', 'everybody', 'wonderful', 'comment', 'debate', 'performance', 'lot', 'fun', 'today', 'speak', 'reno_nevada'], ['thank', 'https', 'co', 'meiiuqke'], ['cnbc', 'poll', 'trump', 'gopdebate', 'trump', 'https', 'jeyniigjpj', 'https', 'co', 'wedauo', 'drm'], ['slate', 'gopdebate', 'https', 'co', 'yhscqpg'], ['fail', 'host', 'glennbeck', 'mental', 'basketcase', 'love', 'superpacs', 'word', 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'word'], ['super', 'pac', 'disavow', 'anyone', 'run', 'president', 'total', 'scam', 'system', 'country', 'self_funding'], ['donald', 'trump', 'lead', 'poll', 'florida', 'https', 'co', 'ehsfxh'], ['political', 'insider', 'donald', 'trump', 'receive', 'good', 'news', 'possible', 'https', 'co', 'wxuxqe'], ['happy_birthday', 'friend', 'garyplayer', 'https', 'co', 'wun'], ['govmikehuckabee', 'great', 'job', 'foxnew', 'tonight', 'thank', 'nice_word', 'child', 'class'], ['candidate', 'john_kasich', 'oreillyfactor', 'talk', 'dismantle', 'medicare', 'medicaid', 'refer'], ['go', 'save', 'medicare', 'medicaid', 'carson', 'want', 'abolish', 'fail', 'candidate', 'john_kasich', 'clue', 'weak'], ['black', 'life', 'matter', 'protester', 'totally', 'disrupt', 'hillary_clinton', 'event', 'look', 'lose', 'need', 'isis', 'china', 'russia'], ['new', 'poll', 'first', 'place', 'say', 'third', 'debate', 'demand', 'recount', 'kid', 'poll'], ['see', 'land', 'billionaire', 'give', 'big', 'money', 'superpac', 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'oouya'], ['seanhannity_tonight', 'pme', 'talk', 'new', 'book', 'crippledamerica', 'much', 'trump'], ['trump', 'https', 'co', 'ujgy', 'nsk'], ['terrible', 'megynkelly', 'use', 'poll', 'use', 'refuse'], ['land', 'exciting', 'morning', 'plan'], ['foxnews', 'poll', 'come', 'almost', 'importantly', 'strong', 'economic', 'issue', 'far', 'trump'], ['unveil', 'first', 'campaign', 'ad', 'morning_joe', 'tomorrow', 'enjoy'], ['also', 'tune', 'todayshow', 'discuss', 'campaign', 'new', 'ad', 'crippledamerica'], ['say', 'marco_rubio', 'friend', 'pure', 'political', 'speak', 'truthful', 'say', 'disloyal', 'guy', 'friend'], ['seanhannity', 'correct', 'say', 'run', 'president', 'twice', 'never', 'run', 'merely', 'consider', 'run'], ['rubio', 'lie', 'meeting', 'hispanic', 'activist', 'change', 'opinion', 'treat', 'respect', 'shame', 'https', 'co', 'kgfi', 'xch'], ['carson', 'story', 'total', 'fabrication', 'true', 'even', 'worse', 'try', 'hit', 'mother', 'head', 'hammer', 'stabbing', 'friend'], 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'pnrzx', 'https', 'co'], ['dummy', 'karlrove', 'continue', 'make', 'write', 'false', 'statement', 'still', 'think', 'romney', 'get', 'life'], ['establishment', 'flunky', 'karlrove', 'go', 'crazy', 'release', 'cbs', 'poll', 'way', 'ahead', 'new', 'fox', 'poll', 'beat', 'hillary'], ['say', 'donald', 'trump', 'right', 'stop', 'muslim', 'immigration', 'https', 'co'], ['honor', 'endorse', 'new', 'england', 'police', 'benevolent', 'association', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'db', 'https', 'co', 'jrjhylrkd'], ['thank', 'franklin_graham', 'always', 'appreciate', 'courage', 'ever'], ['britain', 'muslim', 'join', 'isis', 'join', 'british', 'army', 'https', 'co', 'lqvnz', 'eb'], ['respected', 'morning', 'consult', 'poll', 'lead', 'republican', 'beat', 'hillary', 'head', 'head', 'wide', 'margin'], ['bernardgoldberg', 'good', 'tonight', 'oreillyfactor', 'know', 'win', 'nice', 'guy'], ['great', 'evening', 'last_night', 'get', 'endorsement', 'new', 'england', 'police', 'union', 'big', 'territory', 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'good', 'potus', 'trump', 'https', 'frs', 'alctbb', 'https', 'co', 'qsnaltb'], ['isis', 'make', 'year', 'oil', 'say', 'year', 'need', 'bomb', 'oil', 'https', 'co', 'vobiahilws', 'https', 'co', 'tekbakdxzk'], ['new', 'reuters_poll', 'thank', 'trump', 'https', 'zoe', 'gde', 'aj'], ['say', 'begin', 'isis', 'suspect', 'arrest', 'turkey', 'european', 'passport', 'seize', 'https', 'co', 'nwoy', 'ohg'], ['melindadc', 'misrepresent', 'order', 'make', 'point', 'always', 'tough', 'isis', 'find', 'get', 'elect'], ['idea', 'jebbush', 'campaign', 'disaster', 'try', 'use', 'last', 'name', 'ashamed'], ['weak', 'amp', 'ineffective', 'jebbush', 'ad', 'show', 'statement', 'debate', 'response', 'false', 'advertising'], ['trump', 'https', 'co', 'pugaxgcasm', 'https', 'co', 'ofdofu'], ['jebbush', 'embarrassed', 'amp', 'family', 'incompetent', 'campaign', 'president', 'remain', 'true'], ['last', 'thing', 'country', 'need', 'bush', 'dumb', 'rock'], ['thank', 'support', 'importantly', 'need', 'get', 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'appreciate'], ['thank', 'grand_rapid', 'michigan', 'time', 'end', 'political', 'correctness', 'secure', 'homeland', 'https', 'co', 'cyrcfwxjg', 'https', 'co', 'pprriltfga'], ['thank', 'trump', 'https', 'vlgf', 'https', 'co', 'zzleg', 'vnjn'], ['thank', 'michigan', 'trump', 'https', 'co'], ['thank', 'america', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'qaqjjmj'], ['video', 'michigan', 'last_night', 'ask', 'month', 'medium', 'pan', 'camera', 'https', 'co', 'jxw', 'https', 'co', 'ikjkpmoaeu'], ['weak', 'low', 'energy', 'jebbush', 'campaign', 'disaster', 'ad', 'try', 'look', 'tough', 'guy'], ['jebbush', 'take', 'million', 'special_interest', 'money', 'look', 'tough', 'guy', 'never', 'work'], ['jebbush', 'phony', 'advertising', 'campaign', 'show', 'ask', 'apologize', 'wife', 'debate'], ['jebbush', 'ad', 'show', 'answer', 'statement', 'debate'], ['jebbush', 'opening', 'closing', 'debate', 'say', 'terrible', 'fumble', 'incoherent'], ['woman', 'defy', 'medium', 'narrative', 'love', 'trump', 'pack', 'michigan', 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'yhquqiuswl'], ['thank', 'nashua', 'trump', 'nhpolitic', 'fitn', 'https', 'co', 'https', 'co', 'lmmcyk'], ['remember', 'bill', 'bring', 'help', 'hillary', 'obama', 'terrible', 'fail', 'badly', 'call', 'racist'], ['jessebwatter', 'terrific', 'host', 'foxnew', 'really', 'get'], ['minority', 'line', 'donald', 'trump', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'cemkihlzbk', 'https', 'onm'], ['campaign', 'president', 'budget', 'spend', 'little', 'st', 'place', 'spend', 'big', 'iowa'], ['spend', 'almost', 'nothing', 'run', 'president', 'st', 'place', 'spend', 'amp', 'do', 'run', 'country', 'way'], ['looking_forward', 'council', 'bluff', 'iowa', 'later', 'today', 'weather', 'rally', 'fantastic'], ['need', 'real', 'president', 'https', 'co', 'biaw'], ['hope', 'tgowdysc', 'well', 'rubio', 'benghazi', 'hearing', 'total', 'disaster', 'republican', 'amp', 'america'], ['show', 'dumb', 'deucecrew', 'die', 'union', 'leader', 'put', 'letter', 'write', 'say', 'fail', 'debate'], ['great', 'people', 'love', 'properly', 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'head', 'south_carolina', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'tbad', 'meyce'], ['go', 'live', 'ericbolle', 'kimguilfoyle', 'ring', 'new', 'year', 'everybody', 'tune', 'foxnew', 'tomorrow', 'night'], ['great', 'poll', 'thank', 'nevada', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'vjjb'], ['lovely', 'letter', 'daughter', 'late', 'great', 'john', 'wayne', 'country', 'could', 'wayne', 'right', 'https', 'co', 'rhn', 'gvnbqm'], ['predict', 'die', 'unionleader', 'newspaper', 'run', 'ground', 'publisher', 'stinky', 'dead', 'year'], ['great', 'day', 'south_carolina', 'record', 'crowd', 'fantastic', 'enthusiasm', 'movement', 'make_america', 'great'], ['jebbush', 'spend', 'bottom', 'poll', 'spend', 'almost', 'nothing', 'top', 'win', 'hughhewitt'], ['people', 'ask', 'tweet', 'tweet', 'million', 'jebbush', 'low', 'poll', 'big', 'hit', 'ad'], ['trump', 'https', 'co', 'ieixos', 'wh'], ['would', 'feel', 'sorry', 'jebbush', 'badly', 'campaign', 'fact', 'take', 'million', 'hit', 'ad'], ['happy_birthday', 'son', 'donaldjtrumpjr', 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'kyhn'], ['anybody', 'remember', 'bill', 'clinton', 'work', 'long', 'hard', 'hillary', 'lose', 'bill', 'watch'], ['chucktodd', 'say', 'today', 'meetthepress', 'attack', 'bill', 'get', 'hillary', 'never', 'work', 'wrong', 'attack', 'amp'], ['ruthmarcus', 'washingtonpost', 'terrible', 'today', 'face', 'nation', 'focus', 'poor', 'level', 'concentration', 'correct', 'hillary', 'lying'], ['iran', 'money', 'else', 'give', 'obama', 'want', 'way', 'take', 'saudi_arabia', 'amp', 'oil', 'find'], ['bad', 'thing', 'hillary', 'could', 'husband', 'campaign', 'watch'], ['way', 'msm', 'forgot', 'mention', 'hillary', 'shabaab', 'terror', 'video', 'https', 'co', 'grannsrxjr'], ['look_forward', 'lowell', 'massachusetts', 'today', 'hear', 'big', 'crowd_expected', 'lot', 'fun'], ['woody', 'johnson', 'owner', 'nyjet', 'jebbush', 'finance', 'chairman', 'woody', 'would', 'would', 'playoff'], ['rally', 'lowell', 'massachusett', 'amazing', 'people', 'go', 'wild', 'make_america', 'great'], ['unionleader', 'circulation', 'drop', 'bad', 'management', 'wonder', 'beg', 'ad'], ['know', 'samuelljackson', 'good', 'knowledge', 'play', 'golf', 'amp', 'think', 'many', 'tv', 'commercial', 'bore', 'fan'], ['receive', 'great', 'news', 'reuters_poll', 'thank', 'support', 'https', 'co', 'yzp', 'dgfbce'], ['germany', 'go', 'massive', 'attack', 'people', 'migrant', 'allow', 'enter', 'country', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'disaster', 'think'], ['happy_birthday', 'son', 'erictrump', 'proud', 'https', 'co', 'zhmkiqnuwl', 'https', 'co', 'ijzw', 'ndjya'], ['cheat', 'golf', 'samuelljackson', 'cheat', 'game', 'choice', 'stop', 'commercial'], ['samuelljackson', 'golf', 'swing', 'athletic', 'many', 'club', 'championship', 'play', 'charity'], ['huge', 'crowd_expected', 'tomorrow', 'night', 'police', 'say', 'first', 'come', 'first', 'serve', 'arrive', 'early'], ['wolfblitzer', 'cnnsitroom', 'interview', 'today', 'join'], ['believe', 'unionleader', 'demand', 'ad', 'look', 'enclose', 'letter', 'receive', 'https', 'co', 'nucdhbzah'], ['fail', 'unionleader', 'newspaper', 'send', 'trump', 'organization', 'letter', 'ask', 'take', 'ad', 'stupid', 'desperate'], ['macys', 'worst', 'perform', 'stock', 'last', 'year', 'plunging', 'disloyal', 'company', 'win', 'trump', 'boycott'], ['wise', 'move', 'renounce', 'canadian', 'citizenship', 'senator', 'certainly', 'friend', 'te'], ['beautiful', 'burlington', 'vermont', 'tonight', 'rally', 'great', 'fun', 'make_america', 'great'], ['man', 'shoot', 'paris', 'police', 'station', 'announce', 'terror', 'threat', 'highest_level', 'germany', 'total', 'mess', 'big', 'crime', 'get', 'smart'], ['massive', 'crowd', 'tonight', 'venue', 'big', 'enough', 'official', 'say', 'outside', 'event', 'sound', 'system', 'arrive', 'early'], ['sentedcruz', 'te', 'free', 'legal', 'advice', 'pre', 'empt', 'dem', 'citizen', 'issue', 'go', 'court', 'amp', 'seek', 'declaratory', 'judgment', 'win'], ['idea', 'jebbush', 'campaign', 'disaster', 'try', 'use', 'last', 'name', 'ashamed'], ['weak', 'amp', 'ineffective', 'jebbush', 'ad', 'show', 'statement', 'debate', 'response', 'false', 'advertising'], ['hillary', 'friend', 'https', 'co', 'ttapqmi'], ['theview', 'abc', 'great', 'head', 'barbarajwalter', 'total', 'freefall', 'whoopi', 'goldberg', 'terrible', 'sad'], ['joy', 'behar', 'fire', 'last', 'show', 'lack', 'rating', 'even', 'bad', 'theview', 'love', 'barbara'], ['leave', 'burlington', 'vermont', 'wild'], ['could', 'get', 'small', 'fraction', 'crowd', 'movement', 'make_america', 'great', 'unbelievable', 'https', 'co', 'nhpdgm'], ['great', 'time', 'burlington', 'vermont', 'crowd', 'amazing'], ['hank', 'greenberg', 'formerly', 'aig', 'give', 'jebbush', 'campaign', 'happy', 'total', 'waste', 'money'], ['good', 'news', 'https', 'co', 'crp', 'zdxsz'], ['way', 'south_carolina', 'big', 'crowd', 'look_forward'], ['hope', 'worker', 'demand', 'teamster', 'rep', 'endorse', 'donald', 'trump', 'nobody', 'know', 'job', 'let', 'sell'], ['love', 'see', 'union', 'union', 'member', 'alike', 'defect', 'trump', 'create', 'job', 'else', 'dem', 'leader', 'compete'], ['trump', 'https', 'co', 'hmclwl'], ['foxnews', 'poll', 'thank', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'dkuyzlrtz'], ['venue', 'wonderful', 'south_carolina', 'soon', 'big', 'traffic', 'back', 'tremendous', 'crowd', 'wild'], ['great', 'even', 'sc', 'tonight', 'fire', 'marshall', 'would', 'let', 'everyone', 'turn', 'away', 'thank', 'come'], ['pat', 'buchanan', 'give', 'fantastic', 'interview', 'morning', 'cnn', 'way', 'go', 'pat', 'way', 'ahead', 'time'], ['south_carolina', 'rally', 'last_night', 'unbelievably', 'exciting', 'fun', 'iowa', 'big', 'rally', 'pack', 'house', 'love'], ['constitutional', 'law', 'expert', 'laurence', 'tribe', 'harvard', 'say', 'wrong', 'say', 'natural', 'bear', 'citizen', 'settle', 'matter', 'settle'], ['thank', 'thefix', 'chris', 'cillizza', 'true', 'person', 'character', 'change', 'opinion', 'amp', 'right', 'https', 'co', 'vxlt', 'iebr'], ['jonahnro', 'watch', 'seanhannity', 'appreciate', 'statement', 'wait', 'long', 'time', 'thank'], ['thank', 'much', 'earnest', 'must', 'great', 'person', 'https', 'co', 'dzp', 'yoadj', 'https', 'co', 'ytllewceb'], ['time', 'magazine', 'cover', 'week', 'david', 'von', 'drehle', 'write', 'good', 'story', 'ever'], ['brilliantly', 'tell', 'real', 'deal', 'read', 'https', 'co', 'ccrefkn'], ['protest', 'unionleader', 'anything', 'abc', 'debate', 'unethical', 'record', 'give', 'right', 'involved'], ['interview', 'chris_wallace', 'fox', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'tune'], ['meet', 'press', 'chucktodd', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['want', 'thank', 'people', 'iowa', 'unbelievable', 'day', 'crowd', 'amazing', 'back', 'tuesday'], ['yesterday', 'iowa', 'amaze', 'speech', 'front', 'great', 'sell', 'crowd', 'love', 'candidate', 'self_funde'], ['foxnew', 'poll', 'easily', 'beat', 'hillary_clinton', 'havn', 'even', 'focus', 'way', 'make_america', 'great'], ['head', 'reno_nevada', 'big', 'rally', 'good', 'poll', 'numberd'], ['remember', 'get', 'time', 'magazine', 'cover', 'take', 'year', 'read', 'watch'], ['pleased', 'announce', 'union', 'leader', 'remove', 'upcoming', 'debate', 'https', 'co', 'dl', 'hdpzhoi'], ['highly', 'unethical', 'behavior', 'include', 'beg', 'ad', 'questionable', 'enough', 'endorse', 'candidate', 'win'], ['really', 'unfair', 'conflict', 'candidate', 'say', 'allow', 'abc', 'agree'], ['lose', 'credibility', 'circulation', 'drop', 'record', 'low', 'worthy', 'represent', 'great', 'people'], ['union', 'leader', 'refuse', 'comment', 'kick', 'abc', 'news', 'debate', 'dog', 'starter', 'try', 'get', 'new', 'publisher'], ['thank', 'law_enforcement', 'officer', 'lesm', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'sfuuvrx'], ['thisweekabc', 'gstephanopoulos', 'allow', 'hater', 'amp', 'racist', 'tavissmiley', 'waste', 'good', 'airtime', 'abc', 'much', 'better'], ['congratulation', 'friend', 'theslystallone', 'win', 'goldenglobe', 'wonderful', 'guy', 'create', 'something', 'special', 'well', 'deserve'], ['great', 'job', 'fox', 'morning', 'katiepavlich', 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'great'], ['state', 'union', 'speech', 'bore', 'ramble', 'non', 'substantive', 'hear', 'long', 'time', 'new', 'leadership', 'fast'], ['numerous', 'poll', 'beat', 'hillary_clinton', 'race', 'voter', 'turnout', 'high', 'history', 'get', 'new', 'voter'], ['iran', 'toy', 'day', 'pay', 'ridiculously', 'billion', 'dollar', 'release', 'money', 'want', 'hostage', 'back'], ['thank', 'support', 'last_night', 'iowa', 'votetrump', 'trump', 'iacaucus', 'fitn', 'iapolitic', 'https', 'co', 'xrvznatru'], ['sadly', 'way', 'continue', 'run', 'republican', 'primary', 'erase', 'doubt', 'eligibility', 'dem', 'sue'], ['nomination', 'would', 'increase', 'voter', 'turnout', 'votetrump', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'kjcastcjg'], ['thank', 'votetrumphttps', 'co', 'eeysmudl'], ['thank', 'iowa', 'highly_respected', 'oann', 'gravismarkete', 'poll', 'release', 'votetrump', 'iowacaucus', 'https', 'co', 'ecs', 'xyxaxl'], ['thank', 'votetrump', 'https', 'co', 'pnmqc'], ['erictrump', 'unbelievable', 'job', 'foxnew', 'greta', 'better', 'could', 'trump'], ['cnn', 'andersoncooper', 'waste', 'airtime', 'put', 'fail', 'campaign', 'strategist', 'stuart_steven', 'lose', 'big', 'romney', 'show'], ['humiliate', 'united_states', 'capture', 'sailor', 'horrible', 'picture', 'amp', 'image', 'weak', 'forget'], ['stuart_steven', 'dumb', 'guy', 'fail', 'virtually', 'everything', 'touch', 'romney', 'campaignhis', 'booketc', 'andersoncooper', 'put'], ['united_states', 'looks_like', 'paper', 'tiger', 'way', 'win'], ['thebrodyfile', 'trump', 'appeal', 'evangelical', 'real', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'xb', 'quqj', 'https', 'co', 'xdexzv'], ['think', 'iran', 'would', 'act', 'tough', 'russian', 'sailor', 'country', 'humiliate'], ['wsj', 'poll', 'donald', 'trump', 'widen', 'lead', 'republican', 'presidential', 'race', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'fhpjb'], ['poorly', 'last_night', 'debate', 'chance', 'win', 'get', 'graham', 'endorsement', 'graham', 'quit'], ['sen', 'lindsey_graham', 'embarrassed', 'fail', 'run', 'president', 'embarrass', 'endorsement', 'bush'], ['top', 'search', 'candidate', 'state', 'see', 'gopdebate', 'medium', 'filing', 'center', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'nwkprmwfnr'], ['watch', 'harveypitt', 'teamcavuto', 'great'], ['geraldorivera', 'thank', 'geraldo', 'nice_word', 'oreillyfactor_tonight', 'true', 'champion', 'thank', 'ericbolle', 'great', 'guy'], ['get', 'back', 'iowa', 'great', 'time', 'amazing', 'people', 'back', 'soon'], ['oreillyfactor', 'explain', 'dumb', 'fail', 'glennbeck', 'support', 'john_mccain', 'big', 'league', 'obama'], ['frankluntz', 'total', 'clown', 'zero_credibility', 'foxnew', 'megynkelly'], ['radical_islam', 'attack', 'today', 'never', 'end', 'strengthen', 'border', 'must', 'vigilant', 'smart', 'politically_correct'], ['bear', 'canada', 'canadian', 'citizen', 'lawsuit', 'file', 'follow', 'tell'], ['say', 'know', 'canadian', 'citizen', 'also', 'forget', 'file', 'goldman_sachs', 'loan', 'paper', 'believable'], ['loan', 'forgot', 'file', 'own', 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'amp', 'list', 'lending', 'bank', 'pretend', 'go', 'clean', 'wall'], ['depart', 'great', 'morning', 'record', 'crowd', 'portsmouth', 'snow', 'storm', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'woouwsg', 'https', 'co', 'izbmhezolh'], ['receive', 'campaign', 'contribution', 'ny', 'hedge', 'fund', 'mogul', 'amp', 'low', 'int', 'loan', 'goldman_sachs', 'hypocrite'], ['talk', 'amp', 'demean', 'https', 'co', 'rygx', 'vazku'], ['interesting', 'read', 'peggy', 'noonan', 'https', 'co', 'jaxiy', 'xsem'], ['iran', 'deal', 'get', 'prisoner', 'get', 'want', 'many', 'watch', 'list', 'create', 'great', 'incentive', 'other'], ['go', 'buy', 'jetliner', 'small', 'part', 'giving', 'buy', 'rather', 'airbus'], ['big', 'announcement', 'ame', 'iowa', 'tuesday', 'want', 'miss', 'rally', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'wyafxdlz', 'https', 'co', 'lervfowpmx'], ['far', 'kill', 'anticipate', 'radical_islamic', 'terror_attack', 'yesterday', 'get', 'tough', 'smart', 'country', 'anymore'], ['self_funde', 'campaign', 'put', 'money', 'control', 'cruz', 'spending', 'million', 'ad', 'pay', 'boss'], ['thank', 'ivankatrump', 'kind_word', 'proud', 'role', 'model', 'many', 'amp', 'ia', 'radio', 'ad', 'https', 'co', 'nqjjvdapng'], ['reminder', 'support', 'liberal', 'justice', 'john', 'robert', 'give', 'obamacare', 'https', 'co', 'gbnsngomom'], ['leave', 'liberty', 'university', 'speak', 'today', 'front', 'record', 'crowd', 'trump'], ['great', 'morning', 'everyone', 'libertyu', 'thank', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'xuwganbq', 'https', 'co'], ['launch', 'new', 'series', 'trump', 'video', 'facebook', 'new', 'topic', 'everyday', 'watch', 'https', 'nxwnocwzgc', 'https', 'co', 'lu'], ['love', 'liberty', 'university', 'today', 'record_sette', 'crowd', 'unbelievable', 'people', 'thank', 'jerry', 'becki', 'https', 'co', 'yrlgb', 'wxyh'], ['fall', 'poll', 'nervous', 'people', 'worry', 'place', 'birth', 'failure', 'report', 'loan', 'bank'], ['think', 'even', 'run', 'president', 'assure', 'republican', 'voter', 'bear', 'canada', 'problem', 'doubt'], ['thebrodyfile', 'exclusive', 'realdonaldtrump', 'say', 'protect', 'evangelical', 'well', 'tedcruz', 'https', 'bldnkyzmbe', 'cbnnew'], ['thebrodyfile', 'great', 'job', 'ac', 'thank', 'smart', 'kind_word'], ['new', 'poll', 'trump', 'cruz', 'nervous', 'wreck'], ['tedcruz', 'conflict', 'stance', 'birthright', 'citizenship', 'amendment', 'give', 'teamtrump', 'credit', 'https', 'co', 'qed'], ['dope', 'frank', 'bruni', 'say', 'call', 'many', 'people', 'include', 'karl', 'rove', 'loser', 'true', 'never', 'call', 'friend', 'howardstern', 'loser', 'winner'], ['really', 'disgusting', 'fail', 'time', 'allow', 'dishonest', 'writer', 'totally', 'fabricate', 'story'], ['way', 'iowa', 'receive', 'new', 'national', 'poll_number', 'thank', 'trump', 'https', 'uevw'], ['freejessejame', 'read', 'complete', 'statement', 'amazing', 'guy', 'amp', 'really', 'appreciate', 'word', 'amp', 'support', 'see', 'soon'], ['thank', 'georgia', 'appreciate', 'support', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'onbgrpjkdl'], ['thank', 'strong', 'testimony', 'welcome', 'liberty', 'university', 'yesterday', 'jerryjrfalwell', 'https', 'co', 'vjgj', 'te'], ['release', 'sc', 'poll', 'increase', 'lead', 'point', 'last', 'poll', 'firm', 'cruz', 'drop', 'https', 'co', 'qm', 'jusyaqh'], ['true', 'honor', 'receive', 'endorsement', 'john', 'wayne', 'daughter', 'read', 'https', 'jr', 'https', 'psqh'], ['highly_respected', 'governor', 'iowa', 'state', 'must', 'defeat', 'big', 'shok', 'people', 'te'], ['palin', 'brand', 'evangelical', 'gold', 'faucet', 'trump', 'tower', 'say', 'ralph', 'reed', 'chairman', 'faith', 'freedom', 'coalition'], ['trump', 'economy', 'video', 'https', 'co', 'krcusyfplb', 'https', 'co', 'ksvyvivdc'], ['judge', 'jeanine', 'slam', 'gop', 'establishment', 'https', 'co', 'gehfz', 'nahi'], ['greatly', 'honor', 'receive', 'sarah', 'palin', 'endorsement', 'tonight', 'video', 'https', 'co', 'amki', 'https', 'co', 'bjtpvwm'], ['trump', 'life', 'change', 'experiencevideo', 'https', 'co', 'https', 'co', 'bstlvq'], ['great', 'rally', 'iowa', 'wonderful', 'people', 'travel', 'sarahpalinusa', 'tulsa', 'massive', 'crowd_expected', 'https', 'gak', 'kebhoh'], ['turn', 'away', 'come', 'back', 'soon', 'take_care', 'much', 'love', 'crowd', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'xsoereiyua'], ['thank', 'florida', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'npcw'], ['thank', 'fitn', 'trump', 'nhpolitic', 'https', 'co', 'fkmzpaedr'], ['bob', 'dole', 'warn', 'cataclysmic', 'loss', 'say', 'donald', 'trump', 'would', 'better', 'time', 'https', 'co', 'txealrz', 'uy'], ['new', 'cnn', 'wmur', 'poll', 'release', 'thank', 'fitn', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'szr', 'tau'], ['wacko', 'glennbeck', 'sad', 'answer', 'sarahpalinusa', 'endorsement', 'cruz', 'desperately', 'want', 'glenn', 'failing', 'cry', 'lose', 'soul'], ['trump', 'unifying', 'nationvideo', 'https', 'https', 'co', 'md'], ['sad', 'cnn', 'many', 'other', 'refuse', 'show', 'massive', 'crowd', 'arena', 'yesterday', 'oklahoma', 'dishonest', 'reporting'], ['sad', 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'buckley', 'would', 'ashamed', 'happened', 'prize', 'die', 'national_review'], ['complain', 'view', 'eminent_domain', 'road', 'highway', 'airport', 'school', 'even', 'pipeline'], ['tedcruz', 'eligibility', 'president', 'settle', 'law', 'say', 'cruz', 'constitutional', 'laurencetribe', 'https', 'co', 'gwkojsbinz'], ['highly_respected', 'constitutional', 'mary', 'brigid', 'mcmanamon', 'state', 'eligible', 'president', 'big', 'problem'], ['fail', 'nro', 'national_review', 'magazine', 'inform', 'republican', 'national', 'committee', 'not', 'participate', 'debate'], ['spend', 'jebbush', 'bottom', 'barrel', 'poll', 'ashamed', 'name', 'bush', 'ad', 'low', 'energy', 'guy'], ['may', 'highest', 'thank', 'opposition', 'totally', 'ineffective', 'amp', 'year', 'https', 'co', 'xnzvhu'], ['die', 'nro', 'national_review', 'totally', 'give', 'fight', 'barrack', 'obama', 'losing', 'year', 'beat', 'hillary'], ['new', 'reuters_poll', 'thank', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'kdvzouia'], ['national', 'black', 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'action', 'happen'], ['poll_number', 'big', 'bear', 'canada', 'recently', 'canadian', 'citizen', 'many', 'believe', 'not', 'run'], ['head', 'sioux', 'county', 'iowa', 'crowd', 'amazing', 'robert', 'jeffress', 'make', 'introduction', 'make_america', 'great'], ['base', 'megynkelly', 'conflict', 'interest', 'bias', 'allow', 'moderator', 'next', 'debate'], ['fail', 'glennbeck', 'lose', 'credibility', 'fire', 'fox', 'would', 'vote', 'mccain', 'https'], ['wonderful', 'story', 'iowa', 'voter', 'arappeport', 'nytime', 'https', 'co', 'fgvqsmbrkj'], ['leave', 'sioux', 'center', 'iowa', 'speech', 'well', 'receive', 'truly', 'great', 'people', 'packed_house', 'overflow'], ['great', 'people', 'iowa', 'find', 'iacaucus', 'location', 'https', 'zmm', 'important', 'vote'], ['head', 'pella', 'iowa', 'big', 'crowd', 'remember', 'trump', 'big', 'buyer', 'pella', 'window', 'see', 'soon'], ['williebosshog', 'honor', 'get', 'endorsement', 'fantastic', 'guy', 'forget', 'eric', 'say'], ['fox', 'great', 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'rubio', 'kasich', 'bush', 'carson', 'simon', 'poll', 'siu'], ['watch', 'incompetent', 'mitt_romney', 'campaign', 'strategist', 'stuart_steven', 'know', 'mitt', 'lose', 'badly', 'steven', 'clown'], ['thank', 'massachusett', 'see', 'soon', 'co', 'mnbdupreeh'], ['great', 'poll', 'thank', 'north_carolina', 'trump', 'cruz', 'rubio', 'carson', 'kasich', 'surveyusa'], ['thank', 'michigan', 'kasich', 'cruz', 'rubio', 'carson', 'arg'], ['thank', 'vermont', 'votetrumpvt', 'https', 'co', 'kgopqdb'], ['great', 'town_hall', 'tonight', 'eastern', 'conduct', 'seanhannity', 'foxnew'], ['big', 'fat', 'hit', 'job', 'oreillyfactor_tonight', 'total', 'waste', 'time', 'watch', 'bore', 'biased', 'brithume', 'say', 'would', 'never', 'run', 'dope'], ['say', 'oreillyfactor', 'illegal', 'send', 'country', 'administration', 'would', 'come', 'right', 'back', 'citizen', 'lie', 'crazy'], ['join', 'live', 'nevada', 'make_america', 'safe', 'great', 'votetrumpnv', 'nevadacaucus', 'https', 'noxdt'], ['thank', 'nevada', 'nevadacaucus', 'co', 'czlnrrftw', 'https', 'co', 'scdxt', 'dye'], ['talk', 'tough', 'immigration', 'badly', 'favor', 'amnesty', 'weak', 'illegal_immigration'], ['disloyal', 'capable', 'director', 'communication', 'use', 'scape', 'goat', 'fire', 'dog', 'te', 'panic'], ['right', 'temperment', 'president', 'look', 'way', 'totally', 'panic', 'fire', 'director', 'comm', 'bad'], ['lift', 'bible', 'high', 'air', 'lie', 'dog', 'evangelical', 'figure', 'amp', 'say'], ['grow', 'republican_party', 'tremendously', 'look', 'number', 'way', 'democrat', 'number', 'significantly', 'year'], ['join', 'spark', 'nevada', 'today', 'nevadacaucus', 'votetrumpnv', 'https', 'co', 'dyhpftng'], ['republican', 'candidate', 'nevada', 'day', 'night', 'flee', 'love', 'amp', 'invest', 'nevada'], ['great', 'ohio', 'poll', 'show', 'lead', 'point', 'beat'], ['great', 'report', 'foxnew', 'many', 'people', 'support', 'jebbush', 'support', 'know', 'would', 'happen', 'pundit'], ['club', 'growth', 'group', 'come', 'office', 'seek', 'dollar', 'tell', 'negative_ad'], ['thank', 'spark', 'nevada', 'votetrumpnv', 'nevadacaucus', 'finder', 'https', 'co', 'ryp', 'dwne', 'uhttps', 'co', 'lmdorqo', 'https', 'co'], ['tomorrow', 'morning', 'interview', 'morningmika', 'enjoy'], ['go', 'vote', 'nevada', 'various', 'caucus', 'site', 'make_america', 'great'], ['exclusive', 'interview', 'wife_melaniatrump', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'ame', 'morning_joe', 'morningmika', 'msnbc', 'enjoy', 'https', 'co', 'fqsekwxnwj'], ['make', 'sure', 'get', 'trump', 'line', 'mislead', 'cruz', 'people', 'bad', 'careful'], ['thank', 'nevada', 'make_america', 'safe', 'great', 'https', 'clanlig', 'ad', 'https', 'zvvyvciad'], ['thank', 'nevada', 'trump', 'username', 'realdonaldtrump', 'https', 'co', 'zekx', 'https', 'co', 'uvbgpxzico'], ['melania', 'interview', 'morningmika', 'morning_joe', 'enjoy'], ['melaniatrump', 'great', 'television', 'morning', 'poise', 'smart', 'strong', 'big', 'heart', 'much', 'offer', 'proud'], ['big', 'defeat', 'last_night', 'nevada', 'marco_rubio', 'karlrove', 'foxnew', 'work', 'hard', 'belittle', 'victory', 'rove', 'sick'], ['usatoday', 'poll', 'quinnipiacpoll', 'say', 'beat', 'hillary', 'bernie', 'havn', 'even', 'start', 'yet'], ['self_funde', 'campaign', 'amp', 'owe', 'anybody', 'anything', 'owe', 'american', 'people', 'trump', 'watch', 'https', 'co', 'fuzx', 'ryim'], ['virginia', 'regentu', 'presidential', 'forum', 'pat', 'robertson', 'begin', 'watch', 'https', 'co', 'lgucylxfgg'], ['television', 'say', 'anything', 'bad', 'last_night', 'landslide', 'victory', 'dopey', 'karlrove', 'fire'], ['make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'ivsr', 'hmh'], ['poll', 'show', 'pick', 'many', 'supporter', 'get', 'other', 'drop', 'pick', 'sad', 'true'], ['mitt', 'romneywho', 'totally', 'blow', 'election', 'tax', 'return', 'make', 'look', 'fool', 'play', 'tough', 'guy'], ['mitt_romney', 'ask', 'endorsement', 'last', 'time', 'awkward', 'goofy', 'know', 'could', 'win'], ['would', 'texan', 'vote', 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'iziz'], ['let', 'make_america', 'great', 'schedule', 'amp', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'nu', 'qhzxxx', 'https', 'co', 'guqo', 'tmsmo'], ['go', 'mittromney', 'totally', 'unable', 'win'], ['join', 'oklahoma', 'tomorrow', 'night', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'sutcdoip'], ['thank', 'illinois', 'trump', 'https'], ['early', 'say', 'win', 'south_carolina', 'win', 'lose', 'landslide'], ['fmr', 'pre', 'mexico', 'vicente', 'fox', 'horribly', 'use', 'word', 'discuss', 'wall', 'must', 'apologize', 'would', 'uproar'], ['thank', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'nvgopoo', 'qf', 'https', 'co', 'jcjfbcpjz'], ['fail', 'presidential_candidate', 'mittromney', 'make', 'look', 'fool', 'senator', 'harry', 'reid', 'amp', 'release', 'tax', 'return'], ['thank', 'make_america', 'great', 'trump', 'https', 'wyviug'], ['https', 'co', 'rabhwqa'], ['thank', 'gopdebate', 'poll', 'https', 'co', 'voilcsy'], ['trump', 'https', 'co', 'fviuxmkrjj'], ['online', 'poll', 'win', 'debate', 'really', 'enjoy', 'evening', 'easy', 'good', 'https', 'co', 'sltmwvvm'], ['big', 'day', 'texas', 'tomorrow', 'rally', 'fort', 'worth', 'tremendous', 'crowd', 'exciting', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'jguopujrik'], ['make', 'speech', 'fort', 'worth', 'texas', 'really', 'big', 'crowd_expected', 'talk', 'debate', 'last_night'], ['good', 'chance', 'win', 'texas', 'tuesday', 'cruz', 'nasty', 'guy', 'senate', 'endorsement', 'talk', 'get', 'nothing', 'do', 'loser'], ['would', 'people', 'florida', 'vote', 'marco_rubio', 'defraud', 'agree', 'represent', 'senator', 'quit'], ['fort', 'worth', 'texas', 'convention_center', 'big', 'crowd', 'get', 'early', 'big', 'announcement', 'make'], ['lie', 'lightweight', 'choker', 'marco_rubio', 'team', 'last_night', 'last', 'ditch', 'effort', 'stop', 'great', 'movement', 'fail'], ['lightweight', 'choker', 'marco_rubio', 'looks_like', 'little', 'boy', 'stage', 'presidential', 'material'], ['poll', 'say', 'debate', 'last_night', 'great', 'honor'], ['lightweight', 'marco_rubio', 'work', 'hard', 'last_night', 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'cibhc'], ['hear', 'big', 'financial', 'trouble', 'oil', 'word', 'choose', 'little', 'marco_rubio', 'lightweight', 'florida'], ['republican', 'establishment', 'push', 'lightweight_senator', 'marco_rubio', 'say', 'anything', 'hit', 'trump', 'sign', 'pledge', 'careful'], ['hillary', 'south_carolina', 'big', 'margin', 'repub', 'get', 'far', 'vote', 'massive', 'increase', 'cycle', 'grow', 'party'], ['republican', 'get', 'large', 'number', 'dem', 'indie', 'crossover', 'also', 'get', 'state', 'republican', 'get'], ['make', 'big', 'speech', 'alabama', 'today', 'many', 'people', 'move', 'football', 'stadium', 'come', 'join'], ['little', 'marco_rubio', 'lightweight', 'show', 'senator', 'florida', 'set', 'puppet', 'special_interest', 'koch_brother', 'watch'], ['trump', 'https', 'co', 'yfhzd', 'gd'], ['would', 'people', 'texas', 'support', 'accomplish', 'absolutely', 'nothing', 'talk', 'action', 'pol'], ['state', 'press_conference', 'friday', 'regard', 'david', 'duke', 'disavow', 'https', 'co', 'oixfkpulz'], ['mitt_romney', 'show', 'tax', 'return', 'september', 'humiliate', 'harry', 'bad', 'messenger', 'estab'], ['little', 'marco_rubio', 'lightweight', 'show', 'senator', 'florida', 'washington', 'politician', 'https', 'co', 'nslrhrqjdx'], ['lightweight_senator', 'marco_rubio', 'polling', 'poorly', 'florida', 'people', 'stand', 'miss', 'many', 'vote', 'poor', 'work', 'ethic'], ['little', 'marco_rubio', 'washington', 'politician', 'talk', 'action', 'robotrubio', 'https', 'co'], ['little', 'marco_rubio', 'give', 'amnesty', 'criminal_aliens', 'guilty', 'sex', 'offense', 'disgrace', 'https', 'co', 'mzwpynzslb'], ['little', 'marco_rubio', 'treat', 'america', 'ice', 'officer', 'absolute', 'trash', 'order', 'pass', 'obama', 'amnesty', 'https', 'wurljfz'], ['phylis', 'schlafly', 'marco_rubio', 'betray', 'https', 'co', 'nmxmldquaa'], ['make', 'big', 'surprise', 'announcement', 'massive', 'crowd', 'assemble', 'huntsville', 'madison', 'alabama', 'landing', 'trump'], ['law_enforcement', 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'friend', 'puerto_rico', 'https', 'co', 'mhynacz'], ['wife_melaniatrump', 'join', 'andersoncooper', 'tonight', 'pme', 'cnn', 'enjoy', 'https', 'co', 'atixhgk'], ['thank', 'amazing', 'supporter', 'everyone', 'get', 'votetrump', 'tomorrow', 'https', 'co'], ['trump', 'university', 'approval_rating', 'could', 'settle', 'principle'], ['phony', 'rubio', 'commercial', 'could', 'settle', 'principle', 'see', 'student', 'survey', 'https', 'co', 'kkhibh'], ['thank', 'brian', 'france', 'bill', 'elliott', 'chaseelliott', 'davidragan', 'amp', 'ryanjnewman', 'nascar', 'trump', 'votetrumphttps', 'co', 'udcvm', 'gb'], ['great', 'news', 'former', 'mayor', 'dallas', 'tom', 'leppert', 'endorse', 'thank', 'tomorrow', 'big', 'day', 'vote', 'votetrump', 'supertuesday'], ['thank', 'georgia', 'amazing', 'supporter', 'tonight', 'everyone', 'get', 'votetrump', 'tomorrow', 'supertuesday', 'https', 'co', 'jna'], ['get', 'endorsement', 'brian', 'france', 'nascar', 'yesterday', 'georgia', 'also', 'many', 'sport', 'great', 'driver', 'thank', 'nascar', 'georgia'], ['people', 'south_carolina', 'embarrassed', 'nikki', 'haley'], ['thank', 'columbus', 'ohio', 'https', 'tok', 'jj'], ['make_america', 'great'], ['let', 'go', 'america', 'get', 'votetrump', 'trump', 'supertuesday', 'https', 'co', 'eaglheh', 'https', 'co', 'rganpzzhms'], ['thank', 'louisville', 'kentucky', 'votetrump', 'let', 'https', 'nkpp', 'https', 'co', 'xfwwrrro'], ['thank', 'georgia', 'supertuesday', 'trump'], ['thank', 'massachusetts', 'trump', 'supertuesday'], ['thank', 'tennessee', 'trump', 'supertuesday'], ['thank', 'alabama', 'trump', 'supertuesday'], ['thank', 'virginia', 'trump', 'supertuesday'], ['thank', 'arkansa', 'trump', 'supertuesday'], ['thank', 'vermont', 'trump', 'supertuesday'], ['special_interest', 'people', 'control', 'politician', 'puppet', 'spend', 'misleading', 'fraudulent', 'ad'], ['would', 'anyone', 'florida', 'vote', 'lightweight_senator', 'marco_rubio', 'check', 'credit', 'card', 'scam', 'house', 'sale', 'amp', 'show', 'voting'], ['lose', 'big', 'last_night', 'even', 'beat', 'virginia', 'spend', 'much', 'time', 'money', 'boss', 'desperate', 'angry'], ['wife_melaniatrump', 'ontherecord', 'greta', 'tonight', 'pme', 'foxnew', 'enjoy', 'https', 'co', 'yxrrkjjsgg', 'https'], ['leader', 'republican_party', 'see', 'bring', 'new', 'voter', 'million', 'create', 'large', 'strong', 'party'], ['cnn', 'poll', 'hit', 'trump', 'interesting', 'number', 'go', 'far', 'lightweight', 'marco_rubio', 'turn', 'nasty', 'love'], ['go', 'repeal', 'replace', 'obamacare', 'read', 'position', 'healthcare', 'reform', 'https', 'co', 'wwivhiud'], ['fail', 'presidential_candidate', 'mitt_romney', 'news', 'conference', 'tomorrow', 'criticize'], ['desperate', 'move', 'man', 'easily', 'beat', 'barrack', 'obama'], ['would', 'love', 'see', 'republican_party', 'everyone', 'get', 'together', 'unify', 'video', 'https', 'co', 'rwenpujo', 'https', 'co', 'rt', 'gmf', 'whl'], ['trump', 'video', 'https', 'co', 'ibce', 'tsrf', 'https', 'co', 'bhqg', 'rkfy'], ['republican_party', 'take', 'million', 'new', 'voter', 'record', 'careful', 'leave', 'sad'], ['million', 'dollar', 'spend', 'false', 'tv', 'ad', 'special_interest', 'group', 'rubio', 'amp', 'cruz', 'see', 'think', 'puppet', 'pol'], ['looks_like', 'time', 'fail', 'candidate', 'mitt_romney', 'go', 'tell', 'republican', 'get', 'elect', 'good', 'messenger'], ['fail', 'candidate', 'mitt', 'romneywho', 'run', 'bad', 'race', 'presidential', 'historyis', 'work', 'establishment', 'bury', 'big', 'win'], ['bring', 'million', 'people', 'republican_party', 'dem', 'go', 'establishment', 'want', 'kill', 'movement'], ['would', 'great', 'people', 'florida', 'vote', 'guy', 'senator', 'never', 'even', 'show', 'vote', 'bad', 'record', 'marco_rubio', 'joke'], ['beat', 'hillary_clinton', 'mitt_romney', 'know', 'win', 'hillary', 'want', 'part', 'trump'], ['mitt_romney', 'beg', 'endorsement', 'years_ago'], ['phony', 'lawsuit', 'trump', 'could', 'easily', 'settle', 'want', 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'fnmplxpkff', 'https', 'co', 'biuntvfk'], ['thank', 'macomb', 'county', 'michigan', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'tbvy', 'obce'], ['senator', 'tenn', 'issue', 'follow', 'statement', 'today', 'regard', 'presidential', 'election', 'https', 'co', 'kgc'], ['votetrumpks', 'trump', 'march', 'wichita', 'kansas', 'https', 'co', 'bkvbzvsj', 'https', 'co', 'ezu', 'yi'], ['thank', 'cadillac', 'michigan', 'votetrumpmi', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'rdmqcbhce', 'https', 'co', 'mfpx'], ['join', 'wichita', 'kansa', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'looking_forward', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'htvkglvlaz'], ['thank', 'new', 'orlean', 'louisiana', 'votetrumphttps', 'co', 'https', 'co', 'bf', 'bolwej'], ['join', 'wichita', 'kansa', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'looking_forward', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'htvkgldkcp'], ['kansa', 'exciting', 'day', 'big', 'speech', 'morning', 'wichita', 'go', 'caucus', 'sorry', 'cpac', 'format', 'fine'], ['great', 'time', 'last_night', 'louisiana', 'big', 'energetic', 'crowd', 'go', 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'co'], ['david', 'brook', 'time', 'close', 'dumb', 'clue'], ['nancy', 'reagan', 'wife', 'truly', 'great', 'president', 'amazing', 'woman', 'miss'], ['primary', 'plaintiff', 'phony', 'trump', 'university', 'suit', 'want', 'abandon', 'case', 'disgraceful'], ['fraud', 'lightweight', 'marco', 'make', 'tv', 'ad', 'trumpu', 'feature', 'people', 'sign', 'letter', 'https', 'co', 'tspfbn', 'ruxhttps', 'co', 'kfmotmqfnn'], ['thank', 'jdickerson', 'facethenation', 'fair', 'professional', 'interview', 'morning', 'wonder', 'rating'], ['trump', 'national_doral', 'good', 'resort', 'rory', 'adam', 'scott', 'great', 'watch', 'make_america', 'great'], ['meetthepress', 'chucktodd', 'hour', 'hit', 'job', 'today', 'totally_biase', 'mostly', 'false', 'dishonest', 'medium'], ['phony', 'commercial', 'buy', 'pay', 'special_interest', 'group', 'bandit', 'tell', 'pol'], ['fight', 'million', 'dollar', 'fraudulent', 'commercial', 'push', 'crooked', 'politician', 'use', 'facebook', 'amp', 'twitt', 'watch'], 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'itxkqxrlf'], ['rally', 'utah', 'arizona', 'great', 'tremendous', 'crowd', 'spirit', 'return', 'go', 'back', 'soon'], ['interview', 'thisweekabc', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['horrendous', 'protester', 'scream', 'curse', 'punch', 'shut', 'road', 'door', 'rally', 'never', 'blame', 'medium', 'sad'], ['protester', 'block', 'major', 'highway', 'yesterday', 'delay', 'entry', 'rally', 'arizona', 'hour', 'medium', 'blame', 'supporter'], ['highly_overrated', 'anchor', 'megynkelly', 'allow', 'constantly', 'say', 'bad', 'thing', 'show', 'fight', 'back', 'wrong'], ['big', 'republican', 'dinner', 'tonight', 'palm_beach'], ['president', 'obama', 'land', 'cuba', 'big', 'deal', 'raul', 'castro', 'even', 'greet', 'greet', 'pope', 'other', 'respect'], ['remember', 'beautiful', 'safe', 'place', 'brussel', 'anymore', 'different', 'world', 'must', 'vigilant', 'smart'], ['president', 'obama', 'look', 'sound', 'ridiculous', 'make', 'speech', 'cuba', 'especially', 'shadow', 'brussel', 'treat', 'badly'], ['make_america', 'great'], ['prove', 'far', 'correct', 'terrorism', 'anybody', 'even', 'close', 'hopefully', 'voting', 'today'], ['watch', 'clip', 'early', 'year', 'time', 'amp', 'time', 'right', 'terrorism', 'time', 'get', 'tough', 'https', 'co', 'mny', 'gfrzw'], ['heart', 'amp', 'prayer', 'go', 'victim', 'terrible', 'brussel', 'tragedy', 'madness', 'must', 'stop', 'stop'], ['votetrump', 'video', 'https', 'co', 'azprimary', 'arizonaprimary', 'utahcaucus', 'utcaucus', 'americansamoa', 'https', 'co', 'bkruyyhfma'], ['arizonaprimary', 'message', 'ivankatrump', 'azprimary', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'wztdekwjaq'], ['utahcaucus', 'message', 'ivankatrump', 'utcaucus', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'khigcsunfc'], ['obama', 'other', 'weak', 'politically_correct', 'terror', 'group', 'form', 'get', 'strong', 'shame'], ['pre', 'obama', 'leave', 'baseball', 'game', 'cuba', 'immediately', 'get', 'home', 'washington', 'potus', 'serious', 'emergency', 'belong'], ['lyin_ted', 'cruz', 'use', 'picture', 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'great', 'https', 'co', 'ldd'], ['thank', 'https', 'co', 'svuwi', 'jogn'], ['trump', 'defend', 'campaign', 'manager', 'charge', 'bruise', 'reporter', 'https', 'eku', 'qmgjd'], ['thank', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'zwzkhrtrqn'], ['final', 'announce', 'great', 'state', 'mo', 'trump', 'win', 'new', 'certify', 'show', 'vote', 'increase', 'least', 'delegate'], ['davidgregory', 'get', 'throw', 'tv', 'fire', 'dog', 'cnn', 'nasty', 'nice'], ['thank', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'puqim', 'zos', 'https', 'co', 'fsgpkjwk'], ['keep', 'thought', 'amp', 'prayer', 'melissa', 'young', 'miss', 'wisconsin', 'https', 'co', 'rbfufiwh'], ['congratulation', 'cnn', 'wisdom', 'pick', 'trump', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'dhqulz'], ['thank', 'appleton', 'wisconsin', 'wiprimary', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'xkbtwhpevy', 'https', 'co', 'klunuv'], ['trump', 'doctrine', 'peace', 'strength', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'gd', 'fxc', 'https', 'co', 'iloolub'], ['nice', 'meeting', 'reince_priebus', 'gop', 'looking_forward', 'bring', 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'co', 'iebcyqyk'], ['must', 'build', 'great', 'wall', 'mexico', 'united_state', 'https', 'co', 'sjurjfbf'], ['believe', 'kill', 'country', 'trade', 'long', 'put', 'wisconsin', 'ad', 'talking', 'trade'], ['make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'sulede', 'pyp'], ['possible', 'megynkelly', 'cover', 'anyone', 'donald', 'trump', 'terrible', 'show', 'totally', 'misrepresent', 'word', 'position', 'bad'], ['megynkelly', 'stop', 'cover', 'show', 'rating', 'would', 'drop', 'rock', 'interview', 'beat', 'million'], ['wisconsin', 'election', 'job', 'trade', 'immigration', 'big', 'factor', 'bring', 'job', 'back', 'home', 'make', 'great', 'deal'], ['wisconsin', 'suffer', 'great', 'loss', 'job', 'trade', 'win', 'bad', 'thing', 'happen', 'rapidly', 'reverse'], ['join', 'monday', 'april', 'milwaukee', 'wiprimary', 'trump', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'pmewdrxn', 'https', 'co', 'oazn'], ['great', 'honor', 'gop', 'general', 'counsel', 'johnryder', 'trump', 'delegate', 'rnc', 'meet', 'well', 'worth', 'unifying', 'party'], ['heytammybruce', 'thank', 'nice_words', 'fox', 'today', 'never', 'full', 'statement', 'nuclear', 'would', 'agree'], ['foxnew', 'ashamed', 'allow', 'expert', 'explain', 'make', 'nuclear', 'attack'], ['great', 'day', 'wisconsin', 'thank', 'racine', 'amp', 'wausau', 'arrive', 'eauclaire', 'trump', 'wiprimary', 'trumptrain', 'https', 'co', 'ikqnepd'], ['interview', 'jdickerson', 'facethenation', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'enjoy', 'trump'], ['thank', 'eau', 'claire', 'wisconsin', 'votetrump', 'tuesday', 'april', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'ji', 'jqwhnmc'], ['foxnewssunday', 'chris_wallace', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['thank', 'trump', 'wiprimary', 'https', 'co'], ['thank', 'pennsylvania', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'szicgsvgbz'], ['thank', 'miss', 'katie', 'din', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'oypuyjmpki', 'https', 'co', 'utsiivqpkt'], ['milwaukee', 'wisconsin', 'tomorrow', 'pme', 'melaniatrump', 'join', 'wiprimary', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'pmewdrxn'], ['congratulation', 'gohermie', 'win', 'shellhouopen', 'proud', 'tngcbedminster', 'amp', 'trumpgolf', 'club', 'great', 'go'], ['foxnews', 'greta', 'town_hall', 'wisconsin', 'enjoy', 'trump'], ['great', 'night', 'west', 'allis', 'wisconsin', 'thank', 'votetrumpwi', 'wiprimary', 'https', 'co', 'rhw', 'https', 'co', 'sygyqtoebs'], ['great', 'day', 'wisconsin', 'many', 'stop', 'many', 'great', 'people', 'melania', 'join', 'monday', 'big', 'crowd', 'make_america', 'great'], ['tweet', 'realdonaldtrump', 'withhold', 'response', 'report', 'copyright', 'holder'], ['depart', 'crosse', 'wisconsin', 'thank', 'trump', 'wiprimaryhttps', 'co', 'cvaz', 'ey', 'https', 'co', 'umxgujezi'], ['congratulation', 'jim', 'herman', 'proud', 'trumpgolf', 'https', 'co', 'ruutippjw'], ['interview', 'seanhannity', 'foxnew', 'wisconsin', 'tonight', 'wife_melania', 'join', 'entire', 'show'], ['great', 'news', 'wisconsin', 'make', 'speech', 'big', 'one', 'come', 'tonight', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'bf', 'gyswdn'], ['leave', 'superior', 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'jbnytk', 'fye'], ['icymi', 'trump', 'closing', 'speech', 'inbuffalo', 'votetrumpny', 'https', 'oth'], ['let', 'go', 'america', 'time', 'take', 'backour', 'country', 'video', 'amp', 'go', 'votetrump', 'https', 'co', 'lskdqgfyvq'], ['trump', 'https', 'co', 'awow', 'pyn'], ['house', 'task', 'force', 'onurgent', 'fiscal', 'issue', 'call', 'america', 'need', 'help', 'https', 'co', 'nerotw'], ['oprah', 'discuss', 'would', 'never', 'rule', 'run', 'potus', 'trump', 'votetrumpny', 'primaryday', 'https', 'co', 'rup'], ['discuss', 'newyorkvaluesin', 'buffalo', 'last_night', 'eve', 'nyprimary', 'let', 'go', 'ny', 'votetrump', 'https', 'dag', 'rea'], ['poll', 'close', 'hour', 'everyone', 'get', 'vote', 'trump', 'co', 'eufxeffu'], ['cnn', 'negative', 'impossible', 'watch', 'terrible', 'panel', 'angry', 'hater', 'bill', 'oreillyfactor', 'say', 'amazing', 'thing'], ['thank', 'love', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'auwmxl'], ['thank', 'never', 'forget'], ['make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'tk', 'mkzpfbl'], ['mathematically', 'win', 'race', 'spoiler', 'never', 'nice', 'thing', 'beat', 'hillary'], ['indiana', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'zqudaasaxd'], ['trump', 'watch', 'video', 'speech', 'last_night', 'trump', 'tower', 'https', 'co', 'kxly'], ['thank', 'indiana', 'back', 'soon', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'pxvsl'], ['meet', 'terrific', 'govpencein', 'indiana', 'excited', 'campaign', 'wonderful', 'state', 'https', 'co', 'ucyv'], ['go', 'bring', 'steel', 'manufacturing', 'back', 'indiana'], ['thank', 'maryland', 'great', 'way', 'conclude', 'day', 'back', 'soon', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'dnetdmendv', 'https', 'co', 'jbjyypesmo'], ['wife_melania', 'rest', 'family', 'major', 'town_hall', 'hopefully', 'fun', 'enjoy'], ['senator', 'mathematically', 'eliminate', 'race', 'say', 'kasich', 'get', 'reason', 'think', 'get'], ['john_kasich', 'path', 'victory', 'drop', 'race', 'republican_party'], ['cruz', 'say', 'kasich', 'leave', 'get', 'get', 'drop', 'lyin_te'], ['meet', 'prince', 'numerous', 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['say', 'inherit', 'something', 'special', 'republican_party', 'wrong', 'inherit', 'million', 'voter'], ['crooked_hillary', 'leadership', 'ability', 'bernie_sander', 'say', 'constantly', 'play', 'woman', 'card', 'sad'], ['thank', 'teacher', 'america', 'become', 'potus', 'make', 'education', 'far', 'important', 'component', 'life'], ['joe', 'scarborough', 'initially', 'endorse', 'jeb', 'crash', 'john_kasich', 'work', 'much', 'power', 'insight'], ['hear', 'joenbc', 'rapidly', 'fade', 'morning_joe', 'push', 'hard', 'third', 'party', 'candidate', 'run', 'guarantee', 'crooked_hillary', 'win'], ['response', 'lindseygrahamsc', 'https', 'co', 'lsde', 'lhc'], ['hope', 'corrupt', 'hillary_clinton', 'choose', 'goofy_elizabeth', 'warren', 'run', 'mate', 'defeat'], ['let', 'properly', 'check', 'goofy_elizabeth', 'warren', 'record', 'see', 'native_american', 'say', 'fraud'], ['goofy_elizabeth', 'warren', 'hillary_clinton', 'flunky', 'career', 'totally', 'base', 'lie', 'native_american'], ['meet', 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'judgejeanine'], ['happymothersday', 'https', 'co', 'yxr', 'https', 'co', 'bvshig', 'ipa'], ['interview', 'week', 'george', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['interview', 'meetthepress', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['kellyannepoll', 'kellyanne', 'fantastic', 'meetthepress', 'today', 'keep', 'go', 'win', 'people', 'make_america', 'great'], ['crooked_hillary', 'close', 'deal', 'bernie', 'way', 'isis', 'china', 'trade', 'mexico', 'border', 'bad'], ['seanhannity', 'show', 'foxnew', 'enjoy'], ['win', 'election', 'crooked_hillary', 'people', 'republican_party', 'currently', 'selfishly', 'oppose'], ['interview', 'newday', 'cnn'], ['drmoore', 'russell', 'moore', 'truly', 'terrible', 'representative', 'evangelical', 'good', 'stand', 'nasty', 'guy', 'heart'], ['interview', 'cnn'], ['hear', 'morning_joe', 'go', 'really', 'hostile', 'ever', 'say', 'watch', 'show', 'misrepresent', 'position'], ['interview', 'mariabartiromo', 'foxbizalert', 'enjoy'], ['wvprimary', 'votetrump', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'ihdwrmdy', 'https', 'co', 'vsstoanodb'], ['neprimary', 'votetrump', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'enhyhttps', 'co', 'yvlmhl'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'say', 'get', 'primary', 'vote', 'donald', 'trump', 'people', 'beat'], ['person', 'run', 'primary', 'would', 'get', 'vote'], ['set', 'time', 'record', 'primary', 'vote', 'republican_party', 'compete', 'people'], ['lower', 'taxis', 'far', 'candidate', 'negotiate', 'increase', 'congress', 'proposal', 'would', 'still', 'lower', 'current'], ['thank', 'jason', 'greenblatt', 'child', 'let', 'elect', 'donald', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'divyaiw'], ['get', 'vote', 'west_virginia', 'make_america', 'great'], ['get', 'vote', 'nebraska', 'make_america', 'great'], ['repmikekelly', 'great', 'job', 'foxandfriend', 'morning', 'thank', 'nice_word'], ['medium', 'strong', 'push', 'crooked_hillary', 'keep', 'push', 'false', 'narrative', 'want', 'exactly', 'opposite'], ['rosie', 'donnell', 'eat', 'cake', 'vicious', 'hillary', 'commercial', 'crooked_hillary', 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['think', 'crooked_hillary', 'finally', 'close', 'deal', 'win', 'kentucky', 'drop', 'race', 'system', 'rig'], ['wall_street', 'pay', 'ad', 'fraud', 'crooked_hillary', 'main', 'line', 'nothing', 'woman', 'know', 'apologize'], ['live_tweete', 'megynkelly', 'show', 'minute', 'interesting', 'fox', 'network', 'enjoy'], [], ['go', 'back', 'final', 'question'], ['well', 'well', 'do', 'megyn', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'let', 'see', 'movement', 'oregon', 'tonight'], ['believe', 'cnn', 'would', 'allow', 'nice', 'savaged', 'panel', 'trump', 'hater', 'watch', 'cnn'], ['look_forward', 'debating', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'democrat', 'primary', 'rig', 'mail', 'investigation', 'rig', 'time', 'get'], ['michael', 'barbaro', 'author', 'discredit', 'nytime', 'woman', 'past', 'tweet', 'badly', 'resign'], ['thank', 'oregon', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'yqlp', 'ca'], ['congratulation', 'movement', 'great', 'state', 'oregon', 'vote', 'percentage', 'even', 'higher', 'anticipate', 'thank'], ['paul', 'begala', 'dopey', 'cnn', 'flunky', 'head', 'hillary_clinton', 'super', 'pac', 'knowingly', 'commit', 'fraud', 'first', 'ad'], ['bernie_sander', 'treat', 'badly', 'democrat', 'system', 'rig', 'many', 'disenfranchised', 'fan'], ['supporter', 'alisonforky', 'declare', 'crooked_hillary', 'winner', 'even', 'call', 'race'], ['thank', 'arizona', 'see', 'soon', 'https'], ['thank', 'louisiana', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'hhrrrfmp'], ['trump', 'https', 'co', 'kxhc', 'https', 'co', 'yzadandkxv'], ['low', 'life', 'journalist', 'claim', 'make', 'pass', 'years_ago', 'never', 'happen', 'nytime', 'story', 'become', 'joke'], ['list', 'potential', 'supreme_court', 'justice', 'well', 'recieve', 'next', 'number', 'week', 'may', 'add', 'list'], ['looks_like', 'yet', 'terrorist_attack', 'airplane', 'depart', 'paris', 'get', 'tough', 'smart', 'vigilant', 'great', 'hate', 'sickness'], ['quality', 'woman', 'rowanne', 'brewer', 'lane', 'expose', 'nytime', 'disgust', 'fraud', 'thank', 'rowanne'], ['thank', 'ltstevenlroger', 'respond', 'terrorism', 'strength', 'https', 'co', 'mk', 'yuurf'], ['say', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'qualified', 'president', 'bernie', 'say', 'thing'], ['crooked_hillary', 'imagination', 'even', 'less', 'stamina', 'isis', 'china', 'russia', 'would', 'love', 'president', 'year'], ['look', 'world', 'today', 'total', 'mess', 'isis', 'still', 'run', 'wild', 'fix', 'fast', 'hillary', 'chance'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'look', 'presidential', 'think', 'year', 'obama', 'country', 'never', 'come', 'back', 'isis', 'laugh'], ['crooked_hillary', 'even', 'close', 'deal', 'bernie', 'dem', 'rig', 'favor', 'hillary', 'year', 'way'], ['call', 'unity', 'jason', 'greenblatt', 'jasondovesq', 'https', 'co', 'cydckp'], ['way', 'see', 'soon', 'https', 'co', 'arw'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'discuss', 'secondamendment', 'private', 'event', 'nra', 'https', 'pbpkmn'], ['thank', 'piersmorgan', 'trump', 'unpredictable', 'extraordinary', 'entertaining', 'amp', 'massively', 'popular', 'candidate', 'country', 'ever', 'see'], ['failing_nytime', 'always', 'take', 'good', 'story', 'make', 'bad', 'article', 'unfair', 'biased', 'sad'], ['thank', 'honor', 'first', 'candidate', 'ever', 'endorse', 'nra', 'prior', 'gopconvention', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'yglual', 'gzx'], ['great', 'day', 'kentucky', 'wayne', 'lapierre', 'nra', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'aj', 'aqqj'], ['thank', 'wonderful', 'endorsement', 'today', 'tgowdysc', 'mean', 'great', 'deal', 'disappoint', 'trump'], ['montgomeriefdn', 'colin', 'great', 'trump', 'turnberry', 'proud', 'great', 'playing', 'make', 'win', 'major', 'look', 'easy'], ['thank', 'thetodaysgolfer', 'wonderful', 'statement', 'new', 'par', 'hole', 'trump', 'turnberry', 'could', 'dramatic', 'britain'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'want', 'essentially', 'abolish', 'gun', 'owner', 'ever', 'vote', 'clinton'], ['crooked_hillary', 'spending', 'tremendous', 'amount', 'wall_street', 'money', 'false', 'ad', 'dishonest', 'person'], ['wonderful', 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'californiahttps', 'co', 'mmpck', 'hyrc', 'billing', 'montanahttps', 'co', 'atvrcgjfde'], ['obligation', 'raise', 'amp', 'dollar', 'include', 'dollar', 'veteran', 'nice'], ['much', 'money', 'raise', 'veteran', 'already', 'distribute', 'rest', 'go', 'shortly', 'various', 'veteran', 'group'], ['amazingly', 'money', 'raise', 'vet', 'get', 'nothing', 'bad', 'publicity', 'dishonest', 'disgusting', 'medium'], ['release', 'financial', 'disclosure', 'form', 'large', 'number', 'history', 'even', 'dishonest', 'medium', 'think', 'great'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'overregulate', 'overtaxe', 'care', 'job', 'importantly', 'suffer', 'plain', 'old', 'bad_judgement'], ['great', 'new', 'book', 'write', 'crooked_hillary', 'read', 'amp', 'never', 'able', 'vote', 'https', 'co', 'ujdwssfhbx'], ['wonderfully', 'write', 'article', 'concern', 'israel', 'jasondovesq', 'https', 'co', 'qwryzdj'], ['suggestion', 'dishonest', 'medium', 'https', 'co', 'zkyrwealmz'], ['thank', 'dailymail', 'set', 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'https', 'pgiykhlgti', 'https', 'co'], ['thank', 'south', 'dakota', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'gbrtqdxij', 'https', 'co', 'pnqwory', 'zb'], ['thank', 'new', 'mexico', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'wnoy', 'pc', 'km', 'https', 'co', 'oswzvxnkjx'], ['thank', 'california', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'gusl', 'uprx', 'https', 'co'], ['thank', 'wonderful', 'comment', 'speech', 'could', 'feel', 'electricity', 'thr', 'air', 'great', 'review', 'vote', 'ever', 'recieve'], ['nobody', 'watch', 'anymore', 'go', 'deep', 'end', 'bad', 'rating', 'believe', 'watch'], ['make_america', 'great', 'americafirst', 'trump', 'https', 'co', 'opvsjxjp'], ['would', 'many', 'million', 'vote', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'fact', 'opponent'], ['bernie_sander', 'must', 'really', 'dislike', 'crooked_hillary', 'way', 'play', 'many', 'supporter', 'trade', 'come'], ['expect', 'medium', 'much', 'dishonesty', 'amazing', 'big', 'win', 'primary', 'win'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'disaster', 'job', 'economy', 'trade', 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'ravfft', 'ube'], ['thank', 'invite', 'western', 'conservative', 'summit', 'colorado', 'imwithyou', 'wcs', 'https', 'co', 'lk', 'https', 'co', 'qdqhrrubbg'], ['return', 'colorado', 'amazing', 'crowd'], ['say', 'see', 'fix', 'make_america', 'safe', 'imwithyou', 'americafirst', 'https'], ['read', 'failing_nytimes', 'aware', 'event', 'hold', 'cleveland', 'total', 'lie', 'people', 'sick'], ['speaker', 'slot', 'republican', 'convention', 'totally', 'fill', 'long', 'waiting', 'list', 'want', 'speak', 'wednesday', 'release'], ['imwithyou', 'https', 'co', 'iecnnlj'], ['constitution', 'clear', 'right', 'people', 'keep', 'amp', 'bear', 'arm', 'shall', 'infringe', 'https', 'co', 'sqe', 'mbj'], ['crooked_hillary', 'make', 'history', 'imwithyou', 'americafirst', 'https', 'co', 'pkqhyhmmix'], ['become', 'next', 'potus', 'ignore', 'americafirst', 'https', 'co', 'cqdngi'], ['thank', 'americafirst', 'https', 'co', 'myg', 'lxgmh'], ['thank', 'support', 'americafirst', 'leadright', 'https', 'co', 'xznrym'], ['thank', 'greta', 'imwithyou', 'https', 'co', 'sldqnhd'], ['impossible', 'fbi', 'recommend', 'criminal', 'charge', 'hillary_clinton', 'wrong', 'bill', 'stupid'], ['announce', 'source', 'charge', 'bring', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'say', 'system', 'totally', 'rig'], ['watch', 'meetthepress', 'totally_biase', 'chuck_todd', 'entire', 'show', 'good', 'news', 'people', 'get'], ['fool', 'would', 'believe', 'meeting', 'bill', 'clinton', 'arrange', 'crooked_hillary', 'know'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'know', 'husband', 'want', 'meet', 'work', 'deal', 'system', 'totally', 'rig', 'amp', 'corrupt'], ['saturday', 'great', 'man', 'elie', 'wiesel', 'pass', 'world', 'well', 'place', 'belief', 'good', 'triumph', 'evil'], ['system', 'rig'], ['anybody', 'really', 'believe', 'bill', 'clinton', 'talk', 'grandkid', 'golf', 'minute', 'plane', 'tarmac'], ['secret', 'meeting', 'bill', 'clinton', 'back', 'closed', 'plane', 'heighten', 'fbi', 'shouting', 'go', 'away', 'picture'], 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'co', 'eqf'], ['whereshillary', 'sleeping'], ['nation', 'hurt', 'hurt', 'must', 'work', 'together', 'lift', 'https', 'co', 'obwhq'], ['franklin_graham', 'billynungesser', 'samaritanspurse', 'humble', 'time', 'thought', 'amp', 'prayer', 'https', 'co', 'xgsezlwv'], ['thank', 'jerryjrfalwell', 'see', 'soon', 'trumppence', 'https', 'co', 'epfsjckckq'], ['leave', 'virginia', 'really', 'big', 'crowd', 'great', 'enthusiasm'], ['interview', 'judgejeanine', 'enjoy'], ['back', 'soon', 'virginia', 'go', 'make_america', 'great', 'trumppence', 'https', 'co', 'jpsi'], ['bring', 'america', 'together', 'country', 'unite', 'american', 'common', 'purpose', 'common', 'dream', 'maga'], ['together', 'go', 'make_america', 'safe', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'putn', 'kfhdk'], ['draw', 'big', 'enthusiastic', 'crowd', 'medium', 'refuse', 'show', 'discuss', 'something', 'big', 'happening'], ['crooked_hillary', 'flooding', 'airwave', 'false', 'misleading', 'ad', 'pay', 'boss', 'wall_street', 'medium', 'protect'], 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'dkavalfgaj'], ['join', 'tuesday', 'everett', 'washington', 'xfinity', 'arena', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'abqgysdcyt', 'https', 'gnd'], ['thank', 'arizona', 'votetrump', 'https', 'co', 'vlxdd'], ['today', 'rd', 'anniversary', 'march', 'washington', 'today', 'honor', 'endure', 'fight', 'justice', 'equality', 'opportunity'], ['think', 'candidate', 'crooked_hillary', 'release', 'detail', 'medical', 'record', 'problem', 'hillary'], ['make', 'major', 'speech', 'illegal_immigration', 'wednesday', 'great', 'state', 'arizona', 'big', 'crowd', 'look', 'large', 'venue'], ['look', 'bad', 'get', 'much', 'crime', 'many', 'shooting', 'take', 'african_american', 'latinos', 'vote', 'trump', 'safe'], ['inner', 'city', 'crime', 'reach', 'record', 'level', 'african_american', 'vote', 'trump', 'know', 'stop', 'slaughter', 'go'], ['anyone', 'know', 'crooked_hillary', 'try', 'hard', 'unable', 'pass', 'bar', 'exam', 'washington', 'force', 'go', 'elsewhere'], ['crooked_hillary', 'brainpower', 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['thank', 'enjoy', 'tour', 'spending', 'time', 'everyone', 'see', 'soon', 'maga', 'https', 'co', 'ent', 'ibpdo'], ['thank', 'law_enforcement', 'officer', 'america', 'lesm', 'maga', 'https', 'co', 'mcbc', 'jzhn', 'https', 'co', 'mtmr', 'kxvb'], ['thank', 'jerryjrfalwell', 'https', 'tb'], ['full', 'transcript', 'economic', 'plan', 'deliver', 'economic', 'club', 'maga', 'https', 'co', 'xiu', 'auissd', 'https', 'dipwju'], ['interview', 'jessebwatter', 'oreillyfactor_tonight', 'pm', 'enjoy'], ['join', 'jimmyfallon', 'fallontonight', 'pme', 'tonight', 'enjoy'], ['instead', 'drive', 'job', 'wealth', 'away', 'america', 'become', 'world', 'great', 'magnet', 'innovation', 'amp', 'job', 'creation', 'https', 'cvu', 'zqsvj'], ['thank', 'great', 'evening', 'laconia', 'new_hampshire', 'back', 'soon', 'co', 'kwol_ibaw', 'https', 'co', 'qwbym'], ['go', 'brand', 'new', 'trump', 'international_hotel', 'major', 'statement'], ['truly', 'honor', 'grateful', 'receive', 'much', 'support', 'american', 'hero', 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'https', 'co', 'qpon'], ['thank', 'nevada', 'americafirst', 'https', 'kwol_ibaw', 'https', 'co', 'rjqhgq', 'rn'], ['people', 'notice', 'hillary', 'copy', 'airplane', 'rally', 'put', 'plane', 'behind', 'begin'], ['head', 'north_carolina', 'big', 'rally', 'soon', 'bring', 'job', 'back', 'belong'], ['hillary_clinton', 'take', 'day', 'need', 'rest', 'sleep', 'see', 'debate'], ['thank', 'high', 'point', 'fight', 'neglect', 'part', 'nation', 'amp', 'fight', 'bring', 'together', 'https', 'co', 'dsaupsptbz'], ['thank', 'remember', 'special_interest', 'gravy', 'train', 'come', 'https', 'co', 'aysjrmzvkw'], ['movement', 'campaign', 'leave', 'past', 'change', 'future', 'together', 'make_america', 'saf', 'https', 'lt', 'nkzyi'], ['situation', 'tulsa', 'charlotte', 'tragic', 'must', 'come', 'together', 'make_america', 'safe'], ['hopefully', 'violence', 'amp', 'unrest', 'charlotte', 'come', 'immediate', 'end', 'injure', 'get', 'well', 'soon', 'need', 'unity', 'amp', 'leadership'], ['thank', 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'ooakxs', 'rij'], ['russia', 'warhead', 'ever', 'korea', 'testing', 'nuke', 'iran', 'get', 'sweetheart', 'deal', 'keep', 'thank', 'hillaryclinton'], ['hillaryclinton', 'obama', 'isis', 'strategy', 'allow', 'expand', 'become', 'global', 'threat', 'debatenight', 'https', 'co', 'pctde'], ['nothing', 'email', 'nothing', 'corrupt', 'clinton_foundation', 'nothing', 'benghazi', 'debate', 'debatenight'], ['hillaryclinton', 'nuclear', 'agreement', 'pave', 'way', 'ransom', 'payment', 'co', 'qfztx', 'akys'], ['thank', 'senator', 'tedcruz', 'debate', 'maga', 'https', 'co', 'cgo', 'usj'], ['thank', 'governor', 'mike_pence', 'let', 'make_america', 'safe', 'great', 'american', 'people', 'americafirst', 'https', 'co', 'nc'], ['thank', 'governor', 'terrybranstad', 'americafirst', 'debate', 'https', 'co', 'yiezctdqy'], ['great', 'debate', 'poll', 'cnn', 'watch', 'thank'], ['newtgingrich', 'say', 'historic', 'victory', 'trump', 'nice'], ['time', 'debatenight', 'poll', 'vote', 'thank', 'americafirst', 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'zhkefuouhh'], ['government', 'people', 'join', 'movement', 'today', 'https', 'co', 'lwjydbphav', 'https', 'co', 'uywjrtzkae'], ['join', 'pm', 'rally', 'tomorrow', 'america', 'center', 'council', 'bluff', 'iowa', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'dfzsbicixc'], ['unbelievable', 'evening', 'melbourne', 'florida', 'supporter', 'additional', 'could', 'get', 'tha', 'https', 'vu', 'zxbu'], ['supporter', 'good', 'hard', 'work', 'people', 'know', 'shatter', 'record', 'https', 'co', 'zhgyoth'], ['line', 'poll', 'time', 'magazine', 'drudge', 'win', 'debate', 'thank', 'fox', 'amp', 'friend', 'report'], ['join', 'council', 'bluff', 'iowa', 'today', 'pm', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'gf'], ['melania', 'extend', 'deepest_condolence', 'family', 'shimon', 'pere', 'https', 'co', 'xegyl', 'izup'], ['honor', 'meet', 'polish', 'american', 'congress', 'chicago', 'morning', 'imwithyou', 'video', 'https', 'co'], ['thank', 'council', 'bluff', 'iowa', 'back', 'soon', 'remember', 'everything', 'nee', 'know', 'hillary', 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'https', 'co', 'mvinc'], ['see', 'badly', 'cnn', 'clinton', 'news', 'network', 'rating', 'people', 'donlemon', 'could', 'expect'], ['anytime', 'see', 'story', 'campaign', 'say', 'source', 'say', 'believe', 'source', 'make', 'lie'], ['crooked_hillary', 'dupe', 'use', 'bad', 'miss', 'hillary', 'floated', 'angel', 'check', 'terrible'], ['use', 'alicia', 'debate', 'paragon', 'virtue', 'show', 'crooked_hillary', 'suffer', 'hillary', 'set', 'con'], ['crooked_hillary', 'help', 'disgust', 'check', 'sex', 'tape', 'alicia', 'become', 'citizen', 'could', 'debate'], ['remember', 'believe', 'source', 'say', 'dishonest', 'medium', 'name', 'source', 'source', 'exist'], ['people', 'really', 'smart', 'cancel', 'subscription', 'dalla', 'amp', 'arizona', 'paper', 'usa', 'today', 'lose', 'reader', 'people', 'get'], ['hillary', 'point', 'ahead', 'maybe', 'email', 'scandal', 'policy', 'spread', 'isis', 'call', 'million', 'https', 'co', 'vcz'], ['people', 'knock', 'tweet', 'clock', 'morning', 'least', 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'pm', 'https', 'dyhpqybwpk'], ['thank', 'maga', 'americafirst', 'https', 'co', 'wjlkm'], ['make', 'major', 'speech', 'west', 'palm_beach', 'florida', 'noon', 'tune'], ['leave', 'great', 'rally', 'florida', 'head', 'ohio', 'soon'], ['great', 'event', 'columbus', 'take', 'cincinnati', 'great', 'new', 'ohio', 'poll', 'thank', 'ohio', 'wsj', 'marist', 'polltrump', 'clinton'], ['crossroad', 'history', 'civilization', 'determine', 'people', 'reclaim', 'https', 'co', 'dem', 'announce', 'affordable', 'care', 'act', 'obamacare', 'longer', 'affordable', 'say', 'year', 'disaster', 'join', 'greensboro', 'north_carolina', 'tomorrow', 'pm', 'trumprallyhttps', 'vplryxcyoq', 'https', 'co', 'drra', 'aqayj', 'join', 'live', 'cincinnati', 'ohio', 'trumprally', 'magahttps', 'co', 'mzqgnnvfzb', 'thank', 'navy', 'protect', 'country', 'time', 'peace', 'amp', 'war', 'together', 'make_america', 'https', 'co', 'jcl', 'say', 'campaign', 'catholic', 'bigotry', 'https', 'co', 'orulat', 'zbn', 'thank', 'support', 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'complain', 'hillary', 'lose'], ['join', 'mobile', 'alabama', 'sit', 'thankyoutour', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'gggbjl', 'https', 'co', 'opkrwo'], ['thank', 'pennsylvania', 'together', 'go', 'make_america', 'great', 'watch', 'https', 'co', 'qwfw', 'https', 'co', 'fefhq'], ['talk', 'cyberattack', 'reveal', 'head', 'dnc', 'illegally', 'give', 'hillary', 'question', 'debate'], ['together', 'hope', 'movement', 'fan', 'go', 'swearing', 'let', 'set', 'time', 'record'], ['thankyoutour', 'tonight', 'orlando', 'florida', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'jwqeccp', 'ntomorrow', 'mobile', 'alabamaticket', 'https', 'cq', 'awcuzt'], ['thank', 'florida', 'administration', 'follow', 'simple', 'rule', 'buy', 'american', 'hire', 'american', 'icymi_watch', 'https', 'co', 'vgtzsjsfu'], ['last_night', 'orlando', 'florida', 'incredible', 'massive', 'crowd', 'thank', 'florida', 'today', 'alabama', 'last', 'rally'], ['mobile', 'alabama', 'today', 'last', 'rally', 'year', 'thank', 'alabama', 'south', 'big', 'crowd', 'expect', 'see'], ['china', 'steal', 'united_states', 'navy', 'research', 'drone', 'international', 'water', 'rip', 'water', 'take', 'china', 'unprecedented', 'act'], ['thank', 'alabama', 'go', 'americafirst', 'goal', 'bring', 'back', 'wonderful', 'phrase', 'https', 'co'], ['tell', 'china', 'want', 'drone', 'steal', 'back', 'let', 'keep'], ['many', 'supporter', 'act', 'threaten', 'people', 'lose', 'election', 'would', 'scorn', 'amp', 'call', 'terrible', 'name'], ['today', 'terror', 'attack', 'turkey', 'switzerland', 'germany', 'get', 'bad', 'civilized', 'world', 'must', 'change', 'thinking'], ['thank', 'great', 'supporter', 'officially', 'election', 'distort', 'inaccurate', 'medium'], ['bill', 'clinton', 'state', 'call', 'election', 'wrong', 'call', 'nice', 'congratulation', 'know', 'much'], ['especially', 'get', 'people', 'even', 'unlimited', 'budget', 'vote', 'vital', 'swing', 'state', 'focus', 'wrong', 'state'], ['true', 'carlo', 'slim', 'great', 'businessman', 'mexico', 'call', 'get', 'together', 'meeting', 'meet', 'great', 'guy'], ['campaign', 'win', 'electoral_college', 'much', 'difficult', 'amp', 'sophisticated', 'popular', 'vote', 'hillary', 'focus', 'wrong', 'state'], ['would', 'do', 'even', 'well', 'election', 'possible', 'winner', 'base', 'popular', 'vote', 'would', 'campaign', 'differently'], ['hear', 'pundit', 'commentator', 'discuss', 'fact', 'spend', 'far', 'less', 'money', 'win', 'hillary', 'loss'], ['meet', 'really', 'great', 'general', 'navy', 'admiral', 'today', 'talk', 'airplane', 'capability', 'pricing', 'impressive', 'people'], ['resolution', 'consider', 'united_nations', 'security', 'council', 'regard', 'israel', 'veto', 'cont', 'https', 'co', 'rxkkznf'], ['someone', 'incorrectly', 'state', 'phrase', 'drain', 'swamp', 'longer', 'use', 'actually', 'always', 'try', 'dts'], ['united_state', 'must', 'greatly', 'strengthen', 'expand', 'nuclear', 'capability', 'time', 'world', 'come', 'sense', 'regard', 'nuke'], ['base', 'tremendous', 'cost', 'cost', 'overrun', 'lockhee', 'martin', 'ask', 'boee', 'price', 'comparable', 'super', 'hornet'], ['call', 'list', 'celebrity', 'want', 'tixs', 'inauguration', 'look', 'hillary', 'nothing', 'want', 'people'], ['wonderful', 'son', 'eric', 'longer', 'allow', 'raise', 'money', 'child', 'cancer', 'possible', 'conflict', 'interest'], ['presidency', 'ridiculous', 'shame', 'love', 'kid', 'raise', 'million', 'dollar', 'must', 'stop', 'wrong', 'answer'], ['thing', 'different', 'jan'], ['terrorist', 'kill', 'many', 'people', 'germany', 'say', 'crime', 'god', 'slaughter', 'pig', 'swear'], ['slaughter', 'purely', 'religious', 'threat', 'turn', 'reality', 'hatred', 'country', 'fight', 'back'], ['vladimir_putin', 'say', 'today', 'hillary', 'dem', 'opinion', 'humiliating', 'must', 'able', 'lose', 'dignity', 'true'], ['nbcnew', 'purposely', 'leave', 'part', 'nuclear', 'qoute', 'time', 'world', 'come', 'sense', 'regard', 'nuke', 'dishonest'], ['big', 'loss', 'yesterday', 'israel', 'united_nation', 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'surge', 'nearly', 'point', 'highest_level', 'year', 'thank', 'donald'], ['good', 'disregard', 'many', 'inflammatory', 'president', 'statement', 'roadblock', 'think', 'go', 'smooth', 'transition'], ['not', 'continue', 'let', 'israel', 'treat', 'total', 'disdain', 'disrespect', 'use', 'great', 'friend'], ['anymore', 'begin', 'end', 'horrible', 'iran', 'deal', 'stay', 'strong', 'israel', 'fast', 'approach'], ['economist', 'say', 'trump', 'deliver', 'hope', 'https', 'co', 'sjgbggliuq'], ['administration', 'follow', 'simple', 'rule', 'https', 'qy'], ['great', 'move', 'delay', 'putin', 'always', 'know', 'smart'], ['join', 'american', 'found', 'hall', 'fame', 'legend', 'jimbrownnfl', 'washington', 'https', 'co', 'wjz', 'itcqv'], ['russian', 'play', 'cnn', 'nbcnew', 'fool', 'funny', 'watch', 'clue', 'foxnew', 'totally', 'get'], ['happy', 'new', 'year', 'include', 'many', 'enemy', 'fight', 'lose', 'badly', 'know', 'love'], ['happy_birthday', 'donaldjtrumpjr', 'https', 'co', 'urxycd', 'hbz'], ['american', 'happynewyear', 'amp', 'many', 'blessing', 'looking_forward', 'wonderful', 'amp', 'prosperous', 'https', 'co', 'asdmal', 'iy'], ['well', 'new', 'year', 'begin', 'together', 'make_america', 'great'], ['chicago', 'murder', 'rate', 'record_setting', 'shooting', 'victim', 'murder', 'mayor', 'must', 'ask', 'federal', 'help'], ['cnn', 'release', 'book', 'call', 'unprecedented', 'explore', 'race', 'amp', 'victory', 'hope', 'well', 'use', 'bad', 'cover', 'photo'], ['various', 'medium', 'outlet', 'pundit', 'say', 'think', 'go', 'lose', 'election', 'wrong', 'come', 'together', 'last', 'week'], ['thought', 'feel', 'would', 'win', 'big', 'easily', 'fabled', 'cancel', 'firework', 'know'], ['north_korea', 'state', 'final', 'stage', 'develop', 'nuclear', 'weapon', 'capable', 'reach', 'part', 'happen'], ['china', 'take', 'massive_amount', 'money', 'amp', 'wealth', 'totally', 'one_sided', 'trade', 'help', 'north_korea', 'nice'], ['general_motor', 'send', 'mexican', 'make', 'model', 'chevy', 'cruze', 'car', 'dealer', 'tax', 'free', 'border', 'make', 'pay', 'big', 'border', 'tax'], ['people', 'must', 'remember', 'obamacare', 'work', 'affordable', 'increase', 'arizona', 'bill', 'clinton', 'call', 'crazy'], ['democrat', 'governor', 'minnesota', 'say', 'affordable', 'care', 'act', 'obamacare', 'longer', 'affordable', 'lousy', 'healthcare'], ['congress', 'work', 'really', 'make', 'weaken', 'independent', 'ethic', 'watchdog', 'unfair'], ['may', 'number', 'act', 'priority', 'focus', 'tax', 'reform', 'healthcare', 'many', 'thing', 'importance', 'dts'], ['instead', 'drive', 'job', 'wealth', 'away', 'america', 'become', 'world', 'great', 'magnet', 'innovation', 'amp', 'job', 'creation', 'https', 'co', 'sixrptsort'], ['release', 'gitmo', 'extremely', 'dangerous', 'people', 'allow', 'back', 'battlefield'], ['trump', 'already', 'deliver', 'job', 'promise', 'america', 'https', 'co', 'sptma', 'tm'], ['general', 'news', 'conference', 'january', 'eleventh', 'thank'], ['intelligence', 'briefing', 'call', 'russian', 'hacking', 'delay', 'friday', 'perhaps', 'time', 'need', 'build', 'case', 'strange'], ['julian', 'assange', 'say', 'year', 'old', 'could', 'hack', 'podesta', 'dnc', 'careless', 'also', 'say', 'russian', 'give', 'info'], ['thank', 'ford', 'scrap', 'new', 'plant', 'mexico', 'create', 'new', 'job', 'begin', 'much', 'follow'], ['somebody', 'hack', 'dnc', 'hacking', 'defense', 'rnc', 'respond', 'terrible'], ['thing', 'say', 'give', 'question', 'debate', 'total', 'double_standard', 'medium', 'usual', 'give', 'pass'], ['republican', 'must', 'careful', 'dem', 'fail', 'obamacare', 'disaster', 'poor', 'coverage', 'massive', 'premium', 'increase'], ['hike', 'arizona', 'also', 'deductible', 'high', 'practically', 'useless', 'let', 'schumer', 'clown', 'web'], ['massive', 'increase', 'obamacare', 'take', 'place', 'year', 'dem', 'blame', 'mess', 'fall', 'weight', 'careful'], ['jackie', 'evancho', 'album', 'sale', 'skyrocket', 'announce', 'inauguration', 'performance', 'people', 'understand', 'movement'], ['democrat', 'lead', 'head', 'clown', 'chuck_schumer', 'know', 'bad', 'obamacare', 'mess', 'instead', 'work', 'fix'], ['typical', 'political', 'thing', 'blame', 'fact', 'obamacare', 'lie', 'begin', 'keep', 'doctor', 'keep', 'plan'], ['time', 'republican', 'amp', 'democrat', 'get', 'together', 'come', 'healthcare_plan', 'really', 'work', 'much', 'less', 'expensive', 'amp', 'far', 'better'], ['dishonest', 'medium', 'like', 'say', 'agreement', 'julian', 'assange', 'wrong', 'simply', 'state', 'state', 'people'], ['make', 'mind', 'truth', 'medium', 'lie', 'make', 'look', 'intelligence', 'fact', 'big', 'fan'], ['toyota', 'motor', 'say', 'build', 'new', 'plant', 'baja', 'mexico', 'build', 'corolla', 'car', 'way', 'build', 'plant', 'pay', 'big', 'border', 'tax'], ['nbc', 'get', 'exclusive', 'look', 'top', 'secret', 'report', 'obama', 'present', 'give', 'report', 'politic'], ['democratic', 'national', 'committee', 'would', 'allow', 'fbi', 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'committee', 'investigate', 'top', 'secret', 'intelligence', 'share', 'prior', 'see'], ['monitor', 'terrible', 'situation', 'florida', 'speak', 'governor', 'scott', 'thought', 'prayer', 'stay', 'safe'], ['happy_birthday', 'erictrump', 'https', 'co', 'bjaey', 'qfsn'], ['gross', 'negligence', 'democratic', 'national', 'committee', 'allow', 'hack', 'take', 'place', 'republican', 'national', 'committee', 'strong', 'defense'], ['intelligence', 'state', 'strongly', 'absolutely', 'evidence', 'hack', 'affect', 'election', 'result', 'voting', 'machine', 'touch'], ['reason', 'hack', 'poorly', 'defend', 'dnc', 'discuss', 'loss', 'dem', 'big', 'totally', 'embarrassed'], ['good', 'relationship', 'russia', 'good', 'thing', 'bad', 'thing', 'stupid', 'people', 'fool', 'would', 'think', 'bad'], ['enough', 'problem', 'world', 'yet', 'president', 'russia', 'respect', 'far'], ['country', 'perhaps', 'work', 'together', 'solve', 'many', 'great', 'press', 'problem', 'issue', 'world'], ['congratulation', 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'would', 'never', 'simply', 'show'], ['grovel', 'totally', 'change', 'year', 'old', 'story', 'write', 'order', 'make', 'look', 'bad', 'dishonest', 'medium'], ['finally', 'happen', 'fiat', 'chrysler', 'announce', 'plan', 'invest', 'michigan', 'ohio', 'plant', 'add', 'job'], ['ford', 'say', 'last', 'week', 'expand', 'michigan', 'instead', 'build', 'billion_dollar', 'plant', 'mexico', 'thank', 'ford', 'amp', 'fiat'], ['old', 'picture', 'nancy', 'ronald_reagan', 'https', 'co', 'kvq', 'pzpaf'], ['thank', 'man', 'woman', 'protect', 'amp', 'serve', 'community', 'https', 'co', 'aqubdipsgv'], ['small_business', 'optimism', 'index', 'surge', 'https', 'co', 'bttdg'], ['small_business', 'optimism', 'soar', 'trump', 'election', 'https', 'co'], ['trump', 'help', 'lift', 'small_business', 'confidence', 'high', 'https', 'co', 'mhbabrehzt', 'https', 'co', 'cwavj', 'frdx'], ['fake_news', 'total', 'political', 'witch_hunt'], ['buzzfeed', 'run', 'unverifiable', 'trump', 'russia', 'claim', 'fakenew', 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['thealabamaband', 'great', 'last_night', 'playing', 'diplomat', 'ambassador', 'country', 'world', 'thank', 'alabama'], ['write', 'inaugural', 'address', 'winter', 'white_house', 'week', 'ago', 'looking_forward', 'friday', 'https', 'co', 'ojoxjrga'], ['looking_forward', 'speedy', 'recovery', 'george', 'barbara', 'bush', 'hospitalize', 'thank', 'wonderful', 'letter'], ['great', 'see', 'theleegreenwood', 'kimberly', 'evening', 'dinner', 'godblesstheusa', 'https', 'co', 'sxvmawvoft'], ['thank', 'amazing', 'wound', 'warrior', 'service', 'honor', 'tonight', 'https', 'qj', 'cpfaykd'], ['donald', 'trump', 'divide', 'country', 'country', 'divide', 'long', 'time', 'state', 'today', 'reverend', 'franklin_graham'], ['getting_ready', 'leave', 'washington', 'journey', 'begin', 'work', 'fight', 'hard', 'make', 'great', 'journey'], ['american', 'people', 'doubt', 'together', 'make_america', 'great'], ['way', 'inauguration', 'https', 'co', 'houmbxgnpe'], ['great', 'concert', 'today', 'lincoln', 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'vietnam', 'never'], ['catch', 'cry', 'baby', 'beg', 'forgiveness', 'judge', 'amp', 'jury', 'investigate', 'act'], ['roger', 'stone', 'report', 'cnn', 'false', 'fake_news', 'speak', 'roger', 'long', 'time', 'nothing', 'decision'], ['dem', 'complain', 'month', 'amp', 'month', 'dir', 'comey', 'fire', 'pretend', 'aggrieve', 'phony', 'hypocrite'], ['democrat', 'ashamed', 'disgrace', 'draintheswamp', 'https', 'co', 'ufbkeecm'], ['presidential', 'executive_order', 'strengthen', 'cybersecurity', 'federal', 'network', 'critical', 'infrastructure', 'https', 'co', 'kqdbvxpekk'], ['presidential', 'executive_order', 'establishment', 'presidential', 'advisory', 'commission', 'election', 'integrity', 'https', 'co', 'qzs'], ['finally', 'agree', 'something', 'rosie', 'https', 'co', 'pgbz'], ['russia', 'must', 'laugh', 'sleeve', 'watch', 'tear', 'apart', 'democrat', 'excuse', 'lose', 'election'], ['yesterday', 'day', 'meeting', 'russian', 'foreign', 'minister', 'sergei', 'lavrov', 'fm', 'ukraine', 'pavlo', 'https', 'hm', 'dcqo'], ['story', 'collusion', 'russian', 'amp', 'trump', 'campaign', 'fabricate', 'dem', 'excuse', 'lose', 'election'], ['fake', 'medium', 'working_overtime', 'today'], ['active', 'president', 'lot', 'thing', 'happen', 'possible', 'surrogate', 'stand', 'podium', 'perfect', 'accuracy'], ['maybe', 'good', 'thing', 'would', 'cancel', 'future', 'press', 'briefing', 'hand', 'write', 'response', 'sake', 'accuracy'], ['james_comey', 'well', 'hope', 'tape', 'conversation', 'start', 'leak', 'press'], ['james_clapper', 'virtually', 'everyone', 'else', 'knowledge', 'witch_hunt', 'say', 'collusion', 'end'], ['china', 'agree', 'allow', 'sell', 'beef', 'major', 'product', 'china', 'real', 'news'], ['today', 'host', 'military', 'mother', 'day', 'event', 'east_room', 'honor', 'stop', 'say', 'hel', 'https', 'co', 'wnvb', 'pyoef'], ['today', 'welcome', 'victory', 'christian', 'center', 'school', 'good_luck', 'team', 'america', 'rocketry', 'challenge', 'tarc', 'watch', 'https', 'co', 'wfrrsk', 'wuo'], ['weeklyaddress', 'https', 'co', 'https', 'tvvnch'], [], ['interview', 'judgejeanine', 'foxnew', 'saturday_night', 'enjoy'], ['thrill', 'libertyu', 'congratulation', 'class', 'day', 'earn', 'https', 'co', 'ryopwbiy'], ['wish', 'flotus_melania', 'great', 'mother', 'wonderful', 'day', 'ahead', 'family', 'friend', 'happy', 'mothersday'], ['today', 'deliver', 'remark', 'annual', 'national', 'peace', 'officer', 'memorial', 'service', 'https', 'co', 'eiovdctqb'], ['policeweek', 'proclamation', 'https', 'co', 'ixvfzuhw', 'https', 'co', 'umj', 'hklx'], ['president', 'want', 'share', 'russia', 'openly', 'schedule', 'meeting', 'absolute', 'right', 'fact', 'pertain'], ['terrorism', 'airline', 'flight', 'safety', 'humanitarian', 'reason', 'want', 'russia', 'greatly', 'step', 'fight', 'isis', 'amp', 'terrorism'], ['ask', 'director', 'comey', 'amp', 'other', 'begin', 'administration', 'find', 'leaker', 'intelligence_community'], ['industrial', 'production', 'surge', 'april', 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'co', 'hiqofuc'], ['great', 'riyadh', 'saudi_arabia', 'looking_forward', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'ahead', 'potusabroad', 'https', 'jjora', 'kfyr'], ['thank', 'brave', 'serviceman', 'amp', 'woman', 'serve', 'continue', 'serve', 'united_states', 'true', 'hero', 'https', 'co', 'xm'], ['speech', 'transcript', 'arab', 'islamic', 'american', 'summit', 'https', 'co', 'https', 'co', 'vtmlsqcixx', 'riyadhsummit', 'potusabroad'], ['riyadhsummit', 'potusabroad', 'https', 'wddeoiv'], ['prime_minister', 'netanyahu', 'presidentruvi', 'behalf', 'flotus_melania', 'thank', 'invitation', 'https', 'co', 'ycparv'], ['stand', 'absolute', 'solidarity', 'people', 'united_kingdom', 'https', 'co', 'fuuxxyxe'], ['thank', 'wonderful', 'unforgettable', 'visit', 'prime_minister', 'netanyahu', 'presidentruvi'], ['israel', 'saudi_arabia', 'middle_east', 'great', 'try', 'hard', 'peace', 'well', 'head', 'vatican', 'amp', 'pope', 'nato'], ['civilized', 'nation', 'must', 'join', 'together', 'protect', 'human', 'life', 'sacred', 'right', 'citizen', 'live', 'safety', 'peace'], ['honor', 'lifetime', 'meet', 'holiness', 'pope', 'francis', 'leave', 'vatican', 'determine', 'ever', 'pursue', 'peac', 'https', 'co', 'jhe', 'sroaxd'], ['thank', 'warm', 'welcome', 'brussel', 'belgium', 'afternoon', 'https', 'co', 'avysame'], ['today', 'ceremony', 'day', 'remembrance', 'resolve', 'natomeete', 'nato', 'https', 'co', 'ynzv', 'btekb'], ['thank', 'support', 'together', 'make_america', 'safe', 'great', 'potusabroad', 'usa', 'https', 'co'], ['arrive', 'taormina', 'flotus_melania', 'summit', 'usa', 'https', 'co', 'axolkbik'], ['arrive', 'italy', 'trip', 'successful', 'make', 'saved', 'usa', 'many', 'billion', 'dollar', 'million', 'job'], ['getting_ready', 'engage', 'leader', 'many', 'issue', 'include', 'economic', 'growth', 'terrorism', 'security'], ['terrorist', 'engage', 'war', 'civilization', 'value', 'life', 'confront', 'defeat', 'evil', 'https', 'co', 'haeuvcif'], ['behalf', 'flotus_melania', 'thank', 'wonderful', 'dinner', 'evening', 'president', 'sergio', 'mattarella', 'https', 'co', 'ehvwgjkrry'], ['big', 'meeting', 'today', 'lot', 'important', 'matter', 'discussion', 'first', 'list', 'course', 'terrorism', 'taormina'], ['many', 'nato', 'country', 'agree', 'step', 'payment', 'considerably', 'money', 'begin', 'pour', 'nato', 'much', 'strong'], ['make', 'final', 'decision', 'paris', 'accord', 'next_week'], ['leave', 'summit', 'great', 'meeting', 'everything', 'especially', 'trade'], ['push', 'removal', 'trade', 'distort', 'practice', 'foster', 'truly', 'level_playing', 'field'], ['look_forward', 'reading', 'commercegov', 'analysis', 'steel', 'aluminum', 'release', 'june', 'take', 'major', 'action', 'necessary'], ['bring', 'hundred', 'billion', 'dollar', 'back', 'middle_east', 'mean', 'job', 'job', 'job'], ['arrive', 'italy', 'successful', 'nato', 'meeting', 'brussel', 'tell', 'nation', 'must', 'pay', 'fair'], ['big', 'win', 'montana', 'republican'], ['big', 'win', 'montana', 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'approve', 'fast', 'easy', 'dem', 'would', 'doubt'], ['constant', 'negative', 'press', 'covfefe'], ['figure', 'true', 'meaning', 'covfefe', 'enjoy'], ['report', 'democrat', 'excoriate', 'carter_page', 'russia', 'want', 'testify', 'blow', 'away'], ['case', 'amp', 'want', 'clear', 'name', 'show', 'false', 'mislead', 'testimony', 'john_brennan', 'witch_hunt'], ['kathy', 'griffin', 'ashamed', 'child', 'especially', 'year', 'old', 'son', 'barron', 'hard', 'time', 'sick'], ['hopefully', 'republican_senators', 'good', 'people', 'quickly', 'get', 'together', 'pass', 'new', 'repeal', 'amp', 'replace', 'healthcare', 'bill', 'add', 'save'], ['announce', 'decision', 'paris', 'accord', 'next', 'day', 'make_america', 'great'], ['travel', 'world', 'strengthen', 'long', 'standing', 'alliance', 'form', 'new', 'partnership', 'see', 'https', 'co', 'kypoal'], ['honor', 'welcome', 'prime_minister', 'vietnam', 'nguyen', 'xuan', 'phuc', 'whitehouse', 'afternoon', 'https', 'co', 'ybrivjucy'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'blame', 'everybody', 'refuse', 'say', 'terrible', 'candidate', 'hit', 'facebook', 'amp', 'even', 'dem', 'amp', 'dnc'], ['announce', 'decision', 'paris', 'accord', 'thursday', 'white_house', 'rose_garden', 'make_america', 'great'], ['big', 'story', 'unmask', 'surveillance', 'people', 'took_place', 'obama', 'administration'], ['join', 'live', 'whitehouse', 'https', 'https', 'vhlhyh'], ['job', 'president', 'everything', 'power', 'give', 'america', 'level_playing', 'field', 'americafirst', 'https', 'co', 'hl', 'owbwzyi'], ['make_america', 'great'], ['https', 'co', 'ejxevz'], ['weeklyaddress', 'https', 'co', 'dnzrzikxhd'], ['need', 'smart', 'vigilant', 'tough', 'need', 'court', 'give', 'back', 'right', 'need', 'extra', 'level', 'safety'], ['united_state', 'help', 'london', 'god_bles'], ['must', 'stop', 'politically_correct', 'get', 'business', 'security', 'people', 'get', 'smart', 'get', 'bad'], ['least', 'dead', 'wound', 'terror_attack', 'mayor', 'london', 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'https', 'co', 'niiorksrjn'], ['right', 'need', 'travel_ban', 'certain', 'dangerous', 'country', 'politically_correct', 'term', 'help', 'protect', 'people'], ['big', 'meeting', 'today', 'republican', 'leadership', 'concern', 'healthcare', 'push', 'hard', 'must', 'get', 'right'], ['fake', 'msm', 'work', 'hard', 'try', 'get', 'social_media', 'hate', 'get', 'honest', 'unfiltered', 'message'], ['recent', 'trip', 'middle_east', 'state', 'longer', 'fund', 'radical', 'ideology', 'leader', 'point', 'qatar', 'look'], ['sorry', 'folk', 'would', 'relied', 'fake_news', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'washpost', 'nytime', 'would', 'chance', 'win'], ['good', 'see', 'saudi_arabia', 'visit', 'king', 'country', 'already', 'pay', 'say', 'would', 'take', 'hard', 'line', 'funding'], ['extremism', 'reference', 'point', 'qatar', 'perhaps', 'begin', 'end', 'horror', 'terrorism'], ['today', 'remember', 'courage', 'bravery', 'troop', 'storm', 'beach', 'normandy', 'dday', 'https', 'co', 'zhr', 'dmzyb'], ['great', 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'co', 'dwlghi', 'https', 'co', 'vfirc', 'xssx'], ['month', 'hope', 'growth', 'make', 'america', 'trillion_dollar', 'rich', 'stuart', 'varneyco', 'https', 'co', 'fyoicwgv', 'https', 'co', 'meuzdom'], ['icymi', 'week', 'host', 'madeinamerica', 'event', 'right', 'whitehouse', 'make', 'america', 'good', 'usa', 'https', 'gde'], ['manufacturer', 'record', 'high', 'optimism', 'report', 'qtr', 'carry', 'nd', 'qtr', 'shopfloornam', 'https', 'https', 'co', 'whztcaxhrq'], ['today', 'privilege', 'welcome', 'survivor', 'ussarizona', 'remark', 'https', 'co', 'gysxxqazblhttps', 'co', 'gysxxqazbl', 'https', 'co'], ['today', 'privilege', 'welcome', 'survivor', 'ussarizona', 'whitehouse', 'honorthem', 'remark', 'https', 'co', 'gysxxqazbl', 'https', 'co', 'ipmbqvi'], ['sean', 'spicer', 'wonderful', 'person', 'take', 'tremendous', 'abuse', 'fake_news', 'medium', 'future', 'bright'], ['new', 'intelligence', 'leak', 'amazon', 'washington', 'time', 'jeff_session', 'illegal', 'leak', 'comey', 'must', 'stop'], 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'uscg', 'proudly', 'answer', 'call', 'serve', 'thank', 'happy_birthday', 'https', 'gy', 'vzn'], ['great', 'work', 'do', 'fema', 'dhsgov', 'state', 'amp', 'local', 'leader', 'prepare', 'hurricane', 'season', 'preparedness', 'investment', 'future', 'https', 'co', 'rbchy'], ['prosperity', 'come', 'shore', 'put', 'america', 'worker', 'family', 'first', 'americafirst', 'https', 'co'], ['trump', 'gain', 'isis', 'dramatically', 'co', 'jntoth', 'mol'], ['work', 'bedminster', 'long', 'plan', 'construction', 'do', 'white_house', 'vacation', 'meeting', 'call'], ['united_nations', 'security', 'council', 'vote', 'sanction', 'north_korea', 'china', 'russia', 'vote', 'big', 'financial', 'impact'], ['many', 'year', 'leak', 'go', 'washington', 'great', 'see', 'take', 'action', 'national_security', 'tougher', 'better'], ['thank', 'nicole', 'https', 'co', 'ufox'], ['united_nation', 'resolution', 'single', 'large', 'economic', 'sanction', 'package', 'ever', 'north_korea', 'billion_dollar', 'cost'], ['make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'elhh', 'joh'], ['fake_news', 'refuse', 'report', 'success', 'first', 'month', 'surge', 'economy', 'amp', 'jobsborder', 'amp', 'military', 'securityisis'], ['complete', 'call', 'president', 'moon', 'south_korea', 'happy', 'impress', 'united_nation', 'vote', 'north_korea', 'sanction'], ['failing_nytime', 'make', 'wrong', 'prediction', 'include', 'big', 'election', 'win', 'apologize', 'totally', 'inept'], ['trump', 'base', 'far', 'big', 'amp', 'stronger', 'ever', 'phony', 'fake_news', 'polling', 'look', 'rally', 'penn', 'iowa', 'ohio'], ['west_virginia', 'fact', 'fake_news', 'russian_collusion', 'story', 'record', 'stock_market', 'border_security', 'military', 'strength', 'job'], ['supreme_court', 'pick', 'economic', 'enthusiasm', 'deregulation', 'amp', 'much', 'drive', 'trump', 'base', 'even', 'closer', 'together', 'never', 'change'], ['hard', 'believe', 'fake_new', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'nytime', 'wapo', 'trump', 'base', 'get', 'strong'], 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['press_conference', 'follow', 'national_security', 'briefing', 'bedminster', 'https', 'co', 'ggloik', 'https', 'xrkeo'], ['must', 'unite', 'amp', 'condemn', 'hate', 'stand', 'place', 'kind', 'violence', 'america', 'let', 'come', 'together'], ['bedminster', 'meeting', 'press_conference', 'amp', 'do', 'make', 'better', 'charlottesville', 'sad'], ['join', 'live', 'bedminster', 'https', 'co', 'crvve'], ['vital', 'swift', 'restoration', 'law', 'order', 'protection', 'innocent', 'life', 'charlottesville', 'https', 'db', 'fgnu'], ['must', 'remember', 'truth', 'matter', 'color', 'creed', 'religion', 'political', 'party', 'american', 'first', 'https', 'co', 'fesmiqskkn'], ['continue', 'follow', 'development', 'charlottesville', 'provide', 'assistance', 'need', 'ready', 'willing', 'able', 'https', 'co', 'mctybguepi'], ['deepest_condolence', 'family', 'amp', 'fellow', 'officer', 'state', 'police', 'die', 'today', 'good', 'nation', 'produce'], ['condolence', 'family', 'young', 'woman', 'kill', 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'pershe', 'united_states', 'terrorist', 'catch', 'radical_islamic', 'terror', 'year'], ['homeland_security', 'alert', 'amp', 'closely', 'watch', 'sign', 'trouble', 'border', 'far', 'tough', 'ever'], ['obstructionist_democrat', 'make', 'security', 'country', 'difficult', 'court', 'associate', 'delay', 'time', 'must', 'stop'], ['radical_islamic', 'terrorism', 'must', 'stop', 'mean', 'necessary', 'court', 'must', 'give', 'back', 'protective', 'right', 'tough'], ['head', 'camp_david', 'major', 'meeting', 'national_security', 'border', 'military', 'rapidly', 'build', 'strongest', 'ever'], ['direct', 'cyber', 'command', 'elevate', 'status', 'unify', 'combatant', 'command', 'focus', 'cont', 'https', 'co', 'iscfumw'], ['return', 'bedminster', 'nj', 'camp_david', 'great', 'meeting', 'national_security', 'border', 'military', 'maga', 'https', 'co', 'hjmcnnse'], ['today', 'sign', 'global', 'war', 'terrorism', 'war', 'memorial', 'act', 'bill', 'authorizes', 'cont', 'https', 'co', 'zikdtowc', 'https', 'co', 'ms', 'cj'], ['thought', 'prayer', 'kissimmeepolice', 'loved_one', 'lesm'], ['want', 'thank', 'steve', 'bannon', 'service', 'come', 'campaign', 'run', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'great', 'thank'], ['important', 'day', 'spend', 'camp_david', 'talented', 'general', 'military', 'leader', 'many', 'decision', 'make', 'include', 'afghanistan'], ['steve', 'bannon', 'tough', 'smart', 'new', 'voice', 'breitbartnew', 'maybe', 'even', 'better', 'ever', 'fake_news', 'need', 'competition'], ['looks_like', 'many', 'anti', 'police', 'agitator', 'boston', 'police', 'look', 'tough', 'smart', 'thank'], ['great', 'job', 'law_enforcement', 'officer', 'boston', 'mayor', 'marty_walsh'], ['great', 'country', 'divide', 'decade', 'sometimes', 'need', 'protest', 'order', 'heel', 'heel', 'amp', 'strong', 'ever'], ['great', 'country', 'divide', 'decade', 'sometimes', 'need', 'protest', 'order', 'heal', 'heal', 'amp', 'strong', 'ever'], ['want', 'applaud', 'many', 'protestor', 'boston', 'speak', 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'https'], ['see', 'tonight', 'phoenix_arizona', 'maga', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'https'], ['push', 'onward', 'victory', 'hope', 'heart', 'courage', 'soul', 'amp', 'everlasting', 'pride', 'amp', 'america', 'https', 'co', 'qyfsq'], ['thank', 'great', 'man', 'woman', 'custom', 'border', 'protection', 'facility', 'yuma', 'arizona', 'amp', 'united_states', 'https', 'co', 'tjfx', 'xjhdz'], ['thank', 'arizona', 'beautiful', 'turnout', 'phoenix', 'tonight', 'full', 'coverage', 'rally', 'facebook', 'https', 'co', 'efs', 'https', 'co', 'wt', 'vsen'], ['medium', 'give', 'platform', 'hate', 'group', 'medium', 'turn', 'blind', 'eye', 'gang', 'violence', 'street', 'https', 'co', 'mau', 'qyip'], ['draintheswamp', 'phoenixrally', 'https', 'co', 'xocbic'], ['make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'rzepiucv'], ['phoenix', 'crowd', 'last_night', 'amazing', 'packed_house', 'love', 'great', 'state', 'arizona', 'fan', 'jeff_flake', 'weak', 'crime', 'amp', 'border'], ['last_night', 'phoenix', 'read', 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['foxandfriend', 'look', 'fill', 'position', 'need', 'many', 'reduce', 'size', 'government', 'ingrahamangle'], ['talk', 'north_korea', 'pay', 'extortion', 'money', 'year', 'talk', 'answer'], ['witness', 'first', 'hand', 'horror', 'amp', 'devastation', 'cause', 'hurricane', 'harveymy', 'heart', 'go', 'even', 'great', 'people', 'texas'], ['read', 'false', 'reporting', 'even', 'ferocious', 'anger', 'die', 'magazine', 'make', 'wonder', 'want', 'maga'], ['leave', 'missouri', 'soon', 'speech', 'tax', 'reform', 'badly', 'need'], ['texas', 'louisiana', 'today', 'tomorrow', 'amp', 'every_single', 'day', 'restore', 'recover', 'rebuild', 'https', 'co'], ['first_responder', 'heroic', 'work', 'courage', 'amp', 'devotion', 'save', 'countless', 'life', 'represent', 'good', 'america', 'https', 'co', 'gvcqltko'], ['thank', 'incredible', 'hero', 'texas', 'america', 'texasstrong', 'https', 'co', 'abo', 'ihp'], ['texas', 'heeling', 'fast', 'thank', 'great', 'man', 'amp', 'woman', 'work', 'hard', 'still', 'much', 'back', 'tomorrow'], ['looks_like', 'exonerate', 'hillary_clinton', 'long', 'investigation', 'much', 'rigged_system'], ['general', 'john_kelly', 'great', 'job', 'chief', 'staff', 'could', 'happier', 'impressed', 'administration', 'continue'], ['get', 'thing', 'do', 'record', 'clip', 'many', 'big', 'decision', 'make', 'come', 'day', 'week', 'america', 'first'], ['texas', 'heal', 'fast', 'thank', 'great', 'man', 'amp', 'woman', 'work', 'hard', 'still', 'much', 'back', 'tomorrow'], ['president', 'donald', 'trump', 'proclaim', 'september', 'national', 'day', 'prayer', 'hurricaneharvey', 'prayfortexas', 'https', 'co', 'shen', 'jxchq', 'https', 'co', 'mplb', 'wpxft'], ['stock_market', 'month', 'row'], ['go', 'texas', 'louisiana', 'tomorrow', 'first_lady', 'great', 'progress', 'make', 'spend', 'weekend', 'work', 'white_house'], ['behalf', 'flotus_melania', 'amp', 'thank', 'today', 'update', 'amp', 'great', 'work', 'southernbaptist', 'sendrelief', 'redcross', 'amp', 'salvationarmyus', 'https', 'co', 'dlgfnicxn'], ['depart', 'texas', 'louisiana', 'flotus_melania', 'right', 'jba_nafw', 'see', 'soon', 'america', 'https', 'co', 'bhvdjvpr'], ['texas', 'today', 'tomorrow', 'every_single', 'day', 'restore', 'recover', 'rebuild', 'https', 'co', 'fh', 'jmmfa'], ['together', 'prevail', 'great', 'state', 'texas', 'love', 'texas', 'amp', 'usa', 'https', 'co', 'rzmeenqib'], ['manufacturing', 'index', 'rise', 'highest_level', 'early', 'much', 'better'], ['get', 'back', 'white_house', 'great', 'state', 'texas', 'louisiana', 'thing', 'go', 'well', 'cooperation', 'amp', 'coordination'], ['remember', 'sunday', 'national', 'prayer', 'day', 'presidential', 'proclamation'], ['much', 'spirit', 'thank', 'hereo', 'save', 'many', 'life', 'honor', 'spend', 'time', 'nationalguard', 'leos', 'amp', 'cajunnavy', 'https', 'co', 'petsl', 'rkf'], ['north_korea', 'conduct', 'major', 'nuclear', 'test', 'word', 'action', 'continue', 'hostile', 'dangerous', 'united_state'], ['north_korea', 'rogue', 'nation', 'become', 'great', 'threat', 'embarrassment', 'china', 'try', 'help', 'little', 'success'], ['south_korea', 'finding', 'tell', 'talk', 'appeasement', 'north_korea', 'work', 'understand', 'thing'], ['meeting', 'general', 'kelly', 'general', 'mattis', 'military', 'leader', 'white_house', 'discuss', 'north_korea', 'thank'], ['united_state', 'consider', 'addition', 'option', 'stop', 'trade', 'country', 'business', 'north_korea'], ['build', 'future', 'american', 'hand', 'american', 'labor', 'american', 'iron', 'aluminum', 'steel', 'happy', 'laborday', 'https', 'co', 'lyvtnfq'], ['big', 'week', 'come'], ['congress', 'get', 'ready', 'job', 'daca'], ['allow', 'south_korea', 'buy', 'substantially', 'increase', 'amount', 'highly', 'sophisticated', 'military', 'equipment', 'united_state'], ['look_forward', 'working', 'congress', 'address', 'immigration', 'reform', 'way', 'put', 'hardworke', 'citizen', 'country'], ['congress', 'month', 'legalize', 'daca', 'something', 'obama', 'administration', 'unable', 'revisit', 'issue'], ['go', 'north_dakota', 'today', 'discuss', 'tax', 'reform', 'high', 'tax', 'nation', 'world', 'change'], ['watch', 'hurricane', 'closely', 'team', 'do', 'good', 'job', 'texas', 'already', 'florida', 'rest', 'weary'], ['hurricane', 'looks_like', 'largest', 'ever', 'record', 'atlantic'], ['president', 'donald', 'trump', 'approve', 'emergency', 'declaration', 'https', 'co', 'xshsynkvup', 'https', 'co', 'ubbsfohmm', 'https', 'co', 'xwofp', 'ir', 'https', 'co', 'qojom', 'gy'], ['speak', 'governor', 'rick_scott', 'florida', 'kenneth', 'mapp', 'virgin', 'island', 'amp', 'ricardo', 'rossello', 'puerto_rico', 'https', 'co', 'cslgkfa'], ['wonderful', 'north_dakota', 'incredible', 'hardworking', 'man', 'amp', 'woman', 'andeavor', 'refinery', 'full', 'remark', 'https', 'co', 'uxbpyeerum', 'https', 'fv', 'gjxds'], ['thank', 'join', 'mandan', 'nd', 'gov', 'dougburgum', 'brentsanfordnd', 'senjohnhoeven', 'repkevincramer', 'amp', 'senatorheitkamp', 'https', 'co', 'nivthvpu'], ['want', 'renew', 'prosperity', 'restore', 'opportunity', 'amp', 'establish', 'economic', 'dominance', 'need', 'tax', 'reform', 'pro', 'growth', 'https', 'co', 'nzlg', 'qzpo'], ['want', 'company', 'hire', 'grow', 'america', 'raise', 'wage', 'american', 'worker', 'amp', 'help', 'rebuild', 'american', 'city', 'amp', 'town', 'usa', 'https', 'co', 'sglubjcbw'], ['hurricane', 'irma', 'rage', 'great', 'team', 'talente', 'brave', 'people', 'already', 'place', 'ready', 'help', 'careful', 'safe', 'fema'], ['thank', 'great', 'honor', 'https', 'co', 'strciewuws'], ['daca', 'concerned', 'status', 'month', 'period', 'nothing', 'worry', 'action'], ['welcome', 'whitehouse', 'amir', 'sabah', 'ahme', 'jaber', 'sabah', 'kuwait', 'joint_press', 'conference', 'come', 'soon', 'https', 'co', 'nyzlp', 'https', 'co', 'lfra', 'aatam'], ['together', 'show', 'world', 'force', 'destruction', 'extremism', 'match', 'blessing', 'prosperity', 'peace', 'https', 'co', 'ewk'], ['trip', 'saudi_arabia', 'speak', 'leader', 'arab', 'amp', 'muslim', 'nation', 'need', 'confront', 'share', 'enemy', 'https', 'co', 'oeaqfiex'], ['encourage', 'everyone', 'path', 'hurricaneirma', 'heed', 'advice', 'order', 'local', 'amp', 'state', 'official', 'https', 'co', 'aqmawtpz'], ['confront', 'challenge', 'matter', 'strong', 'wind', 'high', 'water', 'proud', 'stand', 'president'], ['hurricane', 'irma', 'epic', 'proportion', 'perhaps', 'big', 'ever', 'see', 'safe', 'get', 'wayif', 'possible', 'federal', 'ready'], ['incredible', 'coast_guard', 'save', 'life', 'last', 'week', 'harvey', 'irma', 'could', 'even', 'tough', 'love', 'coast_guard'], ['republican', 'sorry', 'hearing', 'repeal', 'amp', 'replace', 'year', 'happen', 'even', 'bad', 'senate', 'filibuster_rule'], ['never', 'allow', 'republican', 'pass', 'even', 'great', 'legislation', 'dem', 'control', 'rarely', 'get', 'vote', 'repub', 'death', 'wish'], ['republican', 'must', 'start', 'tax', 'reform', 'legislation', 'wait', 'end', 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'united_states', 'america', 'neverforget', 'https', 'co', 'erycjgj'], ['fascinating', 'watch', 'people', 'write', 'book', 'major', 'article', 'yet', 'know', 'nothing', 'amp', 'access', 'fake_news'], ['devastation', 'leave', 'hurricane', 'irma', 'least', 'certain', 'locationsthan', 'anyone', 'think', 'amazing', 'people', 'work', 'hard'], ['congratulation', 'eric', 'amp', 'lara', 'birth', 'son', 'eric', 'luke', 'trump', 'morning', 'https', 'xde'], ['great', 'honor', 'welcome', 'prime_minister', 'najib', 'abdul', 'razak', 'malaysia', 'distinguish', 'delegation', 'whitehouse', 'today', 'https', 'co', 'pwrboh', 'dg'], ['approval', 'process', 'big', 'tax_cut', 'amp', 'tax', 'reform', 'package', 'history', 'country', 'soon', 'begin', 'move', 'fast', 'congress'], ['travel', 'florida', 'tomorrow', 'meet', 'great', 'coast_guard', 'fema', 'many', 'brave', 'first_responder', 'amp', 'other'], ['irma', 'harvey', 'devastation', 'tax', 'reform', 'need', 'ever', 'go', 'congress', 'go'], ['china', 'business', 'tax', 'rate', 'everything', 'possible', 'match', 'order', 'win', 'economy', 'job', 'wage'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'blame', 'everybody', 'thing', 'election', 'loss', 'lose', 'debate', 'lose', 'direction'], ['deplorable', 'come', 'back', 'haunt', 'hillary', 'express', 'feeling', 'loud', 'clear', 'spend', 'big', 'money', 'end', 'game'], ['deal', 'make', 'last_night', 'daca', 'massive', 'border_security', 'would', 'agree', 'exchange', 'consent', 'would', 'vote'], ['wall', 'already', 'construction', 'form', 'new', 'renovation', 'old', 'exist', 'fence', 'wall', 'continue', 'build'], ['anybody', 'really', 'want', 'throw', 'good', 'educate', 'accomplished', 'young', 'people', 'job', 'serve', 'military', 'really'], ['country', 'many', 'year', 'fault', 'bring', 'parent', 'young', 'age', 'big', 'border_security'], ['leave', 'florida', 'see', 'great', 'first_responder', 'thank', 'coast_guard', 'fema', 'real', 'disaster', 'much', 'work'], ['leave', 'florida', 'people', 'spirit', 'great', 'state', 'unbelievable', 'damage', 'horrific', 'better', 'ever'], ['speak', 'president', 'mexico', 'give', 'condolence', 'terrible', 'earthquake', 'unable', 'reach', 'day', 'cell', 'phone', 'reception', 'site'], ['bernie_sander', 'push', 'hard', 'single', 'payer', 'healthcare_plan', 'curse', 'amp', 'people'], ['tell', 'republican', 'approve', 'healthcare', 'fast', 'would', 'happen', 'worry', 'veto', 'love', 'country', 'amp', 'people'], ['florida', 'emergency', 'information', 'https', 'vmdpvolunteer', 'help', 'https', 'co', 'ghkbvajbn', 'https', 'co', 'jj', 'weo'], ['today', 'tomorrow', 'amp', 'every_single', 'day', 'restore', 'recover', 'rebuild', 'https', 'co', 'phrmudujxj'], ['ridiculous', 'filibuster_rule', 'senate', 'republican', 'need', 'vote', 'pass', 'legislation', 'rather', 'get', 'vote', 'end'], ['attack', 'london', 'loser', 'terrorist', 'sick', 'demente', 'people', 'sight', 'scotland', 'yard', 'must', 'proactive'], ['loser', 'terrorist', 'must', 'dealt', 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'north_korea', 'bad'], ['thank', 'https', 'co', 'mnwxtei'], ['great', 'honor', 'https', 'co'], ['important', 'meeting', 'call', 'schedule', 'today', 'military', 'economy', 'get', 'strong', 'day', 'enemy', 'know', 'maga'], ['happy', 'birthday', 'usairforce', 'https', 'co', 'snkxo', 'vxm'], ['happy', 'birthday', 'cia', 'https', 'gozmf'], ['commend', 'antonioguterre', 'amp', 'call', 'focus', 'people', 'amp', 'less', 'bureaucracy', 'usaatunga', 'unga', 'https', 'co', 'https', 'co', 'uqn', 'rrc', 'xw'], ['looking_forward', 'meeting', 'prime_minister', 'netanyahu', 'shortly', 'peace', 'middle_east', 'would', 'truly', 'great', 'legacy', 'people'], ['honor', 'good', 'friend', 'israel', 'pm', 'netanyahu', 'join', 'delegation', 'nyc', 'afternoon', 'unga', 'https', 'co', 'yehwjdtqx', 'https', 'jwu'], ['great', 'honor', 'president', 'emmanuelmacron', 'france', 'afternoon', 'delegation', 'great', 'bilateral', 'meeting', 'unga', 'https', 'co', 'hnxddu'], ['call', 'full', 'restoration', 'democracy', 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['sadden', 'see', 'bad', 'rating', 'emmys', 'last_night', 'worst', 'ever', 'smart', 'people', 'deplorable'], ['thank', 'jacob', 'https', 'co', 'wjjrv', 'ktvt'], ['big', 'meeting', 'today', 'united_nation', 'many', 'interesting', 'leader', 'america', 'first', 'make_america', 'great'], ['allow', 'north_korea', 'research', 'build', 'nuke', 'secretary', 'state', 'bill', 'also', 'crooked_hillary', 'criticize'], ['world', 'notice', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'slwnmh'], ['thank', 'foxandfriend', 'great', 'show'], ['rand_paul', 'friend', 'mine', 'negative', 'force', 'come', 'fix', 'healthcare', 'graham', 'cassidy', 'bill', 'great', 'end', 'ocare'], ['hope', 'republican_senators', 'vote', 'graham', 'cassidy', 'fulfill', 'promise', 'repeal', 'amp', 'replace', 'obamacare', 'money', 'direct', 'state'], ['looking_forward', 'friday', 'night', 'great', 'state', 'alabama', 'support', 'big', 'luther_strange', 'loyal', 'amp', 'helpful'], ['great', 'honor', 'king', 'abdullah', 'ii', 'jordan', 'delegation', 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'doctor', 'bill', 'cassidy', 'class', 'act', 'really', 'care', 'people', 'health_care', 'lie', 'want', 'help', 'people'], ['governor', 'ricardorossello', 'people', 'puerto_rico', 'stay', 'safe', 'prstrong'], ['pleasure', 'president', 'ashraf', 'ghani', 'afghanistan', 'morning', 'usaatunga', 'unga', 'https', 'co', 'hoevfnmn'], ['wonderful', 'president', 'petro', 'poroshenko', 'ukraine', 'city', 'today', 'unga', 'https', 'co', 'ukomuj', 'zul', 'https', 'co', 'gpkery', 'wip'], ['great', 'privilege', 'meet', 'president', 'moon', 'south_korea', 'stay_tune', 'unga', 'https', 'co', 'xydo', 'ddum'], ['today', 'announce', 'new', 'executive_order', 'north_korea', 'must', 'part', 'ensure', 'complete', 'noko', 'https', 'co', 'igjosm'], ['senator', 'luther_strange', 'go', 'lot', 'poll', 'endorsed', 'month', 'ago', 'close', 'runoff', 'great'], ['big', 'day', 'united_nation'], ['vote', 'hcare', 'bill', 'forever', 'future', 'political', 'campaign', 'know', 'republican', 'save', 'obamacare'], ['north_korea', 'obviously', 'madman', 'mind', 'starve', 'kill', 'people', 'test', 'never'], ['thank', 'https', 'co', 'hlz', 'rlkif'], ['russia', 'hoax', 'continue', 'ad', 'facebook', 'totally_biased', 'dishonest', 'medium', 'coverage', 'favor', 'crooked_hillary'], ['great', 'influence', 'election', 'fake_news', 'medium', 'scream', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'next', 'bad', 'candidate'], ['tonight', 'luther_strange', 'gain', 'mightily', 'endorsement', 'close', 'love', 'alabama'], ['usaatunga', 'unga', 'https', 'co'], ['thank', 'doug', 'park', 'american', 'airline', 'help', 'give', 'hurricane', 'flight', 'fantastic', 'job'], ['head', 'alabama', 'big', 'crowd'], ['john_mccain', 'never', 'intention', 'voting', 'bill', 'governor', 'love', 'campaign', 'repeal', 'amp', 'replace', 'let', 'arizona'], ['arizona', 'increase', 'obamacare_premium', 'last', 'year', 'deductible', 'high', 'chuck_schumer', 'sell', 'john_mccain', 'bill', 'good', 'sad'], ['large', 'block', 'grant', 'state', 'good', 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['democrat', 'laughingly', 'say', 'mccain', 'moment', 'courage', 'tell', 'people', 'arizona', 'deceive', 'increase'], ['roger', 'goodell', 'nfl', 'put', 'statement', 'try', 'justify', 'total', 'disrespect', 'certain', 'player', 'show', 'country', 'tell', 'stand'], ['hear', 'foreign', 'minister', 'north_korea', 'speak', 'echo', 'thought', 'little', 'rocket', 'man', 'around', 'much', 'longer'], ['nfl', 'fan', 'refuse', 'go', 'game', 'player', 'stop', 'disrespect', 'flag', 'amp', 'country', 'see', 'change', 'take', 'place', 'fast', 'fire', 'suspend'], ['attendance', 'rating', 'way', 'boring', 'game', 'many', 'stay', 'away', 'love', 'country', 'league', 'back'], ['great', 'solidarity', 'national_anthem', 'country', 'stand', 'lock', 'arm', 'good', 'kneeling', 'acceptable', 'bad', 'rating'], ['inform', 'champion', 'pittsburgh', 'penguin', 'nhl', 'join', 'white_house', 'ceremony', 'great', 'team'], ['courageous', 'patriot', 'fight', 'die', 'great', 'american', 'flag', 'must', 'honor', 'respect', 'make_america', 'great'], ['alaska', 'arizona', 'maine', 'kentucky', 'big', 'winner', 'healthcare', 'proposal', 'year', 'repeal', 'amp', 'replace', 'senator'], ['sport', 'fan', 'never', 'condone', 'player', 'stand', 'proud', 'national_anthem', 'country', 'nfl', 'change', 'policy'], ['make', 'america', 'safe', 'number', 'priority', 'admit', 'country', 'not', 'safely', 'vet', 'https', 'kj', 'okyfc'], ['proud', 'nascar', 'supporter', 'fan', 'put', 'disrespect', 'country', 'flag', 'say', 'loud', 'clear'], ['many', 'people', 'boo', 'player', 'kneel', 'yesterday', 'small', 'percentage', 'total', 'fan', 'demand', 'respect', 'flag'], ['issue', 'kneel', 'nothing', 'race', 'respect', 'country', 'flag', 'national_anthem', 'nfl', 'must', 'respect'], ['white_house', 'never', 'look', 'beautiful', 'return', 'last_night', 'important', 'meeting', 'taking_place', 'today', 'big', 'tax_cut', 'amp', 'reform'], [], ['cnn', 'fakenew', 'report', 'john_kelly', 'oppose', 'stance', 'nfl', 'player', 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'https', 'co', 'nwnx', 'cdp'], ['head', 'meet', 'ambassador', 'nikkihaley', 'great', 'representative', 'usa'], ['america', 'heart', 'amp', 'prayer', 'people', 'puertorico', 'amp', 'usvi', 'get', 'get', 'together', 'https', 'co', 'ncmsf', 'fqpr'], ['want', 'express', 'support', 'extend', 'prayer', 'affect', 'vile', 'terror_attack', 'spain', 'last', 'month', 'https', 'co', 'mt', 'qxflnl'], ['honor', 'welcome', 'president', 'marianorajoy', 'spain', 'thank', 'stand', 'effort', 'isolate', 'brutal', 'noko', 'regime', 'https', 'co', 'jgf'], ['thank', 'wonderful', 'team', 'usun', 'family', 'keep', 'great', 'work', 'usa', 'https', 'co', 'khlsmeqy'], ['years_ago', 'today', 'national_security', 'council', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'great', 'history', 'advise', 'president', 'amp', 'thank', 'nsc', 'staff'], ['even', 'usain', 'bolt', 'jamaica', 'great', 'runner', 'athlete', 'time', 'show', 'respect', 'national_anthem', 'https', 'co', 'zkenuap'], ['congratulation', 'republican', 'primary', 'win', 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['country', 'unsuccessfully', 'deal', 'north_korea', 'year', 'give', 'billion', 'dollar', 'amp', 'get', 'nothing', 'policy', 'work'], ['trip', 'long', 'plan', 'receive', 'great', 'praise', 'leave', 'game', 'player', 'show', 'disrespect', 'country'], ['president', 'donald', 'trump', 'proclaim', 'october', 'columbusday', 'https', 'co', 'cbqrst', 'ln'], ['big', 'salute', 'jerry', 'jone', 'owner', 'dalla', 'cowboy', 'bench', 'player', 'disrespect', 'flag', 'stand', 'anthem', 'sit', 'game'], ['begin', 'https', 'co', 'psdeb'], ['nfl', 'get', 'massive', 'tax', 'break', 'time', 'disrespect', 'anthem', 'flag', 'country', 'change', 'tax', 'law'], ['problem', 'agree', 'policy', 'immigration', 'democrat', 'want', 'secure', 'bordersthey', 'care', 'safety'], ['congress', 'get', 'act', 'together', 'healthcare', 'use', 'power', 'pen', 'give', 'great', 'healthcare', 'many', 'people', 'fast'], ['jemele', 'hill', 'mike', 'wonder', 'espn', 'rating', 'tank', 'fact', 'tank', 'badly', 'talk', 'industry'], 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'stop', 'craziness', 'foxandfriend'], ['usa', 'https', 'co', 'xw'], ['great', 'repeal', 'unfair', 'unpopular', 'individual_mandate', 'obamacare', 'saving', 'tax_cut'], ['middle_class', 'house', 'senate', 'consider', 'process', 'final', 'approval', 'move', 'push', 'big', 'tax_cut', 'ever'], ['mourn', 'horrify', 'terrorist_attack', 'nyc', 'america', 'pray', 'grieve', 'family', 'lose', 'precious', 'https', 'co', 'wzfhxoje'], ['speak', 'nygovcuomo', 'nycmayor', 'blasio', 'let', 'know', 'federal_government'], ['nygovcuomo', 'nycmayor', 'fully', 'support', 'effort', 'respect', 'west', 'side', 'attack', 'nycstrong'], ['thank', 'great', 'nypd', 'first_responder', 'govt', 'official', 'handle', 'terrible', 'west', 'side', 'attack', 'professionally', 'https', 'co', 'impidozjan'], ['thank', 'senatemajldr', 'mcconnell', 'senategop', 'appoint', 'high', 'quality', 'federal', 'district'], ['senatemajldr', 'senategop', 'appeal', 'court', 'judge', 'record', 'clip', 'court', 'rapidly', 'change', 'better'], ['chain_migration', 'must', 'end', 'people', 'come', 'bring', 'whole', 'family', 'truly', 'evil', 'acceptable', 'https', 'co', 'pqgettdrtx'], ['speak', 'president', 'macri', 'argentina', 'proud', 'wonderful', 'man', 'kill', 'west', 'side', 'terror_attack', 'god'], ['united_state', 'immediately', 'implement', 'much', 'tough', 'extreme_vetting', 'procedure', 'safety', 'citizen', 'come', 'first'], ['finally', 'happen', 'great', 'clean', 'coal', 'miner', 'https', 'co', 'suanjs'], ['happy_birthday', 'garyplayer', 'truly', 'great', 'champion', 'person'], ['great', 'mtg', 'cabinet', 'today', 'tomorrow', 'announce', 'new', 'head', 'feed', 'think', 'extremely', 'impressed', 'person', 'https', 'co', 'asjvlgaig'], ['nyc', 'terrorist', 'happy', 'ask', 'hang', 'isis', 'flag', 'hospital', 'room', 'kill', 'people', 'badly', 'injure', 'get', 'death_penalty'], ['would', 'love', 'send', 'nyc', 'terrorist', 'guantanamo', 'statistically', 'process', 'take', 'much', 'longer', 'go', 'federal', 'system'], ['also', 'something', 'appropriate', 'keep', 'home', 'horrible', 'crime', 'commit', 'move', 'fast', 'death_penalty'], ['congratulation', 'houston', 'astro', 'worldserie', 'champion', 'houstonstrong', 'earnhistory', 'https', 'co', 'bp', 'oezdhfi'], ['call', 'congress', 'terminate', 'diversity', 'visa_lottery', 'program', 'present', 'significant', 'vulnerability', 'national_security', 'https', 'woli', 'vu'], ['congress', 'must', 'end', 'chain_migration', 'system', 'security', 'base', 'need', 'make_america', 'safe', 'usa', 'https', 'co', 'ivy'], ['today', 'thrill', 'welcome', 'broadcom', 'ceo', 'hock', 'tan', 'announce', 'move', 'hq', 'singapore', 'back', 'https', 'co', 'wrquxbndyz'], ['broadcom', 'move', 'america', 'annual', 'rev', 'yr', 'research', 'engineering', 'amp', 'yr', 'manufacturing', 'https', 'co', 'nsj', 'ptvttl'], ['today', 'pleasure', 'great', 'honor', 'announce', 'nomination', 'jerome', 'powell', 'next', 'chairman', 'federalreserve', 'https', 'co', 'adury', 'zws'], ['great', 'rollout', 'today', 'lobbyist', 'storm', 'capital', 'hill', 'republican', 'hold', 'strong', 'right', 'america'], ['donna', 'brazile', 'state', 'dnc', 'rigged_system', 'illegally', 'steal', 'primary', 'bernie_sander', 'buy', 'pay', 'crooked'], ['real', 'collusion', 'dishonesty', 'major', 'violation', 'campaign', 'finance', 'law', 'money', 'launder', 'justice_department'], ['tuckercarlson', 'open', 'statement', 'cherish', 'great', 'fbi', 'sad', 'watch', 'leadership', 'disaster'], ['interview', 'ingrahamangle', 'foxnew', 'enjoy'], ['twitt', 'account', 'take', 'minute', 'rogue', 'employee', 'guess', 'word', 'must', 'finally', 'get', 'impact'], ['everybody', 'ask', 'justice_department', 'fbi', 'look', 'dishonesty', 'go', 'crooked_hillary', 'amp', 'dem'], ['new', 'donna', 'book', 'say', 'pay', 'steal', 'dem', 'primary', 'delete', 'mail', 'uranium', 'podesta', 'server'], ['people', 'angry', 'point', 'justice_department', 'fbi', 'must', 'right', 'proper', 'american', 'public', 'deserve'], ['real', 'story', 'collusion', 'donna', 'new', 'book', 'crooked_hillary', 'buy', 'dnc', 'amp', 'steal', 'democratic', 'primary', 'crazy', 'bernie'], ['pocahonta', 'state', 'democrat', 'lead', 'legendary', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'rig', 'primary', 'let', 'go', 'fbi', 'amp', 'justice_dept'], ['isis', 'claim', 'degenerate', 'animal', 'kill', 'badly', 'wound', 'wonderful', 'people', 'west', 'side', 'soldier'], ['base', 'military', 'hit', 'isis', 'much', 'harder', 'last', 'day', 'pay', 'big', 'price', 'attack'], ['bernie_sander', 'supporter', 'right', 'apoplectic', 'complete', 'theft', 'dem', 'primary', 'crooked_hillary'], ['always', 'feel', 'would', 'run', 'win', 'bernie_sander', 'crook', 'cheat', 'right'], ['take', 'ceremony', 'pearl_harbor', 'head', 'japan', 'skorea', 'china', 'vietnam', 'amp', 'philippine', 'never', 'let'], ['rig', 'dem', 'primary', 'big', 'political', 'story', 'year', 'get', 'coverage', 'fake_news', 'network', 'tv', 'last_night', 'disgraceful'], ['job', 'job', 'job', 'https', 'co', 'twunktgbnb'], ['decision', 'sergeant', 'bergdahl', 'complete', 'total', 'disgrace', 'country', 'military'], ['getting_ready', 'land', 'hawaii', 'look', 'much', 'forward', 'meet', 'great', 'military', 'veteran', 'pearl_harbor'], ['thank', 'beautiful', 'welcome', 'hawaii', 'great', 'honor', 'visit', 'pacificcommand', 'arrival', 'head', 'pearl_harbor', 'flotus', 'https', 'cmn'], ['thank', 'great', 'military', 'veteran', 'pacificcommand', 'remember', 'pearlharbor', 'remember', 'ussarizona', 'day', 'never', 'forget', 'https', 'ktksc'], ['unemployment', 'low', 'year', 'new', 'job', 'create', 'take', 'office', 'high', 'stock_market', 'ever', 'trill'], ['would', 'much', 'appreciate', 'saudi_arabia', 'ipo', 'aramco', 'stock', 'exchange', 'important', 'united_state'], ['land', 'shortly', 'wait', 'great', 'military', 'see', 'soon', 'https', 'co', 'avlrroxmm'], ['give', 'speech', 'great', 'man', 'woman', 'yokota', 'air', 'base', 'tokyo', 'japan', 'leave', 'see', 'prime_minister', 'https', 'co', 'lragojvdb'], ['play', 'golf', 'prime_minister', 'abe', 'hideki', 'matsuyama', 'wonderful', 'people', 'https', 'co', 'vylule'], ['true', 'honor', 'yokota', 'air', 'base', 'great', 'usforcesjapan', 'https', 'co'], ['head', 'day', 'great', 'negotiating', 'strength', 'tremendous', 'economy', 'https', 'co', 'hnxkr'], ['may', 'god', 'people', 'sutherland', 'spring', 'texas', 'fbi', 'amp', 'scene', 'monitor', 'situation', 'japan'], ['american', 'good', 'pull', 'together', 'join', 'hand', 'lock', 'arm', 'tear', 'sadness', 'stand', 'strong', 'https', 'co', 'qkcpgtkgka'], ['https'], ['state', 'virginia', 'economy', 'democrat', 'rule', 'terrible', 'vote', 'tomorrow', 'come', 'roar', 'back'], ['visit', 'japan', 'friendship', 'pm', 'yield', 'many', 'benefit', 'great', 'country', 'massive', 'military', 'amp', 'energy', 'order', 'happen'], ['getting_ready', 'leave', 'south_korea', 'meeting', 'president', 'moon', 'fine', 'gentleman', 'figure'], ['great', 'confidence', 'king', 'salman', 'crown', 'prince', 'saudi_arabia', 'know', 'exactly'], ['harshly', 'treat', 'milk', 'country', 'year'], ['great', 'honor', 'lunch', 'incredible', 'rok', 'troop', 'camp', 'humphrey', 'south_korea', 'https', 'co', 'njirz', 'inm', 'https', 'knlyonhbcc'], ['thank', 'president', 'moon', 'south_korea', 'beautiful', 'welcoming', 'ceremony', 'always', 'remember', 'https', 'co', 'iv'], ['stock_market', 'hit', 'yet', 'time', 'record', 'high', 'yesterday', 'great', 'confidence', 'move', 'administration'], ['make', 'work', 'hard', 'middle_class', 'company', 'job'], ['ralph', 'northam', 'allow', 'crime', 'rampant', 'virginia', 'weak', 'crime', 'weak', 'great', 'vet', 'anti', 'second_amendment'], ['horrible', 'virginia', 'economy', 'vote', 'edwgillespie', 'today'], ['edwgillespie', 'totally', 'turn', 'high', 'crime', 'poor', 'economic', 'performance', 'ms', 'crime', 'go', 'vote', 'today'], ['franklin', 'great', 'photo', 'happy', 'birthday', 'father', 'billygraham', 'https', 'co', 'rvvoa'], ['thank', 'american', 'participate', 'drug', 'take', 'back', 'day', 'record', 'amount', 'drug', 'collect', 'amp', 'dispose'], ['getting_ready', 'make', 'major', 'speech', 'national', 'assembly', 'south_korea', 'head', 'china', 'much', 'look_forward', 'meeting', 'great', 'political', 'victory'], ['work', 'hard', 'embrace', 'stand', 'forget', 'republican', 'house', 'seat', 'economy', 'record', 'number', 'continue', 'win', 'even', 'big'], ['join', 'live', 'south_korea', 'potusinasia', 'https', 'co', 'iehpdkas', 'https', 'co', 'hsxdtd', 'uny'], ['administration', 'completely', 'rebuild', 'military', 'spending', 'hundred', 'billion', 'dollar', 'new', 'fine', 'military', 'equipment', 'anywhere', 'world', 'build', 'right', 'want', 'peace', 'strength', 'https', 'co', 'yxkivrifi'], ['north', 'korean', 'regime', 'pursue', 'nuclear', 'amp', 'ballistic', 'missile', 'program', 'defiance', 'assurance', 'agreement', 'amp', 'commmitment', 'make', 'ally', 'broken', 'commitment', 'https', 'co', 'xj', 'jupa'], ['anyone', 'doubt', 'strength', 'determination', 'look', 'doubt', 'long', 'https', 'co', 'zyuyc', 'fih'], ['together', 'dream', 'korea', 'free', 'peninsula', 'safe', 'family', 'reunite', 'https', 'co', 'tszrcc'], ['leave', 'south_korea', 'head', 'china', 'look', 'much', 'forward', 'meeting', 'president_xi'], ['behalf', 'flotus_melania', 'thank', 'unforgettable', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'forbid', 'city', 'beijing', 'madame', 'peng', 'liyuan', 'looking_forward', 'rejoining', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'https', 'co', 'shbvu'], ['noko', 'interpret', 'america', 'restraint', 'weakness', 'would', 'fatal', 'miscalculation', 'underestimate', 'try', 'https', 'co', 'llqlrnpk'], ['looking_forward', 'full', 'day', 'meeting', 'delegation', 'tomorrow', 'thank', 'beautiful', 'welcome', 'china', 'flotus_melania', 'never', 'forget', 'https', 'co', 'sqouwigaiq'], ['congratulation', 'deplorable', 'million', 'people', 'give', 'massive', 'electoral_college', 'landslide', 'victory', 'https', 'co'], ['president_xi', 'thank', 'incredible', 'welcome', 'ceremony', 'truly', 'memorable', 'impressive', 'display', 'https', 'lbe', 'https', 'cv'], ['come', 'month', 'year', 'ahead', 'look_forward', 'building', 'even', 'strong', 'relationship', 'united_states', 'china', 'https', 'co'], ['blame', 'china', 'blame', 'incompetence', 'admin', 'allow', 'china', 'take', 'advantage', 'trade', 'lead', 'point', 'lose', 'billion', 'blame', 'china', 'taking_advantage', 'people', 'clue', 'would', 'do'], ['meeting', 'jinpe', 'productive', 'trade', 'north_korea', 'highly_respecte', 'powerful', 'representative', 'people', 'great', 'madame', 'peng', 'liyuan'], ['leave', 'china', 'flotus_melania', 'staying', 'behind', 'see', 'zoo', 'course', 'great', 'wall', 'china', 'go', 'alaska', 'greet', 'amazing', 'troop'], ['land', 'vietnam', 'deliver', 'speech', 'apec'], ['travel', 'pleasure', 'share', 'good', 'news', 'america', 'honor', 'share', 'vision', 'free', 'amp', 'open', 'indo', 'pacific', 'place', 'sovereign', 'amp', 'independent', 'nation', 'diverse', 'culture', 'amp', 'many', 'different', 'dream', 'prosper', 'side', 'side', 'https', 'co', 'qbocy', 'yv'], ['place', 'region', 'citizen', 'sovereign', 'independent', 'nation', 'take', 'great', 'control', 'destiny', 'unlock', 'potential', 'people', 'https', 'co'], ['today', 'offer', 'renew', 'partnership', 'america', 'work', 'together', 'strengthen', 'bond', 'friendship', 'commerce', 'nation', 'indo', 'pacific', 'together', 'promote', 'prosperity', 'security', 'apec', 'https', 'ybs', 'cyb'], ['united_states', 'prepare', 'work', 'leader', 'room', 'today', 'achieve', 'mutually', 'beneficial', 'commerce', 'interest', 'country', 'mine', 'message', 'deliver', 'today', 'https', 'co', 'cm', 'hqt'], ['united_state', 'remind', 'time', 'recent', 'year', 'economic', 'security', 'merely', 'relate', 'national_security', 'economic', 'security', 'national_security', 'vital', 'national', 'strength', 'https', 'co', 'mgpeyzeyqm'], ['united_state', 'remind', 'time', 'recent', 'year', 'economic', 'security', 'merely', 'relate', 'national_security', 'economic', 'security', 'national_security', 'vital', 'national', 'strength', 'https'], ['behalf', 'entire_nation', 'happy', 'birthday', 'man', 'woman', 'united_states', 'marine', 'usmc', 'semperfi', 'https', 'co', 'ecgosjp'], ['wonderful', 'veteran', 'day', 'want', 'express', 'incredible', 'gratitude', 'entire', 'american', 'nation', 'great', 'veteran', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'ghqbca', 'yii'], ['presidential', 'proclamation', 'commemorate', 'vietnam', 'war', 'https', 'co', 'hguqp', 'leqk', 'https', 'co', 'yyiv', 'https', 'co', 'snmrua'], ['president_xi', 'china', 'state', 'upping', 'sanction', 'noko', 'say', 'want', 'denuclearize', 'progress', 'make'], ['joint_press', 'conference', 'hanoi', 'vietnam', 'head', 'final', 'destination', 'trip', 'phillipine'], ['meet', 'president', 'putin', 'russia', 'meeting', 'good', 'discussion', 'syria', 'hope', 'help', 'solve', 'china', 'dangerous', 'north_korea', 'crisis', 'progress', 'make'], ['hater', 'fool', 'realize', 'good', 'relationship', 'russia', 'good', 'thing', 'bad', 'thing', 'always', 'play', 'politic', 'bad', 'country', 'want', 'solve', 'north_korea', 'syria', 'ukraine', 'terrorism', 'russia', 'greatly', 'help'], ['fake_news', 'medium', 'remember', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'secretary', 'state', 'beg', 'russia', 'friend', 'misspell', 'reset', 'button', 'obama', 'try', 'also', 'chemistry', 'putin'], ['would', 'insult', 'call', 'old', 'would', 'never', 'call', 'short', 'fat', 'try', 'hard', 'friend', 'maybe', 'someday', 'happen'], ['land', 'philippine', 'great', 'day', 'meeting', 'event', 'hanoi', 'vietnam'], ['land', 'philippine', 'great', 'day', 'meeting', 'event', 'hanoi', 'vietnam', 'https', 'co', 'yxhrnhhpwo'], ['wonderful', 'visit', 'vietnam', 'thank', 'president', 'tran', 'quang', 'head', 'aseansummit', 'anniv', 'gala', 'philippine', 'https', 'co', 'wfsd', 'nm'], ['thank', 'https', 'rycwn'], ['great', 'day', 'bilateral', 'meeting', 'aseansummit', 'trade', 'turn', 'great', 'deal', 'country', 'https', 'co', 'ahavm'], ['leave', 'philippine', 'tomorrow', 'many', 'day', 'constant', 'mtgs', 'amp', 'work', 'order', 'maga', 'promise', 'rapidly', 'fulfil'], ['happy', 'announce', 'nominate', 'alex', 'next', 'hhs', 'secretary', 'star', 'well', 'healthcare', 'low', 'drug_price'], ['proud', 'rep', 'house', 'amp', 'senate', 'work', 'hard', 'cutting_taxe', 'amp', 'reform', 'get', 'close', 'end', 'unfair', 'amp', 'highly', 'unpopular', 'indiv', 'mandate', 'ocare', 'amp', 'reduce', 'taxis', 'even', 'cut', 'top', 'rate', 'rest', 'go', 'middle', 'income', 'cut'], ['excited', 'head', 'home', 'see', 'house', 'pass', 'great', 'tax', 'bill', 'middle_class', 'get', 'big', 'tax_cut'], ['great', 'see', 'randpaul', 'look', 'well', 'back', 'senate', 'floor', 'help', 'reform'], ['tour', 'asia', 'country', 'deal', 'trade', 'know', 'rule', 'change', 'united_states', 'treated_fairly', 'reciprocal', 'fashion', 'massive', 'must', 'go', 'quickly'], ['arrive', 'asean', 'philippine', 'final', 'stop', 'world', 'leader', 'lead', 'fair', 'trade_deal', 'horror', 'show', 'past', 'administration', 'leave', 'make', 'many', 'good', 'friend'], ['make', 'major', 'statement', 'whitehouse', 'return', 'time', 'date', 'set'], ['accurate', 'poll', 'last', 'time', 'fakenew', 'like', 'say', 'wrong', 'people', 'think', 'number', 'could', 'together', 'make_america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'yhrwkdobhp'], ['thank', 'amazing', 'staff', 'family', 'united_states', 'embassy', 'philippine', 'keep', 'great', 'work', 'https', 'co', 'abvxtsjm'], ['thank', 'asia', 'usa', 'https', 'co', 'fziksbrzcu'], ['may', 'god', 'people', 'sutherland', 'spring', 'texas', 'fbi', 'arrive'], ['return', 'asia', 'successful', 'day', 'great', 'home'], ['great', 'country', 'respect', 'asia', 'see', 'fruit', 'long', 'successful', 'trip', 'many', 'year', 'come'], ['foxandfriend', 'show', 'much', 'successful', 'trip', 'asia', 'friendship', 'amp', 'benefit', 'endure', 'year', 'come'], ['philippine', 'force', 'watch', 'cnn', 'do', 'month', 'realize', 'bad', 'fake', 'loser'], ['thank', 'work', 'hard', 'https', 'co', 'tmndnpbj'], ['thank', 'https', 'eqmwv', 'xbim'], ['think', 'ucla', 'basketball', 'player', 'say', 'thank', 'president', 'trump', 'head', 'year', 'jail'], ['failing_nytimes', 'hate', 'fact', 'develop', 'great', 'relationship', 'world', 'leader', 'president', 'china'], ['realize', 'relationship', 'good', 'thing', 'bad', 'thing', 'respected', 'watch', 'trade'], ['actually', 'hard', 'believe', 'naive', 'dumb', 'failing_nytime', 'come', 'foreign_policy', 'weak', 'ineffective'], ['democrat', 'fight', 'massive', 'middle_class', 'business', 'job', 'reason', 'obstruction', 'delay'], ['big', 'vote', 'tomorrow', 'house', 'tax_cut', 'get', 'close'], ['ucla', 'basketball', 'player', 'say', 'welcome', 'go', 'give', 'big', 'thank', 'president_xi', 'jinpe', 'china', 'make'], ['release', 'possible', 'great', 'life', 'careful', 'many', 'pitfall', 'long', 'wind', 'road', 'life'], ['china', 'send', 'envoy', 'delegation', 'north_korea', 'big', 'move', 'see', 'happen'], ['need', 'security', 'council', 'vote', 'renew', 'joint', 'investigative', 'mechanism', 'syria', 'ensure', 'assad', 'regime', 'commit', 'mass', 'murder', 'chemical', 'weapon', 'ever'], ['congratulation', 'house', 'representative', 'pass', 'big', 'step', 'fulfil', 'promise', 'deliver', 'historic', 'american', 'people', 'end', 'year', 'https', 'co', 'fjefmj'], ['big', 'win', 'today', 'house', 'gop', 'reform', 'dem', 'want', 'much', 'high', 'military'], ['frankenstien', 'picture', 'really', 'bad', 'speak', 'word', 'hand', 'go', 'picture', 'amp', 'sleep'], ['think', 'last', 'week', 'lecture', 'anyone', 'would', 'listen', 'sexual', 'harassment', 'respect', 'woman', 'lesley', 'stahl', 'tape'], ['great', 'number', 'stock', 'economy', 'get', 'reform', 'really', 'see', 'great', 'result'], ['democrat', 'obstructionist', 'understand', 'power', 'lower_taxe', 'would', 'able', 'get', 'many', 'idea', 'bill'], ['together', 'go', 'restore', 'safety', 'street', 'peace', 'community', 'go', 'destroy', 'vile', 'criminal', 'cartel', 'many', 'gang', 'hundred', 'arrest', 'ms', 'crackdown', 'https', 'rau', 'https', 'co', 'mrynwntuoo'], ['today', 'honor', 'celebrate', 'collegiate', 'national', 'champion', 'whitehouse', 'ncaachampion', 'photo', 'https', 'co', 'ecl', 'phhzyl', 'https', 'je', 'plwa'], ['put', 'big', 'game', 'trophy', 'decision', 'hold', 'time', 'review', 'conservation', 'fact', 'study', 'year', 'update', 'soon', 'secretary', 'zinke', 'thank'], ['crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'worst', 'big', 'loser', 'time', 'stop', 'good', 'republican_party', 'hillary', 'get', 'life', 'give', 'try', 'year'], ['basketball', 'player', 'china', 'save', 'year', 'jail', 'lavar', 'ball', 'father', 'liangelo', 'unaccepting', 'son', 'shoplift', 'big', 'deal', 'leave', 'jail'], ['sen', 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'remainder', 'season', 'attendance', 'rating', 'way'], ['president', 'trump', 'unemployment_rate', 'drop', 'analyst', 'predict', 'economic', 'boom', 'foxandfriend', 'varneyco'], ['president', 'donald', 'trump', 'flotus_melania', 'participate', 'pardon', 'national', 'thanksgiving', 'turkey', 'white_house', 'https', 'co', 'zauqz', 'jfwv'], ['today', 'continue', 'wonderful', 'american', 'tradition', 'white_house', 'drumstick', 'wishbone', 'live', 'day', 'beautiful', 'blue', 'ridge', 'mountain', 'gobbl', 'rest', 'https', 'co', 'fss'], ['white_house', 'state', 'department', 'father', 'lavar', 'call', 'people', 'ground', 'china', 'get', 'son', 'long', 'term', 'prison', 'sentence', 'bad', 'lavar', 'poor', 'man', 'version', 'king', 'hair', 'think'], ['lavar', 'could', 'spend', 'next', 'year', 'thanksgive', 'son', 'china', 'nba', 'contract', 'support', 'remember', 'lavar', 'shoplift', 'little', 'thing', 'really', 'big', 'deal', 'especially', 'china', 'ungrateful', 'fool'], ['nfl', 'think', 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'family', 'wound', 'victim', 'recovery'], ['great', 'honor', 'welcome', 'mayor', 'america', 'administration', 'always', 'support', 'local', 'government', 'listen', 'leader', 'know', 'community', 'best', 'together', 'usher', 'bold', 'new', 'era', 'peace', 'prosperity', 'https', 'co', 'dmyectnk', 'https', 'co', 'rsv'], ['soon', 'head', 'davos_switzerland', 'tell', 'world', 'great', 'america', 'economy', 'booming', 'get', 'well', 'country', 'finally', 'win'], ['great', 'bilateral', 'meeting', 'prime_minister', 'theresa', 'may', 'united_kingdom', 'affirm', 'special', 'relationship', 'commitment', 'work', 'together', 'key', 'national_security', 'challenge', 'economic', 'opportunity', 'wef', 'https', 'co', 'fpp', 'ardayt'], ['productive', 'bilateral', 'meeting', 'prime_minister', 'benjamin', 'netanyahu', 'israel', 'davos_switzerland', 'wef', 'https', 'co', 'szm', 'yi', 'tj'], ['today', 'american', 'everywhere', 'remember', 'brave_man', 'woman', 'nasa', 'lose', 'live', 'nation', 'eternal', 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'unable', 'act', 'immigration'], ['thank', 'wonderful', 'welcome', 'wef', 'davos', 'https', 'co', 'iqkoqjxr'], ['thank', 'brandon', 'judd', 'national', 'border_patrol', 'council', 'strong', 'statement', 'foxandfriend', 'badly', 'need', 'wall', 'must', 'also', 'end', 'loophole', 'catch', 'amp', 'release', 'clean', 'legal', 'procedure', 'border', 'safety', 'amp', 'security', 'reason'], ['holocaust', 'remembrance', 'day', 'mourn', 'grieve', 'murder', 'innocent', 'jewish', 'man', 'woman', 'child', 'million', 'other', 'perish', 'evil', 'nazi', 'genocide', 'pledge', 'may', 'resolve', 'never', 'https', 'co', 'https', 'co', 'szhtou'], ['taliban', 'target', 'innocent', 'afghan', 'brave', 'police', 'kabul', 'today', 'thought', 'prayer', 'go', 'victim', 'first_responder', 'allow', 'taliban', 'win'], ['offer', 'daca', 'wonderful', 'deal', 'include', 'double', 'number', 'recipient', 'amp', 'year', 'pathway', 'citizenship', 'reason', 'republican', 'want', 'fix', 'long', 'time', 'terrible', 'problem', 'show', 'democrat', 'want', 'solve', 'daca'], ['democrat', 'interested', 'border', 'safety', 'amp', 'security', 'funding', 'rebuild', 'military', 'interested', 'obstruction'], ['somebody', 'inform', 'jay', 'policy', 'black', 'unemployment', 'report', 'low', 'rate', 'ever', 'record'], ['economy', 'well', 'many', 'decade', 'business', 'come', 'back', 'america', 'never', 'chrysler', 'example', 'leave', 'mexico', 'come', 'back', 'usa', 'unemployment', 'near', 'record', 'low', 'right', 'track'], ['congratulation', 'america', 'new', 'secretary', 'hhsgov', 'alex', 'https', 'co', 'inqact'], ['join', 'live', 'sotuhttps', 'co', 'slktwxfhi'], ['head', 'beautiful', 'west_virginia', 'great', 'member', 'republican_party', 'planning', 'infrastructure', 'discuss', 'immigration', 'daca', 'easy', 'support', 'democrat', 'dem', 'vote', 'bill', 'need', 'republican'], ['march', 'rapidly', 'approach', 'democrat', 'nothing', 'daca', 'resist', 'blame', 'complain', 'obstruct', 'nothing', 'start', 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'non', 'personal', 'medical', 'care', 'thank'], ['thank', 'foxandfriend', 'expose', 'truth', 'perhaps', 'rating', 'soooo', 'much', 'better', 'untruthful', 'competition'], ['little', 'adam', 'schiff', 'desperate', 'run', 'high', 'office', 'big', 'liar', 'leaker', 'washington', 'right', 'comey', 'warner', 'brennan', 'clapper', 'adam', 'leave', 'close', 'committee', 'hearing', 'illegally', 'leak', 'confidential', 'information', 'must', 'stop'], ['deal', 'daca', 'include', 'strong', 'border_security', 'desperately_neede', 'wall', 'total', 'waste', 'time', 'march', 'rapidly', 'approach', 'dem', 'seem', 'care', 'daca', 'make', 'deal'], ['representative', 'devin', 'nune', 'man', 'tremendous', 'courage', 'grit', 'may', 'someday', 'recognize', 'great', 'american', 'hero', 'expose', 'endure'], ['thank', 'historic', 'sign', 'law', 'paycheck', 'go', 'way', 'taxis', 'go', 'way', 'america', 'open', 'business', 'https', 'co', 'gisfbddgxx'], ['disgraceful', 'person', 'illegally', 'country', 'kill', 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'america', 'ronald_reagan', 'https', 'co', 'jteglbhm'], ['congratulation', 'elonmusk', 'spacex', 'successful', 'falconheavy', 'launch', 'achievement', 'nasa', 'commercial', 'international', 'partner', 'continue', 'show', 'american', 'ingenuity', 'good', 'https', 'co', 'ezflspyjpk'], ['old', 'day', 'good', 'news', 'report', 'stock_market', 'would', 'go', 'today', 'good', 'news', 'report', 'stock_market', 'go', 'big', 'mistake', 'much', 'good', 'great', 'news', 'economy'], ['new', 'fbi', 'text', 'bombshell'], ['best_wishe', 'republic', 'korea', 'host', 'olympic', 'wonderful', 'opportunity', 'show', 'everyone', 'truly', 'great', 'nation', 'https', 'co', 'abom'], ['congratulation', 'republic', 'korea', 'magnificent', 'winter', 'olympic', 'south', 'korean', 'people', 'build', 'truly', 'inspiration', 'https', 'co', 'gin'], ['budget', 'agreement', 'today', 'important', 'great', 'military', 'end', 'dangerous', 'sequester', 'give', 'secretary', 'mattis', 'need', 'keep', 'america', 'great', 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'bipartisan', 'make', 'deal', 'dem'], ['negotiation', 'daca', 'begin', 'republican', 'want', 'make', 'deal', 'democrat', 'say', 'want', 'make', 'deal', 'great', 'could', 'finally', 'many', 'year', 'solve', 'daca', 'puzzle', 'last', 'chance', 'never', 'opportunity', 'march'], ['come', 'together', 'celebrate', 'extraordinary', 'contribution', 'african_american', 'nation', 'thought', 'turn', 'hero', 'civil_rights', 'movement', 'courage', 'sacrifice', 'inspire', 'proclamation', 'https', 'co', 'sw', 'igijgwv', 'https', 'co', 'nx', 'aekzy'], ['today', 'honor', 'join', 'republican', 'democrat', 'house', 'senate', 'member', 'cabinet', 'discuss', 'urgent', 'nee', 'rebuild', 'restore', 'america', 'deplete', 'infrastructure', 'https', 'co', 'byoqjsjtt', 'https', 'co', 'bvbrdvhfcc'], ['prayer', 'condolence', 'family', 'victim', 'terrible', 'florida', 'shoot', 'child', 'teacher', 'anyone_else', 'ever', 'feel', 'unsafe', 'american', 'school'], ['speak', 'governor', 'rick_scott', 'work', 'closely', 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'keep', 'visa'], ['lottery', 'continue', 'deadly', 'catch', 'release', 'bar', 'enforcement', 'even', 'future', 'illegal_immigrant', 'voting', 'amendment', 'would', 'vote', 'vote', 'open_border', 'dem', 'actually', 'serious', 'daca', 'support', 'grassley', 'bill'], ['presidential', 'proclamation', 'honor', 'victim', 'tragedy', 'parkland', 'florida', 'https', 'rtqwakisnr', 'https', 'co', 'nhs', 'zb'], ['leave', 'florida', 'today', 'meet', 'brave', 'people', 'earth', 'people', 'life', 'totally', 'shatter', 'also', 'work', 'congress', 'many', 'front'], ['not', 'believe', 'badly', 'daca', 'recipient', 'treat', 'democrat', 'totally', 'abandon', 'republican', 'still', 'work', 'hard'], ['russia', 'start', 'campaign', 'long', 'announce', 'would', 'run', 'president', 'result', 'election', 'impact', 'trump', 'campaign', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'collusion'], ['entire_nation', 'heavy', 'heart', 'continue', 'pray', 'victim', 'amp', 'family', 'parkland', 'teacher', 'first_responder', 'medical', 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'liddle', 'adam', 'schiff', 'leakin', 'monster', 'control', 'blame', 'obama', 'administration', 'russian_meddle', 'election', 'finally', 'right', 'something', 'obama', 'president', 'know', 'threat', 'nothing', 'thank', 'adam'], ['never', 'say', 'russia', 'meddle', 'election', 'say', 'may', 'russia', 'china', 'country', 'group', 'may', 'pound', 'genius', 'sit', 'bed', 'play', 'computer', 'russian', 'hoax', 'trump', 'campaign', 'collude', 'russia', 'never'], ['adam', 'schiff', 'start', 'blame', 'president', 'obama', 'russian_meddle', 'election', 'probably', 'yet', 'excuse', 'democrat', 'lead', 'fearless', 'leader', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'lose', 'election', 'great', 'candidate'], ['goal', 'russia', 'create', 'discord', 'disruption', 'chaos', 'committee', 'hearing', 'investigation', 'party', 'hatred', 'succeed', 'wildest', 'dream', 'laugh', 'ass', 'moscow', 'get', 'smart', 'america'], ['fake_news', 'big', 'rating', 'loser', 'cnn', 'https', 'co', 'rysv', 'cnvs'], ['great', 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'administration', 'right', 'investigation', 'obama', 'something', 'meddle', 'dem', 'crime', 'investigation', 'ask', 'jeff_session'], ['yesterday', 'great', 'honor', 'recognize', 'extraordinary', 'officer', 'first_responder', 'award', 'high', 'possible', 'decoration', 'bravery', 'public', 'safety', 'officer', 'medal', 'valor', 'americanheroe', 'https', 'co', 'wbbvy'], ['flotus_melania', 'join', 'million', 'people', 'world', 'mourn', 'pass', 'billy_graham', 'prayer', 'child', 'grandchild', 'great', 'grandchild', 'work', 'closely', 'reverend', 'graham', 'lifelong', 'ministry', 'https', 'co', 'tcyai'], ['always', 'remember', 'time', 'spend', 'today', 'courageous', 'student', 'teacher', 'family', 'much', 'love', 'midst', 'much', 'pain', 'must', 'let', 'must', 'keep', 'child', 'safe', 'full', 'listening', 'session', 'https', 'venyqx', 'https', 'co', 'capfx', 'odip'], ['never', 'say', 'give', 'teacher', 'gun', 'state', 'fake_news', 'cnn', 'say', 'look', 'possibility', 'give', 'conceal', 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'forget', 'historic', 'crowd', 'voice', 'energy', 'profound', 'faith', 'billy_graham', 'cpac', 'https', 'co', 'jonkv'], ['today', 'flotus_melania', 'honor', 'welcome', 'prime_minister', 'turnbullmalcolm', 'mrs', 'turnbull', 'australia', 'whitehouse', 'press_conference', 'https', 'co', 'rkokjgrsgu', 'https', 'co', 'pkjuw'], ['thank', 'great', 'man', 'woman', 'united_states', 'secretservice', 'job', 'well', 'do'], ['true', 'wayne', 'low', 'black', 'unemployment', 'history', 'https', 'co', 'gdxxjdzqum'], ['armed', 'educator', 'trust', 'people', 'work', 'school', 'love', 'student', 'protect', 'smart', 'people', 'must', 'firearm', 'adept', 'amp', 'annual', 'training', 'get', 'yearly', 'bonus', 'shooting', 'happen', 'big', 'amp', 'inexpensive', 'deterrent', 'state'], ['democrat', 'judge', 'totally', 'redrawn', 'election', 'line', 'great', 'state', 'pennsylvania', 'foxnew', 'unfair', 'republican', 'country', 'whole', 'must', 'appeal', 'united_states', 'supreme_court'], ['unemployment', 'claim', 'lowest_level', 'much', 'massive', 'cut', 'unnecessary', 'job', 'kill', 'regulation'], ['dem', 'longer', 'talk', 'daca', 'sight', 'mind', 'say', 'daca', 'beneficiary', 'happy', 'nancy_pelosi', 'truly', 'care', 'republican', 'stand', 'ready', 'make', 'deal'], ['big', 'cpac', 'straw', 'poll', 'result', 'approve', 'job', 'president', 'trump', 'thank', 'say', 'president', 'trump', 'tweet', 'funny', 'say', 'republican', 'congress', 'well', 'job', 'work', 'president', 'trump', 'start', 'happen'], ['democrat', 'memo', 'response', 'government', 'surveillance', 'abuse', 'total', 'political', 'legal', 'bust', 'confirm', 'terrible', 'thing', 'do', 'illegal'], ['dem', 'memo', 'fbi', 'disclose', 'client', 'campaign', 'dnc'], ['russian', 'compromise', 'information', 'donald', 'trump', 'foxnew', 'course', 'none', 'never', 'whole', 'witch_hunt', 'illegal', 'disgrace', 'obama', 'nothing', 'russia'], ['congressman', 'schiff', 'omit', 'distort', 'key', 'fact', 'foxnew', 'else', 'new', 'total', 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'unemployment_rate', 'stay', 'year', 'low', 'https', 'co', 'avor'], ['texas', 'george_bush', 'back', 'politically_correct', 'thing', 'back', 'also', 'ac', 'mill', 'begin', 'trump', 'man', 'texas', 'also', 'support', 'comptroller', 'glenn', 'hegar', 'railroad', 'commissioner', 'christi', 'craddick'], ['senatorwick', 'mississippi', 'great', 'supporter', 'incredible', 'help', 'get', 'massive', 'bill', 'do', 'approve', 'also', 'big', 'help', 'cut', 'reg', 'election', 'way'], ['beautiful', 'map', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'fyqdgkvsro'], ['big', 'legal', 'win', 'today', 'judge', 'side', 'trump', 'administration', 'reject', 'attempt', 'stop', 'government', 'build', 'great', 'border', 'wall', 'southern_border', 'important', 'project', 'go', 'forward'], ['heritage', 'foundation', 'state', 'trump', 'agenda', 'already', 'do', 'faster', 'even', 'ronald_reagan', 'blow', 'away', 'say', 'thomas', 'binion', 'heritage', 'president', 'trump', 'active', 'conservative', 'effective', 'huge', 'volume', 'amp', 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'square', 'garden', 'week', 'https', 'co', 'vvaemlbp'], ['today', 'honor', 'billy_graham', 'private', 'citizen', 'honor', 'say', 'prayer', 'country', 'land', 'lord', 'raise', 'man', 'woman', 'billy_graham', 'spread', 'message', 'love', 'hope', 'precious', 'child', 'god', 'https', 'co', 'lzuzpx'], ['honor', 'welcome', 'bipartisan', 'member', 'congress', 'discussion', 'safe', 'school', 'safe', 'community', 'continue', 'mourn', 'loss', 'many', 'precious', 'young', 'life', 'parkland', 'determine', 'turn', 'grief', 'action', 'full', 'meeting', 'https', 'co', 'tbl', 'scm', 'https', 'co', 'tmumusor'], ['many', 'idea', 'good', 'good', 'emerge', 'bipartisan', 'meeting', 'school', 'safety', 'yesterday', 'white_house', 'background', 'check', 'big', 'part', 'conversation', 'zone', 'prove', 'target', 'killer', 'many', 'year', 'bill', 'emerge', 'respect'], ['steel', 'aluminum', 'industry', 'many', 'other', 'decimate', 'decade', 'unfair', 'trade', 'bad', 'policy', 'country', 'world', 'must', 'let', 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['european_union', 'wonderful', 'country', 'treat', 'badly', 'trade', 'complain', 'tariff', 'steel', 'amp', 'aluminum', 'drop', 'horrific', 'barrier', 'amp', 'tariff', 'product', 'go', 'likewise', 'drop', 'big', 'deficit', 'tax', 'car', 'fair'], ['join', 'live', 'moon', 'township', 'pennsylvania', 'pme', 'great', 'crowd', 'maga', 'rally', 'https', 'co', 'pyjng', 'wgdl'], ['epic', 'crowd', 'moon', 'township', 'pennsylvania', 'tonight', 'thank', 'get', 'tuesday', 'vote', 'rick_saccone', 'pa', 'together', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'ckbcosdq'], ['fail', 'time', 'purposely', 'write', 'false', 'story', 'state', 'unhappy', 'legal', 'team', 'russia', 'case', 'go', 'add', 'lawyer', 'help', 'wrong', 'happy', 'lawyer', 'dowd', 'cobb', 'jay', 'sekulow', 'great', 'job'], ['show', 'conclusively', 'collusion', 'russia', 'excuse', 'lose', 'collusion', 'do', 'dnc', 'democrats', 'crooked_hillary', 'writer', 'story', 'maggie', 'haberman', 'hillary', 'flunky', 'know', 'nothing', 'give', 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['economy', 'rage', 'time', 'high', 'set', 'get', 'even', 'well', 'job', 'wage', 'vote', 'rick_saccone', 'keep', 'go'], ['mike_pompeo', 'director', 'cia', 'become', 'new', 'secretary', 'state', 'fantastic', 'job', 'thank', 'service', 'gina_haspel', 'become', 'new', 'director', 'cia', 'first', 'woman', 'choose', 'congratulation'], ['head', 'see', 'border', 'wall', 'prototype', 'california', 'https', 'fu', 'ukc'], ['accord', 'center', 'immigration', 'study', 'wall', 'pay', 'curb', 'importation', 'crime', 'drug', 'illegal_immigrant', 'tend', 'go', 'federal', 'dole', 'https', 'co', 'ndlc', 'jzwwe'], ['california', 'sanctuary', 'policy', 'illegal', 'put', 'safety', 'security', 'entire_nation', 'risk', 'thousand', 'dangerous', 'amp', 'violent', 'criminal_alien', 'release', 'result', 'sanctuary', 'policy', 'set', 'free', 'prey', 'innocent', 'american', 'must', 'stop'], ['wall', 'system', 'go', 'country', 'congress', 'must', 'fund', 'border', 'wall', 'amp', 'prohibit', 'grant', 'sanctuary', 'jurisdiction', 'threaten', 'security', 'country', 'amp', 'people', 'country', 'must', 'enforce', 'law', 'protect', 'people', 'buildthewall', 'https', 'co', 'ngqnueukvj'], ['great', 'honor', 'deliver', 'message', 'marine', 'core', 'air', 'station', 'miramar', 'great', 'military', 'straight', 'heart', 'american', 'people', 'support', 'thank', 'love', 'always', 'back', 'https', 'co', 'negcr', 'rm'], ['great', 'honor', 'deliver', 'message', 'marine_corps', 'air', 'station', 'miramar', 'great', 'military', 'straight', 'heart', 'american', 'people', 'support', 'thank', 'love', 'always', 'back', 'https', 'co', 'oct', 'nh'], ['nation', 'pray', 'country', 'thank', 'god', 'united_states', 'marine', 'thank', 'america', 'https', 'co', 'vkxbd', 'cgh'], ['hundred', 'good', 'people', 'include', 'important', 'ambassador', 'judge', 'block', 'slow', 'walk', 'democrat', 'senate', 'many', 'important', 'position', 'government', 'unfilled', 'obstruction', 'bad', 'history'], ['perhaps', 'time', 'history', 'business', 'fundamental', 'company', 'better', 'today'], ['incredible', 'cabinet', 'secretary', 'testify', 'hill', 'morning', 'nee', 'rebuild', 'nation', 'crumble', 'infrastructure', 'need', 'build', 'fast', 'amp', 'need', 'build', 'future', 'thank', 'senatecommerce', 'hosting', 'hearing'], ['not', 'keep', 'blind', 'eye', 'rampant', 'unfair', 'trade', 'practice', 'country'], ['thank', 'host', 'maga', 'https', 'phh', 'dvlx'], ['today', 'house', 'take', 'major', 'step', 'secure', 'school', 'pass', 'stop', 'school', 'violence', 'act', 'must', 'put', 'safety', 'america', 'child', 'first', 'improve', 'training', 'give', 'school', 'well', 'tool', 'tragedy', 'parkland', 'happen', 'ever'], ['together', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'cuutl', 'szxq'], ['wonderful', 'back', 'missouri', 'push', 'historic', 'tax_cut', 'begin', 'months_ago', 'promise', 'would', 'cut', 'taxis', 'bring', 'main', 'street', 'roaring', 'back', 'exactly', 'happen', 'https', 'co', 'kpofeii'], ['join', 'thought', 'prayer', 'aviator', 'family', 'incredible', 'usnavy', 'https', 'co', 'bhhrp'], ['larry', 'kudlow', 'chief', 'economic', 'advisor', 'director', 'national', 'economic', 'council', 'country', 'many', 'year', 'great', 'economic', 'amp', 'financial', 'success', 'low', 'taxis', 'unparallele', 'innovation', 'fair', 'trade', 'ever', 'expand', 'labor', 'force', 'lead', 'way', 'maga'], ['trade_deficit', 'canada', 'almost', 'country', 'massive', 'justin', 'trudeau', 'canada', 'good', 'guy', 'say', 'canada', 'surplus', 'negotiate', 'almost', 'know'], ['honor', 'welcome', 'prime_minister', 'leo', 'varadkar', 'ireland', 'whitehouse', 'https', 'co', 'wnizr'], ['continue', 'monitor', 'heartbreake', 'bridge', 'collapse', 'fiu', 'tragic', 'many', 'brave', 'first_responder', 'rush', 'save', 'life', 'thank', 'courage', 'pray', 'evening', 'affect'], ['president', 'donald', 'trump', 'deliver', 'remark', 'shamrock', 'bowl', 'presentation', 'prime_minister', 'varadkar', 'east_room', 'white_house', 'https', 'co', 'zbogpae'], ['thought', 'prayer', 'go', 'family', 'loved_one', 'brave', 'troop', 'lose', 'helicopter', 'crash', 'iraq', 'syria', 'border', 'yesterday', 'sacrifice', 'service', 'country', 'never', 'forget'], ['would', 'great', 'republican_party', 'nevada', 'unity', 'good', 'guy', 'danny', 'tarkanian', 'would', 'run', 'congress', 'dean', 'heller', 'really', 'good', 'job', 'could', 'run', 'senate', 'unoppose'], ['consumer_confidence', 'hit', 'year', 'high', 'https', 'co', 'txjssrom'], ['fire', 'great', 'day', 'hard', 'work', 'man', 'woman', 'fbi', 'great', 'day', 'democracy', 'sanctimonious', 'james_comey', 'boss', 'make', 'mccabe', 'look', 'choirboy', 'know', 'lie', 'corruption', 'go', 'high', 'level', 'fbi'], ['happy', 'stpatricksday', 'https', 'smhb'], ['house', 'intelligence_committee', 'conclude', 'collusion', 'russia', 'trump', 'campaign', 'many', 'finding', 'however', 'tremendous', 'leak', 'lie', 'corruption', 'high', 'level', 'fbi', 'justice', 'amp', 'state', 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'always', 'remain', 'friend', 'official', 'contact', 'handover'], ['house', 'intelligence_committee', 'vote', 'release', 'final', 'report', 'finding', 'evidence', 'provide', 'collusion', 'trump', 'campaign', 'amp', 'russia', 'obama', 'administration', 'post', 'election', 'response', 'insufficient', 'clapper', 'provide', 'inconsistent', 'testimony', 'medium', 'contact'], ['daca', 'abandon', 'democrat', 'unfair', 'would', 'tie', 'desperately_needed', 'wall'], ['consider', 'veto', 'omnibus', 'spending', 'bill', 'base', 'fact', 'daca', 'recipient', 'totally', 'abandon', 'democrat', 'even', 'mention', 'bill', 'border', 'wall', 'desperately_neede', 'national', 'defense', 'fully', 'fund'], ['news', 'conference', 'white_house', 'concern', 'omnibus', 'spending', 'bill'], ['obama', 'administration', 'legalize', 'bump', 'stock', 'bad', 'idea', 'promise', 'today', 'department', 'justice', 'issue', 'rule', 'ban', 'bump', 'stock', 'mandate', 'comment', 'period', 'ban', 'device', 'turn', 'legal', 'weapon', 'illegal', 'machine', 'gun'], ['matter', 'national_security', 'sign', 'omnibus', 'spending', 'bill', 'say', 'congress', 'never', 'sign', 'bill', 'prevent', 'omnibus', 'situation', 'ever', 'happen', 'call', 'congress', 'give', 'line', 'item', 'veto', 'govt', 'spending', 'bill', 'https', 'co', 'kywmk', 'ae'], ['thought', 'prayer', 'victim', 'horrible', 'attack', 'france', 'yesterday', 'grieve', 'nation', 'loss', 'also', 'condemn', 'violent', 'action', 'attacker', 'anyone', 'would', 'provide', 'support', 'emmanuelmacron'], ['france', 'honor', 'great', 'hero', 'officer', 'die', 'bravely', 'swap', 'place', 'hostage', 'isis', 'relate', 'terror_attack', 'much', 'bravery', 'world', 'constantly', 'fight', 'radical_islamic', 'terrorism', 'even', 'strong', 'measure', 'need', 'especially', 'border'], ['amp', 'billion_dollar', 'get', 'rebuild', 'military', 'many', 'job', 'create', 'military', 'rich', 'build', 'great', 'border', 'wall', 'drug', 'poison', 'enemy', 'combatant', 'pour', 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'rate', 'likely', 'voter', 'hit', 'percent', 'monday', 'put', 'high', 'former', 'president', 'barack_obama', 'score', 'point', 'first', 'term', 'accord', 'new', 'poll', 'anna_giaritelli', 'dcexaminer', 'https', 'co', 'zzycnodcqj'], ['lightitupblue', 'https', 'co', 'jazse', 'yee'], ['fake_news', 'network', 'knowingly', 'sick', 'biased', 'agenda', 'worried', 'competition', 'quality', 'sinclair', 'broadcast', 'faker', 'cnn', 'cbs', 'do', 'much', 'dishonest', 'reporting', 'allow', 'get', 'award', 'fiction'], ['big', 'caravan', 'people', 'hondura', 'come', 'mexico', 'head', 'weak', 'law', 'border', 'better', 'stop', 'get', 'cash', 'cow', 'nafta', 'play', 'foreign', 'aid', 'hondura', 'country', 'allow', 'happen', 'congress', 'must', 'act'], ['check', 'fact', 'get', 'job', 'rating', 'challenge', 'cnn', 'state', 'totally', 'anti', 'trump', 'little', 'jeff', 'zuker', 'job', 'jeopardy', 'much', 'fun', 'lately', 'clean', 'strengthen', 'cnn', 'get', 'back', 'honest', 'reporting'], ['thank', 'rasmussen', 'honest', 'polling', 'hit', 'high', 'cheatin', 'obama', 'time', 'administration'], ['right', 'amazon', 'cost', 'united_states', 'post_office', 'massive_amount', 'money', 'delivery', 'boy', 'amazon', 'pay', 'cost', 'bourne', 'american', 'taxpayer', 'many', 'billion', 'dollar', 'leader', 'clue'], ['today', 'honor', 'welcome', 'estonia', 'president', 'kerstikaljulaid', 'lithuania', 'president', 'latvia', 'president', 'vejonis', 'whitehouse', 'congratulation', 'anniversary', 'independence', 'balticsummit', 'https', 'co', 'xachz', 'zuse', 'https', 'co', 'rrftytgevb'], ['protect', 'southern_border', 'https', 'co'], ['brief', 'shoot', 'youtube', 'bruno', 'california', 'thought', 'prayer', 'everybody', 'involve', 'thank', 'phenomenal', 'officer', 'first_responder', 'currently', 'scene'], ['border', 'law', 'weak', 'mexico', 'canada', 'strong', 'congress', 'must', 'change', 'obama', 'era', 'law', 'democrat', 'stand', 'way', 'want', 'people', 'pour', 'country', 'unchecked', 'crime', 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'https', 'co', 'agbwbfnuw'], ['attorney', 'client', 'privilege', 'dead'], ['total', 'witch_hunt'], ['last_night', 'great', 'honor', 'host', 'america', 'senior', 'defense', 'military', 'leader', 'dinner', 'white_house', 'america', 'military', 'great', 'fighting', 'force', 'history', 'world', 'pledge', 'unwavere', 'commitment', 'man', 'woman', 'uniform', 'https', 'co', 'bjwkcmx', 'il'], ['thankful', 'china', 'kind_word', 'tarrifs', 'automobile', 'barrier', 'also', 'enlightenment', 'intellectual_property', 'technology', 'transfer', 'make', 'great', 'progress', 'together'], ['thankful', 'china', 'kind_word', 'tariff', 'automobile', 'barrier', 'also', 'enlightenment', 'intellectual_property', 'technology', 'transfer', 'make', 'great', 'progress', 'together'], ['today', 'great', 'honor', 'welcome', 'ncaa', 'football', 'national', 'champion', 'alabama', 'crimson', 'tide', 'white_house', 'congratulation', 'rolltidehttps', 'co', 'ezhlsvs', 'https', 'co', 'jfgue', 'iis'], ['fail', 'time', 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'co', 'nfdkcl'], ['big', 'show', 'tonight', 'seanhannity', 'foxnew'], ['want', 'fire', 'robert_mueller', 'december', 'report', 'fail', 'time', 'would', 'fire', 'fake_news', 'biased', 'newspaper'], ['california', 'governor', 'jerry_brown', 'right', 'thing', 'send', 'national', 'guard', 'border', 'thank', 'jerry', 'good', 'move', 'safety', 'country'], ['never', 'say', 'attack', 'syria', 'would', 'take', 'place', 'could', 'soon', 'soon', 'event', 'united_states', 'administration', 'do', 'great', 'job', 'ridding', 'region', 'isis', 'thank', 'america'], ['good_luck', 'mike_pompeo', 'confirmation', 'hearing', 'today', 'great', 'secretary', 'state'], ['yom', 'hashoah', 'remember', 'jew', 'slaughter', 'holocaust', 'pass', 'year', 'duty', 'remember', 'atrocity', 'increase', 'pledge', 'neveragain', 'https', 'co', 'tyga', 'vtjlt'], ['agree', 'historically', 'cooperative', 'discipline', 'approach', 'engage', 'robert_mueller', 'clinton', 'full', 'confidence', 'cobb', 'special_counsel', 'fully', 'advise', 'phase', 'process'], ['agricultural', 'roundtable', 'memember', 'congress', 'governor', 'make', 'remark', 'large_scale', 'give', 'american', 'family', 'worker', 'rose_garden', 'join', 'live', 'https', 'co', 'xachz', 'zuse', 'https', 'co', 'dqe', 'qhpdaz'], ['thank', 'american', 'worker', 'travel', 'today', 'event', 'dedicate', 'hardworking', 'american', 'make', 'nation', 'run', 'love', 'country', 'provide', 'family', 'pride', 'work', 'cherish', 'great', 'american', 'flag', 'taxcuts', 'https', 'co', 'rwalpcrph'], ['america', 'great', 'treasure', 'people', 'administration', 'hear', 'voice', 'back', 'fighting', 'give', 'american', 'future', 'dignity', 'purpose', 'pride', 'american', 'spirit', 'back', 'taxcuts', 'https', 'co', 'osgze', 'irbf'], ['would', 'join', 'tpp', 'deal', 'substantially', 'well', 'deal', 'offer', 'pre', 'obama', 'already', 'bilateral', 'deal', 'nation', 'tpp', 'work', 'make', 'deal', 'big', 'nation', 'japan', 'hit', 'hard', 'trade', 'year'], ['tremendous', 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'many', 'crime'], ['russia', 'china', 'play', 'currency', 'devaluation', 'game', 'keep', 'raise', 'interest', 'rate', 'acceptable'], ['employment', 'taxis', 'enjoy'], ['florida', 'looking_forward', 'meeting', 'prime_minister', 'japan', 'work', 'trade', 'military', 'security'], ['looks_like', 'jerry_brown', 'california', 'look', 'safety', 'security', 'porous', 'border', 'not', 'come', 'term', 'national', 'guard', 'patrol', 'protect', 'border', 'high', 'crime', 'rate', 'get', 'higher', 'much', 'want', 'wall', 'already', 'start'], ['many', 'people', 'see', 'benefit', 'bill', 'everyone', 'talk', 'really', 'nice', 'see'], ['getting_ready', 'meet', 'prime_minister', 'japan', 'truly', 'fine', 'gentleman'], ['rasmussen', 'come', 'approval', 'fake_news', 'medium', 'accurate', 'election', 'day', 'inaccurate', 'cnn', 'abc', 'news', 'washington_post', 'change', 'get', 'new', 'pollster', 'much', 'medium', 'scam'], ['welcome', 'prime_minister', 'https', 'co', 'eyyfwdq'], ['today', 'court', 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'independence', 'well', 'friend', 'anywhere', 'looking_forward', 'move', 'embassy', 'jerusalem', 'next', 'month'], ['prime_minister', 'abeshinzo', 'japan', 'morning', 'building', 'even', 'deeper', 'well', 'relationship', 'play', 'quick', 'round', 'golf', 'trump', 'international_golf', 'club', 'https', 'co', 'yqu', 'phifou'], ['great', 'working', 'luncheon', 'japanese', 'delegation', 'afternoon', 'https', 'co', 'ceih'], ['great', 'honor', 'host', 'friend', 'abeshinzo', 'delegation', 'past', 'day', 'lot', 'accomplish', 'thank', 'success', 'https', 'co', 'nnitfwfbl'], ['great', 'meeting', 'prime_minister', 'japan', 'leave', 'florida', 'talk', 'depth', 'north_korea', 'military', 'trade', 'good', 'thing', 'happen'], ['thank', 'san_diego', 'county', 'defend', 'rule', 'law', 'support', 'lawsuit', 'california', 'illegal', 'sanctuary', 'policy', 'dangerous', 'policy', 'release', 'violent', 'criminal', 'back', 'community', 'put', 'american', 'risk'], ['governor', 'jerry_brown', 'announce', 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['mean', 'lie', 'make', 'story', 'sorry', 'see', 'michael', 'horrible', 'witch_hunt', 'dishonest', 'medium'], ['join', 'washington', 'michigan', 'saturday', 'april', 'pm', 'maga', 'ticket', 'https', 'co', 'disosdqbuu', 'https', 'co', 'ghdtghw', 'fu'], ['fantastic', 'crowd', 'great', 'people', 'yesterday', 'key', 'west', 'florida', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'hqoufgmbqs'], ['today', 'thought', 'prayer', 'entire', 'bush', 'family', 'memory', 'first_lady', 'barbara', 'bush', 'remembrance', 'display', 'locate', 'portrait', 'center', 'hall', 'whitehouse', 'https', 'co', 'auj', 'rlzyax'], ['head', 'southern', 'white_house', 'watch', 'funeral', 'service', 'barbara', 'bush', 'first_lady', 'melania', 'arrive', 'houston', 'pay', 'respect', 'beautiful', 'day'], ['funny', 'democrat', 'sue', 'republican', 'win', 'counter', 'force', 'turn', 'treasure', 'trove', 'material', 'include', 'server', 'email'], ['sylvester', 'stallone', 'call', 'story', 'heavyweight', 'box', 'champion', 'jack', 'johnson', 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'https', 'co'], ['arizona', 'get', 'today', 'vote', 'debbielesko', 'congress', 'strong', 'border', 'immigration', 'crime', 'great', 'military', 'time', 'tick', 'get', 'vote', 'today', 'need', 'debbie', 'congress'], ['president', 'trump', 'call', 'france', 'relationship', 'unbreakable', 'history', 'show', 'right', 'https', 'co', 'gt', 'rvajo'], ['jimrenacci', 'work', 'hard', 'tax', 'reduction', 'illegal_immigration', 'border', 'crime', 'need', 'jim', 'badly', 'help', 'agenda', 'keep', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'fantastic', 'senator', 'great', 'state', 'ohio', 'full', 'endorsement'], ['jimrenacci', 'work', 'hard', 'tax', 'reduction', 'illegal_immigration', 'border', 'crime', 'need', 'jim', 'badly', 'help', 'agenda', 'keep', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'fantastic', 'senator', 'great', 'state', 'ohio', 'full', 'endorsement'], ['today', 'flotus_melania', 'honor', 'welcome', 'french', 'president', 'emmanuelmacron', 'mrs', 'brigitte', 'macron', 'whitehouse', 'look_forward', 'hosting', 'tonight', 'state', 'dinner', 'honor', 'https', 'co', 'wgjcwqszyp'], ['great', 'republic', 'link', 'together', 'timeless', 'bond', 'history', 'culture', 'destiny', 'people', 'cherish', 'value', 'protect', 'civilization', 'recognize', 'image', 'human', 'soul', 'https', 'co', 'isgdb'], ['congratulation', 'republican', 'debbie', 'lesko', 'big', 'win', 'special', 'election', 'arizona', 'house', 'seat', 'debbie', 'great', 'job', 'press', 'silent'], ['busy', 'day', 'plan', 'looking_forward', 'watch', 'president', 'macron', 'france', 'address', 'joint', 'session', 'congress', 'today', 'great', 'honor', 'seldom', 'allow', 'do', 'great'], ['spectacular', 'job', 'host', 'president', 'france', 'emmanuelmacron', 'wife', 'brigitte', 'detail', 'do', 'perfection', 'state', 'dining', 'room', 'never', 'look', 'beautiful', 'washington', 'abuzz', 'incredible', 'job', 'melania'], ['looking_forward', 'meeting', 'tim', 'cook', 'apple', 'talk', 'many', 'thing', 'include', 'treat', 'unfairly', 'many', 'year', 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['https', 'co', 'agxulppyag'], ['thank', 'washington', 'examiner', 'cortessteve', 'great', 'article', 'win', 'https', 'co', 'dfuabn'], ['congratulation', 'lou_barletta', 'pennsylvania', 'great', 'senator', 'represent', 'people', 'well', 'represent', 'many', 'year', 'lou', 'friend', 'mine', 'special', 'guy', 'much', 'help', 'make_america', 'great'], ['congratulation', 'deb', 'fischer', 'people', 'nebraska', 'see', 'great', 'job', 'show', 'ballot', 'box', 'maga'], ['washington_post', 'cnn', 'typically', 'write', 'false', 'story', 'trade', 'negotiation', 'china', 'nothing', 'happen', 'zte', 'pertain', 'large', 'trade', 'deal', 'country', 'lose', 'hundred', 'billion', 'dollar', 'year', 'china'], ['see', 'china', 'demand', 'previous', 'administration', 'do', 'poorly', 'negotiate', 'china', 'see', 'demand', 'fold', 'medium', 'would', 'love', 'people', 'believe', 'meeting'], ['even', 'start', 'yet', 'little', 'give', 'give', 'much', 'year', 'china', 'much', 'give'], ['house', 'vote', 'today', 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'lsv'], ['talk', 'trade', 'vice', 'premier', 'people', 'republic', 'china', 'liu', 'https', 'co', 'iq'], ['great', 'talk', 'friend', 'president', 'mauricio', 'macri', 'week', 'good', 'job', 'argentina', 'support', 'vision', 'transform', 'country', 'economy', 'unleashing', 'potential'], ['tomorrow', 'house', 'vote', 'strong', 'farm', 'bill', 'include', 'work', 'requirement', 'must', 'support', 'nation', 'great', 'farmer'], ['great', 'honor', 'visit', 'hero', 'last_night', 'walter', 'ree', 'medical', 'center', 'nobody', 'https', 'co', 'swihk'], ['apparently', 'doj', 'put', 'spy', 'trump', 'campaign', 'never', 'do', 'mean', 'necessary', 'frame_donald', 'trump', 'crime', 'commit', 'david', 'asman', 'loudobbs', 'greggjarrett', 'really', 'bad', 'stuff'], ['fake_news', 'medium', 'call', 'immigrant', 'illegal_immigrant', 'animal', 'wrong', 'begrudgingly', 'force', 'withdraw', 'story', 'refer', 'member', 'animal', 'big', 'difference', 'true', 'fake_new', 'get', 'purposely', 'wrong', 'usual'], 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'first_lady', 'back', 'home', 'white_house', 'melania', 'feeling', 'really', 'well', 'thank', 'prayer', 'best_wishe'], ['fbi', 'doj', 'infiltrate', 'campaign', 'benefit', 'campaign', 'really', 'big', 'deal', 'release', 'review', 'document', 'house', 'intelligence_committee', 'also', 'senate', 'judiciary', 'ask', 'give', 'conclusive', 'answer', 'drain', 'swamp'], ['thing', 'really', 'get', 'ridiculous', 'fail', 'crooked', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'nytime', 'do', 'long', 'amp', 'bore', 'story', 'indicate', 'world', 'expensive', 'witch_hunt', 'find', 'nothing', 'russia', 'amp', 'look', 'rest', 'world'], ['point', 'soon', 'witch_hunt', 'compose', 'angry', 'heavily', 'conflict', 'democrat', 'people', 'work', 'obama', 'year', 'stop', 'find', 'collussion', 'russia', 'obstruction', 'look', 'corruption'], ['hillary_clinton', 'campaign', 'deleted_email', 'get', 'secretary', 'state', 'pay', 'mccabe', 'wife', 'get', 'fbi', 'hook', 'terry', 'much', 'republican', 'real', 'american', 'start', 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'joined', 'family', 'suffer', 'unthinkable', 'heartbreak', 'hand', 'truly', 'honor', 'join', 'courageous', 'family', 'guest', 'state', 'union', 'https', 'co', 'cgjyqxu'], ['crippling', 'loophole', 'law', 'enable', 'member', 'criminal', 'infiltrate', 'community', 'democrat', 'congress', 'refuse', 'close', 'loophole', 'include', 'disgraceful', 'practice', 'know', 'catch', 'release', 'democrat', 'must', 'abandon', 'resistance', 'https', 'co'], ['thank', 'incredible', 'officer', 'firefighter', 'bethpage', 'keep', 'great', 'work', 'https', 'co', 'smaz', 'hfas'], ['great', 'day', 'head', 'whitehouse', 'lot', 'work', 'do', 'https', 'co', 'luiq', 'swh'], ['interview', 'foxandfriend', 'tomorrow', 'morning', 'enjoy'], ['clapper', 'admit', 'spy', 'campaign', 'large', 'dollar', 'pay', 'spy', 'far', 'normal', 'starting', 'look', 'big', 'political', 'scandal', 'history', 'spygate', 'terrible', 'thing'], ['surprisingly', 'great', 'man', 'amp', 'woman', 'fbi', 'start', 'speak', 'comey_mccabe', 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'federalist', 'senior', 'editor', 'corrupt', 'mainstream_media', 'hate', 'monster', 'story'], ['democrat', 'obviously', 'root', 'negotiation', 'north_korea', 'come', 'defense', 'ms', 'thug', 'say', 'individual', 'amp', 'must', 'nurture', 'ask', 'end', 'big', 'tax_cut', 'amp', 'raise_taxes', 'instead', 'dem', 'lose', 'touch'], ['good', 'news', 'receive', 'warm', 'productive', 'statement', 'north_korea', 'soon', 'see', 'lead', 'hopefully', 'long', 'endure', 'prosperity', 'peace', 'time', 'talent', 'tell'], ['today', 'great', 'honor', 'deliver', 'commencement', 'address', 'united_states', 'navalacademy', 'annapolis', 'maryland', 'congratulation', 'good_luck', 'godspeed', 'anchor', 'aweigh', 'https', 'co', 'aolbk'], ['behalf', 'american', 'people', 'congratulation', 'love', 'https', 'co', 'yrlj', 'vrxwk'], ['navalacademy', 'class', 'say', 'know', 'task', 'know', 'make', 'proud', 'know', 'glory', 'winner', 'warrior', 'fighter', 'champion', 'lead', 'victory', 'https', 'co', 'tgeo'], ['chicago', 'police', 'right', 'legally', 'protest', 'mayor', 'administration', 'let', 'job', 'killing', 'record', 'pace', 'tough', 'police', 'work', 'chicago', 'allow', 'would', 'bring', 'thing', 'back', 'order', 'fast', 'killing', 'must', 'stop'], ['funny', 'watch', 'democrat', 'criticize', 'trade_deal', 'negotiate', 'even', 'know', 'deal', 'year', 'obama', 'administration', 'nothing', 'trade', 'let', 'country', 'rip', 'united_state', 'lose', 'almost', 'year'], ['senator', 'schumer', 'obama', 'administration', 'let', 'phone', 'company', 'flourish', 'security', 'check', 'close', 'let', 'reopen', 'high', 'level', 'security', 'guarantee', 'change', 'management', 'board', 'must', 'purchase', 'part', 'pay', 'fine', 'dem', 'nothing'], ['complain', 'obstruct', 'make', 'bad', 'deal', 'iran', 'call', 'trade_deal', 'laugh', 'stock', 'world'], ['productive', 'talk', 'north_korea', 'reinstate', 'summit', 'happen', 'likely', 'remain', 'singapore', 'date', 'necessary', 'extend', 'date'], ['good', 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'impossible', 'give', 'lack', 'time', 'amount', 'planning', 'need', 'wrong', 'real', 'people', 'phony', 'source'], ['spy', 'informant', 'democrat', 'call', 'sound', 'less', 'sinister', 'campaign', 'even', 'early', 'date', 'crook', 'high', 'level', 'fbi', 'justice', 'contact', 'tell', 'phony', 'russia', 'problem'], ['whole', 'russia', 'probe', 'rig', 'excuse', 'dem', 'crooked_hillary', 'lose', 'election', 'state', 'lose', 'decade', 'angry_democrats', 'dem', 'include', 'people', 'work', 'obama', 'year', 'spygate', 'amp', 'conflict', 'interest'], ['angry_democrats', 'amp', 'work', 'president', 'reveal', 'disqualify', 'conflict', 'interest', 'long', 'time', 'indelibly', 'write', 'report', 'fact', 'collusion', 'dem', 'justice', 'fbi', 'amp', 'russia'], ['welcome', 'home', 'josh', 'https', 'co', 'cke', 'stx'], ['go', 'give', 'back', 'young', 'beautiful', 'life', 'other', 'devastate', 'destroy', 'phony', 'russia', 'collusion', 'witch_hunt', 'journeyed', 'washington', 'star', 'eye', 'want', 'help', 'nation', 'go', 'back', 'home', 'tatter'], ['fantastic', 'great', 'man', 'amp', 'woman', 'roll', 'thunder', 'show', 'patriotism', 'love', 'country', 'love', 'flag', 'stand', 'national_anthem', 'thank', 'executive', 'director', 'artie', 'muller'], ['angry_democrats', 'investigate', 'campaign', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'many', 'crime', 'much', 'collusion', 'russia', 'fbi', 'take', 'server', 'dnc', 'rig', 'investigation'], ['united_states', 'team', 'arrive', 'north_korea', 'make', 'arrangement', 'summit', 'truly', 'believe', 'north_korea', 'brilliant', 'potential', 'great', 'economic', 'financial', 'nation', 'day', 'agree', 'happen'], ['president', 'obama', 'something', 'call', 'russian_meddling', 'tell', 'fbi', 'election', 'think', 'crooked_hillary', 'go', 'win', 'want', 'upset', 'apple', 'cart', 'charge', 'nothing'], ['memorialday', 'https', 'co', 'dq'], ['happy', 'die', 'great', 'country', 'would', 'happy', 'proud', 'country', 'today', 'good', 'economy', 'decade', 'low', 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'generation', 'tower', 'city', 'wind', 'sweep', 'prairie', 'privilege', 'poverty', 'https', 'co', 'sv'], ['fall', 'hero', 'write', 'history', 'shape', 'destiny', 'save', 'live', 'man', 'woman', 'serve', 'care', 'family', 'anything', 'world', 'love', 'family', 'inspire', 'community', 'https', 'co', 'cocqeedc'], ['democratic', 'lawmaker', 'introduce', 'bill', 'repeal', 'gop', 'chance', 'good', 'true', 'republican', 'remember', 'nancy_pelosi', 'dem', 'also', 'weak', 'crime', 'border', 'want', 'gentle', 'kind', 'member', 'good'], ['california', 'rare', 'opportunity', 'turn', 'thing', 'solve', 'high', 'crime', 'high', 'tax', 'problem', 'many', 'other', 'vote', 'gop', 'gubernatorial', 'candidate', 'john', 'really', 'good', 'highly', 'competent', 'man', 'make', 'california', 'great'], ['democrat', 'mistakenly', 'tweet', 'picture', 'obama', 'term', 'show', 'child', 'border', 'steel', 'cage', 'think', 'recent', 'picture', 'order', 'make', 'look', 'bad', 'backfire', 'dem', 'must', 'agree', 'wall', 'new', 'border', 'protection', 'good', 'country', 'bipartisan', 'bill'], ['put', 'great', 'team', 'together', 'talk', 'north_korea', 'meeting', 'currently', 'taking_place', 'concern', 'summit', 'kim', 'young', 'chol', 'vice', 'chairman', 'north_korea', 'heading', 'solid', 'response', 'letter', 'thank'], ['investigation', 'involve', 'far', 'surveillance', 'ever', 'idea', 'wiretap', 'campaign', 'aide', 'secretly', 'gather', 'information', 'trump', 'campaign', 'people', 'call', 'spy', 'unprecedented', 'scandalous', 'mollie', 'hemingway'], ['angry_democrats', 'people', 'work', 'year', 'obama', 'work', 'rig', 'russia', 'witch_hunt', 'meddle', 'mid', 'term', 'election', 'especially', 'republican', 'stay', 'tough', 'take', 'lead', 'poll', 'collusion', 'democrat'], ['angry', 'heavily', 'conflict', 'democrat', 'investigate', 'totally', 'crooked', 'campaign', 'totally', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'rigged_witch', 'hunt', 'ask', 'enjoy', 'election', 'celebration'], ['sorry', 'get', 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['great', 'interview', 'loudobbs', 'chris', 'farrell', 'judicial_watch', 'concern', 'government', 'counter', 'intelligence', 'operation', 'trump', 'campaign', 'spygate', 'highest_level', 'would', 'believe'], ['chris', 'farrell', 'judicial_watch', 'run', 'operation', 'undermine', 'candidate', 'president', 'violation', 'law', 'intelligence', 'tradecraft', 'steer', 'election', 'nothing', 'grave', 'come', 'abuse', 'intelligence', 'system'], ['level', 'criminality', 'pale', 'grave', 'abuse', 'power', 'authority', 'nothing', 'else', 'see', 'history', 'make', 'nixon', 'watergate', 'burglary', 'look', 'keystone', 'cop', 'stuff'], ['great', 'witch_hunt', 'political', 'history'], ['announce', 'cancel', 'senate', 'august', 'recess', 'great', 'maybe', 'democrat', 'finally', 'get', 'something', 'do', 'acceptance', 'high', 'crime', 'high', 'taxis', 'need', 'border_security'], ['great', 'night', 'republican', 'congratulation', 'cox', 'really', 'big', 'number', 'california', 'win', 'even', 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'home', 'still', 'angry_democrat', 'push', 'witch_hunt'], ['good_luck', 'alice', 'johnson', 'wonderful', 'life'], ['alan_dershowitz', 'harvard', 'prove', 'never', 'need', 'special_councel', 'could', 'do', 'need', 'multi', 'million_dollar', 'group', 'people', 'target', 'someone', 'back', 'way', 'justice', 'operate', 'true'], ['alan_dershowitz', 'harvard', 'prove', 'never', 'need', 'special_counsel', 'could', 'do', 'need', 'multi', 'million_dollar', 'group', 'people', 'target', 'someone', 'back', 'way', 'justice', 'operate', 'true'], ['many', 'conflict', 'interest', 'list', 'angry_democrats', 'work', 'witch_hunt', 'hoax', 'never', 'group', 'people', 'case', 'bias', 'conflict', 'excuse', 'lose', 'election', 'server'], ['could', 'jeff_flake', 'set', 'record', 'low', 'polling', 'number', 'arizona', 'therefore', 'humiliatingly', 'force', 'senate', 'seat', 'even', 'fight', 'clue', 'think', 'run', 'office', 'even', 'low', 'let', 'face', 'flake'], ['looking_forward', 'see', 'friend', 'prime_minister', 'abeshinzo', 'japan', 'noon', 'discuss', 'north_korea', 'trade'], ['justice_department', 'must', 'let', 'awan', 'amp', 'debbie_wasserman', 'schultz', 'hook', 'democrat', 'scandal', 'key', 'much', 'corruption', 'see', 'today', 'want', 'make', 'plea', 'deal', 'hide', 'server', 'server', 'really', 'bad'], ['people', 'start', 'say', 'thank', 'president', 'fire'], ['obama', 'administration', 'accuse', 'try', 'give', 'iran', 'secret', 'access', 'financial', 'system', 'united_state', 'totally', 'illegal', 'perhaps', 'could', 'get', 'angry_democrats', 'divert', 'energy', 'matter', 'comey', 'would', 'call', 'investigate'], ['make', 'america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'kppruu', 'oz'], ['total', 'run', 'lowest_level', 'year', 'https', 'irhmtxm'], ['total', 'run', 'lowest_level', 'year', 'https', 'irhmtxm'], ['payoff', 'utility', 'cut', 'rate', 'credit', 'gop', 'https', 'co', 'ojurgd'], ['great', 'honor', 'welcome', 'prime_minister', 'abeshinzo', 'back', 'whitehouse', 'https', 'co', 'ycxud', 'jan'], ['today', 'greatly', 'honor', 'welcome', 'good', 'friend', 'pm', 'japan', 'whitehouse', 'past', 'month', 'prime_minister', 'work', 'closely', 'together', 'address', 'common', 'challenge', 'many', 'https', 'co', 'snlmdd', 'fgm'], ['abe', 'also', 'work', 'improve', 'trading', 'relationship', 'japan', 'something', 'seek', 'bilateral', 'deal', 'japan', 'base', 'principle', 'fairness', 'reciprocity', 'work', 'hard', 'reduce', 'trade', 'imbalance', 'https', 'co', 'pnqehoplk'], ['great', 'day', 'meeting', 'prime_minister', 'abeshinzo', 'japan', 'https', 'ukcda', 'rxon'], ['tell', 'prime_minister', 'trudeau', 'president', 'macron', 'charge', 'massive', 'tariff', 'create', 'non', 'monetary', 'barrier', 'trade', 'surplus', 'canada', 'keep', 'farmer', 'other', 'look_forward', 'see', 'tomorrow'], ['prime_minister', 'trudeau', 'indignant', 'bring', 'relationship', 'canada', 'many', 'year', 'sort', 'thing', 'bring', 'fact', 'charge', 'dairy', 'hurt', 'farmer', 'kill', 'agriculture'], ['european_union', 'canada', 'inform', 'public', 'year', 'use', 'massive', 'trade', 'tariff', 'non', 'monetary', 'trade_barrier', 'totally', 'unfair', 'farmer', 'worker', 'amp', 'company', 'take', 'tariff', 'amp', 'barrier', 'match'], ['obama', 'schumer', 'pelosi', 'nothing', 'north_korea', 'weak', 'crime', 'high', 'tax', 'schumer', 'tell', 'summit', 'dem', 'could', 'never', 'set', 'schumer', 'fail', 'north_korea', 'iran', 'need', 'advice'], ['canada', 'charge', 'tariff', 'dairy', 'product', 'tell', 'fair', 'farmer'], ['looking_forward', 'straighten', 'unfair', 'trade_deal', 'country', 'happen', 'come', 'even', 'better'], ['congratulation', 'washington', 'capital', 'great', 'play', 'win', 'stanley', 'cup', 'championship', 'alex', 'ovechkin', 'team', 'captain', 'spectacular', 'true', 'superstar', 'pop', 'many', 'way', 'time'], ['head', 'canada', 'talk', 'mostly', 'center', 'long', 'time', 'unfair', 'trade', 'practice', 'united_state', 'go', 'singapore', 'talk', 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'claim', 'give', 'million', 'dollar', 'politician', 'even_though', 'know', 'see', 'make', 'ridiculous', 'statement', 'president', 'trump', 'unfair', 'foreign', 'worker', 'correct', 'america', 'first', 'foxandfriend', 'blow', 'competition', 'morning', 'rating', 'morning_joe', 'dead', 'show', 'people', 'watch', 'sadly', 'fake_news', 'cnn', 'also', 'poorly', 'much', 'hate', 'inaccurately', 'report', 'story', 'predictable', 'work', 'hard', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'pnxbfncf', 'congressman', 'steve', 'stiver', 'ohio', 'do', 'fantastic', 'job', 'chairman', 'nrcc', 'great', 'congressman', 'tough', 'crime', 'amp', 'border', 'amp', 'inspiration', 'military', 'amp', 'vet', 'big', 'get', 'vote', 'steve', 'full', 'amp', 'total_endorsement', 'looking_forward', 'great', 'state', 'pennsylvania', 'tremendous', 'victory', 'election', 'campaign', 'hard', 'original', 'supporter', 'replace', 'weak', 'ineffective', 'senator', 'bob', 'casey', 'lou', 'tough', 'smart', 'love', 'pa', 'country', 'pennsylvania', 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'congratulation', 'marsha', 'https', 'jsmiowfbxa', 'pastor', 'praise', 'trump', 'pro', 'black', 'prison', 'reform', 'event', 'https', 'co', 'xfkf', 'arebx', 'marsha', 'blackburn', 'big', 'win', 'last_night', 'tennessee', 'primary', 'senate', 'outstanding', 'person', 'great', 'supporter', 'mine', 'congratulation', 'marsha', 'nee', 'badly', 'senate', 'vote', 'agenda', 'next', 'opponent', 'vote', 'ninth', 'month', 'unemployment', 'fall', 'economy', 'add', 'job', 'election', 'gdp', 'people', 'receive', 'pay', 'raise', 'due', 'tax', 'reform', 'bring', 'back', 'overseas', 'foxnew', 'nasa', 'make', 'big', 'comeback', 'trump', 'administration', 'name', 'astronaut', 'boee', 'spacex', 'space', 'flight', 'great', 'facility', 'world', 'let', 'private', 'sector', 'pay', 'exciting', 'thing', 'happen', 'space', 'force', 'medium', 'good', 'news', 'fire', 'extinguisher', 'greggutfeld', 'thefive', 'almost', 'manufacture', 'job', 'create', 'election', 'remember', 'opponent', 'say', 'create', 'type', 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'candidate', 'lie', 'relationship', 'nancy_pelosi', 'weak', 'crime', 'border', 'amp', 'want', 'raise_taxes', 'lot', 'vote', 'troy', 'tuesday', 'happy_birthday', 'uscg', 'https', 'co', 'cqo', 'jcokn', 'tariff', 'work', 'far', 'well', 'anyone', 'ever', 'anticipate', 'china', 'market', 'drop', 'last', 'month', 'talk', 'market', 'stronger', 'ever', 'go', 'dramatically', 'horrible', 'trade_deal', 'successfully', 'renegotiate', 'america', 'first', 'tariff', 'tremendous', 'positive', 'impact', 'steel', 'industry', 'plant', 'open', 'steelworker', 'work', 'big', 'dollar', 'flow', 'treasury', 'country', 'tariff', 'foolish', 'people', 'scream', 'tariff', 'make', 'country', 'much', 'rich', 'today', 'fool', 'would', 'disagree', 'use', 'negotiate', 'fair', 'trade_deal', 'country', 'still', 'unwilling', 'negotiate', 'pay', 'vast', 'sum', 'money', 'form', 'tariff', 'win', 'way', 'china', 'first', 'time', 'poorly', 'spend', 'fortune', 'ad', 'try', 'convince', 'scare', 'politician', 'fight', 'tariff', 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'debt', 'accumulate', 'much', 'obama', 'administration', 'time', 'reduce', 'taxis', 'people', 'minimum', 'make', 'much', 'well', 'trade_deal', 'country', 'fake_news', 'report', 'complete', 'fabrication', 'concerned', 'meeting', 'wonderful', 'son', 'donald', 'trump', 'tower', 'meeting', 'get', 'information', 'opponent', 'totally', 'legal', 'do', 'time', 'politic', 'go', 'nowhere', 'know', 'mueller', 'angry_democrat', 'look', 'meeting', 'concern', 'fake', 'dossier', 'lying', 'go', 'fbi', 'doj', 'one_sided', 'witch_hunt', 'history', 'country', 'fortunately', 'fact', 'come', 'fast', 'bad', 'large', 'portion', 'medium', 'refuse', 'report', 'lie', 'corruption', 'rigged_witch', 'hunt', 'call', 'fake_news', 'presidential', 'approval', 'number', 'good', 'strong', 'economy', 'military', 'everything', 'else', 'well', 'number', 'obama', 'point', 'far', 'win', 'front', 'reason', 'blue', 'wave', 'may', 'red_wave', 'wildfire', 'magnify', 'amp', 'make', 'much', 'bad', 'bad', 'environmental', 'law', 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'ice', 'woman', 'protect', 'country', 'vicious', 'dangerous', 'people', 'earth', 'sorry', 'let', 'happen', 'also', 'change', 'rule', 'senate', 'approve', 'strong', 'border_security', 'california', 'wildfire', 'magnify', 'amp', 'make', 'much', 'bad', 'bad', 'environmental', 'law', 'allow', 'massive_amount', 'readily', 'available', 'water', 'properly', 'utilize', 'divert', 'pacific_ocean', 'must', 'also', 'tree', 'clear', 'stop', 'fire', 'spread', 'iran', 'sanction', 'officially', 'cast', 'bite', 'sanction', 'ever', 'impose', 'november', 'ratchet', 'yet', 'level', 'anyone', 'business', 'iran', 'business', 'united_state', 'ask', 'world', 'peace', 'nothing', 'less', 'ohio', 'vote', 'today', 'troy_balderson', 'congress', 'opponent', 'control', 'nancy_pelosi', 'weak', 'crime', 'border', 'military', 'vet', 'end', 'tax_cut', 'troy', 'great', 'congressman', 'maga', 'today', 'purple', 'heart', 'honor', 'member', 'armed_force', 'serve', 'vanguard', 'american', 'democracy', 'freedom', 'world', 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'hurricane_florence', 'look', 'even', 'bigger', 'anticipate', 'arrive', 'soon', 'fema', 'first_responder', 'supply', 'ready', 'safe', 'https', 'co', 'ddfe', 'hurricane_florence', 'may', 'dip', 'bit', 'south', 'hit', 'portion', 'great', 'state', 'georgia', 'ready', 'prepared', 'say', 'relate', 'senate', 'intelligence_committee', 'investigation', 'hard', 'evidence', 'collusion', 'richard', 'burr', 'senate', 'intelligence_committee', 'chairman', 'imperative', 'everyone', 'follow', 'local', 'evacuation', 'order', 'storm', 'extremely', 'dangerous', 'safe', 'https', 'https', 'cwomw', 'https', 'https', 'co', 'rbh', 'tonight', 'great', 'honor', 'host', 'congressional', 'medal', 'honor', 'society', 'reception', 'whitehouse', 'https', 'co', 'jqivtnut', 'problem', 'banker', 'jamie', 'dimon', 'run', 'president', 'aptitude', 'smart', 'amp', 'poor', 'public', 'speaker', 'nervous', 'mess', 'otherwise', 'wonderful', 'make', 'lot', 'banker', 'other', 'look', 'much', 'smart', 'great', 'economic', 'policy', 'completely', 'ready', 'hurricane_florence', 'storm', 'get', 'even', 'larger', 'powerful', 'careful', 'text', 'message', 'former', 'fbi', 'employee', 'peter_strzok', 'lisa_page', 'disaster', 'embarrassment', 'fbi', 'amp', 'doj', 'never', 'happen', 'learn', 'hour', 'other', 'leak', 'mad', 'order', 'get', 'president', 'cesspool', 'corruption', 'people', 'need', 'bring', 'justice', 'greggjarrett', 'middle_class', 'income', 'hit', 'time', 'high', 'foxandfriend', 'continue', 'rise', 'dem', 'get', 'destroy', 'build', 'people', 'die', 'hurricane', 'hit', 'puerto_rico', 'leave', 'island', 'storm', 'hit', 'anywhere', 'death', 'time', 'go', 'go', 'much', 'long', 'time', 'later', 'start', 'report', 'really', 'large', 'number', 'do', 'democrat', 'order', 'make', 'look', 'bad', 'possible', 'successfully', 'raise', 'billion', 'dollar', 'help', 'rebuild', 'puerto_rico', 'person', 'die', 'reason', 'old', 'age', 'add', 'list', 'bad', 'politic', 'love', 'puerto_rico', 'wall_street', 'journal', 'wrong', 'pressure', 'make', 'deal', 'china', 'pressure', 'make', 'deal', 'market', 'surge', 'collapse', 'soon', 'take', 'billion', 'tariff', 'amp', 'make', 'product', 'home', 'meet', 'meet', 'thank', 'uscg', 'https', 'co', 'pqddsozg', 'brief', 'hurricane_florence', 'fema', 'supply', 'ready', 'https', 'https', 'lcosd', 'thank', 'usnationalguard', 'https', 'co', 'xwfr', 'senator', 'debbie', 'stabenow', 'democrat', 'totally', 'approve', 'farm', 'bill', 'fight', 'tooth', 'nail', 'allow', 'great', 'farmer', 'get', 'richly', 'deserve', 'work', 'requirement', 'imperative', 'dem', 'good', 'john_kerry', 'illegal', 'meeting', 'hostile', 'iranian', 'regime', 'serve', 'undercut', 'great', 'work', 'detriment', 'american', 'people', 'tell', 'wait', 'trump', 'administration', 'register', 'foreign', 'agent', 'registration', 'act', 'bad', 'gina', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'tylq', 'incredible', 'job', 'do', 'fema', 'first_responder', 'thank', 'love', 'cajunnavy', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'rup', 'jwx', 'keep', 'great', 'work', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'qckts', 'cfn', 'say', 'people', 'die', 'storm', 'puerto_rico', 'power', 'storm', 'people', 'start', 'die', 'point', 'recognize', 'political', 'agenda', 'couch', 'nice', 'language', 'journalism', 'geraldorivera', 'story', 'puerto_rico', 'rebuild', 'occur', 'president', 'do', 'extraordinary', 'job', 'cleanup', 'rebuild', 'electrical', 'stuff', 'everything', 'else', 'edrollin', 'people', 'puerto_rico', 'corrupt', 'government', 'country', 'loudobbs', 'thought', 'prayer', 'evelyn', 'rodriguez', 'evening', 'family', 'friend', 'ripevelyn', 'https', 'co', 'wmwxrdjbhm', 'great', 'job', 'fema', 'first_responder', 'easy', 'dangerous', 'tremendous', 'talent', 'america', 'proud', 'keep', 'go', 'finish', 'strong', 'trump', 'visit', 'island', 'territory', 'last', 'october', 'official', 'tell', 'brief', 'people', 'die', 'maria', 'washington_post', 'long', 'hurricane', 'took_place', 'many', 'month', 'go', 'people', 'magic', 'people', 'kill', 'hire', 'gwu', 'research', 'tell', 'many', 'people', 'die', 'puerto_rico', 'would', 'know', 'method', 'never', 'do', 'previous', 'hurricane', 'jurisdiction', 'know', 'many', 'people', 'kill', 'time', 'last', 'original', 'number', 'way', 'president', 'obama', 'say', 'state', 'little', 'mention', 'fake_news', 'medium', 'imagine', 'say', 'story', 'year', 'ingrahamangle', 'thank', 'nycemergencymgt', 'https', 'jr', 'dlm', 'thank', 'brock', 'honor', 'fema', 'never', 'support', 'president', 'administrator', 'fema_brock', 'congressman', 'pete', 'session', 'texas', 'great', 'job', 'fighter', 'tough', 'crime', 'border', 'fight', 'hard', 'second_amendment', 'love', 'military', 'vet', 'full', 'complete', 'endorsement', 'congressman', 'keith', 'rothfus', 'continue', 'great', 'job', 'people', 'pennsylvania', 'keith', 'strong', 'crime', 'border', 'second_amendment', 'love', 'military', 'vet', 'total_endorsement', 'dannytarkanian', 'nevada', 'great', 'friend', 'support', 'trump', 'agenda', 'strong', 'crime', 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'celebrate', 'hispanic', 'american', 'worker', 'family', 'student', 'business', 'leader', 'https', 'co', 'axlblub', 'disclose', 'basis', 'warrant', 'important', 'information', 'keep', 'court', 'go', 'influence', 'fake', 'dossier', 'basically', 'counter', 'terrorism', 'tool', 'use', 'spy', 'presidential', 'campaign', 'unprecedented', 'history', 'congressman', 'peter', 'king', 'really', 'bad', 'thing', 'happen', 'expose', 'big', 'stuff', 'china', 'openly', 'state', 'actively', 'try', 'impact', 'change', 'election', 'attack', 'farmer', 'rancher', 'industrial', 'worker', 'loyalty', 'china', 'understand', 'people', 'great', 'patriot', 'fully_understand', 'china', 'taking_advantage', 'united_state', 'trade', 'many', 'year', 'also', 'know', 'know', 'stop', 'great', 'fast', 'economic', 'retaliation', 'china', 'farmer', 'rancher', 'industrial', 'worker', 'target', 'happy', 'birthday', 'great', 'united_state', 'https', 'right', 'everybody', 'say', 'great', 'job', 'hurricane_florence', 'correct', 'fool', 'point', 'future', 'democrat', 'start', 'rant', 'fema', 'military', 'first_responder', 'unbelievable', 'disaster', 'good', 'job', 'total', 'lie', 'everybody', 'know', 'thank', 'great', 'coast_guard', 'tremendous', 'job', 'thousand', 'live', 'save', 'https', 'ud', 'orf', 'https', 'co', 'yefngmmwov', 'today', 'take', 'action', 'strengthen', 'nation', 'defense', 'biological', 'threat', 'first', 'time', 'history', 'federal_government', 'national', 'biodefense', 'strategy', 'address', 'full', 'range', 'biological', 'threat', 'https', 'kw', 'today', 'great', 'honor', 'welcome', 'prezydentpl', 'andrzej', 'duda', 'poland', 'whitehouse', 'https', 'co', 'vdstydq', 'https', 'co', 'bjcxenax', 'supreme_court', 'main', 'reason', 'get', 'elect', 'president', 'hope', 'republican', 'voter', 'other', 'watch', 'study', 'democrat', 'playbook', 'agree', 'allow', 'nuclear', 'inspection', 'final', 'negotiation', 'permanently', 'dismantle', 'test', 'site', 'launch', 'pad', 'presence', 'international', 'expert', 'meantime', 'rocket', 'nuclear', 'testing', 'hero', 'remain', 'continue', 'return', 'home', 'united_state', 'also', 'north', 'south_korea', 'file', 'joint', 'bid', 'host', 'olympic', 'exciting', 'recovery', 'get', 'start', 'election', 'day', 'take', 'trump', 'regulation_cut', 'get', 'economy', 'boom', 'worst', 'slow', 'economic', 'recovery', 'great', 'depression', 'take', 'month', 'trump', 'get', 'even_though', 'say', 'impossible', 'already', 'expect', 'go', 'grow', 'faster', 'faster', 'get', 'start', 'peter', 'former', 'advisor', 'president', 'reagan', 'foxandfriend', 'north_korea', 'recommit', 'come', 'long', 'way', 'foxnews', 'president', 'donald', 'trump', 'administration', 'provide', 'support', 'impact', 'hurricane_florence', 'https', 'co', 'neafsgq', 'return', 'white_house', 'great', 'state', 'north_carolina', 'south_carolina', 'incredible', 'work', 'do', 'ongoing', 'fight', 'hurricane_florence', 'tremendous', 'talent', 'spirit', 'great', 'new', 'book', 'jason', 'chaffetz', 'appropriately', 'call', 'deep', 'state', 'interesting', 'indeed', 'https', 'zmg', 'izgrim', 'financial', 'job', 'number', 'fantastic', 'plenty', 'new', 'high', 'pay', 'job', 'available', 'great', 'vibrant', 'economy', 'happy', 'start', 'look', 'also', 'remember', 'economy', 'get', 'well', 'vote', 'midterm', 'protect', 'country', 'middle_east', 'would', 'safe', 'long', 'continue', 'push', 'higher', 'high', 'oil_price', 'remember', 'opec', 'monopoly', 'must', 'get', 'price', 'secure', 'border', 'democrat', 'historic', 'level', 'obstruction', 'president', 'feed', 'agenda', 'work', 'economy', 'grow', 'twice', 'rate', 'obama', 'nominate', 'confirm', 'federal', 'judge', 'court', 'appeal', 'judge', 'thing', 'lack', 'properly', 'secure', 'border', 'democrat', 'historic', 'level', 'obstruction', 'senator', 'david', 'perdue', 'georgia', 'want', 'know', 'money', 'border_security', 'wall', 'ridiculous', 'spending', 'bill', 'come', 'midterm', 'dem', 'obstruct', 'border_security', 'republican', 'must', 'finally', 'get', 'tough', 'amp', 'hit', 'time', 'high', 'congratulation', 'usa', 'jaywebbernj', 'run', 'congress', 'district', 'outstanding', 'way', 'strong', 'border', 'love', 'military', 'vet', 'big', 'crime', 'fighter', 'jay', 'full', 'total_endorsement', 'congratulation', 'good', 'friend', 'prime_minister', 'abeshinzo', 'huge', 'election', 'victory', 'japan', 'looking_forward', 'many', 'year', 'work', 'together', 'see', 'next_week', 'army', 'master', 'sgt', 'charle', 'mcdaniel', 'vernon', 'indiana', 'army', 'william', 'jone', 'nash', 'county', 'north_carolina', 'first', 'american', 'remain', 'north_korea', 'identify', 'result', 'summit', 'chairman_kim', 'hero', 'home', 'may', 'rest', 'peace', 'hopefully', 'family', 'closure', 'https', 'co', 'rzqoiq', 'smd', 'way', 'nevada', 'look_forward', 'see', 'everyone', 'tonight', 'maga', 'https', 'wteeriujvd', 'https', 'co', 'ldxqb', 'imc', 'land', 'make_america', 'great', 'rally', 'support', 'deanheller', 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'nendinsohw', 'say', 'thing', 'voter', 'exact', 'opposite', 'washington', 'tester', 'take', 'order', 'form', 'pelosi', 'amp', 'schumer', 'tester', 'want', 'raise_taxes', 'take', 'away', 'open_border', 'deliver', 'mob', 'rule', 'retire', 'tester', 'amp', 'elect', 'america', 'first', 'patriot', 'matt_rosendale', 'jobsnotmob', 'congressman', 'andy', 'biggs', 'great', 'job', 'arizona', 'country', 'https', 'co', 'vxrpzx', 'refer', 'usa', 'always', 'capitalize', 'word', 'country', 'secretary', 'state', 'mike_pompeo', 'never', 'give', 'show', 'transcript', 'video', 'saudi', 'consulate', 'event', 'fake_news', 'beto', 'rourke', 'total', 'lightweight', 'compare', 'come', 'nowhere', 'represent', 'value', 'desire', 'people', 'great', 'state', 'texas', 'never', 'allow', 'turn', 'texas', 'venezuela', 'jobsnotmob', 'https', 'co', 'surw', 'republican_party', 'jobsnotmob', 'https', 'oabccpec', 'mesa', 'arizona', 'look_forward', 'join', 'everyone', 'soon', 'something', 'happen', 'maga', 'https', 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'co', 'te', 'rhdaeka', 'fantastic', 'magarally', 'tonight', 'great', 'state', 'florida', 'day', 'people', 'florida', 'go', 'elect', 'scottforflorida', 'rondesantisfl', 'protect', 'job', 'defend', 'border', 'continue', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'pwiwchgbh', 'https', 'co', 'uyafog', 'dannytarkanian', 'great', 'guy', 'team', 'player', 'represent', 'district', 'state', 'country', 'highest_level', 'danny', 'strong', 'military', 'vet', 'second_amendment', 'thing', 'strongly', 'stand', 'vote', 'danny', 'strong', 'endorsement', 'want', 'protect', 'criminal_aliens', 'vote', 'democrat', 'want', 'protect', 'law', 'abiding', 'american', 'vote', 'republican', 'https', 'co', 'pwiwchgbh', 'https', 'co', 'yoxswt', 'unbelievable', 'crowd', 'florida', 'tonight', 'get', 'vote', 'maga', 'https', 'co', 'new', 'fox', 'poll', 'show', 'approval_rating', 'african_americans', 'president', 'trump', 'record', 'republican', 'thank', 'great', 'honor', 'depart', 'white_house', 'shortly', 'see', 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'empty', 'figure', 'washington', 'never', 'hear', 'name', 'never', 'debate', 'key', 'issue', 'radar', 'chris_wallace', 'foxnew', 'word', 'nelson', 'stiff', 'something', 'happen', 'america', 'get', 'tomorrow', 'https', 'co', 'pwiwchgbh', 'together', 'keep', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'https', 'co', 'zajbiemwpl', 'thank', 'ohio', 'enter', 'voting', 'booth', 'tomorrow', 'make', 'simple', 'choice', 'vote', 'republican', 'vote', 'continue', 'extraordinary', 'prosperity', 'vote', 'dem', 'vote', 'bring', 'economic', 'boom', 'crash', 'sudden', 'screech', 'halt', 'vote', 'mikedewine', 'https', 'co', 'iai', 'bsegbh', 'republican', 'create', 'good', 'economy', 'history', 'country', 'hot', 'job', 'market', 'planet', 'earth', 'democrat', 'agenda', 'socialist', 'nightmare', 'republican', 'agenda', 'american_dream', 'https', 'co', 'pwiwchgbh', 'https', 'co', 'jfdm', 'xxy', 'land', 'fort', 'wayne', 'indiana', 'magarally', 'allen', 'county', 'war', 'memorial', 'coliseum', 'see', 'everyone', 'soon', 'https', 'co', 'pwiwchgbh', 'thank', 'indiana', 'vote', 'mike', 'braun', 'indiana', 'vote', 'keep', 'job', 'go', 'wage', 'go', 'healthcare', 'cost', 'come', 'vote', 'keep', 'family', 'safe', 'amp', 'keep', 'criminal', 'trafficker', 'amp', 'drug', 'dealer', 'country', 'get', 'mike', 'https', 'ae', 'wchzej', 'way', 'stop', 'lead', 'assault', 'sovereignty', 'vote', 'republican', 'tomorrow', 'polling', 'location', 'https', 'co', 'pwiwchgbh', 'https', 'co', 'ggs', 'zcxaqu', 'massive', 'crowd', 'allen', 'county', 'war', 'memorial', 'coliseum', 'fort', 'wayne', 'indiana', 'thank', 'join', 'tonight', 'make', 'sure', 'get', 'https', 'co', 'pwiwchgbh', 'tomorrow', 'https', 'co', 'apmivym', 'way', 'see', 'soon', 'cape', 'girardeau', 'missouri', 'magarally', 'https', 'co', 'pwiwchgbh', 'https', 'co', 'xzdgktutml', 'loyal', 'faithful', 'country', 'president', 'loyal', 'faithful', 'get', 'tomorrow', 'https', 'co', 'hfihperfgz', 'https', 'co', 'hlma', 'fantastic', 'evening', 'girardeau', 'missouri', 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'new', 'election', 'must', 'protect', 'democracy', 'president', 'macron', 'france', 'suggest', 'europe', 'build', 'military', 'order', 'protect', 'china', 'russia', 'insult', 'perhaps', 'europe', 'first', 'pay', 'fair', 'share', 'nato', 'subsidize', 'greatly', 'matthew', 'whitaker', 'highly_respecte', 'former', 'attorney', 'iowa', 'choose', 'jeff_sessions', 'chief', 'staff', 'know', 'whitaker', 'likewise', 'chief', 'know', 'whitaker', 'primarily', 'travel', 'session', 'social', 'contact', 'whitaker', 'highly', 'think', 'senjoniernst', 'senator', 'chuckgrassley', 'ambassador', 'terrybranstad', 'leonard', 'leo', 'federalist', 'society', 'many', 'feel', 'certain', 'make', 'outstanding', 'act', 'attorney_general', 'reason', 'massive', 'deadly', 'costly', 'forest', 'fire', 'california', 'forest', 'management', 'poor', 'billion', 'dollar', 'give', 'year', 'many', 'life', 'lose', 'gross', 'mismanagement', 'forest', 'remedy', 'fed', 'payment', 'getting_ready', 'celebrate', 'end', 'world', 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'go', 'back', 'clinton_foundation', 'justice_department', 'poll', 'open', 'mississippi', 'need', 'cindy', 'hyde', 'smith', 'washington', 'go', 'vote', 'thank', 'disappoint', 'general_motor', 'ceo', 'mary', 'barra', 'closing', 'plant', 'ohio', 'michigan', 'maryland', 'nothing', 'close', 'mexico', 'amp', 'china', 'save', 'general_motor', 'thank', 'get', 'look', 'cut', 'gm', 'subsidy', 'include', 'electric', 'car', 'general_motor', 'make', 'big', 'china', 'bet', 'build', 'plant', 'mexico', 'think', 'bet', 'go', 'pay', 'protect', 'america', 'worker', 'mueller', 'witch_hunt', 'total', 'disgrace', 'look', 'supposedly', 'steal', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'email', 'even_though', 'want', 'look', 'dnc_server', 'interest', 'email', 'hillary', 'deleted', 'amp', 'acid', 'wash', 'get', 'congressional', 'subpoena', 'brenda', 'snipe', 'charge', 'voting', 'broward', 'county', 'florida', 'spot', 'wear', 'beautiful', 'dress', 'vote', 'sign', 'kid', 'fine', 'honorable', 'highly_respected', 'vote', 'tactician', 'congratulation', 'senator', 'cindy', 'hyde', 'smith', 'big', 'win', 'great', 'state', 'mississippi', 'proud', 'disgusting', 'fake_news', 'everything', 'power', 'report', 'way', 'least', 'major', 'player', 'intimate', 'angry', 'mueller', 'gang', 'dem', 'viciously', 'tell', 'witness', 'lie', 'fact', 'amp', 'get', 'relief', 'joseph', 'mccarthy', 'era', 'reason', 'small', 'truck', 'business', 'go', 'favorite', 'many', 'year', 'tariff', 'put', 'small', 'truck', 'come', 'country', 'call', 'chicken', 'tax', 'car', 'come', 'many', 'car', 'would', 'build', 'would', 'close', 'plant', 'ohio', 'michigan', 'amp', 'maryland', 'get', 'smart', 'congress', 'also', 'country', 'send', 'car', 'taken_advantage', 'decade', 'president', 'great', 'power', 'issue', 'event', 'study', 'steel', 'dynamic', 'announce', 'build', 'brand', 'new', 'ton', 'steel', 'mill', 'southwest', 'create', 'good', 'pay', 'job', 'steel', 'job', 'come', 'back', 'america', 'predict', 'congratulation', 'steel', 'dynamic', 'behalf', 'flotus_melania', 'entire', 'trump', 'family', 'want', 'wish', 'merry_christma', 'may', 'christmas', 'season', 'bring', 'peace', 'heart', 'warmth', 'home', 'cheer', 'spirit', 'joy', 'world', 'nctl', 'https', 'co', 'jdsu', 'sebastian', 'gorka', 'talented', 'man', 'get', 'know', 'well', 'work', 'white_house', 'write', 'excellent', 'book', 'fight', 'much', 'learn', 'good', 'read', 'much', 'happen', 'discredit', 'witch_hunt', 'total', 'hoax', 'study', 'year', 'general_motor', 'counter', 'auto', 'company', 'big', 'steel', 'opening', 'renovate', 'plant', 'country', 'auto', 'company', 'pour', 'include', 'announce', 'major', 'new', 'plant', 'boom', 'ever', 'see', 'investigation', 'search', 'crime', 'time', 'mueller', 'angry_democrat', 'even', 'look', 'atrocious', 'perhaps', 'subversive', 'crime', 'commit', 'crooked_hillary', 'clinton', 'democrat', 'total', 'disgrace', 'illegal', 'joseph', 'mccarthy', 'style', 'witch_hunt', 'shatter', 'many', 'innocent', 'life', 'ever', 'end', 'go', 'forever', 'waste', 'possible', 'prove', 'thing', 'collusion', 'russia', 'ridiculous', 'billion', 'dollar', 'pour', 'coffer', 'tariff', 'charge', 'china', 'long', 'way', 'go', 'company', 'want', 'pay', 'tariff', 'build', 'otherwise', 'let', 'make', 'country', 'richer', 'ever', 'base', 'fact', 'ship', 'sailor', 'return', 'ukraine', 'russia', 'decide', 'would', 'good', 'party', 'concern', 'cancel', 'previously', 'schedule', 'meeting', 'argentina', 'president', 'vladimir_putin', 'look_forward', 'meaningful', 'summit', 'soon', 'situation', 'resolve', 'stevescalise', 'write', 'absolutely', 'fascinating', 'book', 'back', 'game', 'world', 'politic', 'experience', 'much', 'short', 'period', 'time', 'people', 'bravery', 'courage', 'come', 'way', 'back', 'big', 'power', 'great', 'person', 'stephenmoore', 'arthur', 'laffer', 'talented', 'man', 'complete', 'incredible', 'book', 'economic', 'policy', 'call', 'trumponomic', 'really', 'do', 'great', 'job', 'capture', 'long', 'hold', 'view', 'idea', 'book', 'sale', 'terrific', 'read', 'really', 'interesting', 'dbongino', 'new', 'book', 'spygate', 'attempt', 'sabotage', 'donald', 'trump', 'terrific', 'tough', 'smart', 'really', 'get', 'book', 'sale', 'highly', 'recommend'], ['new', 'book', 'come', 'forget', 'great', 'original', 'write', 'greggjarrett', 'judgejeanine', 'pirro', 'book', 'go', 'go', 'get', 'phony', 'witch_hunt', 'well', 'explain'], ['work', 'hard', 'go', 'get', 'well', 'https', 'co', 'mtgjmhmo'], ['rnc', 'chair', 'ronna', 'mcdaniel', 'oversaw', 'history', 'defy', 'gain', 'senate', 'unprecedented', 'fundraising', 'strength', 'ask', 'serve', 'term', 'elect', 'well', 'job'], ['land', 'argentina', 'flotus_melania', 'summit', 'https', 'co', 'zg', 'gmpazf'], ['demonstrate', 'robert_mueller', 'partisan', 'evidence', 'collusion', 'trump', 'russian', 'russian', 'project', 'legal', 'trump', 'tower', 'meeting', 'son', 'perfectly', 'legal', 'involved', 'hack', 'gregg_jarrett', 'total', 'witch_hunt'], ['alan_dershowitz', 'crime', 'mueller', 'authority', 'rove', 'commissioner', 'see', 'evidence', 'crime', 'illegal', 'hoax', 'end', 'immediately', 'mueller', 'refuse', 'look', 'real', 'crime', 'side'], ['arrive', 'argentina', 'busy', 'day', 'plan', 'important', 'meeting', 'schedule', 'great', 'country', 'extremely', 'well', 'represent', 'productive'], ['get', 'good', 'developer', 'happily', 'live', 'life', 'see', 'country', 'go', 'wrong', 'direction', 'put', 'mildly', 'odd', 'decide', 'run', 'president', 'amp', 'continue', 'run', 'business', 'legal', 'amp', 'cool', 'talk', 'campaign', 'trail'], ['lightly', 'look', 'build', 'somewhere', 'russia', 'put', 'money', 'guarantee', 'project', 'witch_hunt'], ['usmca', 'https', 'co', 'cysybybd'], ['sign', 'important', 'large', 'trade_deal', 'world', 'history', 'united_states', 'mexico', 'canada', 'work', 'well', 'together', 'craft', 'great', 'document', 'terrible', 'nafta', 'soon', 'go', 'usmca', 'fantastic'], ['great', 'people', 'alaska', 'hit', 'hard', 'big', 'follow', 'direction', 'highly_trained', 'professional', 'help', 'federal_government', 'spare', 'expense'], ['great', 'review', 'usmca', 'sooo', 'much', 'well', 'nafta'], ['great', 'day', 'summit', 'bueno', 'aire', 'argentina', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'ihvudoygc'], ['watch', 'seanhannity', 'foxnew', 'enjoy'], ['statement', 'president', 'donald', 'trump', 'first_lady', 'melania', 'trump', 'pass', 'former', 'president', 'george_bush', 'https', 'co', 'qxpsp', 'ggs'], ['president', 'george_bush', 'lead', 'long', 'successful', 'beautiful', 'life', 'whenever', 'see', 'absolute', 'joy', 'life', 'true', 'pride', 'family', 'accomplishment', 'great', 'beginning', 'end', 'truly', 'wonderful', 'man', 'miss'], ['much', 'looking_forward', 'press_conference', 'prior', 'leave', 'argentina', 'great', 'success', 'deal', 'various', 'country', 'leader'], ['however', 'respect', 'bush', 'family', 'former', 'president', 'george_bush', 'wait', 'funeral', 'press_conference'], ['week', 'jew', 'world', 'celebrate', 'miracle', 'flotus_melania', 'send', 'bless', 'happy', 'hanukkah', 'https', 'co', 'lrngcc', 'https', 'co', 'kdjeyvkzmb'], ['china', 'agree', 'reduce', 'remove', 'tariff', 'car', 'come', 'china', 'currently', 'tariff'], ['meeting', 'china', 'extraordinary', 'relation', 'china', 'take', 'big', 'leap', 'forward', 'good', 'thing', 'happen', 'deal', 'great', 'strength', 'china', 'likewise', 'much', 'gain', 'deal', 'complete', 'level', 'field'], ['farmer', 'big', 'fast', 'beneficiary', 'deal', 'china', 'intend', 'start', 'purchase', 'agricultural', 'product', 'immediately', 'make', 'fine', 'clean', 'product', 'world', 'china', 'want', 'farmer', 'love'], ['president_xi', 'strong', 'personal', 'relationship', 'people', 'bring', 'massive', 'positive', 'change', 'trade', 'far', 'great', 'nation', 'solution', 'north_korea', 'great', 'thing', 'china'], ['certain', 'time', 'future', 'together', 'president', 'putin', 'russia', 'start', 'talk', 'meaningful', 'halt', 'become', 'major', 'uncontrollable', 'arm', 'race', 'spend', 'billion_dollar', 'year', 'crazy'], ['would', 'save', 'billion', 'dollar', 'democrat', 'would', 'give', 'vote', 'build_wall', 'way', 'people', 'allow', 'country', 'illegally', 'close', 'entire', 'southern_border', 'necessary', 'also', 'stop', 'drug'], ['michael_cohen', 'ask', 'judge', 'prison', 'time', 'mean', 'terrible', 'unrelated', 'trump', 'thing', 'fraud', 'big', 'loan', 'taxi', 'serve', 'long', 'prison', 'term', 'make', 'story', 'get', 'great', 'amp', 'already', 'reduce', 'deal', 'get'], ['wife', 'father', 'law', 'money', 'scott', 'free', 'lied', 'outcome', 'opinion', 'serve', 'full', 'complete', 'sentence'], ['never', 'testify', 'trump', 'statement', 'recently', 'make', 'roger', 'stone', 'essentially', 'state', 'force', 'rogue', 'control', 'prosecutor', 'make', 'lie', 'story', 'president', 'trump', 'nice', 'know', 'people', 'still', 'gut'], ['bob_mueller', 'much', 'different', 'man', 'people', 'think', 'control', 'band', 'angry_democrat', 'want', 'truth', 'want', 'lie', 'truth', 'bad', 'mission'], ['looking_forward', 'bush', 'family', 'pay', 'respect', 'president', 'george_bush'], ['congratulation', 'newly', 'inaugurate', 'mexican', 'president', 'lopezobrador', 'tremendous', 'political', 'victory', 'great', 'support', 'mexican', 'people', 'work', 'well', 'together', 'many', 'year', 'come'], ['remember', 'https', 'co', 'xbfylzzns'], ['looking_forward', 'wonderful', 'bush', 'family', 'blair', 'house', 'today', 'former', 'first_lady', 'come', 'white_house', 'morning', 'give', 'tour', 'christmas', 'decoration', 'melania', 'elegance', 'amp', 'precision', 'last', 'day', 'remarkable'], ['negotiation', 'china', 'already', 'start', 'extended', 'end', 'day', 'date', 'wonderful', 'warm', 'dinner', 'argentina', 'bob', 'lighthizer', 'work', 'closely', 'steve', 'mnuchin', 'larry', 'kudlow', 'wilbur', 'ross', 'peter', 'navarro'], ['see', 'real', 'deal', 'china', 'actually', 'possible', 'get', 'do', 'china', 'suppose', 'start', 'buy', 'agricultural', 'product', 'immediately', 'want', 'deal', 'happen', 'probably', 'remember'], ['tariff', 'man', 'people', 'country', 'come', 'raid', 'great', 'wealth', 'nation', 'want', 'pay', 'privilege', 'always', 'good', 'way', 'economic', 'power', 'right', 'take', 'billion', 'tariff', 'make_america', 'rich'], ['fair', 'deal', 'able', 'make', 'china', 'many', 'thing', 'know', 'must', 'finally', 'do', 'happily', 'sign', 'let', 'negotiation', 'begin', 'make_america', 'great'], ['could', 'somebody', 'explain', 'democrat', 'need', 'vote', 'country', 'loss', 'billion_dollar', 'year', 'illegal_immigration', 'include', 'terrible', 'drug', 'flow', 'top', 'border_security', 'include', 'wall', 'pay', 'month', 'get', 'do'], ['glad', 'friend', 'emmanuelmacron', 'protestor', 'paris', 'agree', 'conclusion', 'reach', 'years_ago', 'paris', 'agreement', 'fatally', 'flaw', 'raise', 'price', 'energy', 'responsible', 'country', 'whitewash', 'bad', 'polluter'], ['world', 'want', 'clean', 'air', 'clean', 'water', 'make', 'great', 'stride', 'improve', 'america', 'environment', 'american', 'taxpayer', 'american', 'worker', 'pay', 'clean', 'other', 'country', 'pollution'], ['go', 'real', 'deal', 'china', 'deal', 'point', 'charge', 'major', 'tariff', 'chinese', 'product', 'ship', 'united_state', 'ultimately', 'believe', 'make', 'deal', 'future'], ['china', 'want', 'tariff'], ['china', 'officially', 'echo', 'president', 'donald', 'trump', 'optimism', 'bilateral', 'trade', 'talk', 'chinese', 'official', 'begin', 'prepare', 'restart', 'import', 'soybean', 'amp', 'liquify', 'natural', 'gas', 'first', 'sign', 'confirm', 'claim', 'president', 'donald', 'trump', 'white_house'], ['china', 'agree', 'start', 'immediately', 'buy', 'product', 'business'], ['strong', 'signal', 'send', 'china', 'return', 'home', 'long', 'trip', 'include', 'stop', 'argentina', 'sound', 'naive', 'anything', 'believe', 'mean', 'word', 'say', 'long', 'hopefully', 'historic', 'meeting', 'subject', 'discuss'], ['exciting', 'thing', 'come', 'meet', 'china', 'promise', 'criminalize', 'sale', 'deadly', 'fentanyl', 'come', 'united_state', 'consider', 'control', 'substance', 'could', 'game', 'changer'], ['consider', 'bad', 'dangerous', 'addictive', 'deadly', 'substance', 'last', 'year', 'people', 'die', 'fentanyl', 'china', 'crack', 'horror', 'drug', 'use', 'death_penalty', 'distributor', 'pusher', 'result', 'incredible'], ['looking_forward', 'bush', 'family', 'funeral', 'day', 'celebration', 'great', 'man', 'lead', 'long', 'distinguished', 'life', 'miss'], ['hopefully', 'opec', 'keep', 'oil', 'flow', 'restrict', 'world', 'want', 'see', 'need', 'high', 'oil_price'], ['doug', 'wead', 'truly', 'great', 'presidential', 'historian', 'wonderful', 'take', 'beautiful', 'moment', 'history', 'funeral', 'service', 'today', 'president', 'bush', 'doug', 'able', 'brilliantly', 'cover', 'important', 'interesting', 'period', 'time', 'loudobbs'], ['work', 'hard', 'thank', 'https', 'co', 'sowtkzjp'], ['phony', 'russia', 'witch_hunt', 'accomplish', 'last', 'almost', 'year', 'tax', 'amp', 'regulation_cut', 'judge', 'military', 'vet', 'approval_rating', 'would', 'rather', 'report', 'rasmussen', 'call', 'presidential', 'harassment'], ['thought', 'prayer', 'usmc', 'crew', 'member', 'involve', 'mid', 'air', 'collision', 'coast', 'japan', 'thank', 'usforcesjapan', 'immediate', 'response', 'rescue', 'effort', 'need', 'iiimef'], ['fake_news', 'medium', 'ever', 'mention', 'fact', 'republican', 'important', 'help', 'campaign', 'rally', 'united_states', 'senate', 'hear', 'open', 'border', 'dem', 'house', 'senate', 'alone', 'approve', 'judge', 'amp', 'other', 'big', 'republican', 'win'], ['statement', 'china', 'team', 'side', 'smooth', 'communication', 'good', 'cooperation', 'full', 'confidence', 'agreement', 'reach', 'next', 'day', 'agree'], ['jerome', 'corsi', 'justice', 'america', 'political', 'prosecution', 'special', 'prosecutor', 'counsel', 'get', 'plea', 'deal', 'demand', 'lie', 'violate', 'law', 'criminal', 'alone', 'angry', 'dem', 'people', 'force', 'lie', 'sad', 'trish_regan'], ['trish_regan', 'fbi', 'follow', 'protocol', 'obtain', 'warrant', 'think', 'dossier', 'opposition', 'research', 'fund', 'opponent', 'government', 'resource', 'take', 'political', 'foe', 'weaponize', 'government', 'gain', 'really', 'america', 'witch_hunt'], ['fake_news', 'enemy', 'people'], ['arizona', 'together', 'military', 'border_patrol', 'bracing', 'massive', 'surge', 'non', 'walled', 'area', 'let', 'big', 'danger', 'nancy', 'chuck', 'must', 'approve', 'boarder', 'security', 'wall'], ['robert_mueller', 'leakin', 'lyin', 'good', 'friend', 'many', 'mueller', 'conflict', 'interest', 'way', 'woman', 'charge', 'prosecute', 'jerome', 'corsi', 'know', 'charge', 'legal', 'corrupt', 'clinton_foundation', 'total', 'witch_hunt'], ['robert_mueller', 'big', 'time', 'conflict', 'interest', 'list', 'top', 'republican', 'report', 'weissman', 'horrible', 'vicious', 'prosecutorial', 'past', 'list', 'report', 'wrongly', 'destroy', 'people', 'life', 'take', 'great', 'company'], ['overturn', 'united_states', 'supreme_court', 'thing', 'people', 'substantial', 'amp', 'many', 'contribution', 'make', 'angry_democrats', 'campaign', 'crooked_hillary', 'list', 'top', 'report', 'people', 'work', 'clinton'], ['foundation', 'list', 'top', 'report', 'scathe', 'document', 'write', 'lyin', 'james_comey', 'man', 'charge', 'case', 'rod', 'rosenstein', 'also', 'sign', 'warrant', 'big', 'part', 'report', 'rod', 'therefore', 'totally', 'conflict'], ['lie', 'leak', 'people', 'report', 'amp', 'also', 'lovely', 'wife', 'molly', 'comey', 'brennan', 'clapper', 'amp', 'many', 'fired', 'people', 'fbi', 'list', 'report', 'corruption', 'dnc', 'amp', 'clinton', 'campaign', 'expose', 'much'], ['china', 'talk', 'go', 'well'], ['incorrectly', 'report', 'rudy', 'giuliani', 'other', 'counter', 'mueller', 'report', 'fake_news', 'already', 'page', 'do', 'obviously', 'not', 'complete', 'see', 'final', 'witch_hunt', 'report'], ['today', 'honor', 'perish', 'pearl_harbor', 'salute', 'veteran', 'serve', 'world', 'war', 'year', 'follow', 'horrific', 'attack', 'america', 'https', 'co', 'zbu', 'https', 'co', 'hbldrqg'], ['major', 'counter', 'report', 'mueller', 'report', 'never', 'allow', 'happen', 'future', 'president', 'united_state'], ['pleased', 'announce', 'heather', 'nauert', 'spokeswoman', 'united_states', 'department', 'state', 'nominate', 'serve', 'united_nation', 'ambassador', 'want', 'congratulate', 'heather', 'thank', 'ambassador', 'nikki', 'haley', 'great', 'service', 'country'], ['pleased', 'announce', 'nominate', 'honorable', 'william', 'barr', 'position', 'attorney_general', 'united_state', 'former', 'ag', 'george_bush'], ['highly_respected', 'lawyer', 'legal', 'mind', 'country', 'great', 'addition', 'team', 'look_forward', 'join', 'successful', 'administration'], ['mike_pompeo', 'great', 'job', 'proud', 'predecessor', 'mental', 'capacity', 'need', 'dumb', 'rock', 'fast', 'enough', 'lazy', 'hell', 'whole', 'new', 'ballgame', 'great', 'spirit', 'state'], ['hopefully', 'mitch_mcconnell', 'ask', 'vote', 'criminal', 'justice', 'reform', 'extremely', 'popular', 'strong', 'bipartisan', 'support', 'also', 'help', 'lot', 'people', 'save', 'taxpayer', 'dollar', 'keep', 'community', 'safe', 'go', 'mitch'], ['report', 'leakin', 'tell', 'department', 'justice', 'attorney', 'answer', 'important', 'question', 'total', 'bias', 'corruption', 'high', 'level', 'previous', 'administration', 'force', 'answer', 'question', 'oath'], ['totally', 'clear', 'president', 'thank'], ['paris', 'agreement', 'work', 'well', 'pari', 'protest', 'riot', 'france', 'people', 'want', 'pay', 'large', 'sum', 'money', 'much', 'third', 'world', 'country', 'questionably', 'run', 'order', 'maybe', 'protect', 'environment', 'chant', 'want', 'trump', 'love', 'france'], ['idea', 'european', 'military', 'work', 'well', 'always', 'ask', 'pay', 'fair', 'share', 'nato', 'germany', 'pay', 'pay', 'much', 'large', 'gdp', 'protect', 'europe', 'fairness'], ['year', 'million', 'page', 'document', 'cost', 'collusion'], ['pleased', 'announce', 'nomination', 'star', 'general', 'mark', 'milley', 'chief', 'staff', 'united_states', 'army', 'chairman', 'joint', 'chief', 'staff', 'replace', 'general', 'joe', 'dunford', 'retiring'], ['thankful', 'incredible', 'man', 'service', 'country', 'date', 'transition', 'determine'], ['collusion', 'illusion', 'smoking', 'gun', 'late', 'date', 'go', 'million', 'spend', 'russian_collusion', 'nothing', 'impeachable', 'geraldorivera', 'time', 'witch_hunt', 'end'], ['sad', 'day', 'amp', 'night', 'pari', 'maybe', 'time', 'end', 'ridiculous', 'extremely', 'expensive', 'paris', 'agreement', 'return', 'money', 'back', 'people', 'form', 'lower_taxe', 'way', 'ahead', 'curve', 'major', 'country', 'emission', 'go', 'last', 'year'], ['watch', 'dick', 'blumenthal', 'television', 'spew', 'fact', 'almost', 'accurate', 'bravery', 'vietnam', 'never', 'see', 'bullet', 'whiz', 'dick', 'head', 'save', 'soldier'], ['leave', 'right', 'woke', 'dream', 'scream', 'lie', 'next', 'time', 'go', 'vietnam', 'ask', 'dick', 'travel'], ['great', 'honor', 'head', 'army', 'navy', 'game', 'today', 'shortly', 'land', 'https', 'co', 'byafesq'], ['armynavygame', 'https', 'co', 'yjhq'], ['honor', 'attend', 'today', 'armynavygame', 'philadelphia', 'great', 'game', 'play', 'hero', 'congratulation', 'armywp_football', 'win', 'https', 'co', 'wdlkm'], ['occasion', 'former', 'fbi', 'director', 'tell', 'house', 'investigator', 'know', 'recall', 'remember', 'thing', 'ask', 'open', 'investigation', 'american', 'know', 'sign', 'know', 'lie'], ['leakin', 'must', 'set', 'record', 'lie', 'congress', 'day', 'friday', 'testimony', 'untruthful', 'whole', 'deal', 'rig', 'fraud', 'head', 'dishonest', 'people', 'would', 'anything', 'could', 'become', 'president', 'expose'], ['trump', 'administration', 'accomplish', 'administration', 'first', 'even', 'year', 'existence', 'amp', 'great', 'time', 'fake_news', 'medium', 'go', 'totally', 'mind', 'truly', 'enemy', 'people'], ['process', 'interview', 'really', 'great', 'people', 'position', 'white_house', 'chief', 'staff', 'fake_news', 'say', 'certainty', 'nick', 'ayer', 'spectacular', 'person', 'always', 'maga', 'agenda', 'make', 'decision', 'soon']]
NOTE: Later sections implement the utlization of previously created LDA Models, or the import of Topics and Concepts via SQL/.csv.
Amazing! We're now prepared our data to be interpretted by our data science toolkits.
In the following section we will now develop the LDA Topic Model that will late rbe used to identify which topics are affiliated with which tweets, and therefore users.
We're gonna train our model using the entirety of the tweets we're pulled from our original data import as a corpus.
Additional input arguments may be set manually, but the default matches the previous work's parameters.
id2word = corpora.Dictionary(data_lemmatized) #Lemmatized corpus for identifying terms
texts = data_lemmatized #Style points.
corpus = [id2word.doc2bow(text) for text in texts] #Each individual term in our corpus
[[(id2word[id], freq) for id, freq in cp] for cp in corpus[:1]] #Fetch and assigned the frequency of each term in our corpus.
lda_model = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus,
num_topics=50, #Let's grab 50 topics.
#LDA_Model has been made!
doc_lda = lda_model[corpus]
#Let's see what some of these topics looks like.
topic_array = lda_model.get_topics()
topic_term_array = lda_model.get_topic_terms(2)
Now that we have model built to evaluate the content of each tweet, we will asssign topics to users.
user_topic_edges = []
#For each lemmatized tweet:
ind = 0;
for doc in data_lemmatized:
q_vec = id2word.doc2bow(doc)
#Fetch the topic of each tweet, in order to pair Topics to UserIDs.
topic_vec = lda_model.get_document_topics(q_vec)
topic_prob = 0;
topic_id = -1;
for pair in topic_vec:
prob = pair[1]
id = pair[0]
if prob > topic_prob:
topic_prob = prob
topic_id = id
user_id = UserIdList[ind]
user_topic_edges.append((topic_id, user_id))
ind = ind + 1;
Now that we have model built to evaluate the content of each tweet, we will asssign topics to topics.
This allows us to later use things like clustering to idetify similar or groups of topics. (Ex/ Golf, Tennis and Hockey all fall within a parent topic; Sports.)
# wikirelate was here
topicModel = Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format('Values.bin.gz', binary=True) #https://www.aaai.org/Papers/AAAI/2006/AAAI06-223.pdf
#This is a previously built topic-relatedness model using Word2Vec and Wikirelate.
tsg = nx.Graph()
topic_topic_edges = []
int t = 0;
for topic in ndarray #We're gonna pair all topics together
#This isn't what a Try/Catch is for, dummy. This is embarassing. You're better than this.
topicTermsA = lda_model.show_topic(t)
topicTermsB = lad_model.show_topic(t + 1)
distance = topicModel.wmdistance(topicTermsA, topicsTermsB)
tempEdge = (t, t + 1, {'weight':distance}) #Weighted distancing based on topic relatedness.
print("End of Topics!")
# We made it here, we can go anywhere
# "Don't put song lyrics in the comments." -Ron, ...probably
G = nx.Graph()
nx.write_edgelist(G, "test1.edgelist", data=True)
graphJSONData = nx.readwrite.node_link_data(G)
#May need to move json
#import json
with open('data.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
vis = pyLDAvis.gensim.prepare(lda_model, corpus, id2word)
pyLDAvis.save_html(vis, 'Export_LDA_Visualization.html')
These network graphs would serve as the basis fora prediction model. Temporal Link Prediction models were used to link users to each others communities, essentially predicting their next interest/topic.
Temporal Link Prediction Paper 1
Temporal Link Prediction Paper 2
Temporal Prediction Model GitHub
Once that was completed, the model was tuned using an AUROC to determine best fit. You can read the full results of our project in the report.